AOC: In US ‘If You Don’t Have A Job You Are Left To Die’

Sorry to toss a wet blanket on this circle jerk seven pages long, but here is the comment with commentary:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Saturday that, in the U.S., "if you don't have a job, you are left to die."

Ocasio-Cortez, who made the remark at South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, added that "we should not be haunted by" the possibility of automated workers replacing jobs, according to The Verge.

"We should be excited by that. But the reason we're not excited by it is because we live in a society where if you don't have a job, you are left to die. And that is, at its core, our problem," added the congressman, whose "Green New Deal" proposal includes a federal jobs guarantee.

The comment is not about America's economy, per se, it is about Trump's GOP and their callous disregard for the people she represents. When was the last time a comprehensive jobs training program has been debated in the Congress, or advocated by the President? Cutting the PPACA (Obamacare) did leave people to die, as well has efforts to cut Children's Health care, minimum wage increases and lower taxes for the many, not the few.

The "automated workers" seems to reference the belts and workers carrying products from businesses to the consumer as Sisyphus pushing the rock. Leaving the human worker little time or energy to enjoy life - the happiness noted in the DoI.

Of course the OP has taken the context out of the comment which aroused so many above. Abstract thinking is alien to them; thus the core of the problems facing us today is the anti-intellectualism which frames Trumpism and his followers.
Why don't you buy a plane ticket to the real world?


PLANES are eco-DESTROYERS, man! THAT is why we have to invent HIGH SPEED RAIL using technology that doe NOT exist so we can make air travel ... and cow farts ... obsolete!

If you wanna go to the real world, you and your unicorn can just TAKE THE TRAIN, MAN!

I agree 100% with Mac... we all need to stop with the memes and making fun of her... just let her keep talking.
Spawn of a Penis-Envy Piranha

Her problems started at birth, when her Femininny mother demanded that Alexandria be given the last names of both parents. The first I heard of that unnatural spoiled-princess aggression was in the formerly great Britain in 1963, with the Parliament prostitute Mandy Rice-Davis.
Sorry to toss a wet blanket on this circle jerk seven pages long, but here is the comment with commentary:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Saturday that, in the U.S., "if you don't have a job, you are left to die."

:rolleyes: Thank you for that clarification....

AOC is still an empty-headed socialist who opens her mouth just to relieve the pressure in her head from all of the methane build-up due to her farts not being able to pass the normal way because so many of her supporters having their heads shoved up her ass.

'If you do not have a job you are left to die.'


Her stupidity is based on her single-minded Socialist belief that the Federal Government is the only ones who can save the country / world, that if it does not control and run your life, if it does not 'save you' (from yourself) you will be left on the side of the road to die.

My wife works for a Local Community Organization called United Ministries, a program started by all the local churches - all denominations / faiths - to help those in need in our community. Since it's creation 40 YEARS ago, the city - and surrounding communities - have rallied around and become part of this organization.
- Financial help, (paying utilities, rent, etc...) a homeless shelter, a shelter for women and children escaping/leaving abusive relationships - they are even building 'tiny houses' for people / families to stay temporarily while they get back on their feet.
- Food bank, food lines....
- Donated Cars to deserving families/people
- Free Medical Clinic run by local doctors / nurses on their own time, 'Big Pharmacy' companies have provided medical devices, all medications, supplies free of charge...
- Helped people find jobs
- Helps Habitat For Humanity but also runs its own equal program that works with Habitat

Our community and what we do here is not 'unique'. United Ministries has partnered with and helped other such programs be created in states all over the US.


Can someone please send AOC a message and let her know she is full of shit and dumb as a rock? You can also share with her some of the following information:

List of Top 8 Charitable Organizations in United States of...
  • 1 – Transparent Hands Foundation.
  • 2 – World vision.
  • 3 – United Way.
  • 4 – Lutheran services in America.
  • 5 – YMCA.
  • 6 – Americares foundation.
  • 7 – American heart association.
  • 8 – Direct relief
15 of the top Charitable Organizations in the US

1 - Transparent Hands Foundation

2 – Lutheran services in America

3 – Samaritan’s Purse

4 – MAP International

5 – Step Up for Students

6 – United States Fund for UNICEF

7 – Feed the Children

8 – Americares foundation

9 – United Way

10 – Feeding America

11 – YMCA

12 – American heart association

13 – Compassion international

14 – Direct relief

15 – World vision

Save the Children
Save the Children tirelessly and continually invests in childhood in times of crisis. This urge is derived from the fact that children are the future. In the United States and around the world, they give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. By transforming children's lives now, they change the course of their future and ours too.

