AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.
You are pro-terrorists and anti-American.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

Iran probably isn't done yet. I wished they are but I don't always get all my wishes. And if you vote for Rump you are mentally unstable. We need a 3rd or a 4th or a......... option. Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.
it says you have a 6th grade education equiv whereas I possessed a 10th grade which is equal to MOST people entering into or their first 2 years of college. Many did enlist into the army to get better jobs. Many tried to enlist in the AF and were turned down and went into the Navy (who was slightly less picky) or the Marines (needed at least room temperature and at least a 30 beat per minute heart rate unlike today). Do you know what the AF gave as preferred jobs? They didn't. Do you know what rank increase they gave to people with special skills going in? Nada. We had enlisted with BAs, AAs, Trade Schools, and more. It would be easy to feel superior if MOST people barely even had a HS Degree or didn't have one and had the IQ of a table lamp. I am not saying that is a bad thing. The Army has made quite a dependable force up until the recent years with that. Today, the Army is smarter than in your day. They also are able to pick and choose a bit more. You wouldn't feel so superior in today's Army. In our day, the pecking order was Army, Marine, Navy, AF, Coast Guard. Today, it's Army, Navy, AF, Marine, CG. The Navy and the AF hasn't change for personnel and the Army has gone up a bit but the Marines are extremely picky and the CG takes the absolute best. You were in the dumbest branch that didn't even need a pulse or even brain activity. If you had those two, it didn't matter. So don't you bother with the Superiority routine on me. Just you being in the Army and me being in the AF means that you are dumber than a box of rock. Sorry, you have to be at least in the Navy to have a box of rocks to be dumber than.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.


I agree with Daryl. You have sixth grade education.
You just proved it to me.

He also lies about his Military Career. He's a poser. Sooner or later, all Posers trip themselves up.

Really, I've posted a copy of my last 214 on this board, how about you do the same. Let's see just what kind of a chair born warrior you were.


You may have posted SOMEONES edited DD-214 on this board but an edited version doesn't count. And the only one that has asked for my DD-214 in years has been the VFW to verify a Foreign War Participation. The VA has it on permanent file as does one other place. I don't feel the need to post it on here so that posers like you can get your hands on it, edit it, and call it your own. Next you are going to demand I post a copy of my DD-2.

Are you sure you aren't Sydney Chalk? Do you claim to have 5 purple hearts as well?

You're as much a coward as the other commie that said he would post his if I posted mine. I called his commie assed bluff and he ran away like the sissy he was. And I have no need to see your DD2, I'm very sure it's very similar to mine and they're kind of ugly anyway. So run along chair born warrior, we're done.

Our day? I retired in 2000 and the draft was long gone by then.


I agree with Daryl. You have sixth grade education.
You just proved it to me.

He also lies about his Military Career. He's a poser. Sooner or later, all Posers trip themselves up.

Really, I've posted a copy of my last 214 on this board, how about you do the same. Let's see just what kind of a chair born warrior you were.


You may have posted SOMEONES edited DD-214 on this board but an edited version doesn't count. And the only one that has asked for my DD-214 in years has been the VFW to verify a Foreign War Participation. The VA has it on permanent file as does one other place. I don't feel the need to post it on here so that posers like you can get your hands on it, edit it, and call it your own. Next you are going to demand I post a copy of my DD-2.

Are you sure you aren't Sydney Chalk? Do you claim to have 5 purple hearts as well?

You're as much a coward as the other commie that said he would post his if I posted mine. I called his commie assed bluff and he ran away like the sissy he was. And I have no need to see your DD2, I'm very sure it's very similar to mine and they're kind of ugly anyway. So run along chair born warrior, we're done.


Quiet, Poser. You been bagged.
Why does "killing women" constitute a war crime? This sexist twat wants them in the service doesnt she?

And no bombing a nation that we go to war with is not a war crime. Killing soldiers isnt. Bombing the country isnt. Destroying its ports and transportation networks isnt. Its just war. We did every one of those things in Kosovo

In this dangerous time can we affords having waitresses making accusations against the President?

In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

Iran probably isn't done yet. I wished they are but I don't always get all my wishes. And if you vote for Rump you are mentally unstable. We need a 3rd or a 4th or a......... option. Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.
Cheer for our enemies much?
I agree with Daryl. You have sixth grade education.
You just proved it to me.

He also lies about his Military Career. He's a poser. Sooner or later, all Posers trip themselves up.

