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anyone here a oathkeeper?

Anyone here a oathkeeper? If so and you know something about steel and concrete construction, your best chance to protect and defend the Constitution is in the thread titled.

FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

I have evidence whic is independently verified showing that FEMA completely decived the NIST investigation and that due process in the "cuse of death" of 3,000 on 9-11 has not been satisfied.

Our soldiers are being used.


The government causing 9/11 for its own devices etc. is a load of crap, in my opinion. This thread isn't about that.

The US government could not have done what happened. It is prohibited from doing anything like that and still existing as lawful government as soon as it acts.

The government has been infiltrated, those acting in violation of US laws are NOT real US government. You can tell by how readily they ignore laws and overlook the violation of laws and Constitutional principles.

Remember, not every law need to be violated to effect a plan of infiltration and takeover. Only key acts need be done absolutely, and the laws prohibiting them must be violated to conduct the infiltration with its mission.

This thread is about oathkeepers.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

you are needed. Like parachutes, minds only work when they are open.
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Anyone here a oathkeeper? If so and you know something about steel and concrete construction, your best chance to protect and defend the Constitution is in the thread titled.

FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

I have evidence whic is independently verified showing that FEMA completely decived the NIST investigation and that due process in the "cuse of death" of 3,000 on 9-11 has not been satisfied.

Our soldiers are being used.


The government causing 9/11 for its own devices etc. is a load of crap, in my opinion. This thread isn't about that.

The US government could not have done what happened. It is prohibited from doing anything like that and still existing as lawful government as soon as it acts.

The government has been infiltrated, those acting in violation of US laws are NOT real US government. You can tell by how readily they ignore laws and overlook the violation of laws and Constitutional principles.

Remember, not every law need to be violated to effect a plan of infiltration and takeover. Only key acts need be done absolutely, and the laws prohibiting them must be violated to conduct the infiltration with its mission.

This thread is not about 9/11 conspiracies. Go peddle that crap in the Conspiracy Theories forum.
The government causing 9/11 for its own devices etc. is a load of crap, in my opinion. This thread isn't about that.

The US government could not have done what happened. It is prohibited from doing anything like that and still existing as lawful government as soon as it acts.

The government has been infiltrated, those acting in violation of US laws are NOT real US government. You can tell by how readily they ignore laws and overlook the violation of laws and Constitutional principles.

Remember, not every law need to be violated to effect a plan of infiltration and takeover. Only key acts need be done absolutely, and the laws prohibiting them must be violated to conduct the infiltration with its mission.

This thread is not about 9/11 conspiracies. Go peddle that crap in the Conspiracy Theories forum.

Are you saying everyone should believe FEMA as if they were gospel when hard evidence is in hand showing they decieved the agency investigating and analyzing the cause of death?
The US government could not have done what happened. It is prohibited from doing anything like that and still existing as lawful government as soon as it acts.

The government has been infiltrated, those acting in violation of US laws are NOT real US government. You can tell by how readily they ignore laws and overlook the violation of laws and Constitutional principles.

Remember, not every law need to be violated to effect a plan of infiltration and takeover. Only key acts need be done absolutely, and the laws prohibiting them must be violated to conduct the infiltration with its mission.

This thread is not about 9/11 conspiracies. Go peddle that crap in the Conspiracy Theories forum.

Are you saying everyone should believe FEMA as if they were gospel when hard evidence is in hand showing they decieved the agency investigating and analyzing the cause of death?

I said this thread isn't about the subject matter you keep trying to derail it with. This is about Oathkeepers not what you are talking about. I am saying start a thread of your own, if you want to talk about your subject matter.
anyone here a oathkeeper?

Just the liberals. We promise to clean up the mess the Republicans have left the country in during the last eight years of unrestrained spending and war. Including their war on the middle class and their war on science. We promise to restore our place in the world and prove to the rest of the world we are not a bigger threat than al Qaeda. We promise not to invade other countries unnecessarily. We promise to abide by the rule of law. We promise to help what's left of the Iraqi Christians after the Bush and the Republicans stood by and watched their slaughter and watched them get chased out of a country that they have lived in for 2,000 years. We promise to replace the regulations that protect clean air and clean water after those regulations were rescinded by greedy Republicans. We promise to fight those that attack our public schools by wanting to replace science with mysticism and who want to force our children to swear to an imaginary supernatural spirit being. We promise to do our best to chase down the greatest mass murderer in American history, Bin Laden, an evil man Bush and the Republicans let go scott free. These things we promise.
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This thread is not about 9/11 conspiracies. Go peddle that crap in the Conspiracy Theories forum.

