AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

Democrats the enemies of America?

Yes, waging a civil war in attempt to utterly destroy America.

We do not support terrorist. You don’t what you are talking about.

Fucking liar.

You terrorist scum have been out throwing a fit over the loss of Soliemani all weekend.

Do you think America didn't notice?

If you want to bomb Iran there are hundreds of military sites. Not the cultural sites. The ISIS and terrorist groups blow up cultural sites for a reason against humanity.
Trump and you wants to bomb cultural sites are no different from terrorist organizations. Meaning you are terrorist supporters.

The Muzzie Beasts have already destroyed the major cultural sites, without a peep from you Marxists. What Iran and the Hezbollah-democrat party are worried about is that Mosques that are the center of the Iranian theocratic terror state will be destroyed.

We as the Americans are better than that.

I don't consider you to be Americans at all. You're no different than Nazi sympathizers were in the middle of WWII, worse in fact.

See the difference between me the democrats and you?

Yes, you are terrorist promoting traitors acting on behalf of Iran as they fire rockets at American bases.

The idea of preserving cultural sites is for the future generations to see the sites that was built thousands of years ago and I hate to see those goes up in smoke just because of stupidity of American like Trump.

That ship has sailed, your beloved Mullahs already destroyed all pre-Islamic culture in Iran from the great Persian empire, without a whimper from you Communist piles of shit.

But if we destroy a Mosque housing a Republican Guard Unit, well then we are monsters.

We get it, you hate America and are actively fighting to cause the demise of the Republic.
You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran
Your link:

"The clock showed that a little over a year and three months remain.

"Pompeo also urged 'our allies and partners to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime until it stops its destabilizing behavior.'"

How would you compare Iran's "destabilizing behavior" in Iraq with the US invasion and occupation of that country?

How about Soleimani's " terrorism" compared to Tommy Franks?

I didn't agree with the way Bush prosecuted the Iraq war, but that has nothing to do with what's happening on the ground now. Soleimani was a combatant in Iraq, he died in theater. Good riddance. BTW that clock runs out in Oct.

There is no evidence he was a combatant. Trump has not given us any evidence of that and they have steadfastly avoided doing so.
Are you really this dumb?

You are the one who is dumb. The Trump people have insisted he was going to do something but have provided no evidence and have thus far refused to do so. They need to come clean with the American people. Apparently you are afraid of that.

Poor little dumb ass, they briefed the gang of 8 today and will brief congress tomorrow. You don't have a need to know on the classified stuff.

AOC lost the Amazon War. And she had to try hard to do that.

She stood up to Amazon's extortion. She was right to do that.
What was the extortion?

Amazon wanted billions in kickbacks from the state of NY and NYC. This needs to be illegal.

It's called tax incentives, every level of government uses them all the time. If you weren't so stupid you'd know that.

Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Is someone who advocates torture and the destruction of cultural sites a war criminal?
So you support terrorism? You support Iran? You support dead Americans? You are a fucking idiot. I hope your entire family dies in a terrorist attack. Leave our country. You’re not worthy of the title “American.”

The entire Hezbollah-democrat party openly supports and promotes terrorism against America. The great thing about Trump wasting the terrorist buddy of Obama is that it has caused the Hezbollah-democrats to drop their masks.

They stand with Iran.
You're really good at assumptions, tell the class what kind of military experience you have.


I am not assuming anything. All I’m telling you are straight facts and reality.

All of these I am telling you are out there all over the world to see how fucking dumb Americans are because of Trump.

If I’m not assuming anything or fabricated anything. If you think I am prove it.

I'll just pick one, what makes you think the Saudis are losing income?


Did I say Saudi are losing any income?
Where in post did I say that?

But your boi sent thousands of American troops as whore for the Saudis.

Read the damn string ignorant ass.


I did idiot. Where in my post Saudi is losing income?

Here ya go ignorant ass.
Saudi losing incomes.

Because he is, Loon.
He ordered the assassination of an elite foreign government official.

How would you feel if it happened here?

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran
Your link:

"The clock showed that a little over a year and three months remain.

"Pompeo also urged 'our allies and partners to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime until it stops its destabilizing behavior.'"

How would you compare Iran's "destabilizing behavior" in Iraq with the US invasion and occupation of that country?