Really, I've posted a copy of my last 214 on this board, how about you do the same. Let's see just what kind of a chair born warrior you were.


You may have posted SOMEONES edited DD-214 on this board but an edited version doesn't count. And the only one that has asked for my DD-214 in years has been the VFW to verify a Foreign War Participation. The VA has it on permanent file as does one other place. I don't feel the need to post it on here so that posers like you can get your hands on it, edit it, and call it your own. Next you are going to demand I post a copy of my DD-2.

Are you sure you aren't Sydney Chalk? Do you claim to have 5 purple hearts as well?

You're as much a coward as the other commie that said he would post his if I posted mine. I called his commie assed bluff and he ran away like the sissy he was. And I have no need to see your DD2, I'm very sure it's very similar to mine and they're kind of ugly anyway. So run along chair born warrior, we're done.


Quiet, Poser. You been bagged.

They say huffing that paint does that to you, perhaps you should give up on you obsession with your bag.

You have no fucking clue of what you are talking about. NONE. Nothing except a Trump idiot sympathizers.

You Hezbollah-democrats are open traitors. I'm sure you are heartbroken that no Americans were killed last night.

So a question, as an enemy combatant waging war against America, are you outraged that Trump has decided not to retaliate, or do you acknowledge that the president is making a wise and just decision?
In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

Iran probably isn't done yet. I wished they are but I don't always get all my wishes. And if you vote for Rump you are mentally unstable. We need a 3rd or a 4th or a......... option. Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.
Cheer for our enemies much?

The enemy of America is friend to the Hezbollah-democrats.
In a declared war, you are right. But we haven't been in a real declared war since WWII. One would think that you should be better than the terrorists. But I could be wrong.

Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

Iran probably isn't done yet. I wished they are but I don't always get all my wishes. And if you vote for Rump you are mentally unstable. We need a 3rd or a 4th or a......... option. Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.
Cheer for our enemies much?

I would hardly ever cheer for the enemy. Well unless you were driving at high speed off the edge of a cliff. And then I might give you a standing ovation. Enemies come in all forms and flavors, comrade.
He also lies about his Military Career. He's a poser. Sooner or later, all Posers trip themselves up.

Really, I've posted a copy of my last 214 on this board, how about you do the same. Let's see just what kind of a chair born warrior you were.


You may have posted SOMEONES edited DD-214 on this board but an edited version doesn't count. And the only one that has asked for my DD-214 in years has been the VFW to verify a Foreign War Participation. The VA has it on permanent file as does one other place. I don't feel the need to post it on here so that posers like you can get your hands on it, edit it, and call it your own. Next you are going to demand I post a copy of my DD-2.

Are you sure you aren't Sydney Chalk? Do you claim to have 5 purple hearts as well?

You're as much a coward as the other commie that said he would post his if I posted mine. I called his commie assed bluff and he ran away like the sissy he was. And I have no need to see your DD2, I'm very sure it's very similar to mine and they're kind of ugly anyway. So run along chair born warrior, we're done.


Quiet, Poser. You been bagged.

They say huffing that paint does that to you, perhaps you should give up on you obsession with your bag.


Time to put the Poser in the place he should be. Time to thin out the gene pool. Have a nice day, Poser. And I don't care what the weather is in Moscow.

Iran has already stated the Missile Attack was not enough for the "Revenge". Rump didn't think things through. I wonder which mental midget whispered into his hear that this would be a good idea. He isn't smart enough to be that friggin dumb. Oh wait, yes he is.

Your allies needed to save face. They HAD to respond, but made damn sure they didn't hurt anyone.
Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

Iran probably isn't done yet. I wished they are but I don't always get all my wishes. And if you vote for Rump you are mentally unstable. We need a 3rd or a 4th or a......... option. Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.
Cheer for our enemies much?

I would hardly ever cheer for the enemy. Well unless you were driving at high speed off the edge of a cliff. And then I might give you a standing ovation. Enemies come in all forms and flavors, comrade.

America is your enemy, and you NEVER cheer for America...
Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.

They already tried that. FAIL!

stooges three.gif
Yes you are wrong. Terrorists cant hide behind cultural sites...or even "baby milk factories" (hello CNN). Keep crying. You and the Iranians are done.

Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

Iran probably isn't done yet. I wished they are but I don't always get all my wishes. And if you vote for Rump you are mentally unstable. We need a 3rd or a 4th or a......... option. Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.
Cheer for our enemies much?