Are you saying everyone should believe FEMA as if they were gospel when hard evidence is in hand showing they decieved the agency investigating and analyzing the cause of death?

I said this thread isn't about the subject matter you keep trying to derail it with. This is about Oathkeepers not what you are talking about. I am saying start a thread of your own, if you want to talk about your subject matter.

My subject matter is the protection and upholding of a Constitutional government. You are oathkeepers and the oath you made is to protect and uphold the Constitution. I'm in the right thread if that is what you do and you are capable of it.

You do know that FEMA is not created under the Constitution do you not?
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anyone here a oathkeeper?

Just the liberals. We promise to clean up the mess the Republicans have left the country in during the last eight years of unrestrained spending and war.

I agree, but when the Constitution is compromised and threatened, partisan politics must be abandoned. The foundation of the republic must be preserved. It is a default that cannot be sacrificed.

Realize that of the founders, the majority, did not wish for a party system. They said IF it must run that way that it have only 2. Because if there were 3 or more, the most powerful of the 2 would use the others to dominate opening the door for eventual tyranny.

So I've given up on that completely.
Again, please explain how a group of active duty military, veterans, and police officers, who all agree that their oath is sacred is somehow a conspiracy? Shouldn't all members of the military /police take their oath seriously?

Because if they took their oath as seriously as you wished the Capitol and K street would have already been cleared and new elections been held.
If you don't mind me interupting the flow of this goofy interservice pissing contest for a moment, I'd like to say that while I completely understand why someone might find the idea of the Oathkeepers an attractive concept, I suspect that this organization is not entirely the proAmerican Constitution protection group it claims to be.

Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the American people or to place them under martial law and deprive them of their ancient right to jury trial.

We Oath Keepers have drawn a line in the sand. We will not “just follow orders.”

Our motto is “Not on our watch!”

This group really is antithetical to the concept of a civilian-lead government, folks.

It is another example of the continued development of the police state that so many of you fear, ya know.

Hiding behind noble sounding phrases like "Not on my watch" doesn't change the fact that it threatens the chain of command leading to the POTUS.

Now certainly under some circumstances something like this might becme necessary.

But who is calling the shots, exactly?

Who decides when the civil authority is no longer following the constiution? Who decides what orders are constiutional?

Cops and the military personnel?

And their qaulifications for interpreting the Constitution are what exactly?

Governments that are fearful of their military personnel and police are banana republics, folks.

The kind of people who will be leading this organization are the same kinds of people who support civilian death squads in central America.

Mark my words, these guys who innocently join are really American patriots, but their leaders are not believers in democratic forms of government.

Don't let your frustration with the messy and frustrating process called democracy lead you down a path taking you to a military/police style of government, folks.

The Germans did that in the 30s and it didn't work out all that well for them.

If you're frustrated with what is happening (and who the fuck isn't?) get involved politically and leave the para-military nonsense to the brownshirts.

I keep hearing this, and keep asking for some validation, and all I've gotten are opinions. We know what those are worth.

If the gorup is up to somethign else, prove it. Baseless accusations and conjecture don't amount to squat.

What they are up to is threatening the chain of command and sewing dissent into the ranks of our military and police.

That much should be obvious even to you.
So is there any interest in recovering the US Constitution? Are there those that actually will act on behalf of the Constitution rather than the chain of command?

Can they see that NO EVIDENCE supporting the FEMA lie has been posted, ever, in the thread I have on that subject?


There are 14 pages there and I've substantiated with hard evidence and reason that the Twin towers had a concrete core meaning that the "cause of death" determination is invalidated. Meaning that for 8 years 3,000 innocent people have been directly deprived of due process and all of America has been deprived of equal protection of law.

In that period, which began with 9-11, the opening act of an insurrection, Americas Constitution has been seriously compromised in many ways and no longer stands as the rule of law in service to citizens.

So what is it? Are any going to reasonably act to keep their oath, or shall you all sit in your temporary comfort and security while liberty and freedom wither to disappear soon?

