AOC: In US ‘If You Don’t Have A Job You Are Left To Die’

Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee, Wry, you may be on to's not like there has always been poor, hungry, needy, those without jobs, those who sat on their asses and refused to, etc...all of that just appeared overnight after President Trump was elected.

The actual FACT is all of that DID already exist. In FACT there were MORE Americans OUT of work under Obama, MORE Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, and FOOD STAMPS under Obama. There weren't any manufacturing jobs under Obama. In FACT, he told Americans all those jobs and factories gone were the 'new norm'. Had Hillary been elected the nation's 'misery' would have continued, if not worsened.
-- The Democrats who continue to try to claim the current economy is the work of Obama still can not tell me how Obama, who gave up on bringing manufacturing plants back home to the US and told the American people to 'get used to it' was able to bring those manufacturing jobs back to the US AFTER HE GOT OUT OF OFFICE - what was the specific program or policy that he is responsible for that changed their minds. :p

While Socialist Democrats keep preaching the virtues and benefits of Socialism, trying to convince Americans that the government running their lives / making their decisions for them, they continue to try to distract Americans from what's going on in Venezuela. Venezuela is the only evidence the American people need to determine what the new Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party are peddling is 'poison'. oppression, and ruin.

There has always been poverty, hunger, and people out of work...but perhaps the biggest thing you just tried to accomplish ...and failed to do so ... is to distract people from the STUPID damn claim - THE HUGE F*ING LIE - that people are 'left to die' if they do not have a job in this country.

I personally, for example, DESTROYED her claim by listing a host of private charitable organizations that help Americans who are out of work, poor, hungry, etc...

There is not even a question of whether she lied or not - she lied her ass off.

There is no way to defend, deflect, or excuse her claim...except to say she is an ignorant POS Socialist LIAR!

You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?
But you wouldn't take just any job would you?

I took the first job that was offered to me

So you applied for every single job advertised and didn't shop around with a resume?

most of them.
uh huh.

I'm sure you applied for most of the jobs advertised in the entire country

what good would it do me to apply for a job where the commute was 1000 miles a day?

are you really this dumb, or is it just an act you put on for the internet.

I don't think I'd consider a transitional job hunt like that the same as chronic unemployment. When I moved from Tucson to Phoenix, it took me a few months to find a job. Sometimes, changing from one circumstance to another can be tough.

On the other hand, I kept working while I was looking in the form of driving for Lyft.
How moral is it to take from someone that works and give it to those that makes a choice not to work?

See, you are one of those evil b@st@rds who just want to leave poor people who have no jobs behind to die!

You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?
Perhaps I should draw you a picture since reading is not your strong suit, as made obvious by your ignoring not only what I sad but what MAGAman said as well....

Take another look...if you still can't comprehend I will try to come up with a picture you might get:

Gee... Here's some reasons every adult knows..
1. Some people choose to take a welfare check instead of working.
2. Some people are on drugs and are unemployable.
3. Some people have mental health issues from previous drug use, or through no fault of their own. Mentally ill persons can no longer be held if they are not a threat.
4. Since the left took over education, lots of graduates are too ignorant to do many jobs.
-- Un-skilled laborers in a market being flooded with illegal alien unskilled labor competing for the same jobs, thanks to Democrats
5. People are in jail because they commit crimes.

That's right off the top of my head. Glad to be here to tell you how the world is.
-- MAGAman
right to work is a right wing fantasy?

There is no right to work.

Never was never will be
Employment at will is a federal doctrine at law, in our at-will employment States.

All employment should be at will.

So you are opposed to two parties freely entering contracts?

what part of two parties freely entering contracts contradicts at will employment?

Because contract employment is the opposite of at will. So to say that all employment should be at will would mean that you are calling for the end of contract employment.
Clinton was to the right of Trump...that is how far our country has moved left.

I will agree that Bill Clinton was not nearly as left as Barrack and some of these clowns running for president in 2020, but your Trump hatred has blinded you. I don't care what he said in the 1990s. Look at what he has done, especially on the Supreme Court.

And if you're bitching about the spending, let me introduce you to the most overrated president in the history of the universe....Ronald Reagan.


Trump has put two fairly moderate conservatives on the Supreme Court.

Trump has initiated a tariff war, tariffs are a tool of the left.

Trump has added more to the debt in a single year than Bill did in 8.

Trump wants the government to get involved with taking down Google, Amazon, FB and more.

I agree 100% about Reagan, I cannot figure out why he is a god to the conservatives.

What did Bill do that was that far left?

You mean aside from trying to take over the healthcare industry?
There is no right to work.

Never was never will be
Employment at will is a federal doctrine at law, in our at-will employment States.

All employment should be at will.

So you are opposed to two parties freely entering contracts?

what part of two parties freely entering contracts contradicts at will employment?

