Any word on the "accomplishments" of Rubio, Rand Paul, Lindsay Graham, or Ted Cruz?

All we know about Ted Cruz's accomplishments is he hates on immigrants and is literate enough to read Green Eggs and Ham.
Ted Cruz, in private practice in Houston, spent five years as a partner at one of the nation’s largest law firms, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national Appellate Litigation practice. Ted has authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. During Ted’s service as Solicitor General, Texas achieved an unprecedented series of landmark national victories, including successfully defending:

• U.S. sovereignty against the UN and the World Court in Medellin v. Texas;
• The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument;
• The constitutionality of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment law; and
• The Texas congressional redistricting plan.
And as Senator, he read a rousing rendition of Green Eggs and Ham.

We can compare Cruz's cases against those Obama argued any time you're ready.
I think it has been pretty well established "Heze not Obama".

What we're looking for are his accomplishments. You know, as Senator. So don't come back with "He potty trained before he was two!"

Six pages in, and you guys are STILL stumped.

I find that fascinating. How much it must suck to be measured with the same accomplishment yardstick that has been used against Hillary, eh?

The topic did not specify that the accomplishments had to be while he's senator.

But go ahead and list Hillary's accomplishments while she was a senator.
All we know about Ted Cruz's accomplishments is he hates on immigrants and is literate enough to read Green Eggs and Ham.
Ted Cruz, in private practice in Houston, spent five years as a partner at one of the nation’s largest law firms, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national Appellate Litigation practice. Ted has authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. During Ted’s service as Solicitor General, Texas achieved an unprecedented series of landmark national victories, including successfully defending:

• U.S. sovereignty against the UN and the World Court in Medellin v. Texas;
• The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument;
• The constitutionality of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment law; and
• The Texas congressional redistricting plan.
And as Senator, he read a rousing rendition of Green Eggs and Ham.

We can compare Cruz's cases against those Obama argued any time you're ready.
I think it has been pretty well established "Heze not Obama".

What we're looking for are his accomplishments. You know, as Senator. So don't come back with "He potty trained before he was two!"

Six pages in, and you guys are STILL stumped.

I find that fascinating. How much it must suck to be measured with the same accomplishment yardstick that has been used against Hillary, eh?

The topic did not specify that the accomplishments had to be while he's senator.
It's the office he is currently holding. You mean to say he has done nothing since being elected to the Senate?!?

It sure is looking that way.
Kasich was the chairman of the House budget committee. He's the one who sponsored the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

As governor of Ohio, he has lowered their chronic unemployment and created a budget surplus.

The talent which achieved these accomplishments is desperately needed today.

See how easy that is when you actually know something about a person?

I actually like Kasich.... believe me, you think I'm thrilled about the possibility of having a choice between a Clinton and a Bush?
Come on. Since being elected to their latest office, surely these guys sponsored some legislation that was enacted.

National Post-It Note Day. A law that increased the traction of the tires on wheelchairs for vets. Something!
Kasich was the chairman of the House budget committee. He's the one who sponsored the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

As governor of Ohio, he has lowered their chronic unemployment and created a budget surplus.

The talent which achieved these accomplishments is desperately needed today.

See how easy that is when you actually know something about a person?

I actually like Kasich.... believe me, you think I'm thrilled about the possibility of having a choice between a Clinton and a Bush?
I don't care about a name that much. I care about what they are going to do.

Bush hasn't really said yet. Clinton is just getting warmed up, but we know a lot about her from the 2008 campaign.

I would like to see Kasich run, but he has a snowball's chance in hell of securing the nomination. But then, so did McCain.
But go ahead and list Hillary's accomplishments while she was a senator.

Easy peasey.

She got elected and defended freedom!
Well actually, she got elected and voted for the Iraq invasion and the Patriot Act, so not so much on the defending freedom thing. But then, the right loves war and police state stuff, so they can't really criticize her for that.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

1) They didn't partake in an almost endless list of questionable to downright unethical business dealings over the past three decades.
2) They did not use private servers while holding a high office position, then refuse to turn over those emails when asked repeatedly, and then inform everyone they deleted emails themselves - "just trust me".
3) They didn't "misplace" $millions in donated funds that to this day no one really has an explanation for.
4) They didn't run a "charitable" foundation that took in $140,000,000 - but can only show they spent just 6% of that on charities...the rest is for "expenses". Making it one of the worst performing charities in the nation.

Shall I go on?
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

1) They didn't partake in an almost endless list of questionable to downright unethical business dealings over the past three decades.
2) They did not use private servers while holding a high office position, then refuse to turn over those emails when asked repeatedly, and then inform everyone they deleted emails themselves - "just trust me".
3) They didn't "misplace" $millions in donated funds that to this day no one really has an explanation for.
4) They didn't run a "charitable" foundation that took in $140,000,000 - but can only show they spent just 6% of that on charities...the rest is for "expenses". Making it one of the worst performing charities in the nation.

Shall I go on?

These people have quite a fixation.
I had no idea that being a neurosurgeon was a Presidential qualification!


