Anybody know how to donote to the Center for Medical Progress?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I'm watching their unedited videos now. It's a shame that liberal judge barred them from releasing anything else. So far it's vindicated a lot of what I've been saying about this group for years. I realize another sting would never work with the undoubted spike in OPSEC, but I'm sure they'll find plenty of other ways to put my money to good use keeping the abortion industry's bloody little hands off of my family.
Send the Koch brothers a check, they will see that they get it.
The fanatical anti abortionist pro forced birthers do not want the fetus to die in the womb...they prefer the fetus be born then die from lack of food housing and medical care...that proves how much more humane they are than anyone else...once that fetus is born they do a "Pontious Pilate" they bring out a basin of water and wash their hands off the NOW God forsaken baby
Nah, I don't buy into that particular conspiracy theory.
Why would you want to send money to an organization that is entirely bankrolled by some very deep pockets? They were created out of whole cloth to deflect financial liability from operation rescue because they have already been successfully sued by planned parenthood.
Jesus fuck that's huge. I totally agree with the sentiment tho. Abortion is only one facet of the larger pro-life agenda. We need to be fighting it but that's not enough. We also need to be fighting poverty. We need to be fighting dysfunctional attitudes towards sex and pregnancy. We need to be fighting for more generous welfare, mandatory provision of sufficient maternal and paternal leave, and an educational system that's worth a damn. We need to actively work towards establishing a society where it's safe to live from conception to one's death bed. Anything less is not enough.

Nah, I don't buy into that particular conspiracy theory.
Why would you want to send money to an organization that is entirely bankrolled by some very deep pockets? They were created out of whole cloth to deflect financial liability from operation rescue because they have already been successfully sued by planned parenthood.
Because they successfully carried out a massive and well coordinated sting operation against a business that makes its money from taxpayer funding and quite literally murdering my family. Because of this, this business is now so fucked that it needed a friendly court to issue an emergency order barring the release of any more recordings of what really goes on inside its organization. Of course I'm going to be happy to ensure that they can continue this work.
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Jesus fuck that's huge. I totally agree with the sentiment tho. Abortion is only one facet of the larger pro-life agenda. We need to be fighting it but that's not enough. We also need to be fighting poverty. We need to be fighting dysfunctional attitudes towards sex and pregnancy. We need to actively work towards establishing a society where it's safe to live from conception to one's death bed. Anything less is not enough.
Women need access to birth control easily cheaply....they need access to information on reproductive health care ...all the things the forced birthers oppose...
Jesus fuck that's huge. I totally agree with the sentiment tho. Abortion is only one facet of the larger pro-life agenda. We need to be fighting it but that's not enough. We also need to be fighting poverty. We need to be fighting dysfunctional attitudes towards sex and pregnancy. We need to actively work towards establishing a society where it's safe to live from conception to one's death bed. Anything less is not enough.
That sounds suspiciously like a liberal nanny state. The best way to fight abortion is to make all forms of contraception so readily available to women and girls that there is no real excuse for an unplanned pregnancy, unfortunately the anti-abortion dick-holes fight that just as hard. They say it encourages sex when orgasms mostly encourage sex, maybe they have just never had one.
Anybody know how to donote to the Center for Medical Progress?

Good idea, they can use to buy candy and chips, in prison. Don't fuck with the IRS, kids.
That sounds suspiciously like a liberal nanny state. The best way to fight abortion is to make all forms of contraception so readily available to women and girls that there is no real excuse for an unplanned pregnancy, unfortunately the anti-abortion dick-holes fight that just as hard. They say it encourages sex when orgasms mostly encourage sex, maybe they have just never had one.
I want free condoms and birth control to be readily available. I want comprehensive sex education and parenting classes mandatory in every school. I want every new parent to have at least six months of fully paid leave offered to them so they can be with their new child. All of that's just a good start towards what's necessary to ending abortion. I really don't give a damn if that describes a "liberal nanny state" or not. This is the only way our society is going to be a safe and healthy place to grow up.
That sounds suspiciously like a liberal nanny state. The best way to fight abortion is to make all forms of contraception so readily available to women and girls that there is no real excuse for an unplanned pregnancy, unfortunately the anti-abortion dick-holes fight that just as hard. They say it encourages sex when orgasms mostly encourage sex, maybe they have just never had one.
It doesn't matter if it's a "liberal nanny state". I want free condoms and birth control to be readily available. I want comprehensive sex education and parenting classes mandatory in every school. I want every new parent to have at least six months of fully paid leave offered to them so they can be with their new child. All of that's just a good start towards what's necessary to ending abortion.

