Anyone notice? Democrats have "plans" and Republicans have "schemes"?

rdean said:
Even the Republicans plan to end the Post Office scheme...

Wait, I thought you said the Republicans have schemes, now you are saying they want to end the biggest scheme there is.

And he even called their 'scheme' to end the Post Office a 'plan', thereby going against his own OP.

What a fucking moron! :rofl:
Nevermind the Postal Service...required by outspending themselves and thier usefulness on thier own.
I realized the difference between Democratic and Republican agendas. Democrats have plans and Republicans have schemes.

Let's give glaring examples.

Democrats want to rebuild America's infrastructure, invest in research and education, and grow the economy. Democrats want everyone to have health care to take the burdon of cost off the Middle Class.

Republicans want to put Social Security into the Stock Market. This isn't a plan, it's a "scheme" to give millionaires and billionaires more money to "play with". Republicans want to give tax breaks to the rich and to corporations so they can "make more money". Notice, there is no potential for "growth"? Because they are "schemes" to redistribute larger and larger shares of the country's wealth to the top 1%.

Even the Republicans plan to end the Post Office scheme. Take a profitable government run business that helps millions of Americans to communicate cheaply across the country and move it to the private sector to squeeze every last dime out of it. I know Republicans will say, "But they are in debt", only they aren't. iIn 2006, the lame duck Republicans passed another scheme to force the Post Office to take on a financial burden no other company or organization in the world has ever had to do. Then, they could say, "See, they are in debt". That wasn't a "plan", it was and is a "scheme". And, it has a duel benefit for "voter suppression". Even there, Republicans don't try to "grow" their base. Instead, they have a "scheme" to lower the number of voters among Democrats.

In state after state, Republicans are slashing school budgets to give tax breaks to billionaires hoping they will "bring jobs". There are only so many jobs to go around because this is a "scheme" and a "race to the bottom". A plan is to educate people and build up the states "infrastructure" then those states don't need to "compete" for those jobs. With an educated base and a strong and modern infrastructure, you can create your own jobs. That's how it's always worked.

This is the choice between Republicans and Democats. It's all about "plans" and "schemes". "Schemes" don't build anything. Building always starts with "planning".

You may be the smartest person in your Psych Ward

Or kindergarten class.

But we have all noticed that you think your transparent efforts to manipulate constitute effective rhetorical advocacy for the modern American liberal positions.

Yeah. That is laughable.
Yes. I've noticed this too.

I think this is because scientists "plan" while non-scientists "don't." Since only 6% of scientists - barely above the margin of error - are Republicans, they have to resort to "scheming" to get anything done.

Possibly one of the most ridiculous explanations I have ever heard

So this makes democrats logical and all of them scientists or the potential to be one, or share the same mindset.

Seriously, think about the democrats and then think empirically. Most of you morons on here left and right do nothing to come up with solutions think for yourself or any of that. It's a race to make the other side look as stupid as possible by any means necessary. What about doctors? and how many don't support Obama's healthcare plan? All of the sudden they aren't scientist.

I shouldn't even address something so stupid that is made up with all this logic because instead of reflecting you'll come up with more stupid stuff to say.
They may call me names, but they don't disagree. Not really. Not in any meaningful way. They can't. They know it. I know it. Tax cuts for billionaires and subsidies for companies don't build anything. They are schemes. Schemes to redistribute what's left of America's wealth to the top 1%. They think because they are loony right wingers, they are somehow "protected". Sadly, they aren't.
Scheme (n) : A large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.

So the fuck what?
This thread reminds me of when the women of our Assembly of God were wondering why the men go on 'advances' while the women go on 'retreats'.

Things that make you go hmmm.
I think the difference between "Plan" and "Scheme" is going to be the next big USMB silliness meme. It could just be a scheme by Deanie to get out from under the ridicule he gets for his 6% idiocy that he is being quiet about now.
Wait, I thought you said the Republicans have schemes, now you are saying they want to end the biggest scheme there is.

And he even called their 'scheme' to end the Post Office a 'plan', thereby going against his own OP.

What a fucking moron! :rofl:
Nevermind the Postal Service...required by outspending themselves and thier usefulness on thier own.

Actually, it is not spending that is killing the post office. They have cut costs every which a way. 1st class mail has dropped an average of 8% a year every year for the last 10 years.
You are correct on their usefullness.
We always planned to perfect our scheme.
Losers scheme to sell their plan.
Same with my business.
Here. Maybe this will help:

Definition of Democrat Plan:
A proposed or tentative project or course of action.
A systematic arrangement of elements or important parts; a configuration or outline.
To have in mind as a purpose; intend.
A series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan".
A long-term outline of a project or government function; "the zoning board adopted a master plan for the new development".

Definition of Republican Scheme:
A secret or devious plan; a plot.
To plot: scheming their revenge.
To form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner.
An elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade.
A statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery.
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Hmm, doubt I have missed anything in all this time.
They may call me names, but they don't disagree. Not really. Not in any meaningful way. They can't. They know it. I know it. Tax cuts for billionaires and subsidies for companies don't build anything. They are schemes. Schemes to redistribute what's left of America's wealth to the top 1%. They think because they are loony right wingers, they are somehow "protected". Sadly, they aren't.

FAIL. You already contradicted yourself by saying the Republicans 'plan' the end the Post Office. You're a moron, a partisan hack, and an all around waste of oxygen.
Rdean/Baldrick with another brilliant plan.
[ame=""]Rdean is Baldrick[/ame]

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