How about Soleimani's " terrorism" compared to Tommy Franks?

I didn't agree with the way Bush prosecuted the Iraq war, but that has nothing to do with what's happening on the ground now. Soleimani was a combatant in Iraq, he died in theater. Good riddance. BTW that clock runs out in Oct.

There is no evidence he was a combatant. Trump has not given us any evidence of that and they have steadfastly avoided doing so.
Are you really this dumb?

You and your buddies here are a very good example of a dumb ignorant Americans.

We do not support Iran’s terrorism. We do not support terrorism.

But we support a civilize manner when and who we hit with intelligence and smartness.

We just don’t kill anyone just because of stupidity. With very large and unmeasurable consequences.

Iran just bomb American bases inside Iraq with dozens of ballistic missiles. Now Americans are on the run for cover. Do you realized how sad is that for us?

We supposed to be good guys.

Next target will be Kuwait, UAE or Israel if US will do the next move.

I’m sure dumb Donnie didn’t have a clue that will happened.
I am not assuming anything. All I’m telling you are straight facts and reality.

All of these I am telling you are out there all over the world to see how fucking dumb Americans are because of Trump.

If I’m not assuming anything or fabricated anything. If you think I am prove it.

I'll just pick one, what makes you think the Saudis are losing income?


Did I say Saudi are losing any income?
Where in post did I say that?

But your boi sent thousands of American troops as whore for the Saudis.

Read the damn string ignorant ass.


I did idiot. Where in my post Saudi is losing income?

Here ya go ignorant ass.
Saudi losing incomes.


You modified my post to fit your stupid agenda.

I was talking about foreign workers in Saudi. Stupid.
I'll just pick one, what makes you think the Saudis are losing income?


Did I say Saudi are losing any income?
Where in post did I say that?

But your boi sent thousands of American troops as whore for the Saudis.

Read the damn string ignorant ass.


I did idiot. Where in my post Saudi is losing income?

Here ya go ignorant ass.
Saudi losing incomes.


You modified my post to fit your stupid agenda.

I was talking about foreign workers in Saudi. Stupid.

Just click that little arrow ignorant ass, it will take you to your post, I didn't change a thing. I simply commented on what your ignorant ass posted.

Today Iran bomb American bases inside Iraq with ballistic missiles. Americans are on the run for cover. That is sad for me as Americans being bomb.

All of that for one Iranian.

There are no Patriot missiles to protect Americans in Iraq, Kuwait and other ME countries. But there are Patriot missiles to protect Saudis oil fields. Only less than hundred in numbers.

Let’s see what is dumb Donnie next move.
Did I say Saudi are losing any income?
Where in post did I say that?

But your boi sent thousands of American troops as whore for the Saudis.

Read the damn string ignorant ass.


I did idiot. Where in my post Saudi is losing income?

Here ya go ignorant ass.
Saudi losing incomes.


You modified my post to fit your stupid agenda.

I was talking about foreign workers in Saudi. Stupid.

Just click that little arrow ignorant ass, it will take you to your post, I didn't change a thing. I simply commented on what your ignorant ass posted.


Yes you modified entire post stupid. Why not quote me straight from my post?

Instead of just post one of my sentence. Missing the entire post. You are dumb.
Did I say Saudi are losing any income?
Where in post did I say that?

But your boi sent thousands of American troops as whore for the Saudis.

Read the damn string ignorant ass.


I did idiot. Where in my post Saudi is losing income?

Here ya go ignorant ass.
Saudi losing incomes.


You modified my post to fit your stupid agenda.

I was talking about foreign workers in Saudi. Stupid.

Just click that little arrow ignorant ass, it will take you to your post, I didn't change a thing. I simply commented on what your ignorant ass posted.


Not just stupid but you are a coward modifying a post to fit your stupidity and ignorant.
Ridiculous: Trump's Descalatory Deterrent Strike was a stroke genius.