Feeding America
Their mission is to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage the country in the fight against hunger.

Jubilee USA

Jubilee USA Network is an alliance of more than 75 US organizations, 550 faith communities, and 50 Jubilee global partners. Jubilee is building an economy that serves, protects and promotes participation of the most vulnerable.

Food for the Hungry International
Food for the Hungry seeks to end all forms of human poverty by going into the hard places and closely walking with the world’s most vulnerable people. They actively partner with churches, leaders, and families to build transformational relationships, usher justice, and renew communities so that God’s purpose is revealed in each person they serve.

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, Christian organization that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action worldwide. (Habitat For Humanity in my own local community has completely rebuilt 10 homes in 2018 and has built roofs / re-roofed almost 2 dozen homes, and that is not counting making homes wheel chair accessible, and other projects.)

Red Cross
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian organization, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.

MasterCard Foundation
All people, no matter their starting point in life, should have an equal chance to succeed. They believe that with access to education and skills training, people can have that chance.

Transparent Hands Foundation
Fund the Surgeries of Poor Patients by Giving Donation/Charity

Lutheran services in America
Charitable health care and human services for the poor / needy


They are there if you want to look, and not just spew fake news like AOC did...



List of Top 15 Nonprofit Organizations in the USA - Transparent Hands

Actually I applied for just about every job in a specific area.

The fact that did not apply for every open job in the entire country does not mean I was not trying to find a job, no matter how many times you make the moronic claim.
Uh huh

There is no way you could apply for every job in a 100 mile radius in just a few months

That is why I said just about every job. I am sure I missed a few. 8 hours a day spent looking and applying can leave you applied for a shit ton of jobs in a couple of months.

you are trying way too hard here and just making yourself look foolish.

have you ever had a job? or even applied for one?

so 99% of all the jobs available in a 100 mile radius of your residence in just a few months


how many do you think that was during the recession? Do you think there were like a million jobs available?

I treated job hunting like my job, at least 8 hours a day. It takes all of 15 minutes to apply for most jobs.

admit it, you have never even looked for a job, have you?

I've never had trouble finding a job when I was working for other people but I have worked for myself for most of my adult life now I don't really work at all because I don't have to.
why the "artificial downward pressure on wages" merely for the bottom line of capitalists.
That is why I said just about every job. I am sure I missed a few. 8 hours a day spent looking and applying can leave you applied for a shit ton of jobs in a couple of months.

you are trying way too hard here and just making yourself look foolish.

have you ever had a job? or even applied for one?

so 99% of all the jobs available in a 100 mile radius of your residence in just a few months

Labor should only need one lifetime employer in alleged Right to Work States.

And unicorns should exist but they don't

Why don't you buy a plane ticket to the real world?
right to work is a right wing fantasy?

There is no right to work.

Never was never will be
Employment at will is a federal doctrine at law, in our at-will employment States.
so 99% of all the jobs available in a 100 mile radius of your residence in just a few months

Labor should only need one lifetime employer in alleged Right to Work States.

And unicorns should exist but they don't

Why don't you buy a plane ticket to the real world?
right to work is a right wing fantasy?

There is no right to work.

Never was never will be
Employment at will is a federal doctrine at law, in our at-will employment States.

All employment should be at will.
Labor should only need one lifetime employer in alleged Right to Work States.

And unicorns should exist but they don't

Why don't you buy a plane ticket to the real world?
right to work is a right wing fantasy?

There is no right to work.

Never was never will be
Employment at will is a federal doctrine at law, in our at-will employment States.

All employment should be at will.
We need to convince Tehon.
Clinton was to the right of Trump...that is how far our country has moved left.
He became moderate after the 1st Midterm.

