AOC goes BERSERK on Clarence Thomas: RESIGN or face IMPEACHMENT

Wow, he sure triggered you!

AOC is wrong as she is most of the time, that is why there are only a few threads praising her.

In all fairness Ringtone should not threaten to beat her senseless, she is already there.

I'm not triggered at all, but nice attempt at deflection.

All too often you right wing clowns keep talking about doing violence to members of the Squad.

I don't think that anyone who would vote for the likes of Lauren Bobert, or Marjory Taylor Green has any room to talk about the other party's representatives being "senseless".

Jewish space lasers?

AOC is a cum laude graduate of Boston University with a double major in international relations and economics. She won a prize at the International Science and Engineer Fair as a high school senior. So please spare me the "senseless" bullshit and garbage.

Stop threatening minority women in the House!!!!!
I'm not triggered at all, but nice attempt at deflection.

All too often you right wing clowns keep talking about doing violence to members of the Squad.

I don't think that anyone who would vote for the likes of Lauren Bobert, or Marjory Taylor Green has any room to talk about the other party's representatives being "senseless".

Jewish space lasers?

AOC is a cum laude graduate of Boston University with a double major in international relations and economics. She won a prize at the International Science and Engineer Fair as a high school senior. So please spare me the "senseless" bullshit and garbage.

Stop threatening minority women in the House!!!!!
Quote me wanting to do violence, please, otherwise you are a knee jerk partisan, go ahead I’ll wait. I personally like Cortez’ spirit even though I disagree with her on many levels.

As for Greene, I’m on record here of disapproving of many of her actions.

I see how you work, you make blanket statements about people and then when you get called out for your lies, you scurry off, like a cockroach.

Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
Go for it....
Then cry when it follows the Reid rule.


Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
The republicans are all traitors these days. They are proud of it.
I'm not triggered at all, but nice attempt at deflection.

All too often you right wing clowns keep talking about doing violence to members of the Squad.

I don't think that anyone who would vote for the likes of Lauren Bobert, or Marjory Taylor Green has any room to talk about the other party's representatives being "senseless".

Jewish space lasers?

AOC is a cum laude graduate of Boston University with a double major in international relations and economics. She won a prize at the International Science and Engineer Fair as a high school senior. So please spare me the "senseless" bullshit and garbage.

Stop threatening minority women in the House!!!!!
I keep remembering how AOC wanted to do away with air travel.

Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) today introduced a House resolution outlining her long-awaited Green New Deal. The resolution, as Reason's Ron Bailey reported earlier today, cites climate change concerns as justification for a plan that would remake the U.S. economy over the next 10 years.

The resolution's aims include "overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and 19 greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible." According to an overview of the resolution, this will be accomplished, in part, by "build[ing] out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary."

In other words, the Green New Deal wants to make commercial air travel obsolete. Is this in any way feasible? The short answer is no. "It's actually probably even dumber than it seems," says Baruch Feigenbaum, assistant director of transportation policy at the Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes this website.

Paul Blair, director of strategic initiatives at Americans for Tax Reform, was even blunter. "The Green New Deal reads like word vomit from a 13-year-old child asked to scribble out their bold new thoughts for a radically different America than we have today," Blair said in a email to Reason. "This includes the phasing out of American air travel."

AOC may have graduated from college but she obviously lacks commonsense.
I keep remembering how AOC wanted to do away with air travel.

Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) today introduced a House resolution outlining her long-awaited Green New Deal. The resolution, as Reason's Ron Bailey reported earlier today, cites climate change concerns as justification for a plan that would remake the U.S. economy over the next 10 years.

The resolution's aims include "overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and 19 greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible." According to an overview of the resolution, this will be accomplished, in part, by "build[ing] out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary."

In other words, the Green New Deal wants to make commercial air travel obsolete. Is this in any way feasible? The short answer is no. "It's actually probably even dumber than it seems," says Baruch Feigenbaum, assistant director of transportation policy at the Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes this website.

Paul Blair, director of strategic initiatives at Americans for Tax Reform, was even blunter. "The Green New Deal reads like word vomit from a 13-year-old child asked to scribble out their bold new thoughts for a radically different America than we have today," Blair said in a email to Reason. "This includes the phasing out of American air travel."

AOC may have graduated from college but she obviously lacks commonsense.
Affirmative action degrees are dirty words in HR world....

Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
Is it just me or are the democrats now digging up anything they can to try and change the narrative from the disaster that is the Biden administration?

The desperation is not only palpable, but we can see it in your eyes.. You people are scared shitless that your going to be swept from power...

You all deserve the ass whooping you all are about to receive in November...

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