AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

When American war crimes have been committed there has been no one who could do anything about it, and Americans who could chose not to.
Nothing has changed, yet.
This shit is getting far too easy for me. Not one leftist puke in here can debate me. Not one. They insult me, then they put me on ignore. The reason? Because I don't back off my points. I expect they prove me wrong, and they can't. They can't because they have no facts to back any information they pander to in here. It has gotten too easy to win these days. They even stop now. Charwin executed one attack at me and then claimed I was correct, yet insulted me by calling me stupid and ignorant. I truly don't care, but I wanted it published that the left in here have absolutely nothing to debate.
/----/ I've noticed a drop off in libtard posts of lately. Hardly anyone left to debate. Is this what tired of winning feels like?
View attachment 300277

What debate? Except you glorify a failed foreign policy.
What winning? Like a slap in our face. What did I told you 6 days ago about slapped in our face?
Soldiers used the same language. The whole world knows it’s an insult to my country.

Khamenei Says Iran Strike Delivered a ‘Slap’ to the U.S. Superpower Image

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran had delivered a “slap to the U.S.’s image as a superpower” in this month’s military confrontation, seeking to rally Iranians around an embattled establishment as he led Friday prayers in Tehran for the first time in eight years.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
If he attacks "cultural heritige sites" like said he will be. That's a war crime.
If your terrorist heroes hide missiles in "cultural heritage sites", good bye "cultural heritage sites" If they hide them among women and children, well that's too bad too.
Fuck you for suggesting I approve of terrorists.

That's a RWNJ thing.
Obama gave Iran billions $$$ while they tortured women at same time. Democrats love Iran.
Iranian Women Prisoners Detail Torture: 'Death Was Like a Desire'
What don't you take Obama and stick him up your ass next to tRump.
I am sure you will be there to help when your friends like Omar, Pelosi and all raise The ISIS Flag over The White House, right?

Because that is how twisted you demonic children of Hell are. You will sleep with The Devil, worship him if it means Ollie Assburn can get you one step closer to your Fake Paradise.
This shit is getting far too easy for me. Not one leftist puke in here can debate me. Not one. They insult me, then they put me on ignore. The reason? Because I don't back off my points. I expect they prove me wrong, and they can't. They can't because they have no facts to back any information they pander to in here. It has gotten too easy to win these days. They even stop now. Charwin executed one attack at me and then claimed I was correct, yet insulted me by calling me stupid and ignorant. I truly don't care, but I wanted it published that the left in here have absolutely nothing to debate.
/----/ I've noticed a drop off in libtard posts of lately. Hardly anyone left to debate. Is this what tired of winning feels like?
View attachment 300277

What debate? Except you glorify a failed foreign policy.
What winning? Like a slap in our face. What did I told you 6 days ago about slapped in our face?
Soldiers used the same language. The whole world knows it’s an insult to my country.

Khamenei Says Iran Strike Delivered a ‘Slap’ to the U.S. Superpower Image

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran had delivered a “slap to the U.S.’s image as a superpower” in this month’s military confrontation, seeking to rally Iranians around an embattled establishment as he led Friday prayers in Tehran for the first time in eight years.
Tell me this: Why didn't your fake god Ollie Assburn protect Bin Laden, Al Baghdadi, and Soleimani? And then why when The Ayatollah Assahollah try to retaliate, fake god Ollie Assburn could not kill even a single American, and instead, Iran ends up killing thousands of their own people in their own land?

Ollie Assburn is a fraud and Muhammad is his Butt Puppet in Hell, where Solimani, Baghdaid and Bin Laden all are.
I haven't seen where he's said exactly what sites are part of the 52. I think you are reading into things on this one.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"
I think it should be 152 and hope these strikes destroy Iranian regimes command and control of military. Then the people have a chance to rise-up and overthrow the murderous totalitarian regime. Would be difficult because like all oppressive regime, one of the first things they did was take away peoples right to keep and bear arms.
So, you're all in on the war crimes thing then.

