AOC Flunks Economics 101

Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

You think special tax incentives is good capitalism? You fail economics.

In the sense that it's a government entity interacting with the private sector, yes.

New York and Amazon were negotiating a business deal. New York was offering Amazon something it wanted - favorable tax incentives - for something New York wanted - a big new employer with lots of new jobs and revenue. New York got stupid and forgot that they were not sitting in the driver's seat on the negotiation, and that there are a lot of other cities competing to make that deal with Amazon.

Sounds like capitalism to me.
Government making special deals with private business is not capitalism. Cronyism.

Uh, no. I'm very sorry that it's news to you that city governments all over the nation routinely do business with and make business deals with private companies. Don't get too attached to joyfully throwing around conservative buzzwords with no clue about or concern for what they actually mean.

Kickbacks ring a bell? Ever studied Spiro Agnew, a wonderful example of conservative ethics.
There's no $3 billion in actual reality.

There IS enormous infra structure costs to having Amazon be there...and that 3 BILLION won't be there to cover those costs
Niether will the milestones and benchmarks that Amazon had to hit to get that incentive. Those benchmarks and milestones dealt with infrastructure and community.

So, not only are the citizens out of 24 Billion dollars, they'll now have to foot the bill for any needed infrastructure upgrades necessary to their community.

Total cost to the taxpayers now that the deal is gone is about 30 billion dollars.

Talk about shooting your own foot.

Reality must ALWAYS trump socialism.
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.
She looks more like a crack whore than a coke whore can still get a few bucks from drunks. She's going to be way too ugly in about 5 yeears.
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

You think special tax incentives is good capitalism? You fail economics.

Although they were taking tax incentives Amazon would have brought billions to the NY area. I suspect when the kids that voted this kid into office will see it differently in 6 years and vote her out. I read that most were not low paying jobs but rather in the realm of 6 figures, but then again N.Y. city is expensive. The democratic party needs to shut her mouth and quick or there will be no viable candidate for 2020 and the hopes and dreams are gone.

I suspect when the kids that voted this kid into office will see it differently in 6 years and vote her out.

You think she's going to last that long?
AOC was right.

Amazon was being exempted from $3 billion in taxes. If Amazon paid those taxes instead, that $3 billion could have been used for the purposes AOC described.

All caught up now, retards?

Amazon was being exempted from $3 billion in taxes. If Amazon paid those taxes instead, that $3 billion could have been used for the purposes AOC described.

Thank goodness she helped nix the deal.
How much is Amazon going to pay toward that moron, AOC's, purposes now?
This reminds me of the Standard Oil Trust.

Rockefeller made backdoor deals with the railroads. In the public view, Standard Oil was paying the same freight rates as every other oil company. But in reality, Rockefeller was getting a kickback from the railroad. This meant he was actually paying less for transportation.

This enabled Rockefeller to lower his oil prices below what his competitors could and thus run them out of business.

Amazon was going to receive a massive $3 billion kickback from New York which would put them at a competitive advantage over their smaller competitors.

It's bullshit.

Total. Bullshit.

This enabled Rockefeller to lower his oil prices below what his competitors could and thus run them out of business.

It was awful!
Rockefeller increased production and lowered prices.

Amazon would have been exempted from $3 billion in taxes.

How long would it take for 25,000 low paid workers to make up the difference from their income taxes?

A loooooooong time.

Tax expenditures are a fucking disaster for this country. They are costing the federal government $1.4 trillion a year. This results in higher federal tax rates and massive deficits.

It's tards like you, easyt, who are idiots when it comes to economics.
/——/ Are you that dense? So where is the $3 billion? It’s in Amazon’s bank account where it will stay. Stupid Socialist couldn’t run a Kool Aide stand without adult supervision. Even big libs Cuomo and DiBladdio understand tax incentives. Geeeze
The world is upside down to the crazy hate filled left. Clinton was a crook and a pervert but he connected with the campaign slogan "it's the economy, stupid". What happened to democrats since Bill was playing hid the cigar with Monica? Did a dose of eight freaking years of stagnant Obama economy and lies that "good factory jobs are gone forever" convince the crazy left that it ain't the economy but the government?
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

You think special tax incentives is good capitalism? You fail economics.

