AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

That scumbag on the ground, if he’s Muslim, probably likes little boys. The men prefer boys to women
No pussy-grabbers?
How 'bout bone spurs?

So much winning.
The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.

Is that all? The VFW around here is primarily made up of a bunch of drunks. I used to be a member but I sobered up one day.
It’s a patriotic organization. That’s why you’re not in it anymore. I’m drinking here right now. Bingo night. Love it. Laughing at you.

I stopped drinking because I got sick of drunks like you when I noticed I was one. Not a pretty picture. And that was over 30 years ago.
The reason the CIA has the armed drones is so they can do the unsavory things the Military will refuse to do. And it doesn't matter how close the cooperation is. I am hearing from Military Lawyers that there would have been a good chance that the Military would have refused the order as Illegal.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.

Is that all? The VFW around here is primarily made up of a bunch of drunks. I used to be a member but I sobered up one day.
Sorry if I don’t belong to “Operation Pink.”

Hey, Stupid, you aren't supposed to eat the damned worm.
No I don't agree, Iran has ambitions in Iraq regardless, they want to conquer the world. And Soleimani wasn't assassinated, he was an enemy combatant killed in the theater of operations. Deal with it.


Is it worth it all these troubles killing one general that can be easily replace by his lieutenants?

They just killed 3 Americans in Kenya to start as retaliation.

Iraq is now kicking us out of Iraq.

We just yank 3,000 American troops from their families and sent to ME.

Foreign workers are being sent home from Iraq and Saudi losing incomes.

We are not getting any support from any allies. Not even from Bibi.

Is it worth all these stupid troubles?

You're really good at assumptions, tell the class what kind of military experience you have.


Oh, Great One (in your sick pinhead mind), it doesn't matter. He hit it right on the head. Now you want to ask ME that same question? I have my fifth DD-214, a current DD-2 and even my Drivers License lists me as Retired Military. Does that mean I am supposed to be smarter than a SillyVillian? I might be for some, but not all. But you definitely aren't even close so stop with this nonsense.

We are in Iraq at the express permission of the Country of Iraq. We stay or go at their pleasure, not ours unless we are willing to do another overthrow of their Government.

5 DD214s, I only have 2 covering 26 years. Were you like a bad penny that just kept showing up. Also Iraq knows what will happen if we leave.


I got one every 4 years. You have to be discharged in or to reenlist each time. I was in the United States Military. What Country did YOU serve in. Let me guess, part of your time was in the USSR.

And the Iraqi Government has already voted on it and say we must leave. The mental Midget Rump is refusing. Our troops serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraqi Government. They are telling us to leave, we leave. Our welcome has been worn out. What's next, are you going to support your Criminal in Charge when he has to overthrow the current Iraqi Government by force? Get ready for Revelations and we all know who the Great Satan will be.

Nope, been to Vietnam, CO AK, TN, TX, PR, Honduras, Belize, Grenada, Panama and TX again, all in the US Army. Also the only ones that showed for the Iraq parliament vote were backed by Iran and were under the threat of death by Irans militias. It was a non-binding vote.

Wouldn't be my first tour on a two way rifle range. How about you pansy ass, what war theater did you serve in?
I didn't see any reason to kill women and children for money, and I still don't.

But hiding behind them is ok?
But hiding behind them is ok?
When you consider the numbers of women and children killed by the US military during my lifetime (72 years), hiding behind them would seem somewhat suicidal?
Is it worth it all these troubles killing one general that can be easily replace by his lieutenants?

They just killed 3 Americans in Kenya to start as retaliation.

Iraq is now kicking us out of Iraq.

We just yank 3,000 American troops from their families and sent to ME.

Foreign workers are being sent home from Iraq and Saudi losing incomes.

We are not getting any support from any allies. Not even from Bibi.

Is it worth all these stupid troubles?

You're really good at assumptions, tell the class what kind of military experience you have.


Oh, Great One (in your sick pinhead mind), it doesn't matter. He hit it right on the head. Now you want to ask ME that same question? I have my fifth DD-214, a current DD-2 and even my Drivers License lists me as Retired Military. Does that mean I am supposed to be smarter than a SillyVillian? I might be for some, but not all. But you definitely aren't even close so stop with this nonsense.

We are in Iraq at the express permission of the Country of Iraq. We stay or go at their pleasure, not ours unless we are willing to do another overthrow of their Government.

5 DD214s, I only have 2 covering 26 years. Were you like a bad penny that just kept showing up. Also Iraq knows what will happen if we leave.


I got one every 4 years. You have to be discharged in or to reenlist each time. I was in the United States Military. What Country did YOU serve in. Let me guess, part of your time was in the USSR.

And the Iraqi Government has already voted on it and say we must leave. The mental Midget Rump is refusing. Our troops serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraqi Government. They are telling us to leave, we leave. Our welcome has been worn out. What's next, are you going to support your Criminal in Charge when he has to overthrow the current Iraqi Government by force? Get ready for Revelations and we all know who the Great Satan will be.