Good to know.
Not war crimes when you bring down a rouge state that is a threat to the world.
You mean the "rogue state" where peace was happening with Iran because of Obama's Iran deal? The one Trump destroyed, that stirred up unnecessary tensions with Iran on purpose? Who's the "rogue state" where the president threatens to bomb the shit out of others and steal their oil? Do you know what "rogue" leader said that? Fuck Trump. He's a pos liar who claims hes leaving the ME. Trump cares about wealth. That's what all this is about.
Hell, he's even got his dick licking Rudy over their in Venezuela trying to cut a deal with Modero. Why? Because of oil, diamonds, and Gold.
Muhammad is a Homosexual Child Rapist burning in Hell and Ollie Assburn is a fake god, and is in fact Satan.

Wrong again dude. I don’t mind killing a terrorist but you just don’t kill a terrorist just for the heck of killing a terrorist.

Look at the results, impact and consequences. Is it worth all that troubles by killing one lousy Iranian? Americans are not safer.

I already explained to you why Bibi or Obama never took out these commanders.

I already explained to you the different results in killing Gaddafi and Soleimani. Sadly you are sticking with your nonsense.

Demonstrably not true, You throw a FIT because we killed a terrorist leader BEFORE he could do his 9-11. That gives you a sadz, as it does all your fellow terrorist loving democrat scum.

And we know with Gadaffi, he switched sides, he was helping the Americans hunt down Al Qaeda. Obama HAD to kill him for that, as a lesson to any other leader who might start cooperating with the Americans.

I throw a fit?
Let me repeat it again. Do you see anybody celebrating or cheering with your boy? NOBODY. Not even the republicans but 3 voted with democrats including Gaetz limiting Trump what he can with Iran.

He killed a terrorist BEFORE he can do his 9-11. Do you realized how dumb and ignorant you are saying that.
Soleimani is a commander. Are you saying there’s only one commander in Iran? Are you saying he doesn’t have generals and lieutenants that can carry attacks after him?

Look idiot like I said repeatedly that you don’t have have a clue of what you are saying......... If the Iranians wants to blow up US embassies. They can do that piece of cake...... very easily. But they are NOT that stupid.

Soliemani was a terrorist who killed over 4000 Americans. Now democrats LOVE IT when Americans are killed. But decent folk like STOPPING terrorists before they put on a big show like 9-11.

You are a very good example of moron.

Where in my post that I love killing Americans?

Just because I’m telling you facts and reality. You fucking don’t like it. Too bad.
In reality like your buddies here you don’t know anything.

Let me repeat it again............. Is it worth all that troubles in killing one lousy Iranian? Look at the results? Is there any one cheering or celebrating with us in killing Soleimani? NOBODY NONE. Not even Bibi.
Have you seen a Republicans or any celebrating with Trump in killing Soleimani?

Now stick that to your ignorance and stupidity.

If the Iranians wants to blow up embassies. They can do that very easily. But they are not that stupid. Idiot.
Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.

Missiles that fell harmlessly in the sand.

You failed. You didn't "slap us in the face," you pissed yourself and then sat in it.

That is not the point dumbshit.

They just hit us with 12 ballistic missile then made thousands of US soldiers run for their lives.
That is not a big deal to you? Maybe you can ask any US soldiers how they feel.

How many times I posted I helps homeless veterans and deal with active military soldiers regularly. Do you want me to tell you how they feel?

We are the world’s super power and some one can do that us? While the world is watching. Dude what happened to this bluffing tough guy? This is what I when you miscalculated an enemy.

You failed. Iran (you) are impotent in the face of America. The fact is we fuck your guidance systems. You have no control once we start jamming. Lie all you want, it's obvious.

What in the world are you babbling Dude?

Show me where I lied.
Trust in the president? REALLY? I mean really?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's handling of Iran and feel less safe, poll says

But you are 100% correct that we don’t trust Trump before he even took office. You know why?
He was already known as a con man corrupted, liar, racist and asshole human being with thousands of lawsuits against him.
We know that people like you love him because of his charisma and you don’t care about anything else. No matter how awful he is.

