AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

No, but it sure would be nice.

At any rate, it's great to have the democrats out in the open as enemies of America who support terrorism and the murder of American citizens.

Do you have an "I stand with Iran" shirt yet?

The idea of preserving cultural sites is for your kids and future generations to see all these sites that was built hundreds of years before Christ.

They want to grow up with education and successful.

And they don’t want to grow up like you that grew up and retire from your mobile home cutting coupons.

Hey, watch it. I am retired, live in a Mobile Home (RV) but don't clip coupons. What does that have to do with anything cupcake. I live in a predominately Red Area and most here voted for Rump. And they clip coupons and make less than I do. Is there a point to your nonsensical insult or are you just enjoying looking like a real idjit. Here, I have a new Tattoo template you can have tattooed onto your forehead so we won't have to wait for you to open your mouth to sum you up.

Your anti-American babbling pisses this war vet off. There is a point to my insult. “Be a productive member of the freest nation on earth before you criticize it.”

And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
No I don't agree, Iran has ambitions in Iraq regardless, they want to conquer the world. And Soleimani wasn't assassinated, he was an enemy combatant killed in the theater of operations. Deal with it.


Is it worth it all these troubles killing one general that can be easily replace by his lieutenants?

They just killed 3 Americans in Kenya to start as retaliation.

Iraq is now kicking us out of Iraq.

We just yank 3,000 American troops from their families and sent to ME.

Foreign workers are being sent home from Iraq and Saudi losing incomes.

We are not getting any support from any allies. Not even from Bibi.

Is it worth all these stupid troubles?

You're really good at assumptions, tell the class what kind of military experience you have.


Oh, Great One (in your sick pinhead mind), it doesn't matter. He hit it right on the head. Now you want to ask ME that same question? I have my fifth DD-214, a current DD-2 and even my Drivers License lists me as Retired Military. Does that mean I am supposed to be smarter than a SillyVillian? I might be for some, but not all. But you definitely aren't even close so stop with this nonsense.

We are in Iraq at the express permission of the Country of Iraq. We stay or go at their pleasure, not ours unless we are willing to do another overthrow of their Government.

5 DD214s, I only have 2 covering 26 years. Were you like a bad penny that just kept showing up. Also Iraq knows what will happen if we leave.

Liberals don’t know what a DD 214 even is.

I have no idea what a DD 214 is either. But I do know that mine says DD-214 on it just like my Military ID has DD-2 printed on it. You really need a better forger than that.
The idea of preserving cultural sites is for your kids and future generations to see all these sites that was built hundreds of years before Christ.

They want to grow up with education and successful.

And they don’t want to grow up like you that grew up and retire from your mobile home cutting coupons.

Hey, watch it. I am retired, live in a Mobile Home (RV) but don't clip coupons. What does that have to do with anything cupcake. I live in a predominately Red Area and most here voted for Rump. And they clip coupons and make less than I do. Is there a point to your nonsensical insult or are you just enjoying looking like a real idjit. Here, I have a new Tattoo template you can have tattooed onto your forehead so we won't have to wait for you to open your mouth to sum you up.

Your anti-American babbling pisses this war vet off. There is a point to my insult. “Be a productive member of the freest nation on earth before you criticize it.”

And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?
Hey, watch it. I am retired, live in a Mobile Home (RV) but don't clip coupons. What does that have to do with anything cupcake. I live in a predominately Red Area and most here voted for Rump. And they clip coupons and make less than I do. Is there a point to your nonsensical insult or are you just enjoying looking like a real idjit. Here, I have a new Tattoo template you can have tattooed onto your forehead so we won't have to wait for you to open your mouth to sum you up.

Your anti-American babbling pisses this war vet off. There is a point to my insult. “Be a productive member of the freest nation on earth before you criticize it.”

And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break.

Well, let me get my Sledge and Anvil and you can just pick which leg and we can give it a good shot if it suits you.
Hey, watch it. I am retired, live in a Mobile Home (RV) but don't clip coupons. What does that have to do with anything cupcake. I live in a predominately Red Area and most here voted for Rump. And they clip coupons and make less than I do. Is there a point to your nonsensical insult or are you just enjoying looking like a real idjit. Here, I have a new Tattoo template you can have tattooed onto your forehead so we won't have to wait for you to open your mouth to sum you up.

