AOC calls Hunter Biden laptop story 'half fake', is she still worthy of your trust?

I am still amazed that AOC is claiming that defending the first Ammendment is a waste of time.

It shows you where she is coming from. She is a communist.

she's too fierce, too entrenched in all sorts of extreme-left views, and that makes her unfit to even run for the US Presidency in 2024.
but that's just my view on the matter.

how about yours?
The New York Post is more Rupert Murdoch fox crap. A disgrace.
Opposing fascist fish heads like you doesn't make anyone a Trumpster as a matter of course.

None other than the NYT confirmed that the content on the laptop is legit.
It also has nothing to do with anything and has been investigated and president Biden has nothing to do with it and there's no criminal or anything else. Hunter has been investigated under three different presidents already. Lol. There is no conspiracy and fascists are right wing. Left wing dictatorship lovers are communists and you can't find any anymore since the USSR disappeared with its support....of course except in China Vietnam and Cuba where they have a gun to their head.
It also has nothing to do with anything and has been investigated and president Biden has nothing to do with it and there's no criminal or anything else. Hunter has been investigated under three different presidents already. Lol. There is no conspiracy and fascists are right wing. Left wing dictatorship lovers are communists and you can't find any anymore since the USSR disappeared with its support....of course except in China Vietnam and Cuba where they have a gun to their head.
Total fucking lies.
We'll be the judge of that. Sounds like you are... That hunter Biden stuff is pure GOP propaganda and total BS

pure? the FBI opened that can of worms when they declared the Laptop Russian information... they knew it was real, so what does that tell you?
Do you realize Hunter Biden recieved money from China and Ukraine? did you realize he lived in Bidens home where classified documents are laying around? Did you know China is very well known for harvesting information from US politicians? Did you Know Hunter is an actual crack addict who could be manipulated by a foreign government by drugs and prostitutes ... because he uses both?
Did you know that Hunter is mostly paid by these foreign governments because of his Daddy's influence and not his talents?

None of what I said is propaganda, but you may not have seen it on CNN
Nonsense! George santos has seen the laptop and has verified that a big scandal is coming Really BIG! It`ll be Bigger than when the gold truck came through Mayberry.
These bozos were absolutely certain that "crooked Hillary" would be locked up.
In a just world she would be.
pure? the FBI opened that can of worms when they declared the Laptop Russian information... they knew it was real, so what does that tell you?
Do you realize Hunter Biden recieved money from China and Ukraine? did you realize he lived in Bidens home where classified documents are laying around? Did you know China is very well known for harvesting information from US politicians? Did you Know Hunter is an actual crack addict who could be manipulated by a foreign government by drugs and prostitutes ... because he uses both?
Did you know that Hunter is mostly paid by these foreign governments because of his Daddy's influence and not his talents?

None of what I said is propaganda, but you may not have seen it on CNN
he's just the typical offspring of a powerful politician he gets a lot out of the name. But it is all been investigated and nothing illegal. He had a couple of bad years five years six years ago when his brother died and is kept absolutely separate from his father's politics. that is crap. He is also an Ivy League trained international businessman and consultant... that's what he was paid for.
Who cares about another phony Witch Hunt. We'll get a look at the real record of undue influence on Twitter as applied by the disgraced former President and his cronies.
You mean the Best President of the 2k era? The one Twitter banned?
he's just the typical offspring of a powerful politician he gets a lot out of the name. But it is all been investigated and nothing illegal. He had a couple of bad years five years six years ago when his brother died and is kept absolutely separate from his father's politics. that is crap. He is also an Ivy League trained international businessman and consultant... that's what he was paid for.

yeah sure, right! then why doesnt he just have an Ivy league business job here in the U.S.? whys he going to places like our enemy, China and then Ukraine?

No it hasnt been all investigated but hopefully it will.
The half of the story where republicans claimed the laptop was proof of some kind of corruption is fake.
Another brainless libtard lemming. ^^^

Don't you fuckers ever get tired of being stupid?

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