Anyone notice? Democrats have "plans" and Republicans have "schemes"?

That's an ironically funny post considering your inherent racism has been exposed for all to see.

He does that regularly. I find his racism offensive.

Because the Republican Party being 90% white makes me "racist".

Republicans putting up pictures like this does not make them racist:


No, what makes you a racist is your racism. Twit.
Yes. I've noticed this too.

I think this is because scientists "plan" while non-scientists "don't." Since only 6% of scientists - barely above the margin of error - are Republicans, they have to resort to "scheming" to get anything done.
I see you've fallen for that skewed poll. Sucker!! :lol:
like the man child that he is
"if you love me have congress to pass my jobs bill"

Sounds like mommy if you love me you'll tuck me in and make me feel safe What kind of leader is that?
A Democrat...long on emotion, short on facts and logic.

Y' rderp.
This thread is a scheme.....

No, no. It's a plan.

By definition, democrats' schemes are plans.

It's a plan to corrupt the English language, in the great tradition of past Democrat semanticists.

If we could get hold of a copy of the official liberal dictionary and thesaurus, everything would be made clear.
Denial is NOT a river in Egypt.

Notice, everyone says "no" but have no alternatives? Name a "Republican Plan" that isn't a "scheme". (This is where you enter the sound of crickets".)

Nile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile. The latter is the source of most of the water and fertile soil. The former is the longer. The White Nile rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, with the most distant source still undetermined but located in either Rwanda or Burundi. It flows north through Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Uganda and South Sudan. The Blue Nile starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia at 12°02′09″N 037°15′53″E and flows into Sudan from the southeast. The two rivers meet near the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.

The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt, a country whose civilization has depended on the river since ancient times. Most of the population and cities of Egypt lie along those parts of the Nile valley north of Aswan, and nearly all the cultural and historical sites of Ancient Egypt are found along riverbanks. The Nile ends in a large delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea.............

Really? Wow!

You learn something new every day...
This thread is a scheme.....

No, no. It's a plan.

By definition, democrats' schemes are plans.

It's a plan to corrupt the English language, in the great tradition of past Democrat semanticists.

If we could get hold of a copy of the official liberal dictionary and thesaurus, everything would be made clear.
They're just lists of words with no assigned meanings.
This thread is a scheme.....

No, no. It's a plan.

By definition, democrats' schemes are plans.

It's a plan to corrupt the English language, in the great tradition of past Democrat semanticists.

If we could get hold of a copy of the official liberal dictionary and thesaurus, everything would be made clear.
They're just lists of words with no assigned meanings.
What? No pictures? :lol:
This thread is a scheme.....

No, no. It's a plan.

By definition, democrats' schemes are plans.

It's a plan to corrupt the English language, in the great tradition of past Democrat semanticists.

If we could get hold of a copy of the official liberal dictionary and thesaurus, everything would be made clear.
Would that include pictures and video? :lol:
No, no. It's a plan.

By definition, democrats' schemes are plans.

It's a plan to corrupt the English language, in the great tradition of past Democrat semanticists.

If we could get hold of a copy of the official liberal dictionary and thesaurus, everything would be made clear.
They're just lists of words with no assigned meanings.
What? No pictures? :lol:
I realized the difference between Democratic and Republican agendas. Democrats have plans and Republicans have schemes.


Let's give glaring examples.

Please do, I need a good laugh.

I am going to approach this post assuming everything you say is absolute truth despite my knowledge that it is probably complete horseshit.

Democrats want to rebuild America's infrastructure, invest in research and education, and grow the economy. Democrats want everyone to have health care to take the burdon of cost off the Middle Class.

Those are not plans, they are wants.

Republicans want to put Social Security into the Stock Market. This isn't a plan, it's a "scheme" to give millionaires and billionaires more money to "play with". Republicans want to give tax breaks to the rich and to corporations so they can "make more money". Notice, there is no potential for "growth"? Because they are "schemes" to redistribute larger and larger shares of the country's wealth to the top 1%.

No schemes there, just wants.

Even the Republicans plan to end the Post Office scheme. Take a profitable government run business that helps millions of Americans to communicate cheaply across the country and move it to the private sector to squeeze every last dime out of it. I know Republicans will say, "But they are in debt", only they aren't. iIn 2006, the lame duck Republicans passed another scheme to force the Post Office to take on a financial burden no other company or organization in the world has ever had to do. Then, they could say, "See, they are in debt". That wasn't a "plan", it was and is a "scheme". And, it has a duel benefit for "voter suppression". Even there, Republicans don't try to "grow" their base. Instead, they have a "scheme" to lower the number of voters among Democrats.

Wait, I thought you said the Republicans have schemes, now you are saying they want to end the biggest scheme there is.

In state after state, Republicans are slashing school budgets to give tax breaks to billionaires hoping they will "bring jobs". There are only so many jobs to go around because this is a "scheme" and a "race to the bottom". A plan is to educate people and build up the states "infrastructure" then those states don't need to "compete" for those jobs. With an educated base and a strong and modern infrastructure, you can create your own jobs. That's how it's always worked.

I have to point out the obvious here, every state is slashing the education budget for the same reason. That includes the ones totally controlled by Democrats.

This is the choice between Republicans and Democats. It's all about "plans" and "schemes". "Schemes" don't build anything. Building always starts with "planning".

You did not list any plans or schemes, other than the post office.

[ame=""]US Postal Service "Hacked" Ad - YouTube[/ame]

When the post office gets a spam filter I will start using them again.
Yes. I've noticed this too.

I think this is because scientists "plan" while non-scientists "don't." Since only 6% of scientists - barely above the margin of error - are Republicans, they have to resort to "scheming" to get anything done.

Source please.

Nobody has put forth a defnition of what a scheme is and a plan is. A scheme, is by definition, a plan.

RDEAN, you lose.

Why are we debating this.

President Obama schemed to push through health care by claiming to find 500 billion in saving in SS and Medicare fraud.

You mean he isn't finding that right now ?????? Am I missing something here ?

Please show the difference RDEAN.

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