AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

You are the stupidest moron on this board. Voting D4emocrat does not make you anti-America. By making that statement, you show you are anti-America.
It 100% does now. If your unstable, abject, psychological, hatred of Trump leads you to support terrorism over your own have serious issues. Democrats are absolutely anti-American. Embrace your shit like Omar and AOC. Democrats voted on a non-binding piece of shit, waste of time resolution to limit military action by the President. What a bunch of fuckheads.

It 100% does not. It makes you un-American and un-patriotic. The patriots are the ones who discuss issues without using McCarthy style tactics. I look at both sides of the issue and make a decision. Even Rand Paul and Mike Lee found the briefing short on facts. Trump supporters like Trump have serious mental issues. The fact is that Trump and his supporters represent the extreme right. We have a system of checks and balances and Congress has certain powers regarding the military and deployment of the military. You apparently want this to become the American version of Nazi Germany. No dissent from the official line is tolerated.
Are you really this dumb?

You are the one who is dumb. The Trump people have insisted he was going to do something but have provided no evidence and have thus far refused to do so. They need to come clean with the American people. Apparently you are afraid of that.

Poor little dumb ass, they briefed the gang of 8 today and will brief congress tomorrow. You don't have a need to know on the classified stuff.


They should have been informed before the attack. Americans have a right to know why we are being led into a potential war.

Perhaps they should try staying in town.


The Congress is a co-equal branch of government. They have a right to know.

Some do, some don't. None do, if time doesn't allow for it. That's why we have a commander in chief. Your hate doesn't alter that.

If he attacks "cultural heritige sites" like said he will be. That's a war crime.

I haven't seen where he's said exactly what sites are part of the 52. I think you are reading into things on this one.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"
I think it should be 152 and hope these strikes destroy Iranian regimes command and control of military. Then the people have a chance to rise-up and overthrow the murderous totalitarian regime. Would be difficult because like all oppressive regime, one of the first things they did was take away peoples right to keep and bear arms.
So, you're all in on the war crimes thing then.

Good to know.
It’s not a war crime to kill a common murderer.

Soleimani was a mass murder, there's nothing common about that.

What was the extortion?

Amazon wanted billions in kickbacks from the state of NY and NYC. This needs to be illegal.

It's called tax incentives, every level of government uses them all the time. If you weren't so stupid you'd know that.


You are the one who is stupid. That is a fancy word for extortion. All too often, the cost of attracting a business outweighs the benefits. This is another example of big business screwing the little guy.

A lot of folks much smarter than you disagree.


Most of the smart people agree with me. They are extortion.

Targeted Tax Incentives: Perverse and Ineffective

Funny, I didn't see a smart people poll in your link, so I guess you're just a liar. BTW you do know that the governments that offer incentives don't do anything unless the company lives up to their end of the bargain, RIGHT?

BTW whoever wrote that article needs to learn how to spell.

I haven't seen where he's said exactly what sites are part of the 52. I think you are reading into things on this one.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"
I think it should be 152 and hope these strikes destroy Iranian regimes command and control of military. Then the people have a chance to rise-up and overthrow the murderous totalitarian regime. Would be difficult because like all oppressive regime, one of the first things they did was take away peoples right to keep and bear arms.
So, you're all in on the war crimes thing then.

Good to know.
It’s not a war crime to kill a common murderer.

Soleimani was a mass murder, there's nothing common about that.

In the Iranian military it’s common.
Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

You are the stupidest moron on this board. Voting D4emocrat does not make you anti-America. By making that statement, you show you are anti-America.
It 100% does now. If your unstable, abject, psychological, hatred of Trump leads you to support terrorism over your own have serious issues. Democrats are absolutely anti-American. Embrace your shit like Omar and AOC. Democrats voted on a non-binding piece of shit, waste of time resolution to limit military action by the President. What a bunch of fuckheads.

It 100% does not. It makes you un-American and un-patriotic. The patriots are the ones who discuss issues without using McCarthy style tactics. I look at both sides of the issue and make a decision. Even Rand Paul and Mike Lee found the briefing short on facts. Trump supporters like Trump have serious mental issues. The fact is that Trump and his supporters represent the extreme right. We have a system of checks and balances and Congress has certain powers regarding the military and deployment of the military. You apparently want this to become the American version of Nazi Germany. No dissent from the official line is tolerated.
“McCarthy era tactics” you mean like impeachment process by Democrats in the House?
Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

You are the stupidest moron on this board. Voting D4emocrat does not make you anti-America. By making that statement, you show you are anti-America.
It 100% does now. If your unstable, abject, psychological, hatred of Trump leads you to support terrorism over your own have serious issues. Democrats are absolutely anti-American. Embrace your shit like Omar and AOC. Democrats voted on a non-binding piece of shit, waste of time resolution to limit military action by the President. What a bunch of fuckheads.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.
American people believe he is right for killing terrorists.
It’s not a war crime to kill a common murderer.

what has he done differently than any other president
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.
You're just a moron who has been brainwashed. Probably by Rush Limbaugh, "Hezbollah democrat" sounds like one of his.

