AOC goes BERSERK on Clarence Thomas: RESIGN or face IMPEACHMENT

What are you an angry petulant third grader?

What I am is correct.
You hate when someone gets you mad with an opinion other than yours. Plain and simple. Can it because it makes you look like a petulant ass. Not me sucker.
Removed from the Supreme Court because you don't like what Judge Thomas' wife said or thinks?

"That's called guilt by association. A guilt by association fallacy occurs when someone connects an opponent to a demonized group of people or to a bad person in order to discredit his or her argument. The idea is that the person is “guilty” by simply being similar to this “bad” group and, therefore, should not be listened to about anything."

This is straight out of the Soviet Union. Not guilty because of what you said or did but because
of what someone you know or are associated with did or thinks.

What is next? Witch trials because you helped out the old woman down the road one time
and some say she consorts with the devil through all the cats she keeps. .
Welcome to the 21st century. Been here long? Learn our customs.
Stop being a dolt.
They've been trying to get rid of Thomas for decades because he's an uppity black guy who strayed off of the Democrat Plantation.

This is nothing new, just one more "High Tech Lynching of a Black Man" and a very good man at that.
But Abe Fortas had to resign or be impeached because he accepted money from a former client who was under criminal investigation for financial hijinks. I'm hardpressed to find a logical distinction between what Fortas did and Thomas. Thomas DID RECIEVE the FINANCIAL BENEFIT of payments to his wife from three orgainizations that funded "stop the steal"
What money was Thomas paid under the table by anyone involved with January 6?
You hate when someone gets you mad with an opinion other than yours. Plain and simple. Can it because it makes you look like a petulant ass. Not me sucker.
Well since you have nothing else to offer I'm beginning to understand why you are constantly making things up and pulling them out of your ass.

Facts are facts, hate is what you are spreading.
To pretend that those on the Supreme Court are not biased politically is beyond absurd.

Naturally, only when a judge is conservative, which is a rare event, do they encounter such criticism.

Many Left wing judges in the past on SCOTUS should have recused themselves in the past but didn't.
Judge Sotomayor said it herself that the Bench is for making policy
Well since you have nothing else to offer I'm beginning to understand why you are constantly making things up and pulling them out of your ass.

Facts are facts, hate is what you are spreading.
Good grief, another head case.
Hate to do a what aboutism...but...

Feel free to investigate justice Thomas for things his wife did, right after you investigate Pelosis husband for making suspicious stock purchases, when his wife has insider information.

You love to do "What aboutism". It's your go to strategy.
Typo. I meant to say, my first impulse is to beat AOC senseless, but, you know, that would be redundant.


Get it? That would be redundant. :auiqs.jpg:

She has no sense to beat in the first place. :auiqs.jpg:

She's already senseless. :auiqs.jpg:

She's a friggin' moron, a goof, a nitwit. She's got jello for brains. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah. I get. You're talking about physically attacking a Member of Congress. I GOT THAT THE FIRST TIME YOU STUPID ASSHOLE.


Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
So AOC is basically saying that Clarence Thomas’s wife has no rights of her own and she should keep any personal political views to herself. Justice Thomas should have made these rules crystal clear to his wife and since he didn’t, he should resign.
You love to do "What aboutism". It's your go to strategy.

Yeah. I get. You're talking about physically attacking a Member of Congress. I GOT THAT THE FIRST TIME YOU STUPID ASSHOLE.

You wrote, stupid asshole and answer the question in uppercase letters in sentences using multiple exclamation marks and question marks in which you demanded to know why I was triggered. :auiqs.jpg:

I'll tell you what. That's some knee-slapping, foot-stomping hilarity right there. :auiqs.jpg:
So AOC is basically saying that Clarence Thomas’s wife has no rights of her own and she should keep any personal political views to herself. Justice Thomas should have made these rules crystal clear to his wife and since he didn’t, he should resign.
In a nutshell. :cool:
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You love to do "What aboutism". It's your go to strategy.

Yeah. I get. You're talking about physically attacking a Member of Congress. I GOT THAT THE FIRST TIME YOU STUPID ASSHOLE.

Wow, he sure triggered you!

AOC is wrong as she is most of the time, that is why there are only a few threads praising her.

In all fairness Ringtone should not threaten to beat her senseless, she is already there.
So AOC is basically saying that Clarence Thomas’s wife has no rights of her own and she should keep any personal political views to herself. Justice Thomas should have made these rules crystal clear to his wife and since he didn’t, he should resign.
AOC should keep her retarded mouth shut----she has not grounds to impeach Thomas. This faux outrage bullshit is in hopes that he resigns so they can sneak in another inept woke justice. She is trying to bully a SC justice.

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