AOC encourages illegals to fill out census.

Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself
Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

It says to count the the whole number of persons in each State. Never mentions anything about citizenship.

Do you not ever get tired of being wrong?
So if Florida conducted their census during spring break and counted all the college kids who flood the state at that time, they could use that to gain more House seats?

How about states like Texas, Florida, Arizone etc who see tens of thousands of people come to the state during cold weather months. Can those states count all the "Snow Birds" to increase their number of House seats? How about all the states those people flee. Should they get fewer House seats because the people who spend cold months in warm states are counted there...........or do they get to be counted in both states?

The number of persons in each state fluctuates, so your position is moronic.
Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself
Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

An Act providing for the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States
...That the marshals of the several districts of the United States shall be, and they are hereby authorized and required to cause the number of the inhabitants within their respective districts to be taken; omitting in such enumeration Indians not taxed, and distinguishing free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, from all others; distinguishing also the sexes and colours of free persons, and the free males of sixteen years and upwards from those under that age...
"Inhabitant" = Permanent resident.

Non-citizens are not here permanently.


The number of persons in each state fluctuates, so your position is moronic.

My position is the position of the Federal government and always has been.

Your ignorance of the facts cannot change this
Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself
Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

It says to count the the whole number of persons in each State. Never mentions anything about citizenship.

Do you not ever get tired of being wrong?
So if Florida conducted their census during spring break and counted all the college kids who flood the state at that time, they could use that to gain more House seats?

How about states like Texas, Florida, Arizone etc who see tens of thousands of people come to the state during cold weather months. Can those states count all the "Snow Birds" to increase their number of House seats? How about all the states those people flee. Should they get fewer House seats because the people who spend cold months in warm states are counted there...........or do they get to be counted in both states?

The number of persons in each state fluctuates, so your position is moronic.

From the Census Bureau:

Who is included in the resident population counts?

The resident population counts include all people (citizens and non-citizens) who are living in the United States at the time of the census. People are counted at their usual residence, which is the place where they live and sleep most of the time.

The resident population also includes military and civilian employees of the U.S. government who are deployed outside the United States (while stationed or assigned in the United States) and can be allocated to a usual residence address in the United States based on administrative records from the Department of Defense.

The resident population counts for the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Island Areas are not included in apportionment calculations (because those areas do not have voting seats in the U.S. House of Representatives), but they are included in other data products.
Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself
Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

It says to count the the whole number of persons in each State. Never mentions anything about citizenship.

Do you not ever get tired of being wrong?
So if Florida conducted their census during spring break and counted all the college kids who flood the state at that time, they could use that to gain more House seats?

How about states like Texas, Florida, Arizone etc who see tens of thousands of people come to the state during cold weather months. Can those states count all the "Snow Birds" to increase their number of House seats? How about all the states those people flee. Should they get fewer House seats because the people who spend cold months in warm states are counted there...........or do they get to be counted in both states?

The number of persons in each state fluctuates, so your position is moronic.

Again from the Census Bureau

Are undocumented residents included in the apportionment population counts?

Yes, all people (citizens and noncitizens) with a usual residence in the 50 states are included in the resident population for the census, which means they are all included in the apportionment counts.

Are children under 18 years old included in the apportionment population counts even though they cannot vote?

Yes, all people of all ages (even newborn babies) with a usual residence in the 50 states are included in the resident population for the census, which means they are all included in the apportionment counts. Being registered or eligible to vote is not a requirement for inclusion in the apportionment counts.
Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself
Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

It says to count the the whole number of persons in each State. Never mentions anything about citizenship.

Do you not ever get tired of being wrong?
The census is used to determine the number of Representative in Congress from each state there is. Non-citizens don't get a say in who their representative is, only citizens of the US do.

Get a clue, moron.
Is your concern that some states could get additional representatives and Electors due to an increased head count caused by a WHOLE LOT of illegals? It is not going to be very dramatic in any state, from what I understand. There is a cap (435) on how many US Representatives there can be in Congress. If you look at the apportionment, it seems to be roughly one Rep for each half million population, but some states have less than that because if a state has had a great increase in population but other states have not lost seats, there is nothing to give the state that grew.

Make sense?

The other point to make is that the 2020 census will not change any # of Reps until 2021. So it will not affect the 2020 Presidential election.
“Illegal aliens should not be counted equally to law-abiding Americans and legal immigrants – plain and simple,” Assemblyman Mike LiPetri said in a doesn’t matter if you work hard and play by the rules, we’re going to prioritize criminals and those here illegally over you.”

How is getting an accurate head count of the population "prioritizing criminals" over hard working Americans?

That is a totally screwy argument with no logical basis whatsoever.

The Census is a head count. It asks various other questions the government is interested in knowing in any given decade, but it is primarily a head count.

LiPetri's gripe is moot anyway, since there is no way for the census to know who is legal or illegal. The question everyone was so up in arms about didn't either, actually, but anyway--that question was kept off.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse [sic] three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.

US Constitution, Article I, Section 2

[emphasis mine]

Yeah ... sucks ... the damn constitution doesn't say to count only citizens, but to count all people ... 2/3's of each house of Congress and 3/4's the States ... easy peasy ...

Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

What illegality is she pushing?

What illegality is she pushing?
The census is to count the “population” of the United States. The “population” of a country is defined by the number if citizens of that country.

Did that definition just change today?

Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself

The “population” of a country is defined by the number if citizens of that country.

No, population is defined by the number of people.

Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself
Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

It says to count the the whole number of persons in each State. Never mentions anything about citizenship.

Do you not ever get tired of being wrong?
The census is used to determine the number of Representative in Congress from each state there is. Non-citizens don't get a say in who their representative is, only citizens of the US do.

Get a clue, moron.

whole number is pretty clear, I am not sure why this confuses you so much.

We have always counted non-citizens. This is not new.

Non-citizens don't get a vote in who their representative is, but they do get counted for the apportionment for each state...always have.

Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census
You know the census isn't just for citizens, right?

Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

I did .. in post #3 ... see, it says to count all persons ... no mention of citizenship ...

Legit real Americans:
“The U.S. Constitution was written by The People for The does not extend to Mexico or the people of was written with the sole intent of benefiting and protecting Americans.”

Filthy unAmerican pieces of shit:
“The U.S. Constitution was written to fuck Americans over and benefit wetbacks in some cases because the framers knew we would want cheap lettuce...I love wetbacks and I think they have every right to influence our elections...but fuck Russia.”
“Illegal aliens should not be counted equally to law-abiding Americans and legal immigrants – plain and simple,” Assemblyman Mike LiPetri said in a doesn’t matter if you work hard and play by the rules, we’re going to prioritize criminals and those here illegally over you.”

How is getting an accurate head count of the population "prioritizing criminals" over hard working Americans?

That is a totally screwy argument with no logical basis whatsoever.

The Census is a head count. It asks various other questions the government is interested in knowing in any given decade, but it is primarily a head count.

LiPetri's gripe is moot anyway, since there is no way for the census to know who is legal or illegal. The question everyone was so up in arms about didn't either, actually, but anyway--that question was kept off.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse [sic] three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.

US Constitution, Article I, Section 2

[emphasis mine]

Yeah ... sucks ... the damn constitution doesn't say to count only citizens, but to count all people ... 2/3's of each house of Congress and 3/4's the States ... easy peasy ...

Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

What illegality is she pushing?

What illegality is she pushing?
The census is to count the “population” of the United States. The “population” of a country is defined by the number if citizens of that country.

Did that definition just change today?

Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself

The “population” of a country is defined by the number if citizens of that country.

No, population is defined by the number of people.

The census counts everyone in the country, as per the Constitution.

stop making a fool out of yourself
Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

It says to count the the whole number of persons in each State. Never mentions anything about citizenship.

Do you not ever get tired of being wrong?
The census is used to determine the number of Representative in Congress from each state there is. Non-citizens don't get a say in who their representative is, only citizens of the US do.

Get a clue, moron.

whole number is pretty clear, I am not sure why this confuses you so much.

We have always counted non-citizens. This is not new.

Non-citizens don't get a vote in who their representative is, but they do get counted for the apportionment for each state...always have.

Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census
You know the census isn't just for citizens, right?

Where does it say to count "non citizens"? Quote it.

I did .. in post #3 ... see, it says to count all persons ... no mention of citizenship ...

Legit real Americans:
“The U.S. Constitution was written by The People for The does not extend to Mexico or the people of was written with the sole intent of benefiting and protecting Americans.”

Filthy unAmerican pieces of shit:
“The U.S. Constitution was written to fuck Americans over and benefit wetbacks in some cases because the framers knew we would want cheap lettuce...I love wetbacks and I think they have every right to influence our elections...but fuck Russia.”
^^^ So much for patiently providing information....^^^^
Legit real Americans:
“The U.S. Constitution was written by The People for The does not extend to Mexico or the people of was written with the sole intent of benefiting and protecting Americans.”

Filthy unAmerican pieces of shit:
“The U.S. Constitution was written to fuck Americans over and benefit wetbacks in some cases because the framers knew we would want cheap lettuce...I love wetbacks and I think they have every right to influence our elections...but fuck Russia.”

Either you follow the Constitution or no you do not, there is no half way on this.
Legit real Americans:
“The U.S. Constitution was written by The People for The does not extend to Mexico or the people of was written with the sole intent of benefiting and protecting Americans.”

Filthy unAmerican pieces of shit:
“The U.S. Constitution was written to fuck Americans over and benefit wetbacks in some cases because the framers knew we would want cheap lettuce...I love wetbacks and I think they have every right to influence our elections...but fuck Russia.”

Either you follow the Constitution or no you do not, there is no half way on this.

How about we just demand that pieces of shit stop misinterpreting the words of our founders?
Almost Occasionally Coherent pushing illegality to further the Dimsocialist agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls on illegal immigrants to fill out 2020 census

I thought the census required EVERYONE to fill out the census - regardless of legal status if living in the United States. Am I wrong?

Our constitution was written for American’ is not an international document that extends to citizens of other nations. Sorry treasonous turds.
The dirty little secret is that there will be no question about citizenship in the census so criminal illegal aliens can pretend to be law abiding (democrats).
Illegal is illegal, what part of that can't dems understand.

Prisoners are counted ... those illegals? ...

I feel your pain ... but SCOTUS has long held that where the Constitutions says "citizen", the matter applies only to US citizens ... and where the Constitution says "persons", that matter applies to all within our borders ...
Illegal is illegal, what part of that can't dems understand.

Prisoners are counted ... those illegals? ...

I feel your pain ... but SCOTUS has long held that where the Constitutions says "citizen", the matter applies only to US citizens ... and where the Constitution says "persons", that matter applies to all within our borders ...

When was SCOTUS last challenged on such gross misinterpretation?

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