AOC in Miami Beach for 'taste of freedom' as New York sees record number of COVID cases

Seat Belts are not masks. And the cars are crushable aluminum as opposed to steel of another era. The costs of safety devices on cars is over 5000 dollars added to the price to purchase one. The costs of taxes is about 20% from the ground up on a vehicle. The costs of pensions and benefits is over 3000 dollars on GM cars. So we add more safety like rear cameras and newer technologies like lane changing alarms and even voice warnings if we get to close to another vehicle jacking up the costs. We are morons.

Not all of us. Those devices are designed for people that don't know how to drive, or are elderly and cannot safely drive any longer. And trust me, there are plenty of them out there.
Like I said…….moron

Hey, if you don't know how to drive, you are the moron that needs stuff like that. I know how to drive and did it for a living most all of my life. I don't need that shit because some insurance company said I do. Puppets love to get their strings pulled so they know what direction to raise their arms.
Hey, if you don't know how to drive, you are the moron that needs stuff like that. I know how to drive and did it for a living most all of my life. I don't need that shit because some insurance company said I do. Puppets love to get their strings pulled so they know what direction to raise their arms.

What about how other people drive?
You ready to kiss a windshield?
I avoided more accidents than you ever came near. It's called Defensive Driving.
If you don’t wear a seatbelt because you think you are a good driver, you are a moron

How does a good driver prevent someone from rear ending you?
If you don’t wear a seatbelt because you think you are a good driver, you are a moron

How does a good driver prevent someone from rear ending you?

It doesn't, but a seat belt doesn't do much for you if you are. Your head will still snap back and cause injury.

Calling me a moron is the result of brainwashing. The insurance lobby had the government put out commercial after commercial about wearing seat belts before they forced these laws on us. That's why I called you a puppet. This is the art of brainwashing.
There's so much frustrated sexual energy from the right towards this woman. Ever seen the way conversations about her somehow always veer into sexual objectification? They want to hate fuck her so bad.
She has the face of a donkey.

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