Any Thoughts on The "Post-Trump" Republican Party Platform and Governance


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2021
Fort Worth, TX
We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!
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We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything including the last shreds of their sanity -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!
I suspect we will not like it any better than the last platform he and his followers put together:
We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!

Did you lay awake all of last night coming up with that dreck?
I find it fascinating that even though the left for the moment controls both chambers of Congress and the Presidency many of them continue to obsess over Trump. Just spitballing here but it seems to me if the left was sure about there own platform they would be focusing on that and less about what Trump and the Republican party might or might not do moving foreward.
I, and many others warned them in 2016 that if they chose Donald Trump, he would trash the party and burn down the house on his way out. We were not wrong. They are no longer a party. They are a collection of sycophantic, spineless apologists who joined a cult of personality.

I say this as one who doesn't wish to see the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs. We need two healthy parties for a healthy democracy. But I'm not feeling particularly positive about things at this point.
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I, and many others warned them in 2016 that if they chose Donald Trump, he would trash the party and burn down the house on his way out. We were not wrong. They are no longer a party. They are a collection of sycophantic, spineless apologists who joined a cult of personality.

I say this as one who doesn't wish to see the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs. We need two healthy parties for a healthy democracy. But I'm not feeling particularly positive about things at this point.
Two questions to this:

Do you think the Republican Party even CAN reinvent itself with an entirely new platform? And by that I mean, would the voters even want to hear things such as inclusion, gay rights, women's rights, etc?

Why do we need two heathy parties for a heathy democracy? Why not 4? Why not 7? Why do you say 2 as if that's magic?
Two questions to this:

Do you think the Republican Party even CAN reinvent itself with an entirely new platform? And by that I mean, would the voters even want to hear things such as inclusion, gay rights, women's rights, etc?

Why do we need two heathy parties for a heathy democracy? Why not 4? Why not 7? Why do you say 2 as if that's magic?
Now you are saying something interesting...
We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!

Did you lay awake all of last night coming up with that dreck?
:thankusmile::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Naw,for the full explanation,read my previous reply before this one.:abgg2q.jpg:
I, and many others warned them in 2016 that if they chose Donald Trump, he would trash the party and burn down the house on his way out. We were not wrong. They are no longer a party. They are a collection of sycophantic, spineless apologists who joined a cult of personality.

I say this as one who doesn't wish to see the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs. We need two healthy parties for a healthy democracy. But I'm not feeling particularly positive about things at this point.
Two questions to this:

Do you think the Republican Party even CAN reinvent itself with an entirely new platform? And by that I mean, would the voters even want to hear things such as inclusion, gay rights, women's rights, etc?

Why do we need two heathy parties for a heathy democracy? Why not 4? Why not 7? Why do you say 2 as if that's magic?
If the Republican Party does end up losing a lot of its voters to a new populist party, it might break the frustrating reality that the two major parties dwarf any others and make a vote for a third party essentially wasted. That has always sucked. But if we end up with a strong viable third party (which we could if this T**** trend continues), we need to go to ranked choice voting. Majority wins only works fairly when there are two choices.

Btw, voting machines like Dominion's are set up for RCV.
We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything including the last shreds of their sanity -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!
I suspect we will not like it any better than the last platform he and his followers put together:
View attachment 467452
Haha....yeah that Americans First platform was terrible wasn’t it?
We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!
Trump has at least 74,000,000 guaranteed voters.
We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!
Trump has at least 74,000,000 guaranteed voters.
Then why did over half of CPAC attendees say they didn't want him to run again?
We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!
See my sig.
We are almost 60 days after Trump, and about 75 days after "The Ban" from Twitter. Former President Trump has been relegated to sending emails out begging for money and saying "please remember me!" about the vaccine -- so putting that aside for a second...what will The Republican Party look like post-Trump?

So far, from what I can ascertain, 75% of the party is just done. They're not looking to govern, they're not looking to lead, they're just hanging out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very good recent example. Then there is the 25%, let's call them the RINO's: these are the Mitt Romneys, a few of the GOP Governors such as Maryland's Hogan, and then some disparate politicians and people here and there who are still interested in doing the job of a politician (introducing new legislation and leading the people forward as a nation). I'll come back to this.

Now, granted, they are the minority party right now -- 4 years of Trump lost them basically everything -- so they cannot stop anything in the House, and in the Senate can only Filibuster. Either way, this is what I am currently seeing from all pillars of the Republican Party Machine (in order below 2- Media, 1- Political, 3-Local, 4-Cultural):

- The newest (1) pillar seems to be pure and simple: "Democracy is not worth the trouble". We saw with the most recently election, that this was a watershed moment for the current GOP as it stands in the 21st century: "Winning by sheer majority number of American votes" is just not worth the effort. They have sown the seeds of mistrust in Democracy and the history of US Government. This is the bulk of their political efforts right now. We are nearing 6 months after the election, and the daily argument by their politicians such as Ron Johnson is still focused on November elections and not on the future or leading people.

- The second (2) pillar seems to be a constant stream of media scrutiny to try and harm the new Biden Administration. Using Twitter and media mouthpieces, the scrutiny seems to be predicated around two simple falsities: The Rio Grande Border between Mexico and Texas is brand new. And secondly, people just now started coming in the last 60 days and had never done so before. Nothing really to elaborate on here, it's purely media attempts to damage the winner and current President. From what I am seeing, neither he nor Press Secretary Jen Psaki are even really bothering to care about the media's heat on this issue.

- The third (3) seems to be on the local level of government. I no longer am seeing governance at a local level by the GOP. Texas is filing lawsuits against entire states to throw out millions of votes; Kentucky is adding laws to where cops cannot be called mean names; Georgia is removing the ability for human beings to bring water bottles for other people while waiting in line to vote. Arkansas recently introduced a bill to make it a felony to get an abortion for a woman, blanketing any other exceptions other than rape. The rest have censured Federal GOP Senators who voted to impeach trump, and are just making racist comments about Americans (Ron Johnson looking at you).

-The last (4) pillar is probably the largest that I cannot really understand, and that is the pure cultural aspect of the 21st century Republican party. People like Lauren Bohbert have gotten elected to the highest congress in the land on platforms of: being an idiot. Ignorance seems to be a strength. Any argument about progress is tossed out with "yeah, but". Any logical conclusion that can be made with senses is tossed out as "Trump said ___". I truly do not think we have seen the end of the damage done by the last administration to the Republican voting base. Everything has been politicized for them. Books, masks, cars, TV, music, sports, you name it.

In conclusion, I'm just trying to get a feel for what exactly -IS- the platform going forward for the Republican party? Is it really as simple as this going forward for its voters:

1: There's a border crises
2: The election several months ago was stolen
3: Guns
4: Abortion

If so, I just don't see a future with any of these platforms. What will the Republican party look like tomorrow?

Thanks for reading!
Trump has at least 74,000,000 guaranteed voters.
Then why did over half of CPAC attendees say they didn't want him to run again?
Because they are Portfolio Pigs who only care about themselves and their assets.
It's amazing to me how many Trump haters never watched one speech or interview with Trump and have no idea what the fuck is going on.
Trump ran against both parties.
The next thing you'll tell me is that the Democrat establishment cares about anything but their stock portfolios.

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