AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

This shit is getting far too easy for me. Not one leftist puke in here can debate me. Not one. They insult me, then they put me on ignore. The reason? Because I don't back off my points. I expect they prove me wrong, and they can't. They can't because they have no facts to back any information they pander to in here. It has gotten too easy to win these days. They even stop now. Charwin executed one attack at me and then claimed I was correct, yet insulted me by calling me stupid and ignorant. I truly don't care, but I wanted it published that the left in here have absolutely nothing to debate.
/----/ I've noticed a drop off in libtard posts of lately. Hardly anyone left to debate. Is this what tired of winning feels like?
Trump train.jpg

Wrong again dude. I don’t mind killing a terrorist but you just don’t kill a terrorist just for the heck of killing a terrorist.

Look at the results, impact and consequences. Is it worth all that troubles by killing one lousy Iranian? Americans are not safer.

I already explained to you why Bibi or Obama never took out these commanders.

I already explained to you the different results in killing Gaddafi and Soleimani. Sadly you are sticking with your nonsense.

Demonstrably not true, You throw a FIT because we killed a terrorist leader BEFORE he could do his 9-11. That gives you a sadz, as it does all your fellow terrorist loving democrat scum.

And we know with Gadaffi, he switched sides, he was helping the Americans hunt down Al Qaeda. Obama HAD to kill him for that, as a lesson to any other leader who might start cooperating with the Americans.

I throw a fit?
Let me repeat it again. Do you see anybody celebrating or cheering with your boy? NOBODY. Not even the republicans but 3 voted with democrats including Gaetz limiting Trump what he can with Iran.

He killed a terrorist BEFORE he can do his 9-11. Do you realized how dumb and ignorant you are saying that.
Soleimani is a commander. Are you saying there’s only one commander in Iran? Are you saying he doesn’t have generals and lieutenants that can carry attacks after him?

Look idiot like I said repeatedly that you don’t have have a clue of what you are saying......... If the Iranians wants to blow up US embassies. They can do that piece of cake...... very easily. But they are NOT that stupid.

Soliemani was a terrorist who killed over 4000 Americans. Now democrats LOVE IT when Americans are killed. But decent folk like STOPPING terrorists before they put on a big show like 9-11.

The Trust in Rump is gone. He's thought of as unstable. While there is nothing that can be done right now to get him out of office, Congress can place limits on his use of he Military. While you may think of Rump as King, he's not.

You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.

You Marxists hate Trump, but that is irrelevant. I like Trump because of lowest unemployment in history, DOW at 29,000, and we FINALLY took out a fucking terrorist BEFORE they brought down American buildings.

Pure bullshit. Totally pile of cow dung.

Moron commie.

So Stupid fuck, you failed to answer;

You're a Hezbollah-Democrat, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? I get that you stand with Iran, the enemy of America is your friend, all that shit, but how does this differ from Obama assassinating Gaddafi? He didn't ask permission, didn't go bow to Nazi Pilosi.

Big difference idiot.
Look at the results in killing Soleimani. No support from our friends. No celebration. But Anti Trump all over even from Trump supporters. Americans feel less safer.
We are not standing for Iran we are just telling you it’s a very bad move by an inept president.

Look at the results in killing Gaddafi. We heard celebrations and congratulations from Libyans and friends and ally. Only idiots people that are complaining are from terrorist supporters of Gaddafi like you.
Based on what exactly? You’re confused

From a one liner? What are you trying to say?
you haven't been watching the news on the protests in Iran. the first time since 1979, they aren't walking on the american flag painted in their square. but that's nothing to you. hahhahhaaha, so what you're actually saying is nothing will ever change your mind. right? just say that and be done with all of this. tell us you aren't objective.

Yes I’m watching the news. I watch entire ME, Asia, Europe regularly. And other sources that I’m connected with.

I can guarantee you 100% I know more than anybody in this site about Iran.

But let me entertain you about your stupidity and ignorance. Like I posted many time I know lots of Iranians here and Iran. They are good highly educated people. Long before any of these bullshit came up.

The younger generations today don’t like the old timers hard liners. They don’t like to be called terrorist supporters. They are scared to make a regime change without crippling the country.

You are right it took from 1979 to this point where new generations are protesting are coming up. The numbers are low compared to the old timers sympathizers with the hard liners like the middle and above middle income Iranians.

