Anybody wondering why Candy had the Rose Garden Transcript....

Cheddar....can you tell us why Obama spent the next 10 days blaming the video for the "spontaneous" attack on our ambassador?

I'll help can't.

I dont' care to defend Obama on it. I don't think he got the situation right either. Mistakes were made.

But the biggest foils the Mitten-knitters have attacked him on, that he never called it an act of terror, and that he doesn't take responsiblity, both were shown as false last night.

Add visuals you would be Mr. Shaman. I'm sick as a dog, stoned out on various forms of Nyquil but holy toledo.

You can't speak english at all and you have no grammar. You're like rdean on meth.
Cheddar....can you tell us why Obama spent the next 10 days blaming the video for the "spontaneous" attack on our ambassador?

I'll help can't.

I dont' care to defend Obama on it. I don't think he got the situation right either. Mistakes were made.

But the biggest foils the Mitten-knitters have attacked him on, that he never called it an act of terror, and that he doesn't take responsiblity, both were shown as false last night.

Add visuals you would be Mr. Shaman. I'm sick as a dog, stoned out on various forms of Nyquil but holy toledo.

You can't speak english at all and you have no grammar. You're like rdean on meth.
Is that REALLY the best criticisms you have to offer?
He didn't say the Libya attack was an act of terror on that transcript. He went on and on and ON about how awful the video was, and how tragic blah blah blah...

And at the end he said we wouldn't tolerate acts of terror.

And for the next 2 weeks they just kept reiterating it was just a protest against the video that got out of hand....that isn't the same as saying it's an act of terror. Protest out of hand is not equal to act of terror.
[ame=]Did Obama label the Libya attack as an act of terror? - YouTube[/ame]
"Act of terror"

He was talking about the violent protest. This is what he framed the next two weeks with.

He shits on our first amendment and went in front of the UN condemning our first amendment.
He didn't say the Libya attack was an act of terror on that transcript. He went on and on and ON about how awful the video was, and how tragic blah blah blah...

And at the end he said we wouldn't tolerate acts of terror.

And for the next 2 weeks they just kept reiterating it was just a protest against the video that got out of hand....that isn't the same as saying it's an act of terror. Protest out of hand is not equal to act of terror.
[ame=]Did Obama label the Libya attack as an act of terror? - YouTube[/ame]

but but but he didn't say it! He didn't! Romney said he didn't! :cuckoo:
These are the kind of headlines I'm seeing:

Oooo, ooooo,ooooo I can play too!!!

Rom’s blow for leadership staggers Comeback Kid

Michael Goodwin

It’s the future, stupid.

If the test of last night’s showdown is whether President Obama was more aggressive and energetic than he was in the first debate, then he wins the Comeback Kid award. But if the standard is who is more focused and better prepared to create jobs and improve the American economy in the next four years, then the winner was Mitt Romney.

He looks and sounds increasingly like a man who is ready to take on the enormous challenges of being president.

Rom’s blow for leadership staggers Comeback Kid -

Unfortunately unlike the first debate nobody won this one.

Only an idiot would quote the NY Post..

Oh yeah?

Well only a BIGGEr idiot would quote Eugene Robinson, grow up kid.
Romney's the one who tried to sneak a lie through.

Isn't it more important that the truth came out during the debate?
I wouldn't think that Penis size had much relevance to the discussion. But let me hilight the point. In the first presidential debate, some people said that Obama still won.

that's patently ridiculous, of course, Obama performed very poorly in the first debate. Polls not relying on confirmation bias should have scored it near 100-0 for Romney.

and now you prove my point, by saying that Obama didn't win the debate, despite polls that indicate otherwise. Fact is, peoples preconcieved ideals are far more important a qualifier for poll outcomes, and even elections, than information or performance will ever accomplish.

Too funny.

Golly olly, I don't think my guy won the debate last night...there goes your theory.

The polls, numbskull. the polls. They are very partisan. I don't give a rip what you think about who won the debate. Classic spin doctoring will indicate that both did, when you look at all polls and opinion pieces.

Of course you give a rip, thats why you are spending so much time trying to convince me that I am engaging in your pet psychological theory.

Main street believes they can be won and lost despite your attempt to explain it away using Psych 101 techniques.

I know you think you are the smartest guy in the room...but in your ego lies your intellectual weakness.
Too funny.

Golly olly, I don't think my guy won the debate last night...there goes your theory.

The polls, numbskull. the polls. They are very partisan. I don't give a rip what you think about who won the debate. Classic spin doctoring will indicate that both did, when you look at all polls and opinion pieces.

Of course you give a rip, thats why you are spending so much time trying to convince me that I am engaging in your pet psychological theory.

Main street believes they can be won and lost despite your attempt to explain it away using Psych 101 techniques.

I know you think you are the smartest guy in the room...but in your ego lies your intellectual weakness.

I have confidence that my intelligence is superior to some around here, to be sure, but I don't think you can make a value judgment like that without looking like a clown.

Just pay attention to your BFF though. He's the one that forwarded the notion that there are 47% of the American people that won't be budged. If confirmation bias is a bunch of bullshit, they should be able to be convinced by him that he's a good choice. He doesn't believe it either.
The polls, numbskull. the polls. They are very partisan. I don't give a rip what you think about who won the debate. Classic spin doctoring will indicate that both did, when you look at all polls and opinion pieces.

Of course you give a rip, thats why you are spending so much time trying to convince me that I am engaging in your pet psychological theory.

