AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Obama didn't kill Gaddafi. He was killed by rebels in his own country after they found him hiding in a culvert. They captured him, and then THEY (not Obama) killed him.

Would help if you did your own research, rather than spewing out what you think Trump said.

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte. Gaddafi was found hiding in a culvert west of Sirte and captured by National Transitional Council forces. He was killed shortly afterwards. The NTC initially claimed he died from injuries sustained in a firefight when loyalist forces attempted to free him, although a graphic video of his last moments show rebel fighters beating him and one of them sodomizing him with a bayonet[2] before he was shot several times as he pleaded for his life.[3]

Ah, a fucking liar. You must be a democrat.

Moments after it was reported that Gaddafi was killed, Fox News published an article titled "U.S. Drone Involved in Final Qaddafi Strike, as Obama Heralds Regime's 'End'",[46] noting that a U.S. Predator drone was involved in the airstrike on Gaddafi's convoy in the moments before his death. An anonymous US official subsequently described their policy in hindsight as "lead[ing] from behind".[47]

Because Libyan rebels had consistently told American government officials that they did not want overt foreign military assistance in toppling Gaddafi, covert military assistance was used (including arms shipments to opposition). The plan following Gaddafi's death was to immediately begin flowing humanitarian assistance to eastern Libya and later western Libya, as the symbolism would be critically important. US sources stressed it as important that they would "not allow Turkey, Italy and others to steal a march on it".[48]}

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

You really should read your link better, because you missed a lot. Yes, a convoy was spotted by British forces and reported. A drone went and took out some of the vehicles, and Gaddafi went and hid in a house that got shelled. Then, he went and hid in a culvert where he was captured by Lybian forces, who then killed him. Ya gotta quit cherry picking dude. It even says in the article that NATO forces weren't sure if Gaddafi was in the convoy or not, and they weren't aware of his capture. And no, Obama didn't kill Gaddafi.

From the link......

At around 01:30 local time (03:30 UTC) on 20 October 2011, Gaddafi, his army chief Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr, his security chief Mansour Dhao, and a group of loyalists attempted to escape in a convoy of 75 vehicles.[8][9] A Royal Air Force reconnaissance aircraft spotted the convoy moving at high speed, after NATO forces intercepted a satellite phone call made by Gaddafi.[10]

NATO aircraft then fired on 21 of the vehicles, destroying one. A U.S. Predator drone operated from a base near Las Vegas[9] fired the first missiles at the convoy, hitting its target about 3 kilometres (2 mi) west of Sirte. Moments later, French Air Force Rafale fighter jets continued the bombing.[11] The NATO bombing immobilized much of the convoy and killed dozens of loyalist fighters. Following the first strike, the convoy split into several groups, with a subsequent strike destroying another 11 vehicles.[12] Rebel units on the ground also struck the convoy.[13]

It is unclear if NATO aircraft were involved in helping secure Gaddafi's capture by Libyan forces on the ground.[13] According to their statement, NATO was not aware at the time of the strike that Gaddafi was in the convoy. NATO stated that, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, it does not target individuals, but only military assets that pose a threat. NATO later learned "from open sources and Allied intelligence" that Gaddafi was in the convoy and that the strike likely contributed to his capture.[13]

After the airstrike, which destroyed the vehicle in front of Muammar Gaddafi's car, he and his son Mutassim, and former defence minister Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr took shelter in a nearby house, which was then shelled by NTC forces.

Mutassim then took 20 fighters and went to look for undamaged cars, having persuaded his father to come too. "The group belly-crawled to a sand berm," according to a UN report released in March 2012, and then through two drainage pipes and set up a defensive position.