Get back to me when you can think for yourself. Maybe we can talk then.
Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

You are the stupidest moron on this board. Voting D4emocrat does not make you anti-America. By making that statement, you show you are anti-America.
It 100% does now. If your unstable, abject, psychological, hatred of Trump leads you to support terrorism over your own have serious issues. Democrats are absolutely anti-American. Embrace your shit like Omar and AOC. Democrats voted on a non-binding piece of shit, waste of time resolution to limit military action by the President. What a bunch of fuckheads.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.
American people believe he is right for killing terrorists.

So you went to every American House, asked every American personally so you could make that stupid statement.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

You are the stupidest moron on this board. Voting D4emocrat does not make you anti-America. By making that statement, you show you are anti-America.
It 100% does now. If your unstable, abject, psychological, hatred of Trump leads you to support terrorism over your own have serious issues. Democrats are absolutely anti-American. Embrace your shit like Omar and AOC. Democrats voted on a non-binding piece of shit, waste of time resolution to limit military action by the President. What a bunch of fuckheads.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.
American people believe he is right for killing terrorists.

So you went to every American House, asked every American personally so you could make that stupid statement.

so far there does seem to be a popular opinion in the USA that soleimani
"needed hangin' "---- popular among those who knew the dog before
it was put down
You are the stupidest moron on this board. Voting D4emocrat does not make you anti-America. By making that statement, you show you are anti-America.
It 100% does now. If your unstable, abject, psychological, hatred of Trump leads you to support terrorism over your own have serious issues. Democrats are absolutely anti-American. Embrace your shit like Omar and AOC. Democrats voted on a non-binding piece of shit, waste of time resolution to limit military action by the President. What a bunch of fuckheads.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.
American people believe he is right for killing terrorists.

So you went to every American House, asked every American personally so you could make that stupid statement.

so far there does seem to be a popular opinion in the USA that soleimani
"needed hangin' "---- popular among those who knew the dog before
it was put down

Again, did you go to every household, ask every occupant, stop everyone on the street and ask them? And, yet, you still find time to post in here. Get back to work. You have a few thousand years before your task is complete..
It 100% does now. If your unstable, abject, psychological, hatred of Trump leads you to support terrorism over your own have serious issues. Democrats are absolutely anti-American. Embrace your shit like Omar and AOC. Democrats voted on a non-binding piece of shit, waste of time resolution to limit military action by the President. What a bunch of fuckheads.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.
American people believe he is right for killing terrorists.

So you went to every American House, asked every American personally so you could make that stupid statement.

so far there does seem to be a popular opinion in the USA that soleimani
"needed hangin' "---- popular among those who knew the dog before
it was put down

Again, did you go to every household, ask every occupant, stop everyone on the street and ask them? And, yet, you still find time to post in here. Get back to work. You have a few thousand years before your task is complete..

"popular opinion" does not require a comprehensive opinion poll. ------in fact---
not even close--------if you graduated high school, you would have been
exposed to the concept of "STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT"
It 100% does now. If your unstable, abject, psychological, hatred of Trump leads you to support terrorism over your own have serious issues. Democrats are absolutely anti-American. Embrace your shit like Omar and AOC. Democrats voted on a non-binding piece of shit, waste of time resolution to limit military action by the President. What a bunch of fuckheads.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.
American people believe he is right for killing terrorists.

So you went to every American House, asked every American personally so you could make that stupid statement.

so far there does seem to be a popular opinion in the USA that soleimani
"needed hangin' "---- popular among those who knew the dog before
it was put down

Again, did you go to every household, ask every occupant, stop everyone on the street and ask them? And, yet, you still find time to post in here. Get back to work. You have a few thousand years before your task is complete..

Not even the commies in congress say Soleimani didn't need killing, they're just pissed Trump didn't ask for their permission.

I am embarrassed to admit that I was not familiar with the name
SOLEIMANI before the dog was put down------but I did say to hubby---
ON THE DAY-----"some very important Iranian was assassinated"-----
he said "who"------I said "solieimani" ---HE JUMPED FOR JOY.
Hubby is 80 years old-----not a native English speaker-----not able to
type-------really bad speller------BUT HE KNEW THE NAME
The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.
American people believe he is right for killing terrorists.

