Any tips for general lower back pain?

I was having lower back pain a few years ago that almost stopped me from running. I got a Teeter inversion board and started using it just a couple minutes a day. I have not had back pain for 5 years and still run marathons. My best friend was popping pills every day for his back pain so he could play golf. I talked him into getting a Teeter board and he now takes no pain pills and plays golf 3 times a week. We are both 60 years old. I encourage you to get one. Good luck!
I encourage him to try one out at the store first, if he's like me he can't use em, my blood pressure goes through the roof.
Message Therapy works wonders along with proper exercises and proper diet like some suggested.

Also heating pad will help and use bio-freeze or something like that in the message therapy.

You can look into ultrasound therapy that goes along with the message therapy...
Non narcotic & no pot.

Ever since I injured it a couple months ago it just aches all the time.

Curl up in a fetal position and stretch your back muscles SLOWLY. Hold it for as long as you can. Then relax and repeat two more times.
Non narcotic & no pot.

Ever since I injured it a couple months ago it just aches all the time.


I just hurt my back doing deadlifts yesterday. I think my injury is just a back spasm. I hope it's just a back spasm. I see the doctor tomorrow.
Non narcotic & no pot.

Ever since I injured it a couple months ago it just aches all the time.

In a word: ICE

Spend a couple of days on your back with pillows under your bent knees and a flat ice pack (or a frozen hand towel in a gallon plastic bag) off and on for 20 minutes at a time on the area of pain. NSAIDS help but the ice will in short time relieve muscle spasms.

If the pain is down you leg, see a doctor and explain how long you've had the problem and request an MRI.

Post Script: Get a back brace and don't sit at you computer or when watching TV, wear the brace and put the ice bag between the brace and the area inflamed when standing.

This is actually good advice. If the pain shoots down your leg odds are you have a disk problem. Ice it and take motrin is the best thing you can do.
Good luck.
I've been through physical therapy,three rounds of injections and i'm now scheduled for surgery next month to have a fusion job.
Apparently I have three bulging discs a bone spur and arthritis,basicly the trifecta.
Well... I have two herniated discs, a bulging disc, stenosis, arthritis, and degenerative disc... I've had these problems since I had a car accident back in 2005. The other driver was under-insured and I didn't have under-insured driver insurance at the time so I was never able to get the surgery. Now I've had insurance that covers pre-existing conditions but doctors tell me to hold off on surgery until I basically can't walk anymore, and even if I want to have surgery I don't have the time to do it now with school.

That said, you can take a drug called Neurotin for nerve pain. It is kind of a narcotic, but was only put on the list because people were abusing it by taking handfuls at a time. Another one that I found works great for me is Zanaflex, which is a muscle relaxer.

Other than those, you can do several of the other recommendations listed here. Key thing will be, some of the things people have mentioned, most people will say you need to get an MRI done to make sure what you do doesn't actually do more harm than good. A good chiropractor won't work on you until they know the actual issue.
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I was having lower back pain a few years ago that almost stopped me from running. I got a Teeter inversion board and started using it just a couple minutes a day. I have not had back pain for 5 years and still run marathons. My best friend was popping pills every day for his back pain so he could play golf. I talked him into getting a Teeter board and he now takes no pain pills and plays golf 3 times a week. We are both 60 years old. I encourage you to get one. Good luck!
I encourage him to try one out at the store first, if he's like me he can't use em, my blood pressure goes through the roof.
Do you mean your head feels like the pressure is going through the roof or your actual measured BP shoots up? I'm just curious because I recall the first 3 or 4 times I used the inversion board I had that sensation of blood rushing to my head. I reduced the incline angle and it was fine. After using the board for a week I never had that sensation again.
Well... I have two herniated discs, a bulging disc, stenosis, arthritis, and regenerative disc... I've had these problems since I had a car accident back in 2005. The other driver was under-insured and I didn't have under-insured driver insurance at the time so I was never able to get the surgery. Now I've had insurance that covers pre-existing conditions but doctors tell me to hold off on surgery until I basically can't walk anymore, and even if I want to have surgery I don't have the time to do it now with school.

That said, you can take a drug called Neurotin for nerve pain. It is kind of a narcotic, but was only put on the list because people were abusing it by taking handfuls at a time. Another one that I found works great for me is Zanaflex, which is a muscle relaxer.

Other than those, you can do several of the other recommendations listed here. Key thing will be, some of the things people have mentioned, most people will say you need to get an MRI done to make sure what you do doesn't actually do more harm than good. A good chiropractor won't work on you until they know the actual issue.

They have me on three Lyrica a day and from what I understand it's highly addictive and I want off of it.

Can't sleep more than five hours at a time and I have to use a walker some mornings so I'm really left with no other option.
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Well... I have two herniated discs, a bulging disc, stenosis, arthritis, and regenerative disc... I've had these problems since I had a car accident back in 2005. The other driver was under-insured and I didn't have under-insured driver insurance at the time so I was never able to get the surgery. Now I've had insurance that covers pre-existing conditions but doctors tell me to hold off on surgery until I basically can't walk anymore, and even if I want to have surgery I don't have the time to do it now with school.

