Anybody know why Search remains Out of Order?


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
In spite of numerous requests to fix it...

... for the last 5 days???
It ismworking for me, and I know I've used it the last few days, too.
I often get an error message when I post a new message. It says I 'must wait x seconds before I can post'. I close that error message and find my message has been posted.
Just tried it, still don't work...

... same error message...

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Error
The search could not be completed. Please try again later.
Just tried it, still don't work...

... same error message...

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Error
The search could not be completed. Please try again later.

Not sure. Try searching the site for an answer :booze:

Didn't work for me earlier but I don't do a lot of searches so no biggy. I was just looking for a thread to tell a story I found amusing. I tried to introduce my cat to my new house I will be moving into in a couple weeks. Three seconds after stiing him down, he bolted and I now have a cat-sized hole on the screened porch. He booked all the way home. Fortunately my current house is not far away. LOL. Maybe next time I will try it with tuna.
Cat relocation stories can be funny. Back in the early eighties, there was this black cat, Raider. Raider was solid muscle, would lay around all day...go out at night...come home scarred from whippin' other cats through the night...built up vet bills monthly. Despite multiple attempts to rid themselves of the cat by transporting it several miles away, across railroad tracks and highways, releasing it then going about their business, the cat managed to make it back home before they did. I think cats have similar instincts similar to homing pigeons in their ability to find their way "home".


Later, when the couple was to move out of town, they gave Raider to me. For several days, I kept Raider inside with full view of the back yard, day and night, through the sliding glass doors. One Saturday morning, I slid the door open just wide enough for Raider to squeeze through and I watched where he went...then I'd go get him and bring him back. Several times, he'd go hide under the scrubs at my neighbors house and various places in my yard. Repeated this procedure on Sunday morning for about a dozen of these 'hide-n-go-seek' reruns. Monday, I just opened the door and didn't follow. Raider was gone for a couple of hours before I discovered him sitting on the outside sill of a kitchen window. Later, he came eat. He was home!

Raider stayed around for a couple of years, sleepin' on the window sill by day and catin' around outside all night. Sometimes, he'd sleep by day about six feet above the ground in the vee of a tree in the front yard. I once watched him spring violently horizontally, swat at a startled bird that had landed several feet out near the end of a limb, hit the bird and knock it to the ground, land on four feet, pounce on the wounded bird and dispatch it mercifully. Then he took it to the back door and dropped it.

He'd come home scarred some mornings, but nothing that ever needed the vet. He'd heal up and go at it again, seldom with more than two months between scuffles. Loved to eat steak....raw. Loved to drink beer.

Amazing cat. Stayed inside only when the weather was wet or deeply cold. Slept by day, prowled by night...on nary a night did he lose a fight 'til the that one when he didn't come home.

I'll bet it was a helluva fight!
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Search is working for me this evening.

As for cats, it is baby making season and my cat is technically feral so he probably wanted to get back to his territory and out of someone else's. He used to get his butt whipped all the time. Now he is just really good at running. It is ironic because this cat is probably strong enough to take out any other cat in the neighborhood. It just doesn't have a fighting instinct. I have seen cats take him down that would run from other smaller cats if they stood their ground. Poor fellow is a lover not a fighter.
Search is working for me this evening.

As for cats, it is baby making season and my cat is technically feral so he probably wanted to get back to his territory and out of someone else's. He used to get his butt whipped all the time. Now he is just really good at running. It is ironic because this cat is probably strong enough to take out any other cat in the neighborhood. It just doesn't have a fighting instinct. I have seen cats take him down that would run from other smaller cats if they stood their ground. Poor fellow is a lover not a fighter.
Sounds like me...the lover not a fighter part! But I will admit, sometimes it feels good to get your back clawed!:biggrin:

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