One of Gaddafi's guards threw a grenade at advancing rebels on the road above, but it hit a concrete wall above the pipes and fell in front of Gaddafi. The guard tried to pick it up, but it exploded, killing both the guard and Yunis Jabr.[14]

Capture and death
Gaddafi took refuge in a large drainage pipe with several loyalist bodyguards. A nearby group of NTC fighters opened fire, wounding Gaddafi in the leg and back. According to one unnamed NTC fighter, one of Gaddafi's own loyalists also shot him, apparently to spare him from being captured.[15][16] A group of rebels approached the pipe where Gaddafi was hiding and ordered him to come out, which he did slowly. He was then dragged up to his feet as rebels shouted, "Muammar, Muammar!"[17]

However, a UN report released in March 2012 revealed a different account of Gaddafi's capture. Gaddafi was wounded by grenade fragmentation from a grenade thrown by one of his own men which bounced off a wall and fell in front of Gaddafi, shredding his flak jacket. He sat on the floor dazed and in shock, bleeding from a wound in the left temple. Then one of his group waved a white turban in surrender.[14]

Gaddafi was killed shortly afterwards. There are conflicting reports. According to one report, Gaddafi said "Please don't shoot!" prior to being shot,[18] and when questioned by Misratan rebel fighters about the damage done to Misrata by his forces, denied any involvement, and begged his captors not to hit or kill him. One fighter demanded Gaddafi stand up, but he struggled to do so.[19] Gaddafi can be heard in one video saying "God forbids this" and "Do you know right from wrong?" when being shouted at by his captors.[20][21] In a video of his arrest he can be seen draped on the hood of a car, held by rebel fighters.[22]
tRumplings have a hard enough time sounding out the headline, you can't expect them to read the whole thing.
Huh? You can’t read mtr fkr
what has he done differently than any other president
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Big difference idiot.
Look at the results in killing Soleimani. No support from our friends. No celebration. But Anti Trump all over even from Trump supporters. Americans feel less safer.
We are not standing for Iran we are just telling you it’s a very bad move by an inept president.

Look at the results in killing Gaddafi. We heard celebrations and congratulations from Libyans and friends and ally. Only idiots people that are complaining are from terrorist supporters of Gaddafi like you.
Based on what exactly? You’re confused
“War Criminal” retaliates against killer of Americans. AOC should keep up with that. Democrats tried to stick the War Criminal on Bush..... now they like him because he doesn’t like the current President who was writing checks to Democrats when Bush was President.
my friends: Trump is a gullible marionette, his strings pulled by inveterate, habitual warmongers. If these profiteering elites would just let Trump be Trump and train his wrath on Mexicans instead of Iranians, a great presidency would get its groove back.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.

You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.

You Marxists hate Trump, but that is irrelevant. I like Trump because of lowest unemployment in history, DOW at 29,000, and we FINALLY took out a fucking terrorist BEFORE they brought down American buildings.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.

You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.

You Marxists hate Trump, but that is irrelevant. I like Trump because of lowest unemployment in history, DOW at 29,000, and we FINALLY took out a fucking terrorist BEFORE they brought down American buildings.

But hey, Democrats have a plan to bring us back to mediocrity and fuck personal prosperity.
You don’t have a clue what you are talking about dude. None. All what you are saying is just pure crap. You are not making sense at all son.

The missiles attacked is a total slapped in our face.


The attacks killed nor harmed any American. Either our defenses or so superior that your allies simply can't hit targets, or your Iranian masters know that if they harm or kill an American they will be fucked 5 ways from sunday and are deliberately missing.

Slap in the face? You're fucking stupid, you're desperately flinging shit like a feral baboon.

*** You cheered that this terrorist was killed and won’t kill any more Americans. Do you realized how dumb for you to say that? Why would killing Soleimani one lousy Iranian will stop any of that? Is there only one Iranian commander in Iran, no lieutenants that can easily take over. This proved that you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about.

I’m a a very patriotic Americans but I hate being represented by an inept lousy president. A total embarrassment who don’t give a shit to anybody but for his own interest. Nothing more.

Patriotic my ass. You cheer terrorists who kill thousands of Americans. You're an America hating Marxist scumbag. Did you dance in the streets on 9-11? Come on, you know you did....

Wrong again dude. I don’t mind killing a terrorist but you just don’t kill a terrorist just for the heck of killing a terrorist.

Look at the results, impact and consequences. Is it worth all that troubles by killing one lousy Iranian? Americans are not safer.

