Any wrestling fans here?

...In ROH people leave the ring bleeding real blood, get real bones broken and real teeth knocked out...

Nope. That's what the promoter sells you.

You know, every swinging Richard that wants to criticize wrestling knows someone in the business. As it turns out, my father had a man working for him as a book-keeper. That book-keeper's father in law was a guy named Paul Jones. He was the promoter of Georgia Championship Wrestling.

I used to get into the matches free of charge and got to go backstage and hobnob with the wrestlers. In addition my wife's ex-husband was a professional wrestler that got his career ended when he got whipped into a turnbuckle and snapped his neck.

So, Dude, you aren't the only one who knows people in the business. Many matches are scripted, but not all of them. Wrestlers have too many matches to script them all. As I said, in most instances, winners are predetermined, but at the end of the day, nobody gives a crap. So, if you have something related to the OP, go for it. Otherwise, you'll have to gloat in your self righteousness know it all attitude. I don't care and I have a feeling the OP won't care either.


All of it is scripted.

100% of the time.

It is fully designed and intended to convince you that it's not... or that it's not "sometimes." If they couldn't convince at least SOME people that it's real, they wouldn't have an audience anymore. You are the "die hards" who they and their sport depends on. It's really no skin off my back if you want to believe it's real. Like I said, I've known die hards my whole life and there's just no convincing them otherwise. I say that's a testament to how well the promoters do their job and how well the performers sell the product.
Humorme says that the outcomes aren't always predetermined

And if anyone tells you differently they are lying to you. If it weren't "skin" off the back of those trying to hijack this thread, how come it's such a big deal to convince you?

Secondly, If wrestler A wrestles in Japan on Friday night and wrestler B wrestles in Atlanta on Friday night, but both wrestle against each other in New York on Saturday, night when in the Hell do you think they get to wrestle by a script?

Granted, the big pay per view events like WWE puts on are largely worked out in advance, but common sense should dictate to anyone that not every match can be scripted. Most of the outcome is predetermined, but more and more some guys do like to try the real thing... they want to be in UFC and use the smaller venues to hone their skills.
Can you give an example of one match where the winner wasn't predetermined?
Im sorry boss if i offended you i was just trying to talk wrestling.

I've been around message forums a long time, it's really hard to truly offend me. I just wanted you to understand the rules because you're new here. And I don't have a problem talking wrestling with you, I enjoy it as entertainment, but it is scripted and I know this for a fact. All I can say is, if you knew who I know, you'd understand I am telling the truth. So we'll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. But thanks for the apology.

who do u know?
Im sorry boss if i offended you i was just trying to talk wrestling.

I've been around message forums a long time, it's really hard to truly offend me. I just wanted you to understand the rules because you're new here. And I don't have a problem talking wrestling with you, I enjoy it as entertainment, but it is scripted and I know this for a fact. All I can say is, if you knew who I know, you'd understand I am telling the truth. So we'll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. But thanks for the apology.

who do u know?

I have been reading this board for years

He said in the past that he is friends with Virgil
Im sorry boss if i offended you i was just trying to talk wrestling.

I've been around message forums a long time, it's really hard to truly offend me. I just wanted you to understand the rules because you're new here. And I don't have a problem talking wrestling with you, I enjoy it as entertainment, but it is scripted and I know this for a fact. All I can say is, if you knew who I know, you'd understand I am telling the truth. So we'll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. But thanks for the apology.

who do u know?

Well, there' no need for me to say because I can't prove it on a message board and you wouldn't believe me anyway. But they are very well known, one of the biggest names in the business. I'm very close friends with his daughter and I've spent a lot of time with the family.
Im sorry boss if i offended you i was just trying to talk wrestling.

I've been around message forums a long time, it's really hard to truly offend me. I just wanted you to understand the rules because you're new here. And I don't have a problem talking wrestling with you, I enjoy it as entertainment, but it is scripted and I know this for a fact. All I can say is, if you knew who I know, you'd understand I am telling the truth. So we'll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. But thanks for the apology.

who do u know?

I have been reading this board for years

He said in the past that he is friends with Virgil

Jones or Runnels? Runnels is gone. Michael Jones probably.
Im sorry boss if i offended you i was just trying to talk wrestling.

I've been around message forums a long time, it's really hard to truly offend me. I just wanted you to understand the rules because you're new here. And I don't have a problem talking wrestling with you, I enjoy it as entertainment, but it is scripted and I know this for a fact. All I can say is, if you knew who I know, you'd understand I am telling the truth. So we'll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. But thanks for the apology.

who do u know?