It is hard to understand Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei’s blunder in attacking the US Embassy in Baghdad. He either believed Trump was weakened by his impeachment, as western liberal Media breathlessly and continuously reported, or he might have been misled by John Kerry’s incompetent advice (apparently Kerry met again with Khamenei’s emissaries in Paris just few weeks ago). Whatever the reasons, his goal of triggering a limited war with America to rally his people around the regime has failed miserably.​

Iran desperately wanted a war — drone attacks on Saudi Arabia’s heart of oil production, false-flag hits on oil tankers, unrest in Yemen – all aimed at this goal. Trump restraint in responding to these provocations must have been disappointing. But as Tehran resorted to attack the US Embassy in Baghdad, it must have realized it had overplayed its hand when the reaction was surgical, devastating, and unexpected: the elimination of the mass murderer Qasem Soleimani, commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force, Khamenei’s right-hand man and chief executioner.​

And yet I keep hearing that Trump is an angry toddler who just lashes out randomly.
The Party of the Rump doesn't seem to see the difference in the United States. They shoot up Churches already. Why not bomb a few Mosques in Iran while they are at it.

Who shoots up churches?

You Hezbollah-democrats are spinning out of orbit.
Read the damn string ignorant ass.


I did idiot. Where in my post Saudi is losing income?

Here ya go ignorant ass.
Saudi losing incomes.


You modified my post to fit your stupid agenda.

I was talking about foreign workers in Saudi. Stupid.

Just click that little arrow ignorant ass, it will take you to your post, I didn't change a thing. I simply commented on what your ignorant ass posted.


Yes you modified entire post stupid. Why not quote me straight from my post?

Instead of just post one of my sentence. Missing the entire post. You are dumb.

I did ignorant ass, and if you has looked at you original post you'd know I posted the last 3 words of your sentence. The portion dealing with the Saudis.

On Twitter Trump just threatened more war crimes. It is a literal war crime at the International Criminal Court of The Hague to destroy cultural sites. It violates the Geneva Convention treaties. Do you know who destroys cultural sites? Isis. Terrorists. Innocent men, women, and children are at those sites.
In the United States, liberals destroy our cultural sites.
Read the damn string ignorant ass.


I did idiot. Where in my post Saudi is losing income?

Here ya go ignorant ass.
Saudi losing incomes.


You modified my post to fit your stupid agenda.

I was talking about foreign workers in Saudi. Stupid.

Just click that little arrow ignorant ass, it will take you to your post, I didn't change a thing. I simply commented on what your ignorant ass posted.


Yes you modified entire post stupid. Why not quote me straight from my post?

Instead of just post one of my sentence. Missing the entire post. You are dumb.

Here's your complete post ignorant ass.
Is it worth it all these troubles killing one general that can be easily replace by his lieutenants?

They just killed 3 Americans in Kenya to start as retaliation.

Iraq is now kicking us out of Iraq.

We just yank 3,000 American troops from their families and sent to ME.

Foreign workers are being sent home from Iraq and Saudi losing incomes.

We are not getting any support from any allies. Not even from Bibi.

Is it worth all these stupid troubles?
Now tell me you didn't say that. Never mind, don't bother to reply, you're ignorant ass isn't worth the effort.

Oh, Great One (in your sick pinhead mind), it doesn't matter. He hit it right on the head. Now you want to ask ME that same question? I have my fifth DD-214, a current DD-2 and even my Drivers License lists me as Retired Military. Does that mean I am supposed to be smarter than a SillyVillian? I might be for some, but not all. But you definitely aren't even close so stop with this nonsense.

We are in Iraq at the express permission of the Country of Iraq. We stay or go at their pleasure, not ours unless we are willing to do another overthrow of their Government.

5 DD214s, I only have 2 covering 26 years. Were you like a bad penny that just kept showing up. Also Iraq knows what will happen if we leave.


I got one every 4 years. You have to be discharged in or to reenlist each time. I was in the United States Military. What Country did YOU serve in. Let me guess, part of your time was in the USSR.

And the Iraqi Government has already voted on it and say we must leave. The mental Midget Rump is refusing. Our troops serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraqi Government. They are telling us to leave, we leave. Our welcome has been worn out. What's next, are you going to support your Criminal in Charge when he has to overthrow the current Iraqi Government by force? Get ready for Revelations and we all know who the Great Satan will be.

Nope, been to Vietnam, CO AK, TN, TX, PR, Honduras, Belize, Grenada, Panama and TX again, all in the US Army. Also the only ones that showed for the Iraq parliament vote were backed by Iran and were under the threat of death by Irans militias. It was a non-binding vote.


