Any word on the "accomplishments" of Rubio, Rand Paul, Lindsay Graham, or Ted Cruz?

How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....

I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"

If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Well, there is the do-nothings from the Party of No and now we're hearing that free and low-cost surgeries are the reasons we should vote for them for President.

It's fun to hear the GOP backers scrambling around trying to come up with something.

It's also fun to point out they have similar, or more, experience than anyone running on the dem side, especially in leadership positions
I come to this thread looking for answers to op question and what I find? The exact opposite. What a great fucking forum
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....

I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"

If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?
Republican are accomplished at doing nothing.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

Hillary's accomplishments? Her failure to increase security at the Benghazi diplomatic compound before the attack, despite repeated requests from Ambassador Stevens to do so? Her sad "Russian reset," after which Putin played her like fiddle? Her failure to heed the Israeli warning that Mubarak's opponents were jihadists and radicals? Her horrendous mismanagement of her 2008 presidential campaign? Her getting caught in numerous bald-faced lies (such as her tale about being under sniper fire in Bosnia)? Her selling of influence as Sec State, which would have gotten a regular federal employee fired and quite possibly prosecuted?

I mean, gosh, I would not vote for a Republican with this kind of record, no matter how conservative they talked.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

Hillary's accomplishments? Her failure to increase security at the Benghazi diplomatic compound before the attack, despite repeated requests from Ambassador Stevens to do so? Her sad "Russian reset," after which Putin played her like fiddle? Her failure to heed the Israeli warning that Mubarak's opponents were jihadists and radicals? Her horrendous mismanagement of her 2008 presidential campaign? Her getting caught in numerous bald-faced lies (such as her tale about being under sniper fire in Bosnia)? Her selling of influence as Sec State, which would have gotten a regular federal employee fired and quite possibly prosecuted?

I mean, gosh, I would not vote for a Republican with this kind of record, no matter how conservative they talked.

After reading this thread I've become convinced that the GOP's entire platform will be "Vote for Me, I'm not Hillary!"
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

Hillary's accomplishments? Her failure to increase security at the Benghazi diplomatic compound before the attack, despite repeated requests from Ambassador Stevens to do so? Her sad "Russian reset," after which Putin played her like fiddle? Her failure to heed the Israeli warning that Mubarak's opponents were jihadists and radicals? Her horrendous mismanagement of her 2008 presidential campaign? Her getting caught in numerous bald-faced lies (such as her tale about being under sniper fire in Bosnia)? Her selling of influence as Sec State, which would have gotten a regular federal employee fired and quite possibly prosecuted?

I mean, gosh, I would not vote for a Republican with this kind of record, no matter how conservative they talked.

After reading this thread I've become convinced that the GOP's entire platform will be "Vote for Me, I'm not Hillary!"

Sanders, Chafee, and O'Malley are running on the same platform.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

Hillary's accomplishments? Her failure to increase security at the Benghazi diplomatic compound before the attack, despite repeated requests from Ambassador Stevens to do so? Her sad "Russian reset," after which Putin played her like fiddle? Her failure to heed the Israeli warning that Mubarak's opponents were jihadists and radicals? Her horrendous mismanagement of her 2008 presidential campaign? Her getting caught in numerous bald-faced lies (such as her tale about being under sniper fire in Bosnia)? Her selling of influence as Sec State, which would have gotten a regular federal employee fired and quite possibly prosecuted?

I mean, gosh, I would not vote for a Republican with this kind of record, no matter how conservative they talked.

After reading this thread I've become convinced that the GOP's entire platform will be "Vote for Me, I'm not Hillary!"

Sanders, Chafee, and O'Malley are running on the same platform.

Chafee and O'Malley yeah, Sanders not so much, he's got his own thing going on really.
We've been talking about Hillary's...any word on the GOP Senators' accomplishments?

1) They didn't partake in an almost endless list of questionable to downright unethical business dealings over the past three decades.
2) They did not use private servers while holding a high office position, then refuse to turn over those emails when asked repeatedly, and then inform everyone they deleted emails themselves - "just trust me".
3) They didn't "misplace" $millions in donated funds that to this day no one really has an explanation for.
4) They didn't run a "charitable" foundation that took in $140,000,000 - but can only show they spent just 6% of that on charities...the rest is for "expenses". Making it one of the worst performing charities in the nation.

Shall I go on?
That's just more of the same they didn't do diddly. What did they DO besides eat, breathe, sleep, and shit?
Why don't you read up a little on Rubio before you spew crap and show us you are poorly informed.

Florida Speaker of the house....plenty of successful bipartisan legislation under his leadership..

But please...continue to look poorly informed.

Is that it? Seriously....and this is the GOP Boy Wonder? Oh...okay.
is that it?
Was able to pass very successful legislation with bipartisan support?
And you ask "is that it"?

You show how politically naïve you are with every post you write.

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