I already explained to you why Bibi or Obama never took out these commanders.

I already explained to you the different results in killing Gaddafi and Soleimani. Sadly you are sticking with your nonsense.

Demonstrably not true, You throw a FIT because we killed a terrorist leader BEFORE he could do his 9-11. That gives you a sadz, as it does all your fellow terrorist loving democrat scum.

And we know with Gadaffi, he switched sides, he was helping the Americans hunt down Al Qaeda. Obama HAD to kill him for that, as a lesson to any other leader who might start cooperating with the Americans.
No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Obama didn't kill Gaddafi. He was killed by rebels in his own country after they found him hiding in a culvert. They captured him, and then THEY (not Obama) killed him.

Would help if you did your own research, rather than spewing out what you think Trump said.

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte. Gaddafi was found hiding in a culvert west of Sirte and captured by National Transitional Council forces. He was killed shortly afterwards. The NTC initially claimed he died from injuries sustained in a firefight when loyalist forces attempted to free him, although a graphic video of his last moments show rebel fighters beating him and one of them sodomizing him with a bayonet[2] before he was shot several times as he pleaded for his life.[3]

Ah, a fucking liar. You must be a democrat.

Moments after it was reported that Gaddafi was killed, Fox News published an article titled "U.S. Drone Involved in Final Qaddafi Strike, as Obama Heralds Regime's 'End'",[46] noting that a U.S. Predator drone was involved in the airstrike on Gaddafi's convoy in the moments before his death. An anonymous US official subsequently described their policy in hindsight as "lead[ing] from behind".[47]

Because Libyan rebels had consistently told American government officials that they did not want overt foreign military assistance in toppling Gaddafi, covert military assistance was used (including arms shipments to opposition). The plan following Gaddafi's death was to immediately begin flowing humanitarian assistance to eastern Libya and later western Libya, as the symbolism would be critically important. US sources stressed it as important that they would "not allow Turkey, Italy and others to steal a march on it".[48]}

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

You really should read your link better, because you missed a lot. Yes, a convoy was spotted by British forces and reported. A drone went and took out some of the vehicles, and Gaddafi went and hid in a house that got shelled. Then, he went and hid in a culvert where he was captured by Lybian forces, who then killed him. Ya gotta quit cherry picking dude. It even says in the article that NATO forces weren't sure if Gaddafi was in the convoy or not, and they weren't aware of his capture. And no, Obama didn't kill Gaddafi.

From the link......

At around 01:30 local time (03:30 UTC) on 20 October 2011, Gaddafi, his army chief Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr, his security chief Mansour Dhao, and a group of loyalists attempted to escape in a convoy of 75 vehicles.[8][9] A Royal Air Force reconnaissance aircraft spotted the convoy moving at high speed, after NATO forces intercepted a satellite phone call made by Gaddafi.[10]

NATO aircraft then fired on 21 of the vehicles, destroying one. A U.S. Predator drone operated from a base near Las Vegas[9] fired the first missiles at the convoy, hitting its target about 3 kilometres (2 mi) west of Sirte. Moments later, French Air Force Rafale fighter jets continued the bombing.[11] The NATO bombing immobilized much of the convoy and killed dozens of loyalist fighters. Following the first strike, the convoy split into several groups, with a subsequent strike destroying another 11 vehicles.[12] Rebel units on the ground also struck the convoy.[13]

It is unclear if NATO aircraft were involved in helping secure Gaddafi's capture by Libyan forces on the ground.[13] According to their statement, NATO was not aware at the time of the strike that Gaddafi was in the convoy. NATO stated that, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, it does not target individuals, but only military assets that pose a threat. NATO later learned "from open sources and Allied intelligence" that Gaddafi was in the convoy and that the strike likely contributed to his capture.[13]

After the airstrike, which destroyed the vehicle in front of Muammar Gaddafi's car, he and his son Mutassim, and former defence minister Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr took shelter in a nearby house, which was then shelled by NTC forces.