I would hardly ever cheer for the enemy. Well unless you were driving at high speed off the edge of a cliff. And then I might give you a standing ovation. Enemies come in all forms and flavors, comrade.

So long as you are defending Iran you may as well defend Russia too. There was another dimension to Trumps move. Here..I'll let your Russian friends at TASS explain it.

General Soleimani was key figure in cooperation with Russia - Iran leader’s top adviser
Then you ARE no better than the garden variety Terrorist. But the rest of us are. Even Rump has back pedaled on his threat. That means you have even less morals than he has. And I didn't think that could be possible.
Iran pussed out. If you vote Democrat you are anti American.

Iran probably isn't done yet. I wished they are but I don't always get all my wishes. And if you vote for Rump you are mentally unstable. We need a 3rd or a 4th or a......... option. Let's just impeach the SOB so the Republicans can present a decent candidate in 2020 that isn't a complete embarrassment.
Cheer for our enemies much?

I would hardly ever cheer for the enemy. Well unless you were driving at high speed off the edge of a cliff. And then I might give you a standing ovation. Enemies come in all forms and flavors, comrade.

So long as you are defending Iran you may as well defend Russia too. There was another dimension to Trumps move. Here..I'll let your Russian friends at TASS explain it.

General Soleimani was key figure in cooperation with Russia - Iran leader’s top adviser

Please post where I defended Iran. I condemned Rump. There is quite a difference. You are so eaten up with drinking that orange koolaid that you say whatever your handlers tell you to say. What are you going to do when Rump is gone. I can see you wandering the streets with no direction just lost. No one left to tell you what to say, think or do. I suggest you have your liberal relatives come take all your guns to prevent you from taking the easy way out.
You have no fucking clue of what you are talking about. NONE. Nothing except a Trump idiot sympathizers.

You Hezbollah-democrats are open traitors. I'm sure you are heartbroken that no Americans were killed last night.

*** So a question, as an enemy combatant waging war against America, are you outraged that Trump has decided not to retaliate, or do you acknowledge that the president is making a wise and just decision?

Let me repeat it again. You have no clue what you are talking about. NONE.. You accused me of being Hezbollah just because I disagreed with a very dumb stupid foreign idiotic policy.
You are a LIAR just like this inept president.

Oh I’m very hard broken big time that Iranians bomb American bases with ballistic missiles. That’s the results of how dumb is our Trump.

*** Outrage that dumb Trump did not retaliate? Yes and No.
Trump was (and you) pounding his chest when he killed this dude. So why fuck with it to start with when he doesn’t even have a plan how to deal with it. They just bomb us with 12+ ballistic missiles.
All these crisis he created...... What the hell did you accomplished?

Was a wise decision not to retaliate? Yes........ But why dick with it in the first place? So after all these bluff....... They just bomb American bases. That’s a total fuck up foreign policy. Don’t you think?
On Twitter Trump just threatened more war crimes. It is a literal war crime at the International Criminal Court of The Hague to destroy cultural sites. It violates the Geneva Convention treaties. Do you know who destroys cultural sites? Isis. Terrorists. Innocent men, women, and children are at those sites.
Democrats destroy cultural sites.
haven't statues fallen? WTF dishonest leftists, go figure.
I haven't seen where he's said exactly what sites are part of the 52. I think you are reading into things on this one.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"

"important site" "important to Iranian 'culture' " does not seem to me
to be "cultural heritage sites" ------HOWEVER I would agree that if the
aggressions of Iranian sponsored groups like Hezbollah do involve trashing
of the cultural or holy sites of ---OTHERS----that equity demands an equal
and opposite reaction
So, what you're saying is you're ok with tRump committing war crimes.
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. You are here to defend Iran's side.

There is a third side. It was once said about a Senator that misused his powers, "Have you no sense of Decency?" Congress needs to handle Rump the same way.
isn't he commander in chief? what is it you think he's done different than any other president going back 40 years? explain it to me.
I think Trump knew about the Saudis planning to kill Khashoggi and told Kushner to give the green light. Khashoggi was a critic of Trump (and of the Saudi regime).

Soleimani was also a critic of Trump, but his criticism was very restrained in my opinion, or what I found online at least. Could be Trump found out about it and ordered the airstrike based on that.

Trump wishes the US was a dictatorship so he could take out all his enemies.
what has he done differently than any other president? you must provide at least one event or you're as dishonest as an Iranian.

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