I had a draft Notice in my hip pocket and became a legalized draft dodger. You were drafted. Shows the intel level. I enlisted (or I could have been drafted into the Army) but beat the draft. My ASVAP scores were off the charts for the US Army but OK for the Air Force so I got the draft notice and 3 days later, was sworn in into the USAF and headed for Lackland. You aren't smart enough to discuss things with me about anything.

And it doesn't matter how the vote was taken or why. it was taken and accepted by the PM. You and your Orange Criminal don't have to agree with it but we serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraq Government.

Well child, I wasn't drafted, but could have been. But I'm also smart enough to know it's the ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, what's that say about you. LMAO


it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.
Your link:

"The clock showed that a little over a year and three months remain.

"Pompeo also urged 'our allies and partners to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime until it stops its destabilizing behavior.'"

How would you compare Iran's "destabilizing behavior" in Iraq with the US invasion and occupation of that country?

How about Soleimani's " terrorism" compared to Tommy Franks?

I didn't agree with the way Bush prosecuted the Iraq war, but that has nothing to do with what's happening on the ground now. Soleimani was a combatant in Iraq, he died in theater. Good riddance. BTW that clock runs out in Oct.

There is no evidence he was a combatant. Trump has not given us any evidence of that and they have steadfastly avoided doing so.
Are you really this dumb?

You are the one who is dumb. The Trump people have insisted he was going to do something but have provided no evidence and have thus far refused to do so. They need to come clean with the American people. Apparently you are afraid of that.

Poor little dumb ass, they briefed the gang of 8 today and will brief congress tomorrow. You don't have a need to know on the classified stuff.


They were supposed to brief the gang of 8 BEFORE the hit. And it was equiv to a Mob Hit by a Mobster Boss without that.
5 DD214s, I only have 2 covering 26 years. Were you like a bad penny that just kept showing up. Also Iraq knows what will happen if we leave.


I got one every 4 years. You have to be discharged in or to reenlist each time. I was in the United States Military. What Country did YOU serve in. Let me guess, part of your time was in the USSR.

And the Iraqi Government has already voted on it and say we must leave. The mental Midget Rump is refusing. Our troops serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraqi Government. They are telling us to leave, we leave. Our welcome has been worn out. What's next, are you going to support your Criminal in Charge when he has to overthrow the current Iraqi Government by force? Get ready for Revelations and we all know who the Great Satan will be.

Nope, been to Vietnam, CO AK, TN, TX, PR, Honduras, Belize, Grenada, Panama and TX again, all in the US Army. Also the only ones that showed for the Iraq parliament vote were backed by Iran and were under the threat of death by Irans militias. It was a non-binding vote.


I had a draft Notice in my hip pocket and became a legalized draft dodger. You were drafted. Shows the intel level. I enlisted (or I could have been drafted into the Army) but beat the draft. My ASVAP scores were off the charts for the US Army but OK for the Air Force so I got the draft notice and 3 days later, was sworn in into the USAF and headed for Lackland. You aren't smart enough to discuss things with me about anything.

And it doesn't matter how the vote was taken or why. it was taken and accepted by the PM. You and your Orange Criminal don't have to agree with it but we serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraq Government.

Well child, I wasn't drafted, but could have been. But I'm also smart enough to know it's the ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, what's that say about you. LMAO


it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.

I didn't agree with the way Bush prosecuted the Iraq war, but that has nothing to do with what's happening on the ground now. Soleimani was a combatant in Iraq, he died in theater. Good riddance. BTW that clock runs out in Oct.

There is no evidence he was a combatant. Trump has not given us any evidence of that and they have steadfastly avoided doing so.
Are you really this dumb?

You are the one who is dumb. The Trump people have insisted he was going to do something but have provided no evidence and have thus far refused to do so. They need to come clean with the American people. Apparently you are afraid of that.

Poor little dumb ass, they briefed the gang of 8 today and will brief congress tomorrow. You don't have a need to know on the classified stuff.


They were supposed to brief the gang of 8 BEFORE the hit. And it was equiv to a Mob Hit by a Mobster Boss without that.

Bullshit. The house wasn't even in town.


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