Any history buffs out there? Remember COVID? Where did it go all of a sudden? They followed the science?

And the virus may be muting to a less deadly but still highly contageous infection that occurs on a yearly basis typically when fall and winter alter temps and people's behaviors
Like the flu, and we’ve never masked up for that.

I am living life as normal, going to movies, the casino, even a Purim party tonight.
so the answer is still you can't. got it. Keep laughing, you keep proving my point. It indeed is hilarious. Vaccine didn't work. That's why you are afraid of unvaccinated cause you can't believe you did it.

It's funny, isn't it? The leftists think unvaccinated people should be treated like lepers, but they also believe Biden's lie that vaccinated people can't get Covid. They're too dumb to even try to reconcile those two beliefs.
It's funny, isn't it? The leftists think unvaccinated people should be treated like lepers, but they also believe Biden's lie that vaccinated people can't get Covid. They're too dumb to even try to reconcile those two beliefs.
they live in a conundrum.
ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!!!! Brainwashed idiocy...
The Yukees' Strategy Was to Depend on the Rest of the World to Finance and Fight for Them

Game plans are also conspiracies. With your shallow mind, you'd object to anyone who claimed that a Super Bowl come-from-behind winner had discussed how to change tactics when the coaches and players had a meeting during halftime.
So all the BS that we put ourselves through was just BS. The lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, etc all just bullshit. The pandemic had to follow its course despite what we did/tried to do.
Jungle Rot

We never had a Lockdown because of all the other scare-story viruses, such as Ebola and Swine Flu. Go deeper than "unnecessary" and you may realize that the Lethal Liberal Lockdown itself caused all the cronyvirus deaths.

Viruses get wiped out by normal levels of auto emissions; Americans' indifference to Green propaganda had protected us from pandemics for 100 years. The Unabomber's Cult's usage of the dishonest and superstitious word "pollution" for the by-products of advanced civilizations was designed to make it seem impossible that auto emissions could actually be antiseptic.
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The US got up near herd immunity (as we stated that we needed to reach it) due to vaccines being effective, free, available, and safe.

This is today's tale of the tape from Johns Hopkins:

View attachment 616068

This was from 2/11:
View attachment 616072

Why did more people start getting inoculated? The vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective combined with social media banning disinformation folks like your blob and other right wing lowlifes.

This was coupled with a robust roll out of the vaccine--thanks Joe.

Dummy, most people aren't up on their magic boosters

The Democracks shut everything down to fuck the world over, and to fuck Trump of course, am I right?

Sure I am, because the Democrats removed restrictions when there were twice, even ten times the number of cases on Xiden's watch. Am I right?

Sure I am, just takes a little effort to look it up. How can you have heard immunity when there are so many variants and the magic shots last what, 3-6 months?

Ask yourself Cornhole, why did the Democrats shut EVERYTHING down only to remove restrictions when there were 10x the cases? That's who your Demonicracks are, try denying it. And that's how you like it, because you're not a level-headed person, because you're Demonicrat.
You liberals who clung to your masks and vaxes, didnt you feel abandoned by your government on Feb 25th, 2022, when the DEMOCRAT PARTY DECIDED COVID WAS OVER?

See positivity rates plummeting around the nation for your answer. Expect them to rise again as new variants present themselves.

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