Mutassim then took 20 fighters and went to look for undamaged cars, having persuaded his father to come too. "The group belly-crawled to a sand berm," according to a UN report released in March 2012, and then through two drainage pipes and set up a defensive position.

One of Gaddafi's guards threw a grenade at advancing rebels on the road above, but it hit a concrete wall above the pipes and fell in front of Gaddafi. The guard tried to pick it up, but it exploded, killing both the guard and Yunis Jabr.[14]

Capture and death
Gaddafi took refuge in a large drainage pipe with several loyalist bodyguards. A nearby group of NTC fighters opened fire, wounding Gaddafi in the leg and back. According to one unnamed NTC fighter, one of Gaddafi's own loyalists also shot him, apparently to spare him from being captured.[15][16] A group of rebels approached the pipe where Gaddafi was hiding and ordered him to come out, which he did slowly. He was then dragged up to his feet as rebels shouted, "Muammar, Muammar!"[17]

However, a UN report released in March 2012 revealed a different account of Gaddafi's capture. Gaddafi was wounded by grenade fragmentation from a grenade thrown by one of his own men which bounced off a wall and fell in front of Gaddafi, shredding his flak jacket. He sat on the floor dazed and in shock, bleeding from a wound in the left temple. Then one of his group waved a white turban in surrender.[14]

Gaddafi was killed shortly afterwards. There are conflicting reports. According to one report, Gaddafi said "Please don't shoot!" prior to being shot,[18] and when questioned by Misratan rebel fighters about the damage done to Misrata by his forces, denied any involvement, and begged his captors not to hit or kill him. One fighter demanded Gaddafi stand up, but he struggled to do so.[19] Gaddafi can be heard in one video saying "God forbids this" and "Do you know right from wrong?" when being shouted at by his captors.[20][21] In a video of his arrest he can be seen draped on the hood of a car, held by rebel fighters.[22]

So, it was a JOINT NATO Al Qaeda operation. Obama used drones to disable the caravan and his Al Qaeda allies pulled the trigger.

Obama assassinated Gaddafi - fact.
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Obama didn't kill Gaddafi. He was killed by rebels in his own country after they found him hiding in a culvert. They captured him, and then THEY (not Obama) killed him.

Would help if you did your own research, rather than spewing out what you think Trump said.

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte. Gaddafi was found hiding in a culvert west of Sirte and captured by National Transitional Council forces. He was killed shortly afterwards. The NTC initially claimed he died from injuries sustained in a firefight when loyalist forces attempted to free him, although a graphic video of his last moments show rebel fighters beating him and one of them sodomizing him with a bayonet[2] before he was shot several times as he pleaded for his life.[3]

Ah, a fucking liar. You must be a democrat.

Moments after it was reported that Gaddafi was killed, Fox News published an article titled "U.S. Drone Involved in Final Qaddafi Strike, as Obama Heralds Regime's 'End'",[46] noting that a U.S. Predator drone was involved in the airstrike on Gaddafi's convoy in the moments before his death. An anonymous US official subsequently described their policy in hindsight as "lead[ing] from behind".[47]

Because Libyan rebels had consistently told American government officials that they did not want overt foreign military assistance in toppling Gaddafi, covert military assistance was used (including arms shipments to opposition). The plan following Gaddafi's death was to immediately begin flowing humanitarian assistance to eastern Libya and later western Libya, as the symbolism would be critically important. US sources stressed it as important that they would "not allow Turkey, Italy and others to steal a march on it".[48]}

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

You really should read your link better, because you missed a lot. Yes, a convoy was spotted by British forces and reported. A drone went and took out some of the vehicles, and Gaddafi went and hid in a house that got shelled. Then, he went and hid in a culvert where he was captured by Lybian forces, who then killed him. Ya gotta quit cherry picking dude. It even says in the article that NATO forces weren't sure if Gaddafi was in the convoy or not, and they weren't aware of his capture. And no, Obama didn't kill Gaddafi.

From the link......

