AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
On Twitter Trump just threatened more war crimes. It is a literal war crime at the International Criminal Court of The Hague to destroy cultural sites. It violates the Geneva Convention treaties. Do you know who destroys cultural sites? Isis. Terrorists. Innocent men, women, and children are at those sites.
On Twitter Trump just threatened more war crimes. It is a literal war crime at the International Criminal Court of The Hague to destroy cultural sites. It violates the Geneva Convention treaties. Do you know who destroys cultural sites? Isis. Terrorists. Innocent men, women, and children are at those sites.

cool it--------depends on HOW "cultural" or "heritage" or even "religious" is
defined. --------in fact----the TWIN TOWERS could be called a "cultural site"
Want to analyze the actions of HEZBOLLAH? ----------of course Hezbollah is
IRAN -------not matter who denies that FACT. For Yemenis----SANAA
was a CULTURAL SITE ---still is-----the capital of that nation. Iranian proxies
made the streets run red with blood-----is that destruction?
Just as we were led into Vietnam and Iraq by lies, the Trump administration is misleading us on Iran
Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

Iran probably isn't done yet. I wished they are but I don't always get all my wishes. And if you vote for Rump you are mentally unstable. We need a 3rd or a 4th or a......... option. Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.

Maybe if you Communists could present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment you wouldn't need to tamper with the election?
You have no fucking clue of what you are talking about. NONE. Nothing except a Trump idiot sympathizers.

You Hezbollah-democrats are open traitors. I'm sure you are heartbroken that no Americans were killed last night.

*** So a question, as an enemy combatant waging war against America, are you outraged that Trump has decided not to retaliate, or do you acknowledge that the president is making a wise and just decision?

Let me repeat it again. You have no clue what you are talking about. NONE.. You accused me of being Hezbollah just because I disagreed with a very dumb stupid foreign idiotic policy.
You are a LIAR just like this inept president.

Oh I’m very hard broken big time that Iranians bomb American bases with ballistic missiles. That’s the results of how dumb is our Trump.

*** Outrage that dumb Trump did not retaliate? Yes and No.
Trump was (and you) pounding his chest when he killed this dude. So why fuck with it to start with when he doesn’t even have a plan how to deal with it. They just bomb us with 12+ ballistic missiles.
All these crisis he created...... What the hell did you accomplished?

Was a wise decision not to retaliate? Yes........ But why dick with it in the first place? So after all these bluff....... They just bomb American bases. That’s a total fuck up foreign policy. Don’t you think?

Bet you bash Bush for not getting bin Laden before 9-11, because your filthy, evil, shameful party tells you to.

Trump took out a bin Laden type before he did the 9-11 type act - you Hezbollah-Democrats attack Trump and praise the terrorist.

Yeah, that really DOES make you traitors.

No worries, the voters see you for what you are.
what has he done differently than any other president
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
what has he done differently than any other president
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.
what has he done differently than any other president
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

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