These new generations considered Trump as an enemy and un reliable. Trump policy about Iran is to hurt the Iranians that wants to make changes.

The left's fascination with Trump is itself fascinating
Dude, you confuse the fk out of me
He's a troll - a pure troll. He has utterly no principles or base views. He says what will get a reaction.

Then prove to me where I’m wrong.
All I’m saying are there for you to challenge me.
I know truth hurts.

I don’t lie and I don’t bullshit. Im telling you are all straight facts.

We are not saying that Soleimani is good person. We are not sympathetic with any terrorist.

All we are saying is the total embarrassment and fucked up of an inept foreign policy by a US president.

In that instance, I wasn't talking about you, but basquebromance, who is absolutely a troll.

Now you are a drone, an agent of the leftist hate sites. I prove you wrong about 90% of the bullshit you post.

You Communists are America hating Terrorist sympathizers. Notice above you foolishly claimed otherwise.

{Masih Alinejad, an Iranian journalist, author and host on Voice of America's Persian service said Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has been an active participant in a campaign to smear her. She said Omar has spread false information about her because of an opinion piece she wrote in the Washington Post criticizing Qasem Soleimani, the general of the Qud's Force that was killed in a U.S. airstrike. }

An Iranian Journalist Criticized Soleimani... and Omar Took Issue With It

The Communist party is anti-American, pro-Iranian, and is going to get the brave people standing up to the Mullahs killed. You don't care, you stand with Iran. Proving you wrong isn't hard. You proving the idiocy you post is the difficult task.
You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.

Missiles that fell harmlessly in the sand.

You failed. You didn't "slap us in the face," you pissed yourself and then sat in it.

That is not the point dumbshit.

They just hit us with 12 ballistic missile then made thousands of US soldiers run for their lives.
That is not a big deal to you? Maybe you can ask any US soldiers how they feel.

How many times I posted I helps homeless veterans and deal with active military soldiers regularly. Do you want me to tell you how they feel?

We are the world’s super power and some one can do that us? While the world is watching. Dude what happened to this bluffing tough guy? This is what I when you miscalculated an enemy.

You failed. Iran (you) are impotent in the face of America. The fact is we fuck your guidance systems. You have no control once we start jamming. Lie all you want, it's obvious.
You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.

Missiles that fell harmlessly in the sand.

You failed. You didn't "slap us in the face," you pissed yourself and then sat in it.

You may want to read this link to show how dumb you are.

U.S. troops describe 'miraculous' escape at Iraqi base attacked by Iran

The United States did not have Patriot air defenses at the base, putting the onus on local commanders to protect their troops.

"We'd got notification there could be an attack a few hours prior so had moved equipment," said U.S. Staff Sergeant Tommie Caldwell.

No, we scrambled your guidance systems. You have no ability to aim your missiles at us. You are impotent.
You don’t have a clue what you are talking about dude. None. All what you are saying is just pure crap. You are not making sense at all son.

The missiles attacked is a total slapped in our face.


The attacks killed nor harmed any American. Either our defenses or so superior that your allies simply can't hit targets, or your Iranian masters know that if they harm or kill an American they will be fucked 5 ways from sunday and are deliberately missing.

Slap in the face? You're fucking stupid, you're desperately flinging shit like a feral baboon.

*** You cheered that this terrorist was killed and won’t kill any more Americans. Do you realized how dumb for you to say that? Why would killing Soleimani one lousy Iranian will stop any of that? Is there only one Iranian commander in Iran, no lieutenants that can easily take over. This proved that you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about.

I’m a a very patriotic Americans but I hate being represented by an inept lousy president. A total embarrassment who don’t give a shit to anybody but for his own interest. Nothing more.

Patriotic my ass. You cheer terrorists who kill thousands of Americans. You're an America hating Marxist scumbag. Did you dance in the streets on 9-11? Come on, you know you did....

Do you see my post admiring or cheering a terrorist?
Where in my post I cheered terrorist?

Just because I’m telling you exactly what is happening how dumb we look.
And how stupid you are.

You gave zero or nothing to counter act I’m Marxist?

Dude. You are a low life scumbag.

It's clear you are an Iranian provocateur.