Although they were taking tax incentives Amazon would have brought billions to the NY area. I suspect when the kids that voted this kid into office will see it differently in 6 years and vote her out. I read that most were not low paying jobs but rather in the realm of 6 figures, but then again N.Y. city is expensive. The democratic party needs to shut her mouth and quick or there will be no viable candidate for 2020 and the hopes and dreams are gone.

I suspect when the kids that voted this kid into office will see it differently in 6 years and vote her out.

You think she's going to last that long?
Funny, I thought that congresswomen and men were up for election every two years. I would be surprised if she managed to get reelected, but in NY, its possible.
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

You think special tax incentives is good capitalism? You fail economics.

Although they were taking tax incentives Amazon would have brought billions to the NY area. I suspect when the kids that voted this kid into office will see it differently in 6 years and vote her out. I read that most were not low paying jobs but rather in the realm of 6 figures, but then again N.Y. city is expensive. The democratic party needs to shut her mouth and quick or there will be no viable candidate for 2020 and the hopes and dreams are gone.

I suspect when the kids that voted this kid into office will see it differently in 6 years and vote her out.

You think she's going to last that long?
Funny, I thought that congresswomen and men were up for election every two years. I would be surprised if she managed to get reelected, but in NY, its possible.
/——/ I think the Dem leadership will primary her out. NY really needed those jobs and tax revenue.
She flunked Life 101.......and I still think she looks like some gangbanging $2 coke whore you'd see on street corners. She certainly has the intellectual capacity of one.

It's pretty clear you have nothing to offer but hate. That explains you and many Trump supporters, jerks who lack empathy and ethos.
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

You think special tax incentives is good capitalism? You fail economics.

In the sense that it's a government entity interacting with the private sector, yes.

New York and Amazon were negotiating a business deal. New York was offering Amazon something it wanted - favorable tax incentives - for something New York wanted - a big new employer with lots of new jobs and revenue. New York got stupid and forgot that they were not sitting in the driver's seat on the negotiation, and that there are a lot of other cities competing to make that deal with Amazon.

Sounds like capitalism to me.
Government making special deals with private business is not capitalism. Cronyism.

Uh, no. I'm very sorry that it's news to you that city governments all over the nation routinely do business with and make business deals with private companies. Don't get too attached to joyfully throwing around conservative buzzwords with no clue about or concern for what they actually mean.

Kickbacks ring a bell? Ever studied Spiro Agnew, a wonderful example of conservative ethics.
/——/ Going back 45 years ? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Do people really beleive that if a city /state says "okay we'll take $3B off your anticipated $30B taxes if you come here" that the city/state is actually losing $3B? Crazy
/——/ Apparently AOC and the other two dem loons thought that.
Blows my mind how many people seem to have no clue what Amazon actually is.

It's not just some warehouse company delivering packages.

Amazon is a tech giant.

They're huge in ecommerce, cloud computing and have an increasing presence in the entertainment space. They just invested 700 million in a startup to compete with Tesla. They've got their fingers in all kinds of shit.

These weren't warehouse jobs these stupid fuckers chased out if town, they were skilled, good paying jobs of the new economy.
Blows my mind how many people seem to have no clue what Amazon actually is.

It's not just some warehouse company delivering packages.

Amazon is a tech giant.

They're huge in ecommerce, cloud computing and have an increasing presence in the entertainment space. They just invested 700 million in a startup to compete with Tesla. They've got their fingers in all kinds of shit.

These weren't warehouse jobs these stupid fuckers chased out if town, they were skilled, good paying jobs of the new economy.
Sounds like they don’t need special tax breaks.
Government making special deals with private business is not capitalism. Cronyism.
No shit, Dick Tracy.....True as that is, there's still no $3 billion for the economic nitwit AOC to redistribute to the sainted pooooooor.....That is the reason that she stated for opposing the deal.
Sounded like cash payments to me.

Let's pretend you own a toll road and you charge $10 to cross. Now let's say I come along and say "I need to cross 8 times a day 5 days a week over 5 years. At the regular rate you charge that would cost me $80 a day 5 days a week 52 weeks out of the year for 5 years or $20,800 a year for 5 years.

Now let's suppose I say to you. I will make a deal with you, I'll use your road guaranteed 8 times a day , 5 days a week for 5 years , at $7 a pop for 5 years . Or $14,560 a year for 5 years. If you take that deal , are you out $6K a year in cash?
Has anyone mentioned Cortez loves her some Amazon ...spent thousands with them during her campaign.....why does do business with slavers

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