AOC encourages illegals to fill out census.

There was until Obama removed it.

Here is the 2000 census form. Page 4 has citizenship question.

That question would be on this year's census too if the Trump administration had been truthful with the courts on why they wanted to include it ... why they didn't submit the documents as requested is still unknown ... by then it was too late to add the question before the forms started printing ...

If the reason to add the question was to exclude a certain ethnicity ... then it violates the 14th Amendment ... if you'll note the actually language of the Constitution in Article I, Section 2, African-Americans were only counted 3/5's of a person ... that ended with the ratification of the 14th Amendment ...

If the reason isn't a violation of the 14th Amendment, then why all the secrecy? ... I'm fine if the President wants this, he just handed it to the wrong people to make it happen ...
So, it's Trump's fault Obama removed the question.

Got it.:iyfyus.jpg:
Clearly understanding and interpreting the constitution from its core intent is the American thing to do. Trying to see it another way is what Mexicans and half Mexicans would do for obvious reasons.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

Lets try this from another angle...see if you can apply simple logic.
When our great framers authored the constitution do you think they were writing it aimed to benefit INVADERS on U.S.soil against the will of the very people they were writing for...weren't they constructing EVERYTHING and every detail to favor American citizens?
Stop right there....and THINK once. Do you honestly believe they were sinister enough to write in favor of Mexico's citizens over their own fellow countrymen?
This is such simple shit man....don't fight to think so unAmerican bud.
There was until Obama removed it.

Here is the 2000 census form. Page 4 has citizenship question.

That question would be on this year's census too if the Trump administration had been truthful with the courts on why they wanted to include it ... why they didn't submit the documents as requested is still unknown ... by then it was too late to add the question before the forms started printing ...

If the reason to add the question was to exclude a certain ethnicity ... then it violates the 14th Amendment ... if you'll note the actually language of the Constitution in Article I, Section 2, African-Americans were only counted 3/5's of a person ... that ended with the ratification of the 14th Amendment ...

If the reason isn't a violation of the 14th Amendment, then why all the secrecy? ... I'm fine if the President wants this, he just handed it to the wrong people to make it happen ...

It is still there, nothing has changed, except the name.

The questionnaire above from 2000 is the long form that only a small percentage of the country received, as had been the case since 1970. After the 1990 Census it was decided to try and obtain certain bits of data on a more regular basis than just once every 10 years. They started in 1995 and tested it for a decade before the renamed the Long Form the American Community Survey that is sent out on a monthly basis to the same number of people that used to get the Long Form. So, since 2005 the American Community Survey has been conducted monthly, and it ask citizenship. For the 2010 Census and for the 2020 Census the same percent of people that used to get the Long Form received the ACS.

Here is the ACS form...


The ignorance on this forum just makes me shake my head sometimes.
Clearly understanding and interpreting the constitution from its core intent is the American thing to do. Trying to see it another way is what Mexicans and half Mexicans would do for obvious reasons.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

Lets try this from another angle...see if you can apply simple logic.
When our great framers authored the constitution do you think they were writing it aimed to benefit INVADERS on U.S.soil against the will of the very people they were writing for...weren't they constructing EVERYTHING and every detail to favor American citizens?
Stop right there....and THINK once. Do you honestly believe they were sinister enough to write in favor of Mexico's citizens over their own fellow countrymen?
This is such simple shit man....don't fight to think so unAmerican bud.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.
There was until Obama removed it.

Here is the 2000 census form. Page 4 has citizenship question.

That question would be on this year's census too if the Trump administration had been truthful with the courts on why they wanted to include it ... why they didn't submit the documents as requested is still unknown ... by then it was too late to add the question before the forms started printing ...

If the reason to add the question was to exclude a certain ethnicity ... then it violates the 14th Amendment ... if you'll note the actually language of the Constitution in Article I, Section 2, African-Americans were only counted 3/5's of a person ... that ended with the ratification of the 14th Amendment ...

If the reason isn't a violation of the 14th Amendment, then why all the secrecy? ... I'm fine if the President wants this, he just handed it to the wrong people to make it happen ...
So, it's Trump's fault Obama removed the question.

Got it.:iyfyus.jpg:

Obama did not remove anything...fuck how do you drive a car being his fucking ignorant?
Clearly understanding and interpreting the constitution from its core intent is the American thing to do. Trying to see it another way is what Mexicans and half Mexicans would do for obvious reasons.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

Lets try this from another angle...see if you can apply simple logic.
When our great framers authored the constitution do you think they were writing it aimed to benefit INVADERS on U.S.soil against the will of the very people they were writing for...weren't they constructing EVERYTHING and every detail to favor American citizens?
Stop right there....and THINK once. Do you honestly believe they were sinister enough to write in favor of Mexico's citizens over their own fellow countrymen?
This is such simple shit man....don't fight to think so unAmerican bud.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

Again...if challenged in SCOTUS good real Americans win this one on clear intent. You unAmerican's would piss yourselves.
Clearly understanding and interpreting the constitution from its core intent is the American thing to do. Trying to see it another way is what Mexicans and half Mexicans would do for obvious reasons.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