Nope, been to Vietnam, CO AK, TN, TX, PR, Honduras, Belize, Grenada, Panama and TX again, all in the US Army. Also the only ones that showed for the Iraq parliament vote were backed by Iran and were under the threat of death by Irans militias. It was a non-binding vote.

Bingo! :113:
Wouldn't be my first tour on a two way rifle range. How about you pansy ass, what war theater did you serve in?
I didn't see any reason to kill women and children for money, and I still don't.

But hiding behind them is ok?
But hiding behind them is ok?
When you consider the numbers of women and children killed by the US military during my lifetime (72 years), hiding behind them would seem somewhat suicidal?
What a piece of shit. Hide behind the protection provided you by the U.S Military and those who died to defend your right to be a self-centered, narcissistic, prick.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.

Is that all? The VFW around here is primarily made up of a bunch of drunks. I used to be a member but I sobered up one day.
Sorry if I don’t belong to “Operation Pink.”

Hey, Stupid, you aren't supposed to eat the damned worm.
Nope. Not a tequila guy. Vodka, rum, bourbon.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.

Is that all? The VFW around here is primarily made up of a bunch of drunks. I used to be a member but I sobered up one day.
It’s a patriotic organization. That’s why you’re not in it anymore. I’m drinking here right now. Bingo night. Love it. Laughing at you.

I stopped drinking because I got sick of drunks like you when I noticed I was one. Not a pretty picture. And that was over 30 years ago.
So now you live in an old Winnebago down by the river.
Is it worth it all these troubles killing one general that can be easily replace by his lieutenants?

They just killed 3 Americans in Kenya to start as retaliation.

Iraq is now kicking us out of Iraq.

We just yank 3,000 American troops from their families and sent to ME.

Foreign workers are being sent home from Iraq and Saudi losing incomes.

We are not getting any support from any allies. Not even from Bibi.

Is it worth all these stupid troubles?

You're really good at assumptions, tell the class what kind of military experience you have.


Oh, Great One (in your sick pinhead mind), it doesn't matter. He hit it right on the head. Now you want to ask ME that same question? I have my fifth DD-214, a current DD-2 and even my Drivers License lists me as Retired Military. Does that mean I am supposed to be smarter than a SillyVillian? I might be for some, but not all. But you definitely aren't even close so stop with this nonsense.

We are in Iraq at the express permission of the Country of Iraq. We stay or go at their pleasure, not ours unless we are willing to do another overthrow of their Government.

5 DD214s, I only have 2 covering 26 years. Were you like a bad penny that just kept showing up. Also Iraq knows what will happen if we leave.


I got one every 4 years. You have to be discharged in or to reenlist each time. I was in the United States Military. What Country did YOU serve in. Let me guess, part of your time was in the USSR.

And the Iraqi Government has already voted on it and say we must leave. The mental Midget Rump is refusing. Our troops serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraqi Government. They are telling us to leave, we leave. Our welcome has been worn out. What's next, are you going to support your Criminal in Charge when he has to overthrow the current Iraqi Government by force? Get ready for Revelations and we all know who the Great Satan will be.

Nope, been to Vietnam, CO AK, TN, TX, PR, Honduras, Belize, Grenada, Panama and TX again, all in the US Army. Also the only ones that showed for the Iraq parliament vote were backed by Iran and were under the threat of death by Irans militias. It was a non-binding vote.


I had a draft Notice in my hip pocket and became a legalized draft dodger. You were drafted. Shows the intel level. I enlisted (or I could have been drafted into the Army) but beat the draft. My ASVAP scores were off the charts for the US Army but OK for the Air Force so I got the draft notice and 3 days later, was sworn in into the USAF and headed for Lackland. You aren't smart enough to discuss things with me about anything.

And it doesn't matter how the vote was taken or why. it was taken and accepted by the PM. You and your Orange Criminal don't have to agree with it but we serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraq Government.
Bullshit. Military lawyers. Give me a break. You have a telepathic line of communication with Tom Cruise and Church of Scientology?

How about a few Military Organizations. You know, the ones that you are barred from joining, cupcake.

Is that all? The VFW around here is primarily made up of a bunch of drunks. I used to be a member but I sobered up one day.
It’s a patriotic organization. That’s why you’re not in it anymore. I’m drinking here right now. Bingo night. Love it. Laughing at you.

I stopped drinking because I got sick of drunks like you when I noticed I was one. Not a pretty picture. And that was over 30 years ago.
Couldn’t handle that either I see.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
Because he is, Loon.
He ordered the assassination of an elite foreign government official.

How would you feel if it happened here?

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran
Your link:

"The clock showed that a little over a year and three months remain.