Your anti-American babbling pisses this war vet off. There is a point to my insult. “Be a productive member of the freest nation on earth before you criticize it.”

And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.
Your anti-American babbling pisses this war vet off. There is a point to my insult. “Be a productive member of the freest nation on earth before you criticize it.”

And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.
Your anti-American babbling pisses this war vet off. There is a point to my insult. “Be a productive member of the freest nation on earth before you criticize it.”

And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break.

Well, let me get my Sledge and Anvil and you can just pick which leg and we can give it a good shot if it suits you.
Pick a vein in your arm. Get your spoon and needle out. Do it.
No I don't agree, Iran has ambitions in Iraq regardless, they want to conquer the world. And Soleimani wasn't assassinated, he was an enemy combatant killed in the theater of operations. Deal with it.
Iran hasn't invaded a foreign state in centuries.
How about the US?
Soleimani was assassinated unless you can provide overwhelming evidence he was going to launch a terrorist attack against US forces like at al-Assad

IRGC: Missile attack on US base in Iraq is revenge for Soleimani killing

He attacked the US for the last 2 decades dumb ass. Run along you're too stupid to converse with.

He attacked the US for the last 2 decades dumb ass. Run along you're too stupid to converse with.
Why don't you run over to Iraq, Bluster.
Take Bone Spurs with you


If I were 40 years younger I would be. Wouldn't be my first tour on a two way rifle range. How about you pansy ass, what war theater did you serve in?

And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.

Is that all? The VFW around here is primarily made up of a bunch of drunks. I used to be a member but I sobered up one day.
Your anti-American babbling pisses this war vet off. There is a point to my insult. “Be a productive member of the freest nation on earth before you criticize it.”

And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break.

Well, let me get my Sledge and Anvil and you can just pick which leg and we can give it a good shot if it suits you.
Sure. Let me get my assault rifle and you get your hammer...see who wins. Kinda like the United States of America and the weak assed, terrorists supporting Iranian pussies.
Do you think it's accurate to say Soleimani would not have been in Iraq absent the US invasion? His assassination arguably violates international and domestic US law.

Was It Legal For The U.S. To Kill A Top Iranian Military Leader?

"Experts disagree on how to characterize this killing. 'I think the best definition would be either one of assassination or murder,' Gary Solis, a retired Marine who taught on the laws of war at West Point, tells NPR. He says what happened is comparable to Iran killing a high-ranking U.S. military official with a bomb on U.S. soil.

"Assassination is prohibited by a U.S. executive order, says Ashley Deeks, a University of Virginia law professor who focuses on the laws of war."

No I don't agree, Iran has ambitions in Iraq regardless, they want to conquer the world. And Soleimani wasn't assassinated, he was an enemy combatant killed in the theater of operations. Deal with it.


Is it worth it all these troubles killing one general that can be easily replace by his lieutenants?

They just killed 3 Americans in Kenya to start as retaliation.

Iraq is now kicking us out of Iraq.

We just yank 3,000 American troops from their families and sent to ME.

Foreign workers are being sent home from Iraq and Saudi losing incomes.

We are not getting any support from any allies. Not even from Bibi.

Is it worth all these stupid troubles?

You're really good at assumptions, tell the class what kind of military experience you have.


Do you think I’m assuming?

I don’t belong in military but I always helped homeless veterans and deals with active military personnel on regular basis.

I can guarantee you 100% I am far more advance more than anybody in this sites about ME current and history.

Do you think I’m assuming? I already knew this is happening before it even hit the news all over Asia. This is also happening in Saudi.

Asian countries brace to evacuate workers in Iraq, Iran

Asian countries brace to evacuate workers in Iraq, Iran.

MANILA, Philippines — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte ordered the military to prepare to deploy its aircraft and ships "at any moment's notice" to evacuate thousands of Filipino workers in Iraq and Iran should violence break out, reflecting Asia's growing fears for its citizens in the increasingly volatile Middle East.