Fact is, America is so vastly superior that you have no ability to do damage to us. You launched your missile, and we took our your guidance systems, where they fell harmlessly into the sand.
/—-/ I know they missed intentionally. The Iranians had to save face with their meaningless gesture. Why do you defend terrorists like they are your freedom fighters?

I don't think so. The evidence suggests that we fried their guidance systems. They are utterly impotent to us. They have ground forces, but the technology Russia sold them utterly failed.
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.

That's the point Comrade. Obama paved the way for a nuclear Iran, he even paid for it. Trump stopped that shit, and you Communists are outraged, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.
how the fk do you know? when did you go and inspect their facilities exactly? I like again, you all think you got all the news. it's fking hilarious I tell you. No mthr fkr, you haven't a clue in hell on what they got. so shut the fk up and save some face.
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.

That's the point Comrade. Obama paved the way for a nuclear Iran, he even paid for it. Trump stopped that shit, and you Communists are outraged, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.
BTW, I heard this morning that the European allies are about to put sanctions on Iran because......... Iran violated the agreement.

Funny, every mthr fking asset in here says they've been following the agreement. oops, don't they prove stupid today?
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.

That's the point Comrade. Obama paved the way for a nuclear Iran, he even paid for it. Trump stopped that shit, and you Communists are outraged, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.
BTW, I heard this morning that the European allies are about to put sanctions on Iran because......... Iran violated the agreement.

Funny, every mthr fking asset in here says they've been following the agreement. oops, don't they prove stupid today?

charwin95 is Iranian military/government. His posts are simply deranged on a Baghdad Bob level.
Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.

Missiles that fell harmlessly in the sand.

You failed. You didn't "slap us in the face," you pissed yourself and then sat in it.

You may want to read this link to show how dumb you are.

U.S. troops describe 'miraculous' escape at Iraqi base attacked by Iran

The United States did not have Patriot air defenses at the base, putting the onus on local commanders to protect their troops.

"We'd got notification there could be an attack a few hours prior so had moved equipment," said U.S. Staff Sergeant Tommie Caldwell.

No, we scrambled your guidance systems. You have no ability to aim your missiles at us. You are impotent.

Got a link to show that we scrambled their missile guidance systems, or is this more crap you're pulling out of your ass?
Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.
/---/ "they slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles."
That all missed their targets - and they warned ahead of time - and the ones they used are easily detected.

They missed the target purposely Dude. You are not watching Fox News? They notified the Iraq government then they notified US command.
How ignorant can you be Dude? Don’t tell me you are a Trumpits.

They can easily be detected. True but we don’t even have Patriot missiles in Iraq to counter measures.

The idea of these Iranians that can shot at us with 12 ballistic missiles. Made thousands of US. soldiers run for their lives is an embarrassment for world super power to take witness worldwide.

This is what happened when you miscalculated a dumb foreign inept policy.
/—-/ I know they missed intentionally. The Iranians had to save face with their meaningless gesture. Why do you defend terrorists like they are your freedom fighters?

Where in my post defending terrorist?

Here’s the problem with idiots people like you and the rest.

All I’m telling you are straight facts and what is happening. People like you don’t like it? TOO BAD.

You are defending a failed foreign policy. And you glorify it. How do you want me to express it to you? Celebrate? All I can tell you ....... Trump is very dumb.

What save face? That is not to save face. That is retaliation? Just imagine what those soldiers are thinking when they are being bomb.

Some soldiers are injured.
You hated the President (and America) long before this, before he even took office. The Trust in the President by American's is at an all time high. You traitor fucks are actually irrelevant. :dunno:

Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.
/---/ "they slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles."
That all missed their targets - and they warned ahead of time - and the ones they used are easily detected.
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

1. Bumbling idiots. The whole world thinks we are bumbling idiots.

Like I said many times. There’s a big reasons why Bibi and Obama never take out these commanders.
Trumpy boi took one and total embarrassment. Several days later Trump and Pompeo both having a hard time explaining what they did.

Both contradictory coming from SoD Esper.

2. From your post ^^^ That could have been a nuclear missiles rather than a surface to air.

Why would anyone shot a plane with nuclear missiles?
Why would anyone shot a nuclear missiles inside their own space?
Big difference idiot.
Look at the results in killing Soleimani. No support from our friends. No celebration. But Anti Trump all over even from Trump supporters. Americans feel less safer.
We are not standing for Iran we are just telling you it’s a very bad move by an inept president.