At around 01:30 local time (03:30 UTC) on 20 October 2011, Gaddafi, his army chief Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr, his security chief Mansour Dhao, and a group of loyalists attempted to escape in a convoy of 75 vehicles.[8][9] A Royal Air Force reconnaissance aircraft spotted the convoy moving at high speed, after NATO forces intercepted a satellite phone call made by Gaddafi.[10]

NATO aircraft then fired on 21 of the vehicles, destroying one. A U.S. Predator drone operated from a base near Las Vegas[9] fired the first missiles at the convoy, hitting its target about 3 kilometres (2 mi) west of Sirte. Moments later, French Air Force Rafale fighter jets continued the bombing.[11] The NATO bombing immobilized much of the convoy and killed dozens of loyalist fighters. Following the first strike, the convoy split into several groups, with a subsequent strike destroying another 11 vehicles.[12] Rebel units on the ground also struck the convoy.[13]

It is unclear if NATO aircraft were involved in helping secure Gaddafi's capture by Libyan forces on the ground.[13] According to their statement, NATO was not aware at the time of the strike that Gaddafi was in the convoy. NATO stated that, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, it does not target individuals, but only military assets that pose a threat. NATO later learned "from open sources and Allied intelligence" that Gaddafi was in the convoy and that the strike likely contributed to his capture.[13]

After the airstrike, which destroyed the vehicle in front of Muammar Gaddafi's car, he and his son Mutassim, and former defence minister Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr took shelter in a nearby house, which was then shelled by NTC forces.

Mutassim then took 20 fighters and went to look for undamaged cars, having persuaded his father to come too. "The group belly-crawled to a sand berm," according to a UN report released in March 2012, and then through two drainage pipes and set up a defensive position.

One of Gaddafi's guards threw a grenade at advancing rebels on the road above, but it hit a concrete wall above the pipes and fell in front of Gaddafi. The guard tried to pick it up, but it exploded, killing both the guard and Yunis Jabr.[14]

Capture and death
Gaddafi took refuge in a large drainage pipe with several loyalist bodyguards. A nearby group of NTC fighters opened fire, wounding Gaddafi in the leg and back. According to one unnamed NTC fighter, one of Gaddafi's own loyalists also shot him, apparently to spare him from being captured.[15][16] A group of rebels approached the pipe where Gaddafi was hiding and ordered him to come out, which he did slowly. He was then dragged up to his feet as rebels shouted, "Muammar, Muammar!"[17]

However, a UN report released in March 2012 revealed a different account of Gaddafi's capture. Gaddafi was wounded by grenade fragmentation from a grenade thrown by one of his own men which bounced off a wall and fell in front of Gaddafi, shredding his flak jacket. He sat on the floor dazed and in shock, bleeding from a wound in the left temple. Then one of his group waved a white turban in surrender.[14]

Gaddafi was killed shortly afterwards. There are conflicting reports. According to one report, Gaddafi said "Please don't shoot!" prior to being shot,[18] and when questioned by Misratan rebel fighters about the damage done to Misrata by his forces, denied any involvement, and begged his captors not to hit or kill him. One fighter demanded Gaddafi stand up, but he struggled to do so.[19] Gaddafi can be heard in one video saying "God forbids this" and "Do you know right from wrong?" when being shouted at by his captors.[20][21] In a video of his arrest he can be seen draped on the hood of a car, held by rebel fighters.[22]
I can hear it now Trump yelling """Do you know right from wrong""Right before we put him on the hood of my car

Are you threatening to assassinate the president of the United States? Well you sure are. The Secret Service need to pay you a visit. I hope your treason doesn't get USMB shut down.
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Obama didn't kill Gaddafi. He was killed by rebels in his own country after they found him hiding in a culvert. They captured him, and then THEY (not Obama) killed him.

Would help if you did your own research, rather than spewing out what you think Trump said.

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte. Gaddafi was found hiding in a culvert west of Sirte and captured by National Transitional Council forces. He was killed shortly afterwards. The NTC initially claimed he died from injuries sustained in a firefight when loyalist forces attempted to free him, although a graphic video of his last moments show rebel fighters beating him and one of them sodomizing him with a bayonet[2] before he was shot several times as he pleaded for his life.[3]

Ah, a fucking liar. You must be a democrat.

