anyone who thinks communism is great should read this book

Socialism always becomes just depends how long it has been in total control of a society, and the political and cultural safeguards in place to slow it becomes murderous in Latin American countries very quickly, and more slowly in is even a cancer here in the U.S....destroying our institutions, as the democrat party has now turned the government into it's personal gestapo......and attacking and arresting political opposition.

The murderous Latin American countries were all ruled by RIGHT WING MILITARY dictatorships propped up, and in some cases installed, by the CIA. Your whole post is just the usual Republican blither and lies about the left.

Canada, Norway, Sweden the Netherlands, most of Europe - have never been authoritarian dictatorships so that's a flat out lie. Socialism NEVER has "total control of society". In fact "society" in all of the countries I mentioned has much more personal freedom than the USA.

The USA hasn't become an authoritarian dictatorship - yet, but it's was a very near thing on January 6th, and your democracy is unstable and failing at the moment.
Ain't gonna work, fucktard.

Your projecting days are over.

Your lies are transparent now.

And we'll be shoving them down your throat every chance we get.


The you're not shoving anything down anyone's throat FuckBoi. You're just another stupid Trump Cult member. Pretty soon, you're going to have to go out and get a real job instead of sitting in grandma's basement expressing your rage and anger at your fate.
Ain't gonna work, fucktard.
NOT on the cult.
Trump can do or say no wrong.

Trump knows his cult.

January 23 2016
"My people are so smart -- and you know what else they say about my people? The polls?" Trump asked a crowd at a Sioux Center, Iowa, rally Saturday. "I have the most loyal people -- did you ever see that?"

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" he said, referring to the major street in New York City that cuts through Manhattan's large commercial district. "It's, like, incredible."
Your projecting days are over.
Unfortunately, Trump and his cult's projection are not, even when it's so blatant.
They thrive on lies.

Your lies are transparent now.

And we'll be shoving them down your throat every chance we get.
Sure with accusations, just not quotes or video.
Because you have none.
That's why I'm here, STILL dispelling RWNJ "theories".
The you're not shoving anything down anyone's throat FuckBoi. You're just another stupid Trump Cult member. Pretty soon, you're going to have to go out and get a real job instead of sitting in grandma's basement expressing your rage and anger at your fate.
Shut up, foreign communist troll.

Stop interfering in our politics, or I might have to sic Bob Mueller on you. :p
NOT on the cult.
Trump can do or say no wrong.

Trump knows his cult.

January 23 2016
"My people are so smart -- and you know what else they say about my people? The polls?" Trump asked a crowd at a Sioux Center, Iowa, rally Saturday. "I have the most loyal people -- did you ever see that?"

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" he said, referring to the major street in New York City that cuts through Manhattan's large commercial district. "It's, like, incredible."

Unfortunately, Trump and his cult's projection are not, even when it's so blatant.
They thrive on lies.

Sure with accusations, just not quotes or video.
Because you have none.

That's why I'm here, STILL dispelling RWNJ "theories".

Quotes and video.

This is at least half of why libtards are so fucked up.

All that brainwashing from all those quotes and videos.

Hey dickface, videos come from computers. Quotes come from your asshole. Anyone can make up a quote and a video. I do it every day for Hollywood, and I get paid big bucks for it.

Go live down in El Centro for a couple months like I did, you'll see what illegal immigration is really about.
Yeah....Trump actually got the guy to stop doing that......the vision Trump tried to show him was a prosperous and free North Korea........meanwhile, the missle crap has started again since everything the democrats touch turns to crap, including foreign policy...
Sooooo, when did Trump's boyfriend step down and stop being a dictator?
I totally agree with you... :thup:
That's because you're in a cult.


Switch to meth or fentanyl.
Doesn't cause as much brain damage.
Quotes and video.

This is at least half of why libtards are so fucked up.

All that brainwashing from all those quotes and videos.
Soooooooo, people should be listening to accusations and opinions?
Hey dickface, videos come from computers. Quotes come from your asshole. Anyone can make up a quote and a video. I do it every day for Hollywood, and I get paid big bucks for it.
Then why isn't the orange, serial litigator suing anyone?

September 9 2022
Donald Trump threatened Fox News on Thursday, and it wasn’t with a good time.