That said, you can take a drug called Neurotin for nerve pain. It is kind of a narcotic, but was only put on the list because people were abusing it by taking handfuls at a time. Another one that I found works great for me is Zanaflex, which is a muscle relaxer.

Other than those, you can do several of the other recommendations listed here. Key thing will be, some of the things people have mentioned, most people will say you need to get an MRI done to make sure what you do doesn't actually do more harm than good. A good chiropractor won't work on you until they know the actual issue.

They have me on three Lyrica a day and from what I understand it's highly addicting and I want off of it.

Can't sleep more than five hours at a time and I have to use a walker some mornings so I'm really left with no other option.

Lyrica is similar to Neurotin but not quite the same. Zanaflex really helps me sleep at night... but you have to be careful with it because it lowers your blood pressure.
I was having lower back pain a few years ago that almost stopped me from running. I got a Teeter inversion board and started using it just a couple minutes a day. I have not had back pain for 5 years and still run marathons. My best friend was popping pills every day for his back pain so he could play golf. I talked him into getting a Teeter board and he now takes no pain pills and plays golf 3 times a week. We are both 60 years old. I encourage you to get one. Good luck!

I was thinking about one of those but didn’t know if it was just one of those gimmicks you see.
But it sounds like it might be worth a try,

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Well... I have two herniated discs, a bulging disc, stenosis, arthritis, and regenerative disc... I've had these problems since I had a car accident back in 2005. The other driver was under-insured and I didn't have under-insured driver insurance at the time so I was never able to get the surgery. Now I've had insurance that covers pre-existing conditions but doctors tell me to hold off on surgery until I basically can't walk anymore, and even if I want to have surgery I don't have the time to do it now with school.

That said, you can take a drug called Neurotin for nerve pain. It is kind of a narcotic, but was only put on the list because people were abusing it by taking handfuls at a time. Another one that I found works great for me is Zanaflex, which is a muscle relaxer.

Other than those, you can do several of the other recommendations listed here. Key thing will be, some of the things people have mentioned, most people will say you need to get an MRI done to make sure what you do doesn't actually do more harm than good. A good chiropractor won't work on you until they know the actual issue.

They have me on three Lyrica a day and from what I understand it's highly addicting and I want off of it.

Can't sleep more than five hours at a time and I have to use a walker some mornings so I'm really left with no other option.

Lyrica is similar to Neurotin but not quite the same. Zanaflex really helps me sleep at night... but you have to be careful with it because it lowers your blood pressure.

Yeah..I'm trying to avoid drugs like that.
Check out crack addicts on you tube, lots of back cracking, it makes me feel better watching it sometimes [emoji15]

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Thanks for the advice all. I have orphenadrine but don't like taking them.
My next day off is Sunday so I'll reread this thread then.
Well... I have two herniated discs, a bulging disc, stenosis, arthritis, and regenerative disc... I've had these problems since I had a car accident back in 2005. The other driver was under-insured and I didn't have under-insured driver insurance at the time so I was never able to get the surgery. Now I've had insurance that covers pre-existing conditions but doctors tell me to hold off on surgery until I basically can't walk anymore, and even if I want to have surgery I don't have the time to do it now with school.

That said, you can take a drug called Neurotin for nerve pain. It is kind of a narcotic, but was only put on the list because people were abusing it by taking handfuls at a time. Another one that I found works great for me is Zanaflex, which is a muscle relaxer.

Other than those, you can do several of the other recommendations listed here. Key thing will be, some of the things people have mentioned, most people will say you need to get an MRI done to make sure what you do doesn't actually do more harm than good. A good chiropractor won't work on you until they know the actual issue.

They have me on three Lyrica a day and from what I understand it's highly addicting and I want off of it.

Can't sleep more than five hours at a time and I have to use a walker some mornings so I'm really left with no other option.

Lyrica is similar to Neurotin but not quite the same. Zanaflex really helps me sleep at night... but you have to be careful with it because it lowers your blood pressure.

Yeah..I'm trying to avoid drugs like that.
The problem that I have heard about Lyrica is there is a tendency to increase dosage especially if the pain level is high. Have you thought of using small amounts of marijuana along with the Lyrica?
Non narcotic & no pot.

Ever since I injured it a couple months ago it just aches all the time.
Enjoy the pain as that is what I do. Although I could have surgery with a 50/50 chance of not being able to use my legs ever again.
Thanks for the advice all. I have orphenadrine but don't like taking them.
My next day off is Sunday so I'll reread this thread then.

Problem is, if your issue is nerve pain and not muscle pain, that will not do you any good.
I dunno, that's what the doctor gave me along with some kind of big ass patch that I wear for 12 hours then wait 12 hours to apply another one.

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