Anyone here STILL believe that Trump is all for the "common citizen"?

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Americans think Trump's tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they're right.

Looks like everybody gets a tax cut in 2018.

Still lying about the tax cut I see.

38 percent of Americans won’t get a sizable tax cut under the Senate GOP plan

38 percent of Americans won’t get a sizable tax cut

62% will get a sizable tax cut..........

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Americans think Trump's tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they're right.

Looks like everybody gets a tax cut in 2018.

Still lying about the tax cut I see.

38 percent of Americans won’t get a sizable tax cut under the Senate GOP plan

"The remaining 38 percent would either pay about the same in taxes as they do now or get a tax hike."....and how many of that 38 percent are actually paying taxes.

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Americans think Trump's tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they're right.

Looks like everybody gets a tax cut in 2018.

Still lying about the tax cut I see.

38 percent of Americans won’t get a sizable tax cut under the Senate GOP plan

"The remaining 38 percent would either pay about the same in taxes as they do now or get a tax hike."....and how many of that 38 percent are actually paying taxes.

And how many of the 38% are mean rich people who are losing itemized deductions?

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Americans think Trump's tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they're right.

Looks like everybody gets a tax cut in 2018.

Still lying about the tax cut I see.

38 percent of Americans won’t get a sizable tax cut under the Senate GOP plan

"The remaining 38 percent would either pay about the same in taxes as they do now or get a tax hike."....and how many of that 38 percent are actually paying taxes.

And how many of the 38% are mean rich people who are losing itemized deductions?

I dunno, how much does one need to make in order to qualify as rich.
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)

Of course you hate the average middle class person. Trump just cut their taxes.
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
The problem is he campaigned MOSTLY and most loudly on corporate rate reductions to spur growth as well as repealing the death tax and carried interest loophole. The only thing not in this plan that he campaigned on is the carried interest loophole and the postcard size......They can be done later. I don't think there would be public opposition to either provision.
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
Better than Hillary by a country mile, but that isn’t saying much.
“This is going to cost me a fortune, this thing, believe me. This is not good for me. . . . I think my accountants are going crazy right now.”
— President Trump, remarks on tax plan, St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 29, 2017

Trump is under the control of an ideology, most likely imposed on him by scheming sycophantic ideologues around him, since he's not particularly ideological otherwise.

There's really no way of knowing if he's lying about his personal taxes, if he's just parroting what he has been told to say, or if he's just blurting it out because it sounds good at that very moment.

Which, of course, is pretty much the situation when he talks about pretty much anything.

In a normal world, this uh, untruth about his personal taxes would insult and anger even his supporters. But we're no longer in a normal world.
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Trump’s lies about ‘helping’ the ‘common citizen’ is yet another example of Trump’s more reprehensible con jobs.
We tried your way the 8 years prior and witnessed the net take home pay of the Middle Class decline while Healthcare costs not only mandatory but more expensive. Unemployment was high and corporate cash stayed on the sidelines. How well did Black Unemployment and small business do under your plan?

Just for fun....some "fake" stats for you....


Unemployment rate under Obama


Stocks under Obama

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Obama’s BLS redefined Unemployment criteria. Stocks and profits were up but gdp was stagnant.
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
And when the new jobs and rising wages kick in no one will care except eternal victims and the assholes that manipulate them. Their numbers are shrinking.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

Yet the same idiots keep voting for it.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

I agree, but cutting taxes always works.....

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The bounces on all those graphs occurred AFTER Reagan agreed to INCREASE taxes.
What any american who works hard to scrape by is figuring out is NEITHER party supports working people. It has always been this way always will be. In my 82 years of life it is so easy to see. for the rich by the rich of the rich. Again neither party cares. People will figure it out. I have educated my kids well on would be proud.

You sound like you are envious.

You think it is OK for the filthy government to steal from people making more money than you and give it to you?

Because that is what it sounds like you trying to rationalize.

In a Democracy like we have the bad thing is that the mob can use the government to steal from you and that is despicable.