The former president announced on his reportedly financially challenged Truth Social platform that he is considering suing the news network for false advertising after an insulting ad created by The Lincoln Project aired on Fox News in one local market — where Trump owns a golf course. The ad was not bought through Fox News and did not air nationally.

The ad is titled “Sucker,” and it basically explains to MAGA Republicans why they are suckers for believing basically anything Trump tells them.
Go live down in El Centro for a couple months like I did, you'll see what illegal immigration is really about.
I live in Flori-duh................MORON.
Shut up, foreign communist troll.

Stop interfering in our politics, or I might have to sic Bob Mueller on you. :p

I'm neither donating nor working for a political party. Nor am I a "communist troll".

When you can't attack my posts, you attack me. Weak, stupid, and useless, just like all FuckBois.
December 9 2021
Former White House adviser Steve Bannon and GOP Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida want some "4,000 shock troops" to get ready to take control of the federal government if Donald Trump decides to run for president again.

"This is Trumpism in power. That's when we went to the 4,000 shock troops we have to have that's going to man the government," Bannon predicted. "Get them ready now. Right? We're going to hit the beach with the landing teams and the beachhead teams and all that nomenclature they use when President Trump wins in 2024—or before."

"If you're going to take over the administrative state and deconstruct it, then you have to have shock troops prepared to take it over immediately," he added.

Weeeellllllllll, that's what happens when people, even politicians.................................COMMIT CRIMES.

Yeah.....did they? No......

The democrats, however, used their "Shock Troops," BLM and antifa to loot, burn and murder Americans in the cities under their control for 7 months before the election.....looting, burning and murdering people in black neighborhoods.....killing close to 40 Americans....

Those are actual democrat party shock troops in action....and you don't care....

Now you have the democrat party using the Department of Justice and Federal shock troops, the FBI/gestapo, to target their political enemies....

And you don't care.....

You have no credibility, and trying to claim that Trump did anything close to this is just fucking stupid.....
Yeah.....did they? No......

The democrats, however, used their "Shock Troops," BLM and antifa to loot, burn and murder Americans in the cities under their control for 7 months before the election.....looting, burning and murdering people in black neighborhoods.....killing close to 40 Americans....
Sooooooo, Q NUT, WTF does that have to do with.................ANYTHING?
Those are actual democrat party shock troops in action....and you don't care....
Someone did, they arrested over 14,000 people.
Now you have the democrat party using the Department of Justice and Federal shock troops, the FBI/gestapo, to target their political enemies....

And you don't care.....
Fuck no, I don't.
Crimes should result in punishment.
You have no credibility, and trying to claim that Trump did anything close to this is just fucking stupid.....
The orange, traitor did that and more.
You defend the POS, you're a traitor too.
Sooooooo, Q NUT, WTF does that have to do with.................ANYTHING?

Someone did, they arrested over 14,000 people.

Fuck no, I don't.
Crimes should result in punishment.

The orange, traitor did that and more.
You defend the POS, you're a traitor too.

Someone did, they arrested over 14,000 people.

And the democrat party leaders, including Kamala Harris, bailed them out, and the democrat party DOJ dropped charges against them......can't have their shock troops in jail, they need them very soon...

You guys allege crimes Trump committed and never tell us what they are, we just "Know" that he committed crimes and needs to be punished........what he did? No one knows....that you want to destroy him is without doubt...
I'm neither donating nor working for a political party. Nor am I a "communist troll".

When you can't attack my posts, you attack me. Weak, stupid, and useless, just like all FuckBois.
Shut up, FOREIGN leftard troll.

You lie. ALL you leftards LIE. It's all you do.
Someone did, they arrested over 14,000 people.

And the democrat party leaders, including Kamala Harris, bailed them out, and the democrat party DOJ dropped charges against them......can't have their shock troops in jail, they need them very soon...
More Q NUT delusions.
Delusions don't file complaints, nor show up in court.

You guys allege crimes Trump committed and never tell us what they are, we just "Know" that he committed crimes and needs to be punished.......
Yeah, that's what investigating is all about.
Kinda like you nutjobs, did with Hillary.
.what he did? No one knows....that you want to destroy him is without doubt...
Stole fucking documents out of the white house, which, the orange traitor, had no right to.
Just like catching a bank robber with a duffle bag with dye in it.
Or catching a murderer, standing over a dead body with a bloody knife in his hand.

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