Moments after it was reported that Gaddafi was killed, Fox News published an article titled "U.S. Drone Involved in Final Qaddafi Strike, as Obama Heralds Regime's 'End'",[46] noting that a U.S. Predator drone was involved in the airstrike on Gaddafi's convoy in the moments before his death. An anonymous US official subsequently described their policy in hindsight as "lead[ing] from behind".[47]

Because Libyan rebels had consistently told American government officials that they did not want overt foreign military assistance in toppling Gaddafi, covert military assistance was used (including arms shipments to opposition). The plan following Gaddafi's death was to immediately begin flowing humanitarian assistance to eastern Libya and later western Libya, as the symbolism would be critically important. US sources stressed it as important that they would "not allow Turkey, Italy and others to steal a march on it".[48]}

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

You really should read your link better, because you missed a lot. Yes, a convoy was spotted by British forces and reported. A drone went and took out some of the vehicles, and Gaddafi went and hid in a house that got shelled. Then, he went and hid in a culvert where he was captured by Lybian forces, who then killed him. Ya gotta quit cherry picking dude. It even says in the article that NATO forces weren't sure if Gaddafi was in the convoy or not, and they weren't aware of his capture. And no, Obama didn't kill Gaddafi.

From the link......

At around 01:30 local time (03:30 UTC) on 20 October 2011, Gaddafi, his army chief Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr, his security chief Mansour Dhao, and a group of loyalists attempted to escape in a convoy of 75 vehicles.[8][9] A Royal Air Force reconnaissance aircraft spotted the convoy moving at high speed, after NATO forces intercepted a satellite phone call made by Gaddafi.[10]

NATO aircraft then fired on 21 of the vehicles, destroying one. A U.S. Predator drone operated from a base near Las Vegas[9] fired the first missiles at the convoy, hitting its target about 3 kilometres (2 mi) west of Sirte. Moments later, French Air Force Rafale fighter jets continued the bombing.[11] The NATO bombing immobilized much of the convoy and killed dozens of loyalist fighters. Following the first strike, the convoy split into several groups, with a subsequent strike destroying another 11 vehicles.[12] Rebel units on the ground also struck the convoy.[13]

It is unclear if NATO aircraft were involved in helping secure Gaddafi's capture by Libyan forces on the ground.[13] According to their statement, NATO was not aware at the time of the strike that Gaddafi was in the convoy. NATO stated that, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, it does not target individuals, but only military assets that pose a threat. NATO later learned "from open sources and Allied intelligence" that Gaddafi was in the convoy and that the strike likely contributed to his capture.[13]

After the airstrike, which destroyed the vehicle in front of Muammar Gaddafi's car, he and his son Mutassim, and former defence minister Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr took shelter in a nearby house, which was then shelled by NTC forces.

Mutassim then took 20 fighters and went to look for undamaged cars, having persuaded his father to come too. "The group belly-crawled to a sand berm," according to a UN report released in March 2012, and then through two drainage pipes and set up a defensive position.

One of Gaddafi's guards threw a grenade at advancing rebels on the road above, but it hit a concrete wall above the pipes and fell in front of Gaddafi. The guard tried to pick it up, but it exploded, killing both the guard and Yunis Jabr.[14]

Capture and death
Gaddafi took refuge in a large drainage pipe with several loyalist bodyguards. A nearby group of NTC fighters opened fire, wounding Gaddafi in the leg and back. According to one unnamed NTC fighter, one of Gaddafi's own loyalists also shot him, apparently to spare him from being captured.[15][16] A group of rebels approached the pipe where Gaddafi was hiding and ordered him to come out, which he did slowly. He was then dragged up to his feet as rebels shouted, "Muammar, Muammar!"[17]

However, a UN report released in March 2012 revealed a different account of Gaddafi's capture. Gaddafi was wounded by grenade fragmentation from a grenade thrown by one of his own men which bounced off a wall and fell in front of Gaddafi, shredding his flak jacket. He sat on the floor dazed and in shock, bleeding from a wound in the left temple. Then one of his group waved a white turban in surrender.[14]