Your first act could or should be to see who is sincere in opposing facts, by respecting reason and evidence, and who is not, and purify this environment of the obvious problems.
So what about it? Do you see what is going on over here?


Does it match what I describe here.


Those seeking to destroy this nation and its founding social contract seek to divide us. They have divided us, but I'm trying to show a more subtle division, where you didn't expect it, right here on this message board.

Note that in the beginning there was a bunch of copycat type group mentality, no evidence proving steel core columns. Then I told them what they were doing, supporting that the means of mass murder remain secret.

The sincere posters, just being apart of the warm/happy/flock broke away because they don't support that the means of mass murder remain secret. Their reaction was sincere reasonable and proper. That is how real, thinking Americans will behave. They stopped posting and obscuring.

Now we have a couple of hangers on. They have no evidence to support the FEMA deception. They never talk about lawful behavior of government being a goal and conduct lots of cognitive distortions and ridicule.

Is all that reasonable? Are you'all that sure of what you are doing by not communicating with me? Do you support FEMA that much and are you that disabled from knowing a sincere American when they try to communicate with you about the Constitution and preserving it? Will taht disability stand despite the production of robust evidence and reason in support of the contention that the Constitution is endangered and that an agency NOT created under the Constitution has led other agencies to its violation?
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So what about it?

Can you acknowledge this event here or are you psychologically disabled by social fears amongst your ranks?

That is how an infiltration works, and that is what oaths are for. Yea, that is what they are for, testing the people around you. I've tested some.


And they don't pass the test. The oath a soldier took means nothing to them. Finally they read my previous post and realized they were exposing their operation more than they were damaging my efforts to share information effectively. As you can see there, ditzcon at the end was asserting completely ridiculous things and basically pretending to think that people were so stupid they were going to have to pull out their flashlight at high noon because he said it was dark.

Social fears. That is what is being used to herd the flocks around in little cirlces to make them think that they are doing something effective politically to protect their futures. Those that would destroy the constitution started up a kind of thinking in various parts of American society quite long ago that they knew they could promote to a level where the people would be unable to unify to any meaningful degree DESPITE the fact of their supposedly commonly held principles.

Allow me to inform you that the package of concepts referred to as the Constitution or the earlier documents carried forward with it are not "America", you, with the principles of the Constituion are America.

If you cannot recognize the principles and those in official positions won't act with respect for the principles ALL of the time, then America is gone, right from underneath your nose while you were busy with an attitude about "those others who think they are Americans and seeking to protect the Constitution."

Any who consider themselves oathkeepers have failed to so when they did not recognize the sacred principles that the Consitution secures WITH our unity. They did so by not speaking up in support of the principles the Constitution stands for I posted here,


I provided a defiinition for the greater meaning of free speech that is complete, correct and integrated in support of other primary principles carried by the Constitution and it was ignored. And the oath taken says they must defend and protect the principles in order to keep the oath. How can they do that if they won't acknowledge them and join together around them?
Just checking in to see if the oathkeepers are here. What about it.

Did you know that the soldiers oath,

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Is, by google searches first page, now only found on the blog,

Oath Keepers: A Soldier's Oath


Six months ago there were many cites that came up on googles first page that had the text as historical or political matter.

oathkeeper gains another meaning. Does this mean the oath is kept on the web site not on the land of America?
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wtf, conspiracy theories? This is an organization of active duty military members...supported by the herritage foundation. whoever moved this from the military board is a pretty fucked up individual.

active duty military personnel should not be involved with radical right wing anti American organizations.

Active duty military personnel can do whatever the Hell they want on their own time so long as they do not present themselves as representing their respective branch of service, the U S military in general, and/or the US government.

Active duty military personnel should likewise not be involved in radical leftwing, socialist/fascist, anti-American organizations.:cool:

Hello Gunny,

I respect your move of this topic to the conspiracy forum as I might not have been aware of oathkeepers if it had not been done. Also, considering what is happening in the nation it is appropriate. There is no way it could get this messed up by accident.

Also, thanks for the active duty military personnel policies information of the armed services regarding political positions etc. I had assumed it was pretty much as you say, but was not sure.

Please examine the Consitutional due process deprivation perpetrated upon America by FEMA relating to the deception to NIST of the design and construction of the Twin Towers documented in this thread here.


Any referral of knowledgeable veterans in the areas of construction or law to that thread will be of great service in preservation of our republic.


Christopher A. Brown

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