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anyone here a oathkeeper?

the door-to-door gun confiscation from law abiding american citizens due violation of 2nd amendment.

The city of New Orleans admitted that what they had authorized was wrong. I do not agree with what they did mind you.

The Second Amendment states... "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The amendment forbids the federal government from passing any law, that infringes on the right of the people to bear arms. Technically speaking, said amendment does not prevent the individual states from passing any law restricting or forbidding the right to bear arms. Ergo what happened during Katrina, was not a violation of the II Amendment.

Technically speaking, the city of New Orleans violated Article 1, Section 11, of the State Constitution of Louisiana.

Article 1, Sec. 11. The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be
abridged, but this provision shall not prevent the passage
of laws to prohibit the carrying of weapons concealed on the
I have already left seven of "you" in military prison, one for life. "I" am in your future, gunny. You are nothing but a train wreck waiting to happen.

Whatever. Typical zero who thinks his shit don't stink. If you EVER tried to fuck with me, it'd be YOU ... the dumbass, know-it-all zero whose ass would be getting hanged out to dry.:lol:

Gunny, you would refuse my lawful order, you would strike my head from your arm, and then right quick a double slap to your ears, a kick to the groin, and a knee to the face. The metal bracelets tightened down on the wrists, and away you stagger to confinementg.

The the real fun began if your wife wasboh cute and nice, hoping to help you by 'helping' us. We swied more than we didn't.


You would be incorrect. They'd spend a week digging your head out of the ground, regardless what happened to me. Military law enforcement is no faster than civilian law enforcement.

That being said. keep dreaming. Zeroes like YOU end up in the brig wondering WTF happened and who set your ass up. No shots fired. Used to abusing PFC's are you?

I didn't make GySgt and serve 20 by disobeying lawful orders, dipweed.
Do you always say that about your Brothers?

Who by the way have taken an oath to defend and protect the Constitution. They are keeping their end of the deal

this is about this radical group called the oathtakers not everybody that has taken the oath

...do you mean oathkeepers? taking an oath and keeping it are totally different. you wouldn't know i guess.

Explain the difference, please. This would be the 3rd time I've asked you to present an argument and you have not.
this is about this radical group called the oathtakers not everybody that has taken the oath

...do you mean oathkeepers? taking an oath and keeping it are totally different. you wouldn't know i guess.

i would know and that is why i have your radical anti American panties in a bunch.

Based on the mission statement, they have a valid statement that is not unlawful. You have some evidence to add that proves otherwise?
this organization is specifically for military members so they would be representing the military by joining.

The membership is not just active Military. It is retired Military as well as Police officers and many other groups. I am a supporter.

What We Are Not

We are Not advocating or promoting the overthrow of
any government whether local, state or national.
We want our governments to return to the Constitutional
Republic which the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution defined and instituted.

We are Not advocating or promoting violence towards
any organization, group or person.
We are determined to Honor our Oath to support and
defend the Constitution.

We are not advocating or promoting the removal of any
person from his or her elected office.
We want all elected persons to live up to their
Oath to "support and defend the Constitution" as it
is written or to leave of their own volition.

We are not advocating or promoting that anyone in the
Judicial Branch be removed or replaced.
We want the Justices in the Judicial Branch to follow
the Constitution as written without interpretation.

We are not advocating or promoting any particular
form of government other than the Constitutional
Republic which the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution defined and instituted.

We are not advocating or promoting the rewriting of
the Constitution nor are we asking for an Amendment thereto.
We are insisting on the Constitution being Enforced
as it is written without interpretation.

We are Not advocating or promoting any act or acts of
aggression against any organization or person for any
reason including, but not limited to; race, religion,
national origin, political affiliation, gender or
sexual orientation.

We hope for a return to a Constitutional Republic free from fear and hatred,
We hate only tyranny.

We are Oath sworn Americans who want the
Constitution returned to its Legal and Rightful place, intact,
as the Ultimate Law of the Land.

funny how they pop up now but not during bush's time in office, i guess things like the patriot act were just fine with these people regarding questions of constitutionality.

Where've YOU been? I pissed all over the Republican Congress and Bush when what they did was unConstitutional. I just didn't do it every time a leftwingnut threw his dirty skivvies against the wall to see if they'd stick.
The way I see it, every employer of this Republic has a duty to the Constitution. Whether they realize that or not, is another issue.
funny how they pop up now but not during bush's time in office, i guess things like the patriot act were just fine with these people regarding questions of constitutionality.

Does a Military man or woman stop keeping their oath at any given time?

I thought once a Marine always a Marine

Why do you oppose upholding the Constitution, therfore keeping the people of America free from tyranny? :confused:

like already stated this organization is very transparent and if any thing it is anti American and designed to hinder the duly elected U.S. Government for the simple fact it is no longer republican/conservative controlled.

Based on the mission statement, there is nothing anti-American about it.
Then again, I don't need to spend 30 bucks, and have my name on a watch list.
Does a Military man or woman stop keeping their oath at any given time?

I thought once a Marine always a Marine

Why do you oppose upholding the Constitution, therfore keeping the people of America free from tyranny? :confused:

like already stated this organization is very transparent and if any thing it is anti American and designed to hinder the duly elected U.S. Government for the simple fact it is no longer republican/conservative controlled.