"Pompeo also urged 'our allies and partners to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime until it stops its destabilizing behavior.'"

How would you compare Iran's "destabilizing behavior" in Iraq with the US invasion and occupation of that country?

How about Soleimani's " terrorism" compared to Tommy Franks?

I didn't agree with the way Bush prosecuted the Iraq war, but that has nothing to do with what's happening on the ground now. Soleimani was a combatant in Iraq, he died in theater. Good riddance. BTW that clock runs out in Oct.

There is no evidence he was a combatant. Trump has not given us any evidence of that and they have steadfastly avoided doing so.
You're really good at assumptions, tell the class what kind of military experience you have.


Oh, Great One (in your sick pinhead mind), it doesn't matter. He hit it right on the head. Now you want to ask ME that same question? I have my fifth DD-214, a current DD-2 and even my Drivers License lists me as Retired Military. Does that mean I am supposed to be smarter than a SillyVillian? I might be for some, but not all. But you definitely aren't even close so stop with this nonsense.

We are in Iraq at the express permission of the Country of Iraq. We stay or go at their pleasure, not ours unless we are willing to do another overthrow of their Government.

5 DD214s, I only have 2 covering 26 years. Were you like a bad penny that just kept showing up. Also Iraq knows what will happen if we leave.


I got one every 4 years. You have to be discharged in or to reenlist each time. I was in the United States Military. What Country did YOU serve in. Let me guess, part of your time was in the USSR.

And the Iraqi Government has already voted on it and say we must leave. The mental Midget Rump is refusing. Our troops serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraqi Government. They are telling us to leave, we leave. Our welcome has been worn out. What's next, are you going to support your Criminal in Charge when he has to overthrow the current Iraqi Government by force? Get ready for Revelations and we all know who the Great Satan will be.

Nope, been to Vietnam, CO AK, TN, TX, PR, Honduras, Belize, Grenada, Panama and TX again, all in the US Army. Also the only ones that showed for the Iraq parliament vote were backed by Iran and were under the threat of death by Irans militias. It was a non-binding vote.


I had a draft Notice in my hip pocket and became a legalized draft dodger. You were drafted. Shows the intel level. I enlisted (or I could have been drafted into the Army) but beat the draft. My ASVAP scores were off the charts for the US Army but OK for the Air Force so I got the draft notice and 3 days later, was sworn in into the USAF and headed for Lackland. You aren't smart enough to discuss things with me about anything.

And it doesn't matter how the vote was taken or why. it was taken and accepted by the PM. You and your Orange Criminal don't have to agree with it but we serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraq Government.
Air Farce pouge. Lmfao.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
Because he is, Loon.
He ordered the assassination of an elite foreign government official.

How would you feel if it happened here?

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran
Your link:

"The clock showed that a little over a year and three months remain.

"Pompeo also urged 'our allies and partners to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime until it stops its destabilizing behavior.'"

How would you compare Iran's "destabilizing behavior" in Iraq with the US invasion and occupation of that country?

How about Soleimani's " terrorism" compared to Tommy Franks?

I didn't agree with the way Bush prosecuted the Iraq war, but that has nothing to do with what's happening on the ground now. Soleimani was a combatant in Iraq, he died in theater. Good riddance. BTW that clock runs out in Oct.

There is no evidence he was a combatant. Trump has not given us any evidence of that and they have steadfastly avoided doing so.
Are you really this dumb?
That scumbag on the ground, if he’s Muslim, probably likes little boys. The men prefer boys to women
No pussy-grabbers?
How 'bout bone spurs?

So much winning.
You defend a nation that wants to kill Americans, just because of your irrational, blind hatred of President Trump. That makes you a dick.

You got it wrong. I don't support any country other than America. What I don't support is Rump the liar, cheater, conman, thief and now, the murderer. But you do. I just don't support the American you want. And YOUR America is just a temporary thing once the Criminal In Charge liar, cheater, conman, their and murder is sent packing.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
This is not just a political criticism. Trump can't do that, legally, anyway. There are actually international laws that civilized nations follow and even if you're going to war with another country for a good reason, you don't start by taking out their cultural sites; you take out military/strategic targets. You know damned well that Trump the Asshole is saying we'll bomb Mecca. Too bad banned Marion Morrison couldn't be here to cheer that one. He's been saying it for years.

No, but it sure would be nice.

At any rate, it's great to have the democrats out in the open as enemies of America who support terrorism and the murder of American citizens.

Do you have an "I stand with Iran" shirt yet?

The idea of preserving cultural sites is for your kids and future generations to see all these sites that was built hundreds of years before Christ.

They want to grow up with education and successful.

And they don’t want to grow up like you that grew up and retire from your mobile home cutting coupons.
Fuck them. Destroy their culture. That culture was set in place by Islamic Shi’a extremism.

You sound exactly like a ISIS terrorist.

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