Any word on the "accomplishments" of Rubio, Rand Paul, Lindsay Graham, or Ted Cruz?

I absolutely love how about 90% of the conservative responses to the question "What are the accomplishments of Rubio, Paul, Graham, and Cruz?" all seem to go down the path of:

"Well, they DIDN'T blah blah blah, and they had NO hand in blah blah blah, and they NEVER bla blah blah blah blahhhhhh"

....Well YEAH, dipshits :laugh2: That's the point the OP was making: They've done absolutely NOTHING.

The question wasn't "What has Hillary done that you disagree with that these four men haven't done."

It was "What have they THEMSELVES done."

Reading comprehension, you tools.

The fact that the majority of conservatives here had no idea what to answer with and instead had to change the question to suit their own lack of information on the subject PERFECTLY proves the point the OP was making.

Damn, you guys are unintelligent.. I truthfully pity you all. far, all we have is what they DIDN'T do. A sure sign folks are completely stumped.

Oh. Rubio's big accomplishment is "defending freedom". :D

All his other accomplishments in the link were "proposed this", "offered that". No mention of legislation he sponsored that is now law.

Repeat because you apparently missed this the first time:

5 accomplishments of Marco Rubio:

Opportunity Lives Marco Rubio s Top 5 Accomplishments
Wait, you guys voted for Barry Ozilcho the weedhead who has never done anything in his life other than getting elected to office and now you want qualifications?

My golden retriever is better qualified than Obama. far, all we have is what they DIDN'T do. A sure sign folks are completely stumped.

Oh. Rubio's big accomplishment is "defending freedom". :D

All his other accomplishments in the link were "proposed this", "offered that". No mention of legislation he sponsored that is now law.

Repeat because you apparently missed this the first time:

5 accomplishments of Marco Rubio:

Opportunity Lives Marco Rubio s Top 5 Accomplishments

I did read it. Apparently you did not.

As I said, when you read those "accomplishments", you find he "proposed this" or "offered that". No mention of legislation he sponsored that is now law.

So his biggest "accomplishment" is "defending freedom".

They list him getting elected as one of his top 5 accomplishments! :D

I guess since Hillary was also elected, then she can count that as one of her accomplishments, too!

If you accept that lame list of "accomplishments", then a comparable one about Hillary would be much longer. So you need to do better than that.
How about the fact that they didn't exclusively use a private server for government business, then hurry to wipe the server when Congress wanted to check the emails.....
I find it kinda weird to list things people "didn't" do as "accomplishments"
If Rubio were to just sit on his mom's sofa for the past 12 years, he didn't do much of anything, does that make him more accomplished?

Really??? Are you trying to say that being able to tell an employer that you don't have a criminal record isn't an accomplishment??? Sometimes a negative answer is a good thing!!!!
None of the candidates has a criminal record. Candidate X may not have peed in the pool, but that doesn't necessarily make me want to vote for them. What has anyone of these people actually done?

What had Obama actually done? Let's see, Bush has been the CEO of a state, Rubio actually paid his way through law school, Jindal has run a state and HHS, Carson is a well respected neurosurgeon, Graham is a decorated Air Force Colonel and an accomplished lawyer, Paul is a physician, Huckabee ran a state.. hey, I may not like all of these folks, but all of them to man has actually done more than Obama.
It appears all we have for Republican candidate accomplishments up to this point is "Heze not Hillary" and "He got elected".

It's all the Right has been doing for the past two presidential elections. Telling us why we shouldn't vote for the other guy and never getting round to splainin why we should vote for their guy.
I had no idea that being a neurosurgeon was a Presidential qualification!


"Um, yeah. Being President isn't exactly brain surgery..."
I can list a few accomplishments of John Kasich if you guys need a boost.
I had no idea that being a neurosurgeon was a Presidential qualification!


I had no idea being a paid rabble rouser was a presidential qualification!

So now you have gone from "Heze not Hillary" to "Heze not Obama".

Jesus, are you guys really that ignorant of your own party's candidates that you can't come up with ANYTHING AT ALL??!?!

Graham has been in Congress since 1996, and you can't name ONE THING he has accomplished? Really!!?!
Don't vote for Hillary!

Vote for our guy he's not Hillary! Yeah, that's it.
Kasich was the chairman of the House budget committee. He's the one who sponsored the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

As governor of Ohio, he has lowered their chronic unemployment and created a budget surplus.

The talent which achieved these accomplishments is desperately needed today.

See how easy that is when you actually know something about a person?
Ted Cruz, in private practice in Houston, spent five years as a partner at one of the nation’s largest law firms, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national Appellate Litigation practice. Ted has authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. During Ted’s service as Solicitor General, Texas achieved an unprecedented series of landmark national victories, including successfully defending:

• U.S. sovereignty against the UN and the World Court in Medellin v. Texas;
• The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument;
• The constitutionality of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment law; and
• The Texas congressional redistricting plan.
All we know about Ted Cruz's accomplishments is he hates on immigrants and is literate enough to read Green Eggs and Ham.
Ted Cruz, in private practice in Houston, spent five years as a partner at one of the nation’s largest law firms, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national Appellate Litigation practice. Ted has authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. During Ted’s service as Solicitor General, Texas achieved an unprecedented series of landmark national victories, including successfully defending:

• U.S. sovereignty against the UN and the World Court in Medellin v. Texas;
• The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument;
• The constitutionality of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment law; and
• The Texas congressional redistricting plan.
And as Senator, he read a rousing rendition of Green Eggs and Ham.
All we know about Ted Cruz's accomplishments is he hates on immigrants and is literate enough to read Green Eggs and Ham.
Ted Cruz, in private practice in Houston, spent five years as a partner at one of the nation’s largest law firms, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national Appellate Litigation practice. Ted has authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. During Ted’s service as Solicitor General, Texas achieved an unprecedented series of landmark national victories, including successfully defending:

• U.S. sovereignty against the UN and the World Court in Medellin v. Texas;
• The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument;
• The constitutionality of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment law; and
• The Texas congressional redistricting plan.
And as Senator, he read a rousing rendition of Green Eggs and Ham.

We can compare Cruz's cases against those Obama argued any time you're ready.
All we know about Ted Cruz's accomplishments is he hates on immigrants and is literate enough to read Green Eggs and Ham.
Ted Cruz, in private practice in Houston, spent five years as a partner at one of the nation’s largest law firms, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national Appellate Litigation practice. Ted has authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. During Ted’s service as Solicitor General, Texas achieved an unprecedented series of landmark national victories, including successfully defending:

• U.S. sovereignty against the UN and the World Court in Medellin v. Texas;
• The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument;
• The constitutionality of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment law; and
• The Texas congressional redistricting plan.
And as Senator, he read a rousing rendition of Green Eggs and Ham.

We can compare Cruz's cases against those Obama argued any time you're ready.
I think it has been pretty well established "Heze not Obama".

What we're looking for are his accomplishments. You know, as Senator. So don't come back with "He potty trained before he was two!"

Six pages in, and you guys are STILL stumped.

I find that fascinating. How much it must suck to be measured with the same accomplishment yardstick that has been used against Hillary, eh?

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