Look at the results in killing Gaddafi. We heard celebrations and congratulations from Libyans and friends and ally. Only idiots people that are complaining are from terrorist supporters of Gaddafi like you.
Based on what exactly? You’re confused

From a one liner? What are you trying to say?
you haven't been watching the news on the protests in Iran. the first time since 1979, they aren't walking on the american flag painted in their square. but that's nothing to you. hahhahhaaha, so what you're actually saying is nothing will ever change your mind. right? just say that and be done with all of this. tell us you aren't objective.

Yes I’m watching the news. I watch entire ME, Asia, Europe regularly. And other sources that I’m connected with.

I can guarantee you 100% I know more than anybody in this site about Iran.

But let me entertain you about your stupidity and ignorance. Like I posted many time I know lots of Iranians here and Iran. They are good highly educated people. Long before any of these bullshit came up.

The younger generations today don’t like the old timers hard liners. They don’t like to be called terrorist supporters. They are scared to make a regime change without crippling the country.

You are right it took from 1979 to this point where new generations are protesting are coming up. The numbers are low compared to the old timers sympathizers with the hard liners like the middle and above middle income Iranians.

These new generations considered Trump as an enemy and un reliable. Trump policy about Iran is to hurt the Iranians that wants to make changes.
you say I am right and yet you call me stupid and ignorant. Guess what that makes you?

I hate to repeat that.... Yes you are very ignorant and stupid. In reality you don’t know anything.
The left's fascination with Trump is itself fascinating
Dude, you confuse the fk out of me
He's a troll - a pure troll. He has utterly no principles or base views. He says what will get a reaction.

Then prove to me where I’m wrong.
All I’m saying are there for you to challenge me.
I know truth hurts.

I don’t lie and I don’t bullshit. Im telling you are all straight facts.

We are not saying that Soleimani is good person. We are not sympathetic with any terrorist.

All we are saying is the total embarrassment and fucked up of an inept foreign policy by a US president.
dudette, did you miss something as usual? he was referring to basquedude!!! not you. Way to jump into a thread that didn't include you and then threaten someone. holy fk are you messed up.

You don’t have a clue what you are talking about dude. None. All what you are saying is just pure crap. You are not making sense at all son.

The missiles attacked is a total slapped in our face.


The attacks killed nor harmed any American. Either our defenses or so superior that your allies simply can't hit targets, or your Iranian masters know that if they harm or kill an American they will be fucked 5 ways from sunday and are deliberately missing.

Slap in the face? You're fucking stupid, you're desperately flinging shit like a feral baboon.

*** You cheered that this terrorist was killed and won’t kill any more Americans. Do you realized how dumb for you to say that? Why would killing Soleimani one lousy Iranian will stop any of that? Is there only one Iranian commander in Iran, no lieutenants that can easily take over. This proved that you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about.

I’m a a very patriotic Americans but I hate being represented by an inept lousy president. A total embarrassment who don’t give a shit to anybody but for his own interest. Nothing more.

Patriotic my ass. You cheer terrorists who kill thousands of Americans. You're an America hating Marxist scumbag. Did you dance in the streets on 9-11? Come on, you know you did....

Do you see my post admiring or cheering a terrorist?
Where in my post I cheered terrorist?

Just because I’m telling you exactly what is happening how dumb we look.
And how stupid you are.

You gave zero or nothing to counter act I’m Marxist?

Dude. You are a low life scumbag.
the minute you bashed Trump for killing a devil.

#506 this comment:The idea of these Iranians that can shot at us with 12 ballistic missiles. Made thousands of US. soldiers run for their lives is an embarrassment for world super power to take witness worldwide.

How many more do you need? Going against the president is all about backing the terrorists. even making excuses for them.

Wrong again.
This shit is getting far too easy for me. Not one leftist puke in here can debate me. Not one. They insult me, then they put me on ignore. The reason? Because I don't back off my points. I expect they prove me wrong, and they can't. They can't because they have no facts to back any information they pander to in here. It has gotten too easy to win these days. They even stop now. Charwin executed one attack at me and then claimed I was correct, yet insulted me by calling me stupid and ignorant. I truly don't care, but I wanted it published that the left in here have absolutely nothing to debate.

What debate? I’m here.
You have zero none to counter act. NOTHING.
You don’t know anything dude..

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