Any word on the "accomplishments" of Rubio, Rand Paul, Lindsay Graham, or Ted Cruz?

How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....
....they never turned $1,000 into $100,000 trading commodities in an account that was overseen by a major broker doing business with Arkansas at a time when a broker could allocate trades to different accounts, the house takes the losing side of the trade and Hillary gets the gains

Why'd she stop trading commodities after that?

Odd, no?
I guess there are other "failings" by the OP's standards.
1, NEVER left four to die in a terrorist shoot out.
2, NEVER ran guns to a terrorist group.
3, NEVER sold guns to a drug cartel.
4, NEVER scrubbed a server.
5, NEVER attacked Christians during a PRAYER breakfest.
6, NEVER created a "free loot and destroy zone" of OTHER peoples property.
7, NEVER incited MORE racial hate during a race riot.
8, NEVER called for the killing of cops.

Those are some of the reasons the OP sees the GOP as failures.
And what failures they must have been in CC's eyes.
1, Rand Paul....FREE optical work for the near blind.
2, Ben Carson...Separated co-joined twins at the brain WITHOUT killing or retarding either.

Yes, CF the OP has standards! And she wants you to accept hers.
I pass..
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....

I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"

If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....
I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"
If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....
I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"
If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!

Let's put it this way, if the only way you can bring yourself up is to bring others down, you aren't very accomplished.

Also Rubio DID use private email while in office :)
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....

I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"

If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

You just described Obama... sat on his ass in the faculty lounge smoking weed for years.... and he's the bestest EVA!!!

How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....
I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"
If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!

Let's put it this way, if the only way you can bring yourself up is to bring others down, you aren't very accomplished.

Also Rubio DID use private email while in office :)

How is that in any way bringing others down? You know, you can use private e-mail.. just not for official business. You have evidence that Rubio did this? far, all we have is what they DIDN'T do. A sure sign folks are completely stumped.

Oh. Rubio's big accomplishment is "defending freedom". :D

All his other accomplishments in the link were "proposed this", "offered that". No mention of legislation he sponsored that is now law.
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....
I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"
If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!

Let's put it this way, if the only way you can bring yourself up is to bring others down, you aren't very accomplished.

Also Rubio DID use private email while in office :)

How is that in any way bringing others down? You know, you can use private e-mail.. just not for official business. You have evidence that Rubio did this?

Hillary Clinton s Potential GOP Rivals Used Personal Email Accounts - WSJ

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is also considering a White House bid, used a private account to send emails to reporters in 2008 when he was a leader in the Florida House. When the Orlando Sentinel filed a public-records request for the emails from the private account about the legislative session, Mr. Rubio’s spokeswoman said they had been deleted.

The newspaper reported that emails from Mr. Rubio’s personal account had been included in responses to at least two other records requests, suggesting he used his personal account for government-related business on multiple occasions.

The law appears to have left it to Mr. Rubio and his staff to decide which material was significant enough to preserve from his private and government accounts, said Ms. Petersen of the watchdog group.

What do you know....Walker, Rubio, and Bush ALL used private email for official business. Who would've thought.
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....
I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"
If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!

Let's put it this way, if the only way you can bring yourself up is to bring others down, you aren't very accomplished.

Also Rubio DID use private email while in office :)

How is that in any way bringing others down? You know, you can use private e-mail.. just not for official business. You have evidence that Rubio did this?

Hillary Clinton s Potential GOP Rivals Used Personal Email Accounts - WSJ

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is also considering a White House bid, used a private account to send emails to reporters in 2008 when he was a leader in the Florida House. When the Orlando Sentinel filed a public-records request for the emails from the private account about the legislative session, Mr. Rubio’s spokeswoman said they had been deleted.

The newspaper reported that emails from Mr. Rubio’s personal account had been included in responses to at least two other records requests, suggesting he used his personal account for government-related business on multiple occasions.

The law appears to have left it to Mr. Rubio and his staff to decide which material was significant enough to preserve from his private and government accounts, said Ms. Petersen of the watchdog group.