Based on the mission statement, there is nothing anti-American about it.

Limiting and haulting government intervention/intrusion into the lives of the American people is a lofty endeavor. It's good, honest work. It's a powerful message when presented well. I think the Oath Keepers present that well, and with honor.

It is one of the most American things one can do
Just a passing thought I am having from reading this thread

What would happen, if every blue blooded American took 1 week off work, to protest the taxes imposed on us and given away like water?

Can any of us stick together that way? Or are we going to live by the fear of losing a weeks wages?

Just a random thought about how to beat government intrusion into our lives :doubt:
Just a passing thought I am having from reading this thread

What would happen, if every blue blooded American took 1 week off work, to protest the taxes imposed on us and given away like water?

Can any of us stick together that way? Or are we going to live by the fear of losing a weeks wages?

Just a random thought about how to beat government intrusion into our lives :doubt:
That will never happen.
Just a passing thought I am having from reading this thread

What would happen, if every blue blooded American took 1 week off work, to protest the taxes imposed on us and given away like water?

Can any of us stick together that way? Or are we going to live by the fear of losing a weeks wages?

Just a random thought about how to beat government intrusion into our lives :doubt:
That will never happen.

I know, but wouldn't it be a powerfull statement to government? Oh well, I often have thoughts of hope
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Just a passing thought I am having from reading this thread

What would happen, if every blue blooded American took 1 week off work, to protest the taxes imposed on us and given away like water?

Can any of us stick together that way? Or are we going to live by the fear of losing a weeks wages?

Just a random thought about how to beat government intrusion into our lives :doubt:
That will never happen.

I know, but wouldn't it be a powerfull statement to government? Oh well, I often have thoughts of hope
What I would love to see is 4 million people show up in DC when congress returns from recess all dressed in Brooks Brother's clothes with a handmade sign with her picture wearing a swastika. Now that would be a powerful statement.
Just a passing thought I am having from reading this thread

What would happen, if every blue blooded American took 1 week off work, to protest the taxes imposed on us and given away like water?

Can any of us stick together that way? Or are we going to live by the fear of losing a weeks wages?

Just a random thought about how to beat government intrusion into our lives :doubt:
That will never happen.

I know, but wouldn't it be a powerfull statement to government? Oh well, I often have thoughts of hope

If you ( meaning the employers at large ) want to truly get the federal government's attention, and put the brakes on the beast in Washington, not paying taxes would do it.

I do not understand ( in my heart ) the apathy and callous attitude so many have towards the Constitution?

I am no fan of Lincoln. But, in 1837, he spoke truth. Why so many are blind is both sad and frustrating to me.

"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

My money is on Gunny.

Same here. I think the noob is out of his league.

The noob doesn't have an argument. He's spent all his time trying to impress me with what-all he claims to have done during his alleged tenure in the military.

No officer worth a shit talks the shit this clown is. Either he never was an officer, or he wasn't one for very long and most likely was a boxkicking beancounter without a clue. Any officer with an attitude like is probably got his ass served by some troopies and he still can't get over it.:lol:

Personally, I think he's just a piece of shit with about as much TIS as Barrack Obama.:cool:
That will never happen.

I know, but wouldn't it be a powerfull statement to government? Oh well, I often have thoughts of hope

If you ( meaning the employers at large ) want to truly get the federal government's attention, and put the brakes on the beast in Washington, not paying taxes would do it.

I do not understand ( in my heart ) the apathy and callous attitude so many have towards the Constitution?

I am no fan of Lincoln. But, in 1837, he spoke truth. Why so many are blind is both sad and frustrating to me.

"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

I agree, and I'm still waiting to see an example of rightwing extremism. The mission statement is Constitutionalist. The Constitution is the embodiment of the ideals and principles by which this nation was created. If the government veers away from it, which one is wrong?

The sensationalist fearmongering from the left whenever this topic comes up is almost comical. They have no argument. Just rhetoric. Then they try to silence the opposition with the "antiAmerican" bomb. Bullshit.

The Constitution IS this nation. Its elected officials are supposed to represent both it, and us. If we, the people do not hold the government accountable to the law, who or what does? THAT is our responsibility at which we have failed dismally during the past few decades and the result is self-evident.

And just to clear it up for the knuckleheads without a clue, I am not advocating ANY form of overthrow, violent or not, nor any unlawful act against the US government. The people who actually are affected the most who are too busy trying to survive to turn out and vote need to take the time every two years to suck it up and do it anyway. The price of that day off to vote doesn't come anywhere NEAR the price we are going to pay in taxes to support a leftwing, activist agenda during the upcoming years.
Oh, and what unlawful order did the NG follow during Katrina?

first, i don't decide what is unlawful, the United States Constitution does, which the oath of service binds one's loyalty when entering into service to the American people.

Second, the National Guard comitted treason by disarming the American people in 2005. Please watch the youtube video posted on the first page for more details.

I hope you take it upon yourself to study a little bit of history before calling people loons in relation to a subject you clearly do not have the atiquate educational training to understand.
The video shows NOPD taking guns...not the Guard.

This is why you aren't qualified to decide what is lawful and what is not...you don't know what you are talking about.

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