Gaddafi was killed shortly afterwards. There are conflicting reports. According to one report, Gaddafi said "Please don't shoot!" prior to being shot,[18] and when questioned by Misratan rebel fighters about the damage done to Misrata by his forces, denied any involvement, and begged his captors not to hit or kill him. One fighter demanded Gaddafi stand up, but he struggled to do so.[19] Gaddafi can be heard in one video saying "God forbids this" and "Do you know right from wrong?" when being shouted at by his captors.[20][21] In a video of his arrest he can be seen draped on the hood of a car, held by rebel fighters.[22]
I can hear it now Trump yelling """Do you know right from wrong""Right before we put him on the hood of my car
Yo mods, how many threats against the president are there in here?
So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Obama didn't kill Gaddafi. He was killed by rebels in his own country after they found him hiding in a culvert. They captured him, and then THEY (not Obama) killed him.

Would help if you did your own research, rather than spewing out what you think Trump said.

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte. Gaddafi was found hiding in a culvert west of Sirte and captured by National Transitional Council forces. He was killed shortly afterwards. The NTC initially claimed he died from injuries sustained in a firefight when loyalist forces attempted to free him, although a graphic video of his last moments show rebel fighters beating him and one of them sodomizing him with a bayonet[2] before he was shot several times as he pleaded for his life.[3]

Ah, a fucking liar. You must be a democrat.

Moments after it was reported that Gaddafi was killed, Fox News published an article titled "U.S. Drone Involved in Final Qaddafi Strike, as Obama Heralds Regime's 'End'",[46] noting that a U.S. Predator drone was involved in the airstrike on Gaddafi's convoy in the moments before his death. An anonymous US official subsequently described their policy in hindsight as "lead[ing] from behind".[47]

Because Libyan rebels had consistently told American government officials that they did not want overt foreign military assistance in toppling Gaddafi, covert military assistance was used (including arms shipments to opposition). The plan following Gaddafi's death was to immediately begin flowing humanitarian assistance to eastern Libya and later western Libya, as the symbolism would be critically important. US sources stressed it as important that they would "not allow Turkey, Italy and others to steal a march on it".[48]}

Death of Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia

You really should read your link better, because you missed a lot. Yes, a convoy was spotted by British forces and reported. A drone went and took out some of the vehicles, and Gaddafi went and hid in a house that got shelled. Then, he went and hid in a culvert where he was captured by Lybian forces, who then killed him. Ya gotta quit cherry picking dude. It even says in the article that NATO forces weren't sure if Gaddafi was in the convoy or not, and they weren't aware of his capture. And no, Obama didn't kill Gaddafi.

From the link......

At around 01:30 local time (03:30 UTC) on 20 October 2011, Gaddafi, his army chief Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr, his security chief Mansour Dhao, and a group of loyalists attempted to escape in a convoy of 75 vehicles.[8][9] A Royal Air Force reconnaissance aircraft spotted the convoy moving at high speed, after NATO forces intercepted a satellite phone call made by Gaddafi.[10]

NATO aircraft then fired on 21 of the vehicles, destroying one. A U.S. Predator drone operated from a base near Las Vegas[9] fired the first missiles at the convoy, hitting its target about 3 kilometres (2 mi) west of Sirte. Moments later, French Air Force Rafale fighter jets continued the bombing.[11] The NATO bombing immobilized much of the convoy and killed dozens of loyalist fighters. Following the first strike, the convoy split into several groups, with a subsequent strike destroying another 11 vehicles.[12] Rebel units on the ground also struck the convoy.[13]

It is unclear if NATO aircraft were involved in helping secure Gaddafi's capture by Libyan forces on the ground.[13] According to their statement, NATO was not aware at the time of the strike that Gaddafi was in the convoy. NATO stated that, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, it does not target individuals, but only military assets that pose a threat. NATO later learned "from open sources and Allied intelligence" that Gaddafi was in the convoy and that the strike likely contributed to his capture.[13]

After the airstrike, which destroyed the vehicle in front of Muammar Gaddafi's car, he and his son Mutassim, and former defence minister Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr took shelter in a nearby house, which was then shelled by NTC forces.

