AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

Democrats the enemies of America?

Yes, waging a civil war in attempt to utterly destroy America.

We do not support terrorist. You don’t what you are talking about.

Fucking liar.

You terrorist scum have been out throwing a fit over the loss of Soliemani all weekend.

Do you think America didn't notice?

If you want to bomb Iran there are hundreds of military sites. Not the cultural sites. The ISIS and terrorist groups blow up cultural sites for a reason against humanity.
Trump and you wants to bomb cultural sites are no different from terrorist organizations. Meaning you are terrorist supporters.

The Muzzie Beasts have already destroyed the major cultural sites, without a peep from you Marxists. What Iran and the Hezbollah-democrat party are worried about is that Mosques that are the center of the Iranian theocratic terror state will be destroyed.

We as the Americans are better than that.

I don't consider you to be Americans at all. You're no different than Nazi sympathizers were in the middle of WWII, worse in fact.

See the difference between me the democrats and you?

Yes, you are terrorist promoting traitors acting on behalf of Iran as they fire rockets at American bases.

The idea of preserving cultural sites is for the future generations to see the sites that was built thousands of years ago and I hate to see those goes up in smoke just because of stupidity of American like Trump.

That ship has sailed, your beloved Mullahs already destroyed all pre-Islamic culture in Iran from the great Persian empire, without a whimper from you Communist piles of shit.

But if we destroy a Mosque housing a Republican Guard Unit, well then we are monsters.

We get it, you hate America and are actively fighting to cause the demise of the Republic.

You have no fucking clue of what you are talking about. NONE. Nothing except a Trump idiot sympathizers.
I had a draft Notice in my hip pocket and became a legalized draft dodger. You were drafted. Shows the intel level. I enlisted (or I could have been drafted into the Army) but beat the draft. My ASVAP scores were off the charts for the US Army but OK for the Air Force so I got the draft notice and 3 days later, was sworn in into the USAF and headed for Lackland. You aren't smart enough to discuss things with me about anything.

And it doesn't matter how the vote was taken or why. it was taken and accepted by the PM. You and your Orange Criminal don't have to agree with it but we serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraq Government.

Well child, I wasn't drafted, but could have been. But I'm also smart enough to know it's the ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, what's that say about you. LMAO


it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.


Let's see now. You say you served in Vietnam. That would mean you served for the Peoples Army of Vietnam. You must have transferred to the Soviet Army shortly after than, comrade. Your time line doesn't link up.

The trouble with a lie if you tell too much, it falls apart sooner or later. And you just played a bad hand. You are NOT a Vietnam Veteran unless you served for the Peoples Army of Vietnam during the 26 years time frame you claim.

You are a poser. Thank you for verifying that. Your name wouldn't be Sydney Chalk would it? Okay, Vietnam Vets, he's all yours.

So let me ask you this dumb ass, did I say that 26 years was continuous? I have two awards of the NDSM, how about you? Hell, I doubt you even know what that means. LMAO


Quiet, Poser. You got bagged.
Nope, been to Vietnam, CO AK, TN, TX, PR, Honduras, Belize, Grenada, Panama and TX again, all in the US Army. Also the only ones that showed for the Iraq parliament vote were backed by Iran and were under the threat of death by Irans militias. It was a non-binding vote.


I had a draft Notice in my hip pocket and became a legalized draft dodger. You were drafted. Shows the intel level. I enlisted (or I could have been drafted into the Army) but beat the draft. My ASVAP scores were off the charts for the US Army but OK for the Air Force so I got the draft notice and 3 days later, was sworn in into the USAF and headed for Lackland. You aren't smart enough to discuss things with me about anything.

And it doesn't matter how the vote was taken or why. it was taken and accepted by the PM. You and your Orange Criminal don't have to agree with it but we serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraq Government.

Well child, I wasn't drafted, but could have been. But I'm also smart enough to know it's the ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, what's that say about you. LMAO


it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.


I agree with Daryl. You have sixth grade education.
You just proved it to me.

He also lies about his Military Career. He's a poser. Sooner or later, all Posers trip themselves up.
Well child, I wasn't drafted, but could have been. But I'm also smart enough to know it's the ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, what's that say about you. LMAO


it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.


Let's see now. You say you served in Vietnam. That would mean you served for the Peoples Army of Vietnam. You must have transferred to the Soviet Army shortly after than, comrade. Your time line doesn't link up.

The trouble with a lie if you tell too much, it falls apart sooner or later. And you just played a bad hand. You are NOT a Vietnam Veteran unless you served for the Peoples Army of Vietnam during the 26 years time frame you claim.

You are a poser. Thank you for verifying that. Your name wouldn't be Sydney Chalk would it? Okay, Vietnam Vets, he's all yours.

So let me ask you this dumb ass, did I say that 26 years was continuous? I have two awards of the NDSM, how about you? Hell, I doubt you even know what that means. LMAO


Quiet, Poser. You got bagged.

The only thing that got bagged is the spray paint you're huffing. Also as I figured you're too stupid to know what a second award of the NDSM means.

I had a draft Notice in my hip pocket and became a legalized draft dodger. You were drafted. Shows the intel level. I enlisted (or I could have been drafted into the Army) but beat the draft. My ASVAP scores were off the charts for the US Army but OK for the Air Force so I got the draft notice and 3 days later, was sworn in into the USAF and headed for Lackland. You aren't smart enough to discuss things with me about anything.