Lets try this from another angle...see if you can apply simple logic.
When our great framers authored the constitution do you think they were writing it aimed to benefit INVADERS on U.S.soil against the will of the very people they were writing for...weren't they constructing EVERYTHING and every detail to favor American citizens?
Stop right there....and THINK once. Do you honestly believe they were sinister enough to write in favor of Mexico's citizens over their own fellow countrymen?
This is such simple shit man....don't fight to think so unAmerican bud.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

Again...if challenged in SCOTUS good real Americans win this one on clear intent. You unAmerican's would piss yourselves.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.
Lets try this from another angle...see if you can apply simple logic.
When our great framers authored the constitution do you think they were writing it aimed to benefit INVADERS on U.S.soil against the will of the very people they were writing for...weren't they constructing EVERYTHING and every detail to favor American citizens?
Stop right there....and THINK once. Do you honestly believe they were sinister enough to write in favor of Mexico's citizens over their own fellow countrymen?
This is such simple shit man....don't fight to think so unAmerican bud.

Just a small point ... at the time of the writing of the constitution, everything west of the Mississippi river was Spanish territory ...
And actually ... it was the United States that invaded Mexico ... Texas to California ...

Please get over yourself ... after 234 years, your ideas aren't new, but they're still bad ...
Again...if challenged in SCOTUS good real Americans win this one on clear intent. You unAmerican's would piss yourselves.

SCOTUS would ask the same question the lower court did ... show us the documents ... is it we who obey the law, or is it you who disregard the rule of law ...
Lets try this from another angle...see if you can apply simple logic.
When our great framers authored the constitution do you think they were writing it aimed to benefit INVADERS on U.S.soil against the will of the very people they were writing for...weren't they constructing EVERYTHING and every detail to favor American citizens?
Stop right there....and THINK once. Do you honestly believe they were sinister enough to write in favor of Mexico's citizens over their own fellow countrymen?
This is such simple shit man....don't fight to think so unAmerican bud.

Just a small point ... at the time of the writing of the constitution, everything west of the Mississippi river was Spanish territory ...
And actually ... it was the United States that invaded Mexico ... Texas to California ...

Please get over yourself ... after 234 years, your ideas aren't new, but they're still bad ...

Folks, I'll be here all night making fools of all the unAmerican pieces of shit...Free admission...tell a friend.
We actually bought their shithole from them after beating the shit out of the brown cockroaches...You should thank God we did...Look at all the free shit whitey gives you...Imagine if you would have been born in'd be fighting to get here to fuck whitey over and ride his coattails just like they are.
You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

I parrot shit when I feel defeated as well.
What did you do war hero...steal a Gi Bill from good real Americans? Stole some free healthcare?

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.
You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

I parrot shit when I feel defeated as well.
What did you do war hero...steal a Gi Bill from good real Americans? Stole some free healthcare?

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

"You verbally beat the living shit out of me."
You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

I parrot shit when I feel defeated as well.
What did you do war hero...steal a Gi Bill from good real Americans? Stole some free healthcare?

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

"You verbally beat the living shit out of me." have nothing but hate and ignorance.

I have the Constitution on my side, the words are plain and simple...even a fucking moron like you can read them and understand them...

Here...let's test that theory...what does the word "WHOLE" mean?
The dirty little secret is that there will be no question about citizenship in the census so criminal illegal aliens can pretend to be law abiding (democrats).


Thanks to Hussein the traitor.

Clearly understanding and interpreting the constitution from its core intent is the American thing to do. Trying to see it another way is what Mexicans and half Mexicans would do for obvious reasons.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

Lets try this from another angle...see if you can apply simple logic.
When our great framers authored the constitution do you think they were writing it aimed to benefit INVADERS on U.S.soil against the will of the very people they were writing for...weren't they constructing EVERYTHING and every detail to favor American citizens?
Stop right there....and THINK once. Do you honestly believe they were sinister enough to write in favor of Mexico's citizens over their own fellow countrymen?
This is such simple shit man....don't fight to think so unAmerican bud.

The words are what they are, their meaning could not be more clear. All twisting and spinning by you cannot change them.

I have the Constitution on my side, all you have on your side is hate and ignorance.

You are nothing but a freeloader that has never done a damn thing to help this country.

Again...if challenged in SCOTUS good real Americans win this one on clear intent. You unAmerican's would piss yourselves.

There is a reason it's not been appealed. There is a reason Trump hasn't. (other than he wants them here)
The dirty little secret is that there will be no question about citizenship in the census so criminal illegal aliens can pretend to be law abiding (democrats).


Thanks to Hussein the traitor.


Fuck, you people really cannot be this stupid...can you.

Obama did not remove anything. He took office in 2009, by that time the Census was done and being sent to the printers.

Try reading for once in your life and quit parroting lies spoon fed to you.

From 1970 on the Census had two forms, a short form and a long one. The long form was sent to a small percentage of the people, everyone else got the short form. Only the long form had the citizenship question.

After the 1990 Census it was decided to try and obtain certain bits of data on a more regular basis than just once every 10 years.

They started building the new survey in 1995 and tested it for a decade before the renamed the Long Form the American Community Survey that is sent out on a monthly basis to the same number of people that used to get the Long Form.

So, since 2005 the American Community Survey has been conducted monthly, and it ask citizenship.

For the 2010 Census and for the 2020 Census the same percent of people that used to get the Long Form received the ACS.

Here is the ACS form...


The ignorance on this forum just makes me shake my head sometimes.

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