Any history buffs out there? Remember COVID? Where did it go all of a sudden? They followed the science?

The political science.

Isnt it weird that it just went away on Friday, Feb 25th?

How does that happen?

We shut the world down for 2 years…then BOOM. OVER.

No idea what you’re talking about, Obama tweeted he had COVID like two days ago. COVID is still out there. Let’s all stay vigilant and masked up
The dem's polls went south in a big way and......

R.a9a1eefab6e619c7ab636a74929fbea2 was gone.

This and the SOTU.


The political science.

Isnt it weird that it just went away on Friday, Feb 25th?

How does that happen?

We shut the world down for 2 years…then BOOM. OVER.


It's over. Did you think it was going to last forever? Two years is about it for a pandemic. Just like the 2018/2019 Spanish Flu.

Try to keep up.
The political science.

Isnt it weird that it just went away on Friday, Feb 25th?

How does that happen?

We shut the world down for 2 years…then BOOM. OVER.


Clearly you know nothing of history. This is pretty much how all pandemics have gone

COVID pretty much followed the same pattern as did the Spanish Flu, which lasted about from 1918 to 1920.

As these viruses mutate they tend to grow weaker and do less damage.
The political science.

Isnt it weird that it just went away on Friday, Feb 25th?

How does that happen?

We shut the world down for 2 years…then BOOM. OVER.


Don't worry, we're not going to forget what the fascists did to our country for the past two years. The lockdowns, the mandates, the child abuse, the forced vaccinations, the firings, the constant denigration and harassment of people for their choices, the discrimination and violence against the unvaccinated. It will all be avenged, in November and beyond.

The left sucked him off for 2 years and now he is just gone?

Now Obama has COVID….but the pandemic is over!

How did that happen?
Better media story is the correct answer.
At the end of the day, we don't report Cancer deaths every day either... Covid is still killing people, actually likes to kill Republicans more
Along with the left running out of COVID LIES.
No Lies... You didn't need COVID to make baseless accusations of left tells lies... COVID killed a lot of Americans... Biden took a year to get a hold of it and it took longer in US because the false misinformation spread by the right... Well done on getting people killed, this is the bit where you will take no responsibility.

90% of people now dying from COVID in UK are.…VACCINATED!
Could be true but this is the history

For starters about 75% of people are vaccinated. The reason it could be 90% today is because people with underlying conditions & Older are close to 100% vaccinated... This makes sense..
Its awesome when I see people wearing masks now. They are letting everyone know they are sheep and VERY LIKELY communists.

They are giving themselves a scarlet letter.
Omicron. The last variant had mutated in to a less deadly strain, but more infectious which is what viruses do.

Vaccines, and those who caught omicron, has brought us closer to a herd immunity.... at least so far. There are still unknowns....

can a new more dangerous variant come out of the omicron variant, and will antibodies from those who caught omicron protect against a more deadly version, and how long will the antibodies developed last?

For right now, we seem to be okay.

If a more deadly variant does arise, trust me, our scientists and govt will be screaming to mask up etc.
Its awesome when I see people wearing masks now. They are letting everyone know they are sheep and VERY LIKELY communists.

They are giving themselves a scarlet letter.
You should have compassion for them and not be an asshole!

There are people that have medical conditions that are never able to develop sufficient antibodies to protect them, not even with the vaccine, who can get very sick, even from omicron.
You liberals who clung to your masks and vaxes, didnt you feel abandoned by your government on Feb 25th, 2022, when the DEMOCRAT PARTY DECIDED COVID WAS OVER?


They did? quote from the DNC stating it was over.

Meanwhile, we're still wearing our masks at the hospital where I work in an abundance of caution....deaths and new cases are down and vaccination rates are up.

This is the part where you resort to profanity...
Don't worry, we're not going to forget what the fascists did to our country for the past two years. The lockdowns, the mandates, the child abuse, the forced vaccinations, the firings, the constant denigration and harassment of people for their choices, the discrimination and violence against the unvaccinated. It will all be avenged, in November and beyond.
Trump declaring a national emergency....oh wait.
Miss him already? For 2 years we’ve been hearing how he should shut up, but now some seem to miss their favorite punching bag! Isn’t making fun of Biden enough or is there just so much irrational hate that it has to be spread around?
I enjoy making fun of Brandon. We are allowed to have fun, right?
1) Blame Poot for gas prices
2) Blame Poot for inflation
3) Move on to next fear mongering population manipulaton from COVID to WWIII.

Dems are soulless ghouls.
The political science.

Isnt it weird that it just went away on Friday, Feb 25th?

How does that happen?

We shut the world down for 2 years…then BOOM. OVER.

It was a con by the Deep State Globalists to gain more control over society, illegally change laws, interfere in elections, weaken sovereignty, dissolve borders, break down the supply chain, and drive up prices.

Had nothing been done at all, we would have continued here in the US on the economic expansion President Trump put us on the path to, and he would most likely have been re-elected, Putin does nothing, and there is no war in Ukraine, Iran continues to be contained and the world is a safer more prosperous place.

But Hey Globalists, got to Globalist.

That's why they attacked our Democracy with The Russian Collusion COUP back in 2016, and in 2017 Fauci predicted that The Trump Administration would be attacked by the very VIRUS he was in charge of creating when he predicted that in 2017.
The political science.

Isnt it weird that it just went away on Friday, Feb 25th?

How does that happen?

We shut the world down for 2 years…then BOOM. OVER.


It happens because they peaked on the amount of people that would obey when it came to covid, and those numbers started to decline.

So with a decrease in people they can scare and control they had to walk away from it because it ceased to be a useful tool.

Plus they need to start to back off of it Incase people start asking questions about the whole covid and vaccine thing. No one wants to get caught up in a potential shit storm.

Luckily for them Russia came along and became there new tool to distract and misdirect.

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