Our (not you) honor and decent Americans are far better than that.
Majority? Hahaha hahaha hahaha how many did you survey? 200 million? How long did it take and how did you reach out?

Do you have other links that you can prove me wrong?

Do you see anybody cheering and celebrating with us? NOBODY not even his friend Bibi.
Look at the results. They slapped us with 12 ballistic missiles. Do you know how sad that is for a super power to be treated like that because of a moron POTUS?

It must be sad for supporters like you to see how dumb is Donnie boy.

Missiles that fell harmlessly in the sand.

You failed. You didn't "slap us in the face," you pissed yourself and then sat in it.

You may want to read this link to show how dumb you are.

U.S. troops describe 'miraculous' escape at Iraqi base attacked by Iran

The United States did not have Patriot air defenses at the base, putting the onus on local commanders to protect their troops.

"We'd got notification there could be an attack a few hours prior so had moved equipment," said U.S. Staff Sergeant Tommie Caldwell.

No, we scrambled your guidance systems. You have no ability to aim your missiles at us. You are impotent.

Are you talking to me?
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Strange I don't remember any outrage from you when the folks here at USMB called Obama a war criminal

Is Obama a war criminal?

By the way- despite Trump's propaganda- criticizing a President doesn't mean anyone 'loves' Iraq- or Libya- or Syria.
You don’t have a clue what you are talking about dude. None. All what you are saying is just pure crap. You are not making sense at all son.

The missiles attacked is a total slapped in our face.


The attacks killed nor harmed any American. Either our defenses or so superior that your allies simply can't hit targets, or your Iranian masters know that if they harm or kill an American they will be fucked 5 ways from sunday and are deliberately missing.

Slap in the face? You're fucking stupid, you're desperately flinging shit like a feral baboon.

*** You cheered that this terrorist was killed and won’t kill any more Americans. Do you realized how dumb for you to say that? Why would killing Soleimani one lousy Iranian will stop any of that? Is there only one Iranian commander in Iran, no lieutenants that can easily take over. This proved that you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about.

I’m a a very patriotic Americans but I hate being represented by an inept lousy president. A total embarrassment who don’t give a shit to anybody but for his own interest. Nothing more.

Patriotic my ass. You cheer terrorists who kill thousands of Americans. You're an America hating Marxist scumbag. Did you dance in the streets on 9-11? Come on, you know you did....

Do you see my post admiring or cheering a terrorist?
Where in my post I cheered terrorist?

Just because I’m telling you exactly what is happening how dumb we look.
And how stupid you are.

You gave zero or nothing to counter act I’m Marxist?

Dude. You are a low life scumbag.

It's clear you are an Iranian provocateur.

Fact is, America is so vastly superior that you have no ability to do damage to us. You launched your missile, and we took our your guidance systems, where they fell harmlessly into the sand.

You make me laugh Dude. You have no clue of what you are talking about. Are you talking about sling shot?

I know far more than you of our capabilities. It doesn’t matter what and how powerful you are but if you use it in a stupid manner. Means nothing. Just like killing Soleimani that made my dear country USA look bad for the whole world to witness.

And where do you think Iran will launch their missiles? For your ignorance let me help you. Towards UAE, Israel, Saudi A, and other neighborhood and the Persian gulf good bye.

Saudi has below 200 Patriot missiles the rest like UAE has less than 20. Compared to thousands ( maybe 10,000) of mobile missiles aimed at these countries..
AOC is an embarrassment to the United States of America, as well as her Democratic Party. That laze, stupid conceited Republican that could not find time in his Washington nightlife schedule to keep in touch with, and properly represent his constituents, ensuring their continued support, that allowed this dumb chic to be elected to office, owe the rest of this country a Big Damn Apology!
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.

That's the point Comrade. Obama paved the way for a nuclear Iran, he even paid for it. Trump stopped that shit, and you Communists are outraged, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.

How the hell in the world you can say that?

Trump did not stop anything. None. You are very ignorant BG TIME.

Trump went in with no clue how and what he is doing. Trump is very dumb.