He was all about Hillarycare and midnight basketball before he got slapped down by Newt.

And Hillarycare was even more Fascist than Obamacare.

Recall he originally opposed and vetoed Welfare reform and a Balanced Budget.

The Clinton's have no core beliefs, just political stances.

The only people the Clinton's never crossed were the Femenazis. With Bill's long history of sexual proclivity and harrassment, they had to keep those wenches pacified.
Sorry to toss a wet blanket on this circle jerk seven pages long, but here is the comment with commentary:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Saturday that, in the U.S., "if you don't have a job, you are left to die."

:rolleyes: Thank you for that clarification....

AOC is still an empty-headed socialist who opens her mouth just to relieve the pressure in her head from all of the methane build-up due to her farts not being able to pass the normal way because so many of her supporters having their heads shoved up her ass.

'If you do not have a job you are left to die.'


Her stupidity is based on her single-minded Socialist belief that the Federal Government is the only ones who can save the country / world, that if it does not control and run your life, if it does not 'save you' (from yourself) you will be left on the side of the road to die.

My wife works for a Local Community Organization called United Ministries, a program started by all the local churches - all denominations / faiths - to help those in need in our community. Since it's creation 40 YEARS ago, the city - and surrounding communities - have rallied around and become part of this organization.
- Financial help, (paying utilities, rent, etc...) a homeless shelter, a shelter for women and children escaping/leaving abusive relationships - they are even building 'tiny houses' for people / families to stay temporarily while they get back on their feet.
- Food bank, food lines....
- Donated Cars to deserving families/people
- Free Medical Clinic run by local doctors / nurses on their own time, 'Big Pharmacy' companies have provided medical devices, all medications, supplies free of charge...
- Helped people find jobs
- Helps Habitat For Humanity but also runs its own equal program that works with Habitat

Our community and what we do here is not 'unique'. United Ministries has partnered with and helped other such programs be created in states all over the US.


Can someone please send AOC a message and let her know she is full of shit and dumb as a rock? You can also share with her some of the following information:

List of Top 8 Charitable Organizations in United States of...
  • 1 – Transparent Hands Foundation.
  • 2 – World vision.
  • 3 – United Way.
  • 4 – Lutheran services in America.
  • 5 – YMCA.
  • 6 – Americares foundation.
  • 7 – American heart association.
  • 8 – Direct relief
15 of the top Charitable Organizations in the US

1 - Transparent Hands Foundation

2 – Lutheran services in America

3 – Samaritan’s Purse

4 – MAP International

5 – Step Up for Students

6 – United States Fund for UNICEF

7 – Feed the Children

8 – Americares foundation

9 – United Way

10 – Feeding America

11 – YMCA

12 – American heart association

13 – Compassion international

14 – Direct relief

15 – World vision

Save the Children
Save the Children tirelessly and continually invests in childhood in times of crisis. This urge is derived from the fact that children are the future. In the United States and around the world, they give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. By transforming children's lives now, they change the course of their future and ours too.

Feeding America
Their mission is to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage the country in the fight against hunger.

Jubilee USA

Jubilee USA Network is an alliance of more than 75 US organizations, 550 faith communities, and 50 Jubilee global partners. Jubilee is building an economy that serves, protects and promotes participation of the most vulnerable.

Food for the Hungry International
Food for the Hungry seeks to end all forms of human poverty by going into the hard places and closely walking with the world’s most vulnerable people. They actively partner with churches, leaders, and families to build transformational relationships, usher justice, and renew communities so that God’s purpose is revealed in each person they serve.

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, Christian organization that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action worldwide. (Habitat For Humanity in my own local community has completely rebuilt 10 homes in 2018 and has built roofs / re-roofed almost 2 dozen homes, and that is not counting making homes wheel chair accessible, and other projects.)

Red Cross
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian organization, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.

MasterCard Foundation
All people, no matter their starting point in life, should have an equal chance to succeed. They believe that with access to education and skills training, people can have that chance.

Transparent Hands Foundation
Fund the Surgeries of Poor Patients by Giving Donation/Charity

Lutheran services in America
Charitable health care and human services for the poor / needy


They are there if you want to look, and not just spew fake news like AOC did...