Main street believes they can be won and lost despite your attempt to explain it away using Psych 101 techniques.

I know you think you are the smartest guy in the room...but in your ego lies your intellectual weakness.

I have confidence that my intelligence is superior to some around here, to be sure, but I don't think you can make a value judgment like that without looking like a clown.

Just pay attention to your BFF though. He's the one that forwarded the notion that there are 47% of the American people that won't be budged. If confirmation bias is a bunch of bullshit, they should be able to be convinced by him that he's a good choice. He doesn't believe it either.

While I am certain that in certain circles you are indeed a god, I don't share the view....truth is you are just another hack seeking validation from complete strangers...bbut by all means, carry on.
Romney's the one who tried to sneak a lie through.

Isn't it more important that the truth came out during the debate?

Obama blamed the murders on a movie for two weeks.. .knowing full well it was an organized terrorist attack that fully contracdicted his ridiculous assertions that Al Quadea is dead.

Romney's the one who tried to sneak a lie through.

Isn't it more important that the truth came out during the debate?

Obama blamed the murders on a movie for two weeks.. .knowing full well it was an organized terrorist attack that fully contracdicted his ridiculous assertions that Al Quadea is dead.


He did that because
1# He wanted to drag our first amendment through the mud
2# He wanted our country to appear weak

He said terrorize in the context of the protest. Why can't you people get it through your heads???
....and why Obama knew she had it?

Too funny.

Perhaps she was there. Factually, she was correct. Mittens tried to lie again, and got stung.

She was indeed SO correct that the President spent the next two weeks were spent by Obama blaming the video, are getting worse at this.

You're one pathetic liar. At least people with two synapses to rub together now know that Mitt lied.

“Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. We are still making next of kin notifications for the other two individuals.”
— Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, State Department Treaty room, Sept. 12

“The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. We're working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats. I've also directed my administration to increase our security at diplomatic posts around the world. And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.
“Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts…No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.”
She did recant. She said Mitt was right he just didn't frame it the right way.

She said Mitt was mistaken on the acts of terror comment. And, he was. Not only did Obama make that comment on the 12th, he made it twice on the 13th:

CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

I provided a link to one version of those comments (and a link to the entirety of his speech in Golden, Colorado) on another thread entitled Acts of Terror 9/13/2012 in this forum.

I may be a shock to you but in the transcript you provided Obama never said the attack in Libya was a terrorist attack.

"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans

The first sentence by Obama clearly refers to the attack on 9-11-2001. The second sentence by Obama clearly refers to the attack on 9-11-2012. There is no reference in the second sentence to any terrorist attack.

Even if Obama did say it was a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden on 9-12-12 (which he didn't) why did he send his top UN adviser out and say it wasn't?

Can you spell or smell a 'COVER UP'?
Anybody wondering why Candy had the Rose Garden Transcript....
....and why Obama knew she had it?

Too funny.

The transcript? Maybe she just had her facts straight. Look, Mitt is the one who insisted on pursuing that line of attack. He marched up to the moderator and basically demanded that she affirm his claim. What choice did she have at that point but to correct him? If he had kept it short and sweet and moved on, he probably wouldn't have been corrected. His problem was that after Obama owned up to the mistake, Romney knew he was losing the argument, so he felt like he needed to really push Obama on what he felt was his only legitimate criticism at that point. Only it wasn't a legitimate criticism, as he quickly found out.
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Anybody wondering why Candy had the Rose Garden Transcript....
....and why Obama knew she had it?

Too funny.

The transcript? Maybe she just had her facts straight. Look, Mitt is the one who insisted on pursuing that line of attack. He marched up to the moderator and basically demanded that she affirm his claim. What choice did she have at that point but to correct him? If he had kept it short and sweet and moved on, he probably wouldn't have been corrected. His problem was that after Obama owned up to the mistake, Romney knew he was losing the argument, so he felt like he needed to really push Obama on what he felt was his only legitimate criticism at that point. Only it wasn't a legitimate criticism, as he quickly found out.

LOL, he didn't walk towards her until after Obama asked her to verify from the transcript, you need to pay better attention.
Romney's the one who tried to sneak a lie through.

Isn't it more important that the truth came out during the debate?

Obama blamed the murders on a movie for two weeks.. .knowing full well it was an organized terrorist attack that fully contracdicted his ridiculous assertions that Al Quadea is dead.



1. On Sept. 19, Matthew G. Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, said about the killings in Benghazi during a Senate hearing, “Yes, they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy.”

2. But the attackers, recognized as members of a local militant group called Ansar al-Shariah, did tell bystanders that they were attacking the compound because they were angry about the video.
Anybody wondering why Candy had the Rose Garden Transcript....
....and why Obama knew she had it?

Too funny.

The transcript? Maybe she just had her facts straight. Look, Mitt is the one who insisted on pursuing that line of attack. He marched up to the moderator and basically demanded that she affirm his claim. What choice did she have at that point but to correct him? If he had kept it short and sweet and moved on, he probably wouldn't have been corrected. His problem was that after Obama owned up to the mistake, Romney knew he was losing the argument, so he felt like he needed to really push Obama on what he felt was his only legitimate criticism at that point. Only it wasn't a legitimate criticism, as he quickly found out.

The President was full of shit, he never said anything about a terrorist attack in Libya on 9-12-12 and Candy took what Obama said out of context without the next sentence being mentioned which didn't refer to any terrorist attack in Libya. Thus handed the debate to Obama on a lie.

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