I love it when you accused people of communist or Marxist just because we are telling you the truth. But that shows we are winning.

In reality Trump helped and speed up the Iranians nuclear program. That’s a fact dude. Only way to stop that is an all out war.
For your ignorance read the link.

Iran abandons nuclear limits, says it is enriching more uranium than ever before
This shit is getting far too easy for me. Not one leftist puke in here can debate me. Not one. They insult me, then they put me on ignore. The reason? Because I don't back off my points. I expect they prove me wrong, and they can't. They can't because they have no facts to back any information they pander to in here. It has gotten too easy to win these days. They even stop now. Charwin executed one attack at me and then claimed I was correct, yet insulted me by calling me stupid and ignorant. I truly don't care, but I wanted it published that the left in here have absolutely nothing to debate.
/----/ I've noticed a drop off in libtard posts of lately. Hardly anyone left to debate. Is this what tired of winning feels like?
View attachment 300277

What debate? Except you glorify a failed foreign policy.
What winning? Like a slap in our face. What did I told you 6 days ago about slapped in our face?
Soldiers used the same language. The whole world knows it’s an insult to my country.

Khamenei Says Iran Strike Delivered a ‘Slap’ to the U.S. Superpower Image

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran had delivered a “slap to the U.S.’s image as a superpower” in this month’s military confrontation, seeking to rally Iranians around an embattled establishment as he led Friday prayers in Tehran for the first time in eight years.
/—-/ Sad day when libtards have to defend a terror state just to bash Trump.
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.

That's the point Comrade. Obama paved the way for a nuclear Iran, he even paid for it. Trump stopped that shit, and you Communists are outraged, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.

How the hell in the world you can say that?

Trump did not stop anything. None. You are very ignorant BG TIME.

Trump went in with no clue how and what he is doing. Trump is very dumb.

I love it when you accused people of communist or Marxist just because we are telling you the truth. But that shows we are winning.

In reality Trump helped and speed up the Iranians nuclear program. That’s a fact dude. Only way to stop that is an all out war.
For your ignorance read the link.

Iran abandons nuclear limits, says it is enriching more uranium than ever before
/—-/ What kind of fool believes anything coming out of a terror state?
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.

how the fk do you know? when did you go and inspect their facilities exactly? I like again, you all think you got all the news. it's fking hilarious I tell you. No mthr fkr, you haven't a clue in hell on what they got. so shut the fk up and save some face.

Read the post idiot. Read what it says. Don’t stare at it.

Read what you said previously and biker rebuttal. You have no clue what you are talking about. Nothing except being a tough shit commando keyboard.

Yes we know what the Iranians have in their nuclear facilities. YOU DON’T.
Yes we inspect their facilities.
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.

That's the point Comrade. Obama paved the way for a nuclear Iran, he even paid for it. Trump stopped that shit, and you Communists are outraged, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.
BTW, I heard this morning that the European allies are about to put sanctions on Iran because......... Iran violated the agreement.

Funny, every mthr fking asset in here says they've been following the agreement. oops, don't they prove stupid today?

charwin95 is Iranian military/government. His posts are simply deranged on a Baghdad Bob level.

Did I hurt your feelings?

I’m pure American very patriotic. I’m not an expert in ME but I consider myself far educated about ME affairs than any body in this site.
Do you want to talk other countries? Any countries.
Trump got elected suddenly ignorant people like you become an expert that knows nothing about ME.
This shit is getting far too easy for me. Not one leftist puke in here can debate me. Not one. They insult me, then they put me on ignore. The reason? Because I don't back off my points. I expect they prove me wrong, and they can't. They can't because they have no facts to back any information they pander to in here. It has gotten too easy to win these days. They even stop now. Charwin executed one attack at me and then claimed I was correct, yet insulted me by calling me stupid and ignorant. I truly don't care, but I wanted it published that the left in here have absolutely nothing to debate.
/----/ I've noticed a drop off in libtard posts of lately. Hardly anyone left to debate. Is this what tired of winning feels like?
View attachment 300277

What debate? Except you glorify a failed foreign policy.
What winning? Like a slap in our face. What did I told you 6 days ago about slapped in our face?
Soldiers used the same language. The whole world knows it’s an insult to my country.