Thanks for the subscription based link. I'm not about to subscribe to the WSJ.

Well, in the Florida Senate, Rubio was Majority leader, then Speaker of the House before elected to the US Senate.

Better creds than Obama.

and FAR better than Hillary
Hillary was elected Senator too....twice. Game Set Match...Clinton

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Would she have been elected the FIRST time if she hadn't capretbagged her way to New York, and ran on the Clinton name, in one of the bluest states in the union?
I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"
If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!

Let's put it this way, if the only way you can bring yourself up is to bring others down, you aren't very accomplished.

Also Rubio DID use private email while in office :)

How is that in any way bringing others down? You know, you can use private e-mail.. just not for official business. You have evidence that Rubio did this?

Hillary Clinton s Potential GOP Rivals Used Personal Email Accounts - WSJ

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is also considering a White House bid, used a private account to send emails to reporters in 2008 when he was a leader in the Florida House. When the Orlando Sentinel filed a public-records request for the emails from the private account about the legislative session, Mr. Rubio’s spokeswoman said they had been deleted.

The newspaper reported that emails from Mr. Rubio’s personal account had been included in responses to at least two other records requests, suggesting he used his personal account for government-related business on multiple occasions.

The law appears to have left it to Mr. Rubio and his staff to decide which material was significant enough to preserve from his private and government accounts, said Ms. Petersen of the watchdog group.

Thanks for the subscription based link. I'm not about to subscribe to the WSJ.


Fine, google it, it's pretty darn easy to find. Rubio, Walker, and Bush all used private emails for official business. It wasn't just reporters either.
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....

I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"

If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?
It makes for a strange argument when all the OP can invoke for her side is criminal activity. But yes if you put up four decades of criminal activity vs 12 sitting on a couch. What's illegal about sitting on a couch?

Do you put someone in office for 40 years of criminal activity? Sorry you are a democrat, of course you do! I would think Carson has set on a lot of fine sofa's far better then yours or mine and paid for by hard work, long hours and education.

Paul no doubt has a nicer couch for the very same reason. Hillary had to return her couch, her might be the wrong word. OUR couch is correct. She STOLE it with other things from the White House. She had to be ordered to return it along with many other things like linens and dishes.

So two EARNED their sofa's and one STOLE hers. And you sniveling about the two EARNED and dismissing the one stolen?
And you see her as the better person? The thief? Oh I forgot again you ARE a democrat. MY mistake.
Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!

Let's put it this way, if the only way you can bring yourself up is to bring others down, you aren't very accomplished.

Also Rubio DID use private email while in office :)

How is that in any way bringing others down? You know, you can use private e-mail.. just not for official business. You have evidence that Rubio did this?

Hillary Clinton s Potential GOP Rivals Used Personal Email Accounts - WSJ

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is also considering a White House bid, used a private account to send emails to reporters in 2008 when he was a leader in the Florida House. When the Orlando Sentinel filed a public-records request for the emails from the private account about the legislative session, Mr. Rubio’s spokeswoman said they had been deleted.

The newspaper reported that emails from Mr. Rubio’s personal account had been included in responses to at least two other records requests, suggesting he used his personal account for government-related business on multiple occasions.

The law appears to have left it to Mr. Rubio and his staff to decide which material was significant enough to preserve from his private and government accounts, said Ms. Petersen of the watchdog group.

Thanks for the subscription based link. I'm not about to subscribe to the WSJ.


Fine, google it, it's pretty darn easy to find. Rubio, Walker, and Bush all used private emails for official business. It wasn't just reporters either.
Fine YOU show when Walker/Rubio or Bush was SoS and you have argument. Other wise it's crap. Her job REQUIRED her to use a GOVERNMENT server. Theirs did NOT.
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....
I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"
If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!
None of the candidates has a criminal record. Candidate X may not have peed in the pool, but that doesn't necessarily make me want to vote for them. What has anyone of these people actually done?

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