"Um, yeah. Being President isn't exactly brain surgery..."
Well the last six years has shown what the LACK of a brain can do.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

1) They didn't partake in an almost endless list of questionable to downright unethical business dealings over the past three decades.
2) They did not use private servers while holding a high office position, then refuse to turn over those emails when asked repeatedly, and then inform everyone they deleted emails themselves - "just trust me".
3) They didn't "misplace" $millions in donated funds that to this day no one really has an explanation for.
4) They didn't run a "charitable" foundation that took in $140,000,000 - but can only show they spent just 6% of that on charities...the rest is for "expenses". Making it one of the worst performing charities in the nation.

Shall I go on?
That's just more of the same they didn't do diddly. What did they DO besides eat, breathe, sleep, and shit?
That fluff piece ignores the million employees paid for sitting home during the GOP hissy fit over Obamacare

They were going to receive their salary regardless of what happened with the shutdown. There was no 24 billion dollar waste/loss.
Paying people to not work is waste.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

1) They didn't partake in an almost endless list of questionable to downright unethical business dealings over the past three decades.
2) They did not use private servers while holding a high office position, then refuse to turn over those emails when asked repeatedly, and then inform everyone they deleted emails themselves - "just trust me".
3) They didn't "misplace" $millions in donated funds that to this day no one really has an explanation for.
4) They didn't run a "charitable" foundation that took in $140,000,000 - but can only show they spent just 6% of that on charities...the rest is for "expenses". Making it one of the worst performing charities in the nation.

Shall I go on?
That's just more of the same they didn't do diddly. What did they DO besides eat, breathe, sleep, and shit?
Why don't you read up a little on Rubio before you spew crap and show us you are poorly informed.

Florida Speaker of the house....plenty of successful bipartisan legislation under his leadership..

But please...continue to look poorly informed.
That fluff piece ignores the million employees paid for sitting home during the GOP hissy fit over Obamacare

They were going to receive their salary regardless of what happened with the shutdown. There was no 24 billion dollar waste/loss.
Paying people to not work is waste.

Our federal govt does that everyday.
That fluff piece ignores the million employees paid for sitting home during the GOP hissy fit over Obamacare

They were going to receive their salary regardless of what happened with the shutdown. There was no 24 billion dollar waste/loss.
Paying people to not work is waste.

Our federal govt does that everyday.
Obama economy Welfare dependency peaks as rich get richer - Washington Times

According to the annual federally mandated report “Welfare Indicators and Risk Factors,” published by the Department of Health and Human Services, the welfare dependency rate “peaked” under Mr. Obama’s watch in 2010 when 5.3 percent of the total population was receiving half of its total income in a one-year period from the government, and that figure has only “declined slightly since,” according to the report.

The overall dependency rate dropped dramatically under President Bill Clinton, from 5.9 percent in 1993 to 3.1 percent in 2001, and remained steady under President George W. Bush, at 3.5 percent until 2007. During the 2008 financial crisis, the rate jumped a half point to 4, but that number has since increased 1.2 points under Mr. Obama from 2009 to 2011.

While total dependency on welfare has been growing, the number of Americans needing some form of federal aid to get by has skyrocketed. The latest report from the government estimates more than 23 percent of Americans lived in a family that received some form of welfare help under Mr. Obama, up 17.1 from the last year of Mr. Bush’s presidency.

One of the fastest-growing areas of federal dependency is Social Security disability, where the number of Americans has ballooned from 7.4 million in January 2009, when Mr. Obama took office, to 10.9 million in November.

And despite Mr. Obama’s landmark health care legislation, history is already proving that most of the plan’s participants can’t afford it without additional government assistance.

“About 87 percent of people who selected health insurance plans through for coverage beginning Jan. 1, 2015, were determined eligible for financial assistance to lower their monthly premiums, compared to 80 percent of enrollees who selected plans over a similar period last year,” according to a December analysis released by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Read more: Obama economy Welfare dependency peaks as rich get richer - Washington Times
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We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

1) They didn't partake in an almost endless list of questionable to downright unethical business dealings over the past three decades.
2) They did not use private servers while holding a high office position, then refuse to turn over those emails when asked repeatedly, and then inform everyone they deleted emails themselves - "just trust me".
3) They didn't "misplace" $millions in donated funds that to this day no one really has an explanation for.
4) They didn't run a "charitable" foundation that took in $140,000,000 - but can only show they spent just 6% of that on charities...the rest is for "expenses". Making it one of the worst performing charities in the nation.

Shall I go on?
That's just more of the same they didn't do diddly. What did they DO besides eat, breathe, sleep, and shit?
Why don't you read up a little on Rubio before you spew crap and show us you are poorly informed.

Florida Speaker of the house....plenty of successful bipartisan legislation under his leadership..

But please...continue to look poorly informed.

Is that it? Seriously....and this is the GOP Boy Wonder? Oh...okay.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

1) They didn't partake in an almost endless list of questionable to downright unethical business dealings over the past three decades.
2) They did not use private servers while holding a high office position, then refuse to turn over those emails when asked repeatedly, and then inform everyone they deleted emails themselves - "just trust me".
3) They didn't "misplace" $millions in donated funds that to this day no one really has an explanation for.
4) They didn't run a "charitable" foundation that took in $140,000,000 - but can only show they spent just 6% of that on charities...the rest is for "expenses". Making it one of the worst performing charities in the nation.

Shall I go on?

Please do... :popcorn:
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....

I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"

If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Well, there is the do-nothings from the Party of No and now we're hearing that free and low-cost surgeries are the reasons we should vote for them for President.

It's fun to hear the GOP backers scrambling around trying to come up with something.

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