So you went to every American House, asked every American personally so you could make that stupid statement.

so far there does seem to be a popular opinion in the USA that soleimani
"needed hangin' "---- popular among those who knew the dog before
it was put down

Again, did you go to every household, ask every occupant, stop everyone on the street and ask them? And, yet, you still find time to post in here. Get back to work. You have a few thousand years before your task is complete..

"popular opinion" does not require a comprehensive opinion poll. ------in fact---
not even close--------if you graduated high school, you would have been
exposed to the concept of "STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT"

Or I can just make it up as I wish. That seems to be the norm in here.
American people believe he is right for killing terrorists.

So you went to every American House, asked every American personally so you could make that stupid statement.

so far there does seem to be a popular opinion in the USA that soleimani
"needed hangin' "---- popular among those who knew the dog before
it was put down

Again, did you go to every household, ask every occupant, stop everyone on the street and ask them? And, yet, you still find time to post in here. Get back to work. You have a few thousand years before your task is complete..

"popular opinion" does not require a comprehensive opinion poll. ------in fact---
not even close--------if you graduated high school, you would have been
exposed to the concept of "STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT"

Or I can just make it up as I wish. That seems to be the norm in here.

liars are, themselves, the most distrustful persons Only an idiot would
------is chocolate a popular flavor of ice cream?
What the president did was bold, courageous, and it worked!

Let's take a good look at how it worked.

He did take out a Leader that helped to support many of the satellite terrorist organizations. That might be a good thing. That's on on the good side.

But 10 minutes later, that General was replaced by a hand picked General. He was an Iranian General, not a run in the mill Terrorist. Yes, he was a really bad Actor. How many cabinet members and advisors under Rump are also really bad actors but do you think they should be assassinated? No change at all. In fact, that was actually a win for Iran. More about that later.

It gave the Hardliners in Iran the legitimacy they were quickly losing. While Rump was beating on his Chest and trying to force Nationalism in the US, guess what, the Iranian Hardliners successfully got the Nationalism they were looking for. The Moderates and Liberal factions don't even dare speak up right now. Iran is not America. Speaking out right now in Iran would mean a fast death sentence and the majority of the Iranians would support that action. Huge Win in the Iranian column.

It was damned smart of the Iranians to launch those missiles and not kill a single person. There were enough launched that it had to be done on purpose to not kill anyone. The Iranians launched their junk that were well on their way to the scrap heap. I guess they figured out that they would let the Americans recycle and clean them up instead. What it showed the Iranians and other Countries is that Iran is not afraid to directly strike back at the American Military in response. HUGE win for Iran.

Rump decides to scale it back to avoid any more conflict. This sounds real good. But remember, he's the one that fired the first shot that brought all this on in the first place. While he did get rid of a really bad actor, he didn't change a thing since the replacement is business as usual. And I doubt Rump is going to repeat the same action again anytime soon. In order turn this into a Rump win, he is going to have to take the replacement out very quickly. And then it escalates from there. Since neither country can invade the other, it becomes a tit for tat. And Iran has at it's disposal a huge army of Terrorist Organizations throughout the world. But the US has at it's own disposal a HUGE armada of it's own Military. This one doesn't go into to the win category for either party.
if you could only hear yourself. you'd be laughing with all of us.
I think Trump knew about the Saudis planning to kill Khashoggi and told Kushner to give the green light. Khashoggi was a critic of Trump (and of the Saudi regime).

Soleimani was also a critic of Trump, but his criticism was very restrained in my opinion, or what I found online at least. Could be Trump found out about it and ordered the airstrike based on that.

Trump wishes the US was a dictatorship so he could take out all his enemies.
what has he done differently than any other president? you must provide at least one event or you're as dishonest as an Iranian.

You are the dishonest one. George W Bush went to Congress to get a war authorization. He laid out his reasons to the Congress and American people.
Bush invaded Iraq. I would hope he did that, that is what the constitution says. Firing on a terrorist is not an act of war no matter how bad you want it to be. fk dude, there wasn't even a boot on the ground associated with it. Remind me, didn't obammy do the same thing with Bin Laden? Don't you think someone back filled him? just how stupid are you really?

Didn't Trump back fill obammy after he back filled Bush who backed filled slick willie? how else do you think it works?
what has he done differently than any other president
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Obama didn't kill Gaddafi. He was killed by rebels in his own country after they found him hiding in a culvert. They captured him, and then THEY (not Obama) killed him.

Would help if you did your own research, rather than spewing out what you think Trump said.

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte. Gaddafi was found hiding in a culvert west of Sirte and captured by National Transitional Council forces. He was killed shortly afterwards. The NTC initially claimed he died from injuries sustained in a firefight when loyalist forces attempted to free him, although a graphic video of his last moments show rebel fighters beating him and one of them sodomizing him with a bayonet[2] before he was shot several times as he pleaded for his life.[3]

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