And it doesn't matter how the vote was taken or why. it was taken and accepted by the PM. You and your Orange Criminal don't have to agree with it but we serve in Iraq at the pleasure of the Iraq Government.

Well child, I wasn't drafted, but could have been. But I'm also smart enough to know it's the ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, what's that say about you. LMAO


it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.


I agree with Daryl. You have sixth grade education.
You just proved it to me.

He also lies about his Military Career. He's a poser. Sooner or later, all Posers trip themselves up.

Really, I've posted a copy of my last 214 on this board, how about you do the same. Let's see just what kind of a chair born warrior you were.

And the US SoS laughed out loud
Same old Shit
it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.


Let's see now. You say you served in Vietnam. That would mean you served for the Peoples Army of Vietnam. You must have transferred to the Soviet Army shortly after than, comrade. Your time line doesn't link up.

The trouble with a lie if you tell too much, it falls apart sooner or later. And you just played a bad hand. You are NOT a Vietnam Veteran unless you served for the Peoples Army of Vietnam during the 26 years time frame you claim.

You are a poser. Thank you for verifying that. Your name wouldn't be Sydney Chalk would it? Okay, Vietnam Vets, he's all yours.

So let me ask you this dumb ass, did I say that 26 years was continuous? I have two awards of the NDSM, how about you? Hell, I doubt you even know what that means. LMAO


Quiet, Poser. You got bagged.

The only thing that got bagged is the spray paint you're huffing. Also as I figured you're too stupid to know what a second award of the NDSM means.


Quiet, Poser. No one is buying your story anymore, Comrade.
Well child, I wasn't drafted, but could have been. But I'm also smart enough to know it's the ASVAB, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, what's that say about you. LMAO


it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.


I agree with Daryl. You have sixth grade education.
You just proved it to me.

He also lies about his Military Career. He's a poser. Sooner or later, all Posers trip themselves up.

Really, I've posted a copy of my last 214 on this board, how about you do the same. Let's see just what kind of a chair born warrior you were.


You may have posted SOMEONES edited DD-214 on this board but an edited version doesn't count. And the only one that has asked for my DD-214 in years has been the VFW to verify a Foreign War Participation. The VA has it on permanent file as does one other place. I don't feel the need to post it on here so that posers like you can get your hands on it, edit it, and call it your own. Next you are going to demand I post a copy of my DD-2.

Are you sure you aren't Sydney Chalk? Do you claim to have 5 purple hearts as well?
On Twitter Trump just threatened more war crimes. It is a literal war crime at the International Criminal Court of The Hague to destroy cultural sites. It violates the Geneva Convention treaties. Do you know who destroys cultural sites? Isis. Terrorists. Innocent men, women, and children are at those sites.

Then why has the Hague not tried anyone for those crimes? As long as we are looking at this...why have the people who tore down Confederate statues and defaced Columbus statues not been tried?
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Have you ever been in a firefight? Have you ever been in an overrun? It's not going to be a Firefight, it's going to be series of overruns. And those are the hairiest of them all. There is a lot of dying, panic and more going on. If you are lucky, some will live through it. Most won't even if relief forces get there in time to stop it. Get ready for a whole bunch of those.

Still hoping against hope for that? A "whole bunch" of them?
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Have you ever been in a firefight? Have you ever been in an overrun? It's not going to be a Firefight, it's going to be series of overruns. And those are the hairiest of them all. There is a lot of dying, panic and more going on. If you are lucky, some will live through it. Most won't even if relief forces get there in time to stop it. Get ready for a whole bunch of those.

Still hoping against hope for that? A "whole bunch" of them?

Iran has already stated the Missile Attack was not enough for the "Revenge". Rump didn't think things through. I wonder which mental midget whispered into his hear that this would be a good idea. He isn't smart enough to be that friggin dumb. Oh wait, yes he is.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Have you ever been in a firefight? Have you ever been in an overrun? It's not going to be a Firefight, it's going to be series of overruns. And those are the hairiest of them all. There is a lot of dying, panic and more going on. If you are lucky, some will live through it. Most won't even if relief forces get there in time to stop it. Get ready for a whole bunch of those.

Still hoping against hope for that? A "whole bunch" of them?

Iran has already stated the Missile Attack was not enough for the "Revenge". Rump didn't think things through. I wonder which mental midget whispered into his hear that this would be a good idea. He isn't smart enough to be that friggin dumb. Oh wait, yes he is.

So you are still hoping.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Have you ever been in a firefight? Have you ever been in an overrun? It's not going to be a Firefight, it's going to be series of overruns. And those are the hairiest of them all. There is a lot of dying, panic and more going on. If you are lucky, some will live through it. Most won't even if relief forces get there in time to stop it. Get ready for a whole bunch of those.

Still hoping against hope for that? A "whole bunch" of them?

Iran has already stated the Missile Attack was not enough for the "Revenge". Rump didn't think things through. I wonder which mental midget whispered into his hear that this would be a good idea. He isn't smart enough to be that friggin dumb. Oh wait, yes he is.

So you are still hoping.

Just stating facts. You can't change facts to suit yourself. Neither of us have any control of the facts. We just read about it after it happens. Besides, if anyone needs for Iran to terrorize, it would be you but I won't hold out for that either.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

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