List of Top 15 Nonprofit Organizations in the USA - Transparent Hands


Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee... Here's some reasons every adult knows..
1. Some people choose to take a welfare check instead of working.
2. Some people are on drugs and are unemployable.
3. Some people have mental health issues from previous drug use, or through no fault of their own. Mentally ill persons can no longer be held if they are not a threat.
4. Since the left took over education, lots of graduates are too ignorant to do many jobs.
5. People are in jail because they commit crimes.

That's right off the top of my head.

Glad to be here to tell you how the world is.
Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee, Wry, you may be on to's not like there has always been poor, hungry, needy, those without jobs, those who sat on their asses and refused to, etc...all of that just appeared overnight after President Trump was elected.

The actual FACT is all of that DID already exist. In FACT there were MORE Americans OUT of work under Obama, MORE Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, and FOOD STAMPS under Obama. There weren't any manufacturing jobs under Obama. In FACT, he told Americans all those jobs and factories gone were the 'new norm'. Had Hillary been elected the nation's 'misery' would have continued, if not worsened.
-- The Democrats who continue to try to claim the current economy is the work of Obama still can not tell me how Obama, who gave up on bringing manufacturing plants back home to the US and told the American people to 'get used to it' was able to bring those manufacturing jobs back to the US AFTER HE GOT OUT OF OFFICE - what was the specific program or policy that he is responsible for that changed their minds. :p

While Socialist Democrats keep preaching the virtues and benefits of Socialism, trying to convince Americans that the government running their lives / making their decisions for them, they continue to try to distract Americans from what's going on in Venezuela. Venezuela is the only evidence the American people need to determine what the new Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party are peddling is 'poison'. oppression, and ruin.

There has always been poverty, hunger, and people out of work...but perhaps the biggest thing you just tried to accomplish ...and failed to do so ... is to distract people from the STUPID damn claim - THE HUGE F*ING LIE - that people are 'left to die' if they do not have a job in this country.

I personally, for example, DESTROYED her claim by listing a host of private charitable organizations that help Americans who are out of work, poor, hungry, etc...

There is not even a question of whether she lied or not - she lied her ass off.

There is no way to defend, deflect, or excuse her claim...except to say she is an ignorant POS Socialist LIAR!
Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee... Here's some reasons every adult knows..
1. Some people choose to take a welfare check instead of working.
2. Some people are on drugs and are unemployable.
3. Some people have mental health issues from previous drug use, or through no fault of their own. Mentally ill persons can no longer be held if they are not a threat.
4. Since the left took over education, lots of graduates are too ignorant to do many jobs.
5. People are in jail because they commit crimes.

That's right off the top of my head.

Glad to be here to tell you how the world is.


Winner, Winner, Winner!
Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee... Here's some reasons every adult knows..
1. Some people choose to take a welfare check instead of working.
2. Some people are on drugs and are unemployable.
3. Some people have mental health issues from previous drug use, or through no fault of their own. Mentally ill persons can no longer be held if they are not a threat.
4. Since the left took over education, lots of graduates are too ignorant to do many jobs.
5. People are in jail because they commit crimes.

That's right off the top of my head.

Glad to be here to tell you how the world is.

View attachment 249784

Winner, Winner, Winner!
Some people need alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror and refuse to actually pay for them with their tax money to Prove the necessity.
Labor should only need one lifetime employer in alleged Right to Work States.

And unicorns should exist but they don't

Why don't you buy a plane ticket to the real world?
right to work is a right wing fantasy?

There is no right to work.

Never was never will be
Employment at will is a federal doctrine at law, in our at-will employment States.

All employment should be at will.

So you are opposed to two parties freely entering contracts?
And unicorns should exist but they don't

Why don't you buy a plane ticket to the real world?
right to work is a right wing fantasy?

There is no right to work.

Never was never will be
Employment at will is a federal doctrine at law, in our at-will employment States.

All employment should be at will.

So you are opposed to two parties freely entering contracts?

what part of two parties freely entering contracts contradicts at will employment?

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