Other Asian nations with large populations of expatriate labor may face similar decisions amid the rapidly escalating tensions between the United States and Iran following last week's U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad.
Then stand-up and support our military. Support the death of a guy responsible for the death of 800 American military men and women.

I support the military and very patriotic.

But I do not support STUPIDITY by our president. I don’t support idiots like you that just want to blow up things just because of your idiotic support of an inept, disgusting, dishonest ignorant President. For the whole world to see.

Like I posted several times. Is it worth all that troubles killing one Iranians that can be easily replace? Did you see anybody supporting us? Except supporters idiots like you.

They just killed 3 Americans. Are you happy with that?
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.

Is that all? The VFW around here is primarily made up of a bunch of drunks. I used to be a member but I sobered up one day.
It’s a patriotic organization. That’s why you’re not in it anymore. I’m drinking here right now. Bingo night. Love it. Laughing at you.
Do you think it's accurate to say Soleimani would not have been in Iraq absent the US invasion? His assassination arguably violates international and domestic US law.

Was It Legal For The U.S. To Kill A Top Iranian Military Leader?

"Experts disagree on how to characterize this killing. 'I think the best definition would be either one of assassination or murder,' Gary Solis, a retired Marine who taught on the laws of war at West Point, tells NPR. He says what happened is comparable to Iran killing a high-ranking U.S. military official with a bomb on U.S. soil.

"Assassination is prohibited by a U.S. executive order, says Ashley Deeks, a University of Virginia law professor who focuses on the laws of war."

No I don't agree, Iran has ambitions in Iraq regardless, they want to conquer the world. And Soleimani wasn't assassinated, he was an enemy combatant killed in the theater of operations. Deal with it.


Is it worth it all these troubles killing one general that can be easily replace by his lieutenants?

They just killed 3 Americans in Kenya to start as retaliation.

Iraq is now kicking us out of Iraq.

We just yank 3,000 American troops from their families and sent to ME.

Foreign workers are being sent home from Iraq and Saudi losing incomes.

We are not getting any support from any allies. Not even from Bibi.

Is it worth all these stupid troubles?

You're really good at assumptions, tell the class what kind of military experience you have.


I am not assuming anything. All I’m telling you are straight facts and reality.

All of these I am telling you are out there all over the world to see how fucking dumb Americans are because of Trump.

If I’m not assuming anything or fabricated anything. If you think I am prove it.

I'll just pick one, what makes you think the Saudis are losing income?


Did I say Saudi are losing any income?
Where in post did I say that?

But your boi sent thousands of American troops as whore for the Saudis.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.

Is that all? The VFW around here is primarily made up of a bunch of drunks. I used to be a member but I sobered up one day.
Sorry if I don’t belong to “Operation Pink.”
And I paid the price so that you idjits can say stupid things. While you were staying home, I was doing the boring things that protected your butt. You go do one thing and want us all to bow down to you. Well, us old warriors that went through the Wars (notice plural) and the cold war as well did our jobs no thanks from you. We didn't do it for you. If that was the case, we would have stayed home and made a whole bunch of bastard babies. We did it for the next generation and the next generation and beyond.

And, cupcake, it probably wasn't the US Military that did that strike. It was probably the CIA. The Military may have refused an illegal order push come to shove. It would have been hotly discussed at the Joint Chiefs Staff Level before it went on way or another and it would not have been a last minute decision. So there is more than an even chance, the Military did not launch that Drone.
Hey retarded homeless idiot. CIA and military have close cooperative relationship.

The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break.

Well, let me get my Sledge and Anvil and you can just pick which leg and we can give it a good shot if it suits you.
Sure. Let me get my assault rifle and you get your hammer...see who wins. Kinda like the United States of America and the weak assed, terrorists supporting Iranian pussies.

My Sledge is a 308 Caliber Assault Sledge. Never did like those namby pamby mattel toy things unless I have to pack them for 20 hours a day over hundreds of miles. But since you are threatening me, I'll just sit and wait. Hate to break it to you but not everyone that disagrees with your sick mind is a liberal and is not armed.

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