Any history buffs out there? Remember COVID? Where did it go all of a sudden? They followed the science?

It went away and no one hears about it any more.

I work at a medical supply company and it was imperative ( so we were told ) to wear masks when assembling medical test kits etc.

Till last week. Sudeenly the mask mandate is gone.

Putin did in fact magically end the crises pandemic
The other day my dog had puppies and now my town is doing much needed road work. Way to go Dolly! :rolleyes-41:
will follow best science as always...the opposite of the brainwashed functional ignoramus GOP base, unfortunately...
Brainwashed? You mean like telling people to stay home, don’t get haircuts, don’t have family gatherings, don’t travel - that’s exactly what your dear leaders did during the pandemic.
The US got up near herd immunity (as we stated that we needed to reach it) due to vaccines being effective, free, available, and safe.

This is today's tale of the tape from Johns Hopkins:

View attachment 616068

This was from 2/11:
View attachment 616072

Why did more people start getting inoculated? The vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective combined with social media banning disinformation folks like your blob and other right wing lowlifes.

This was coupled with a robust roll out of the vaccine--thanks Joe.
you still haven't explained why vaccinated people are afraid of unvaccinated? Still waiting for that answer.
No idea what you’re talking about, Obama tweeted he had COVID like two days ago. COVID is still out there. Let’s all stay vigilant and masked up
yep and he was vaccinated. But we already knew vaccinated people can get the omicron variant. So why the need to vaccinate still? Can you explain, or are you just willing to comply to nonsense?
It's over. Did you think it was going to last forever? Two years is about it for a pandemic. Just like the 2018/2019 Spanish Flu.

Try to keep up.
Well if it's over, end all restrictions. You just shouted it's over. How fking strange. Why are you a vaccinated person afraid of an unvaccinated person? you never explained that.
I believe I have heard of an ancient 'civilization' that spoke gibberish, worshiped a weasel-God, and thought the path of self harm and isolation were the keys to good health.
will follow best science as always...the opposite of the brainwashed functional ignoramus GOP base, unfortunately...
Credentialed Quacks Make You Believe in Make-Believe

An independent mind judges by common sense, not Commie Science. You are being suckered by robotic medical minds that are programmed to make up scare stories to get them government funding. The oligarchic-clique government believes in grasping the whole economy into the vise-like grip of its greedy paws.
Credentialed Quacks Make You Believe in Make-Believe

An independent mind judges by common sense, not Commie Science. You are being suckered by robotic medical minds that are programmed to make up scare stories to get them government funding. The oligarchic-clique government believes in grasping the whole economy into the vise-like grip of its greedy paws.
ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!!!! Brainwashed idiocy...
Clearly you know nothing of history. This is pretty much how all pandemics have gone

COVID pretty much followed the same pattern as did the Spanish Flu, which lasted about from 1918 to 1920.

As these viruses mutate they tend to grow weaker and do less damage.
So all the BS that we put ourselves through was just BS. The lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, etc all just bullshit. The pandemic had to follow it's course despite what we did/tried to do.
China, EU. Try watching NEWS.
They are going through this precisely because they thought they could lock themselves down out of the pandemic. Funny how the virus had other ideas. This will happen everywhere they tried to isolate against a respiratory virus.
They are going through this precisely because they thought they could lock themselves down out of the pandemic. Funny how the virus had other ideas. This will happen everywhere they tried to isolate against a respiratory virus.
it's coming, enjoy....thanks to the gop base and trump misinformation...

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