Mutassim then took 20 fighters and went to look for undamaged cars, having persuaded his father to come too. "The group belly-crawled to a sand berm," according to a UN report released in March 2012, and then through two drainage pipes and set up a defensive position.

One of Gaddafi's guards threw a grenade at advancing rebels on the road above, but it hit a concrete wall above the pipes and fell in front of Gaddafi. The guard tried to pick it up, but it exploded, killing both the guard and Yunis Jabr.[14]

Capture and death
Gaddafi took refuge in a large drainage pipe with several loyalist bodyguards. A nearby group of NTC fighters opened fire, wounding Gaddafi in the leg and back. According to one unnamed NTC fighter, one of Gaddafi's own loyalists also shot him, apparently to spare him from being captured.[15][16] A group of rebels approached the pipe where Gaddafi was hiding and ordered him to come out, which he did slowly. He was then dragged up to his feet as rebels shouted, "Muammar, Muammar!"[17]

However, a UN report released in March 2012 revealed a different account of Gaddafi's capture. Gaddafi was wounded by grenade fragmentation from a grenade thrown by one of his own men which bounced off a wall and fell in front of Gaddafi, shredding his flak jacket. He sat on the floor dazed and in shock, bleeding from a wound in the left temple. Then one of his group waved a white turban in surrender.[14]

Gaddafi was killed shortly afterwards. There are conflicting reports. According to one report, Gaddafi said "Please don't shoot!" prior to being shot,[18] and when questioned by Misratan rebel fighters about the damage done to Misrata by his forces, denied any involvement, and begged his captors not to hit or kill him. One fighter demanded Gaddafi stand up, but he struggled to do so.[19] Gaddafi can be heard in one video saying "God forbids this" and "Do you know right from wrong?" when being shouted at by his captors.[20][21] In a video of his arrest he can be seen draped on the hood of a car, held by rebel fighters.[22]
I can hear it now Trump yelling """Do you know right from wrong""Right before we put him on the hood of my car
Yo mods, how many threats against the president are there in here?
Yellow Republican ***

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.

You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.

You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.
hey, do us a favor and tell us how many was in your majority and show us your link first. Back your claim mf. The failure for you to provide any such link will be my victory.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Big difference idiot.
Look at the results in killing Soleimani. No support from our friends. No celebration. But Anti Trump all over even from Trump supporters. Americans feel less safer.
We are not standing for Iran we are just telling you it’s a very bad move by an inept president.

Look at the results in killing Gaddafi. We heard celebrations and congratulations from Libyans and friends and ally. Only idiots people that are complaining are from terrorist supporters of Gaddafi like you.
Based on what exactly? You’re confused

From a one liner? What are you trying to say?
No. I get that you stand with Iran, you're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I mean, I know Gaddafi had switched sides and was helping America, so Obama HAD to kill him as a message to others who might back America - but the actual act, how does that differ?
You're completely retarded.

The phrase "Hezbollah democrat" alone earns you a reservation in the re-education camps as soon as they're done.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Big difference idiot.
Look at the results in killing Soleimani. No support from our friends. No celebration. But Anti Trump all over even from Trump supporters. Americans feel less safer.
We are not standing for Iran we are just telling you it’s a very bad move by an inept president.

Look at the results in killing Gaddafi. We heard celebrations and congratulations from Libyans and friends and ally. Only idiots people that are complaining are from terrorist supporters of Gaddafi like you.
Based on what exactly? You’re confused

From a one liner? What are you trying to say?
you haven't been watching the news on the protests in Iran. the first time since 1979, they aren't walking on the american flag painted in their square. but that's nothing to you. hahhahhaaha, so what you're actually saying is nothing will ever change your mind. right? just say that and be done with all of this. tell us you aren't objective.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.

You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.
/---/ "they slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles."
That all missed their targets - and they warned ahead of time - and the ones they used are easily detected.

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