when they stop allowing young women to get welfare without giving up the name of the father first that will do more to ending welfare and abortion as well

condoms and free birth control are already readily available
'comprehensive sex education" has been given to kids in liberal cities for years; teens there still get pregnant AND have abortions

libs are losers who lie to themselves
'comprehensive sex education" has been given to kids in liberal cities for years; teens there still get pregnant AND have abortions

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Social conservatives are engaged in a battle against factual education and contraception as well with the result that abortions are mostly sought by poor rural whites as well as a higher percentage of unwed births.
I'm watching their unedited videos now. It's a shame that liberal judge barred them from releasing anything else. So far it's vindicated a lot of what I've been saying about this group for years. I realize another sting would never work with the undoubted spike in OPSEC, but I'm sure they'll find plenty of other ways to put my money to good use keeping the abortion industry's bloody little hands off of my family.

It's simple, go here and click Donate.

The Center for Medical Progress
I'm watching their unedited videos now. It's a shame that liberal judge barred them from releasing anything else. So far it's vindicated a lot of what I've been saying about this group for years. I realize another sting would never work with the undoubted spike in OPSEC, but I'm sure they'll find plenty of other ways to put my money to good use keeping the abortion industry's bloody little hands off of my family.
The best way you can support the CMP is to not ever take advantage of any medical treatment or procedure. If you or your child gets cancer or some other serious ailment, you deal with it. Basically, you become a Scientologist.
I'm watching their unedited videos now. It's a shame that liberal judge barred them from releasing anything else. So far it's vindicated a lot of what I've been saying about this group for years. I realize another sting would never work with the undoubted spike in OPSEC, but I'm sure they'll find plenty of other ways to put my money to good use keeping the abortion industry's bloody little hands off of my family.

It's simple, go here and click Donate.

The Center for Medical Progress
Not a good idea to donate, although it's much worse to solicit donations, to those facing wire-fraud charges.
when they stop allowing young women to get welfare without giving up the name of the father first that will do more to ending welfare and abortion as well

condoms and free birth control are already readily available
How the fuck will refusing single mothers welfare prevent them from aborting? The single most common reason for abortion in this country is that the mother is already taking care of kids and can't afford more. She's already borne children. She's already pregnant with another. She can't afford the new one. The choices are two: either society pays for it, or her new child does. Which will it be?

'comprehensive sex education" has been given to kids in liberal cities for years; teens there still get pregnant AND have abortions

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I'm not a liberal. I fall to the left economically, but only because of what I just said. You don't get to call yourself pro-life if you're not willing to put just as much effort into ensuring a child's continued survival after birth as you did ensuring their survival up to birth. All of that effort protecting them from the PP chop shops was wasted if he dies of a preventable disease soon after, or she starves to death because her parents couldn't afford an extra mouth to feed. So are you going to put your money where your mouth is and take the responsibility for that child's continued well being upon yourself, or are you going to stop calling yourself something you clearly aren't?

Not a good idea to donate, although it's much worse to solicit donations, to those facing wire-fraud charges.
Wire fraud?
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Jesus fuck that's huge. I totally agree with the sentiment tho. Abortion is only one facet of the larger pro-life agenda. We need to be fighting it but that's not enough. We also need to be fighting poverty. We need to be fighting dysfunctional attitudes towards sex and pregnancy. We need to actively work towards establishing a society where it's safe to live from conception to one's death bed. Anything less is not enough.
Women need access to birth control easily cheaply....they need access to information on reproductive health care ...all the things the forced birthers oppose...

$9 a month at Walmart.

Far cheaper than a manicure or a hairdo.
$9 a month at Walmart.

Far cheaper than a manicure or a hairdo.
Say she can't afford that. Say she's a poor white Southerner working a dead end job that pays so little she can't even have her own apartment or reliably keep her car running*. Are you willing to buy that $9 birth control for her, or are you willing to risk her getting a pregnancy she sure as shit can't afford and aborting the child? Prevention is worthless after the fact.

*I realize you're probably going to call that a bigoted stereotype. That's fine. She's one of my people and was based on several people I know well. The white trash runs deep in my blood.
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