In my 70 years of life I have never had a rich person steal from me but I sure as hell have had the filthy ass welfare queens elect politicians who used the government to steal from me so they can get their free stuff.

Typical racist southerner, still defending the rich plantation owners. You are just too ignorant to understand how rich people are stealing from you. And they steal a lot more from you than imaginary welfare queens, you know...the people you oppress but then act like they are oppressing you because they want equal rights.

Fuck your phony victimhood.

Typical racist southerner, still defending the rich plantation owners. You are just too ignorant to understand how rich people are stealing from you. And they steal a lot more from you than imaginary welfare queens, you know...the people you oppress but then act like they are oppressing you because they want equal rights.

Fuck your phony victimhood.

You sound like the typical Communist asshole with your hate of anybody that makes more money than you do.

Rich people don't steal from me. The government does.

Unless you are one of these despicable welfare queens that lives of the government then the government steals from you too.

Fuck you Moon Bat. You are the scum of this country.
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
Have you noticed not one member of the T cult has called him out on his lie that the tax bill will be bad for him?
No one.

This lie that it’s a “ middle class tax cut” is similar to Bush’s “Healthy Forests” which was a big giveaway to logging interests who care mostly about profits.

Or “Clear Skies” the name given to environmental regulations that degraded air-quality standards and gave industry more time to pollute.

The BIG LIE is so easily swalllowed by conservatives and the T cult.

Lol. Youre wrong as usual. OTOH, O did screw this country. Its time to cover up that abhorrent stain.
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
And when the new jobs and rising wages kick in no one will care except eternal victims and the assholes that manipulate them. Their numbers are shrinking.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

Yet the same idiots keep voting for it.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

I agree, but cutting taxes always works.....

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The bounces on all those graphs occurred AFTER Reagan agreed to INCREASE taxes.

Can you list all the tax rates charged one year that were higher the next year under Reagan?
Thanks so much, you're very helpful!
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
And when the new jobs and rising wages kick in no one will care except eternal victims and the assholes that manipulate them. Their numbers are shrinking.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

Yet the same idiots keep voting for it.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

I agree, but cutting taxes always works.....

View attachment 166880

View attachment 166881

The bounces on all those graphs occurred AFTER Reagan agreed to INCREASE taxes.

Can you list all the tax rates charged one year that were higher the next year under Reagan?
Thanks so much, you're very helpful!

Reagan made deals to make sure that the country operated properly.

What is it that troubles you about that?
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
And when the new jobs and rising wages kick in no one will care except eternal victims and the assholes that manipulate them. Their number is shrinking.
Idiot believes in the trickle down theory that has been proven countless times to not work.
---------------------------------- if trickle down is what i have been living under for my 68 years its always worked for me Reasonable . And trickle down always worked for my parents and Grandparents who came before me Reasonable .
Keep lying to yourself.

Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work

'trickle down' is really just a golden shower for the middle class & it's not a surprize that trump is all for it. he likes that sort of thing.... just ask the russian whores.
I am a "common man" and thanks to Trump I will have now have more money to spend on my family instead of giving it to the filthy government so yes I think Trump is "for the common man".

uh-huh. it's only temporary & those making $75K or less will be hit when the piper comes calling. oh ya.... guess what's next? medicare & social security. gotta pay for them thar tax 'cuts' somehow. & mama's getting old.... how will the nursing home get paid for her? nope.... medicaid ain't gonna do it no' mo.
And when the new jobs and rising wages kick in no one will care except eternal victims and the assholes that manipulate them. Their numbers are shrinking.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

Yet the same idiots keep voting for it.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

I agree, but cutting taxes always works.....

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The bounces on all those graphs occurred AFTER Reagan agreed to INCREASE taxes.

Can you list all the tax rates charged one year that were higher the next year under Reagan?
Thanks so much, you're very helpful!

Reagan made deals to make sure that the country operated properly.

What is it that troubles you about that?

Reagan made deals to make sure that the country operated properly.

And he cut the top rate from 70% to 28%.

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