I have been reading this board for years

He said in the past that he is friends with Virgil

Jones or Runnels? Runnels is gone. Michael Jones probably.
Dibiase’s old slave
Im sorry boss if i offended you i was just trying to talk wrestling.

I've been around message forums a long time, it's really hard to truly offend me. I just wanted you to understand the rules because you're new here. And I don't have a problem talking wrestling with you, I enjoy it as entertainment, but it is scripted and I know this for a fact. All I can say is, if you knew who I know, you'd understand I am telling the truth. So we'll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. But thanks for the apology.

who do u know?

I have been reading this board for years

He said in the past that he is friends with Virgil

Jones or Runnels? Runnels is gone. Michael Jones probably.
Dibiase’s old slave

He had a twin sister named Virgilina.

I know people said andre was 700lb but i heard he was actually 800lb at the end of his career

Crazy. People make a big deal about guys half his size today

He had the 'Giant disease'. His body kept growing and growing until his legs and back couldn't take it anymore. Even back surgery didn't help. Andre wouldn't even get the operation to prevent him from growing even more.
Im sorry boss if i offended you i was just trying to talk wrestling.

I've been around message forums a long time, it's really hard to truly offend me. I just wanted you to understand the rules because you're new here. And I don't have a problem talking wrestling with you, I enjoy it as entertainment, but it is scripted and I know this for a fact. All I can say is, if you knew who I know, you'd understand I am telling the truth. So we'll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. But thanks for the apology.

who do u know?

I have been reading this board for years

He said in the past that he is friends with Virgil

Jones or Runnels? Runnels is gone. Michael Jones probably.
Dibiase’s old slave

Michael Jones.
I've been around message forums a long time, it's really hard to truly offend me. I just wanted you to understand the rules because you're new here. And I don't have a problem talking wrestling with you, I enjoy it as entertainment, but it is scripted and I know this for a fact. All I can say is, if you knew who I know, you'd understand I am telling the truth. So we'll just have to agree to disagree, I suppose. But thanks for the apology.

who do u know?

I have been reading this board for years

He said in the past that he is friends with Virgil

Jones or Runnels? Runnels is gone. Michael Jones probably.
Dibiase’s old slave

He had a twin sister named Virgilina.

The name soon did not fit.
i kno barry orton

He was on a podcast back in June. Loved the "These f*cking babyfaces today.." remark.


this thread isnt about amature wrestling bozo. start your own thread and get lost this is my thread.

College wrestling is real wrestling, the only higher form is Olympic.

Pro wrestling is fake.

C'mon dude, half those guys live here. Me and a friend used to go into the convenience store run by our other friend and do wrestling stuff to ham it up. Bodyslam, chest slap, elbow to head, piledriver. :badgrin:

It was mainly for his entertainment, but it was fun, I don't think we scared away his other customer that day. :rolleyes:

this thread isnt about amature wrestling bozo. start your own thread and get lost this is my thread.

College wrestling is real wrestling, the only higher form is Olympic.

Pro wrestling is fake.

C'mon dude, half those guys live here. Me and a friend used to go into the convenience store run by our other friend and do wrestling stuff to ham it up. Bodyslam, chest slap, elbow to head, piledriver. :badgrin:

It was mainly for his entertainment, but it was fun, I don't think we scared away his other customer that day. :rolleyes:

then i will alow you to talk about kurt angel and irone sheek. those guys went to the olympics before they went pro.

this thread isnt about amature wrestling bozo. start your own thread and get lost this is my thread.

College wrestling is real wrestling, the only higher form is Olympic.

Pro wrestling is fake.

C'mon dude, half those guys live here. Me and a friend used to go into the convenience store run by our other friend and do wrestling stuff to ham it up. Bodyslam, chest slap, elbow to head, piledriver. :badgrin:

It was mainly for his entertainment, but it was fun, I don't think we scared away his other customer that day. :rolleyes:
Common knowledge that all forms of amateur and pro wrestling are predetermined

The ncaa stuff is still fun to watch though

this thread isnt about amature wrestling bozo. start your own thread and get lost this is my thread.

College wrestling is real wrestling, the only higher form is Olympic.....

Finally an on-topic post!

this thread is about pro wrestling dummie. get out or i will ask someone in staff to remove you. you are stinking this thread up and are always offtopic.

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