Because contract employment is the opposite of at will. So to say that all employment should be at will would mean that you are calling for the end of contract employment.

Both are contracts.

At will employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason without having to establish just cause. The at will worker has taxes, workman’s comp, unemployment and other items deduction, also the at will employee could be eligible for unemployment benefits.

A contract employee is a person hired by a company for a predetermined time, for a predetermined price, the company is not responsible for providing employer benefits, they don’t take out any taxes, workman’s comp or unemployment and the employee is not eligible for unemployment.

what good would it do me to apply for a job where the commute was 1000 miles a day?

are you really this dumb, or is it just an act you put on for the internet.

you can move to a new place

Who's the dumb one who didn't think of that obvious answer?

moving new places requires money that many people do not have. it is stupid, or even beyond stupid, to claim someone did not try and get a job because they did not apply to every open job in the whole fucking country.

But you did answer my question, you really are this dumb

So you think that if you can't get a job withing a 20 minute drive from home that you are not unemployed by choice?

And FYI I'm not the one who said I applied for most of the jobs available, you did

Most employers nowadays won't consider candidates with much more of a commute than that, except for high level positions. The new age thinking is that moderate commutes makes employees much more likely to be late, call out, etc.

So you'll take a less qualified person if he lives a five minute walk away over a highly qualified person with more than a 20 minute drive to get to work?

Probably depends on how much less qualified you're talking, and how many problems you've had with absenteeism from people with long commutes.
you can move to a new place

Who's the dumb one who didn't think of that obvious answer?

moving new places requires money that many people do not have. it is stupid, or even beyond stupid, to claim someone did not try and get a job because they did not apply to every open job in the whole fucking country.

But you did answer my question, you really are this dumb

So you think that if you can't get a job withing a 20 minute drive from home that you are not unemployed by choice?

And FYI I'm not the one who said I applied for most of the jobs available, you did

Most employers nowadays won't consider candidates with much more of a commute than that, except for high level positions. The new age thinking is that moderate commutes makes employees much more likely to be late, call out, etc.

So you'll take a less qualified person if he lives a five minute walk away over a highly qualified person with more than a 20 minute drive to get to work?

Probably depends on how much less qualified you're talking, and how many problems you've had with absenteeism from people with long commutes.

location also plays into this. In the south it is not as big of a concern as the further north you get. In the north they have to take into account lost time for winter storms and the further you drive, the more time you might miss
Employment at will is a federal doctrine at law, in our at-will employment States.

All employment should be at will.

So you are opposed to two parties freely entering contracts?

what part of two parties freely entering contracts contradicts at will employment?

Because contract employment is the opposite of at will. So to say that all employment should be at will would mean that you are calling for the end of contract employment.

Both are contracts.

At will employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason without having to establish just cause. The at will worker has taxes, workman’s comp, unemployment and other items deduction, also the at will employee could be eligible for unemployment benefits.

A contract employee is a person hired by a company for a predetermined time, for a predetermined price, the company is not responsible for providing employer benefits, they don’t take out any taxes, workman’s comp or unemployment and the employee is not eligible for unemployment.

thank you.
How moral is a "work or die ethic" from the Age of Iron in modern times; merely for the capital, bottom line of lucre.

How moral is it to take from someone that works and give it to those that makes a choice not to work?
about the same as someone who refuses to hire in a right to work State.

False equivalency. No one is morally obligated to hire anyone. Just as no one is morally obligated to work, just as no one is morally obligated to pay you for not working. As an employer you are morally obligated to pay the person working for you.

You using the wrong definition for “right to work” doesn’t change anything either.
This is the ranting of an unhinged Marxist. She doesn’t just sound like a socialist, she sounds like a communist.
You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?

The criminals are to blame for being in prison

The people that refuse to work are to blame for not having a job.

Government regulations and corporate taxes are to blame for making it difficult for employers to afford employees.
You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?
Perhaps I should draw you a picture since reading is not your strong suit, as made obvious by your ignoring not only what I sad but what MAGAman said as well....

Take another look...if you still can't comprehend I will try to come up with a picture you might get:

Gee... Here's some reasons every adult knows..
1. Some people choose to take a welfare check instead of working.
2. Some people are on drugs and are unemployable.
3. Some people have mental health issues from previous drug use, or through no fault of their own. Mentally ill persons can no longer be held if they are not a threat.
4. Since the left took over education, lots of graduates are too ignorant to do many jobs.
-- Un-skilled laborers in a market being flooded with illegal alien unskilled labor competing for the same jobs, thanks to Democrats
5. People are in jail because they commit crimes.

That's right off the top of my head. Glad to be here to tell you how the world is.
-- MAGAman
Ten simple Commandments from a God not the Expense of Government!

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