Khamenei Says Iran Strike Delivered a ‘Slap’ to the U.S. Superpower Image

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran had delivered a “slap to the U.S.’s image as a superpower” in this month’s military confrontation, seeking to rally Iranians around an embattled establishment as he led Friday prayers in Tehran for the first time in eight years.
Tell me this: Why didn't your fake god Ollie Assburn protect Bin Laden, Al Baghdadi, and Soleimani? And then why when The Ayatollah Assahollah try to retaliate, fake god Ollie Assburn could not kill even a single American, and instead, Iran ends up killing thousands of their own people in their own land?

Ollie Assburn is a fraud and Muhammad is his Butt Puppet in Hell, where Solimani, Baghdaid and Bin Laden all are.

Do not expect me to read that crap.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This shit is getting far too easy for me. Not one leftist puke in here can debate me. Not one. They insult me, then they put me on ignore. The reason? Because I don't back off my points. I expect they prove me wrong, and they can't. They can't because they have no facts to back any information they pander to in here. It has gotten too easy to win these days. They even stop now. Charwin executed one attack at me and then claimed I was correct, yet insulted me by calling me stupid and ignorant. I truly don't care, but I wanted it published that the left in here have absolutely nothing to debate.
/----/ I've noticed a drop off in libtard posts of lately. Hardly anyone left to debate. Is this what tired of winning feels like?
View attachment 300277

What debate? Except you glorify a failed foreign policy.
What winning? Like a slap in our face. What did I told you 6 days ago about slapped in our face?
Soldiers used the same language. The whole world knows it’s an insult to my country.

Khamenei Says Iran Strike Delivered a ‘Slap’ to the U.S. Superpower Image

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran had delivered a “slap to the U.S.’s image as a superpower” in this month’s military confrontation, seeking to rally Iranians around an embattled establishment as he led Friday prayers in Tehran for the first time in eight years.
/—-/ Sad day when libtards have to defend a terror state just to bash Trump.

Very funny. We are not defending any terrorist Dude.

He doesn’t respect or care for anybody except his own personal interests and ego. So why does he deserve any respect?
Look at his tweets? It maybe fun and worthless to you but for the whole world means a lot.

Do you think I’m pissed at this lousy president? Think what the soldiers are saying when Trump pardoned a war criminal Gallagher?

Undermining the military justice system and make the highest integrity of discipline worthless. You would think Trump will stop from there. NAH!

He invited this criminal to his Maralago New Years party and paraded him around. Think what the fucking mentality of this moron president?

Think what these soldiers are saying about this president.
what these bumbling idiots don't realize is that button could very well have been a nuclear missile rather than a surface to air missile at the jet. That's how bumbling of idiots the operations teams in their military are. Yep, instead of 176 dead, it could have been over a million. But the leftists fks in our country are far to sophisticated to ever understand that logic.

Hey stupid, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, so how in the hell could it have been a nuke? Not only that, but using a nuke as a first strike weapon is something that could bring the whole world down on them.

That's the point Comrade. Obama paved the way for a nuclear Iran, he even paid for it. Trump stopped that shit, and you Communists are outraged, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.

How the hell in the world you can say that?

Trump did not stop anything. None. You are very ignorant BG TIME.

Trump went in with no clue how and what he is doing. Trump is very dumb.

I love it when you accused people of communist or Marxist just because we are telling you the truth. But that shows we are winning.

In reality Trump helped and speed up the Iranians nuclear program. That’s a fact dude. Only way to stop that is an all out war.
For your ignorance read the link.

Iran abandons nuclear limits, says it is enriching more uranium than ever before
/—-/ What kind of fool believes anything coming out of a terror state?

Do you have anything else to add to your lousy rebuttal?

Because of Trump they abandoned the agreement. Is that supposed to be a lie? Is that supposed to be a Trump accomplishment?

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