AOC: In US ‘If You Don’t Have A Job You Are Left To Die’

The left wants the socialism of equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States.
You don't understand equal protection.

There is no guarantee of equal results. Only equal treatment--by government (not private citizens).

Please move to Venesuela.

Please go back to the Old World; we want new world solutions to new world problems.

Seems like the old world solution works today. Get off you lazy ass and work and let hard working Americans keep their money instead of lazy assholes tstealing money.
lol. why are you over here?

What is so funny? You are a lazy asshole? I don’t think that is funny at all. It shows how far back in time you have devolved.
Uh huh

There is no way you could apply for every job in a 100 mile radius in just a few months

That is why I said just about every job. I am sure I missed a few. 8 hours a day spent looking and applying can leave you applied for a shit ton of jobs in a couple of months.

you are trying way too hard here and just making yourself look foolish.

have you ever had a job? or even applied for one?

so 99% of all the jobs available in a 100 mile radius of your residence in just a few months


how many do you think that was during the recession? Do you think there were like a million jobs available?

I treated job hunting like my job, at least 8 hours a day. It takes all of 15 minutes to apply for most jobs.

admit it, you have never even looked for a job, have you?

I've never had trouble finding a job when I was working for other people but I have worked for myself for most of my adult life now I don't really work at all because I don't have to.

moved back in the parents basement did ya?

No I was actually orphaned at age 14 so I have no parents to move in with.
Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee, Wry, you may be on to's not like there has always been poor, hungry, needy, those without jobs, those who sat on their asses and refused to, etc...all of that just appeared overnight after President Trump was elected.

The actual FACT is all of that DID already exist. In FACT there were MORE Americans OUT of work under Obama, MORE Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, and FOOD STAMPS under Obama. There weren't any manufacturing jobs under Obama. In FACT, he told Americans all those jobs and factories gone were the 'new norm'. Had Hillary been elected the nation's 'misery' would have continued, if not worsened.
-- The Democrats who continue to try to claim the current economy is the work of Obama still can not tell me how Obama, who gave up on bringing manufacturing plants back home to the US and told the American people to 'get used to it' was able to bring those manufacturing jobs back to the US AFTER HE GOT OUT OF OFFICE - what was the specific program or policy that he is responsible for that changed their minds. :p

While Socialist Democrats keep preaching the virtues and benefits of Socialism, trying to convince Americans that the government running their lives / making their decisions for them, they continue to try to distract Americans from what's going on in Venezuela. Venezuela is the only evidence the American people need to determine what the new Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party are peddling is 'poison'. oppression, and ruin.

There has always been poverty, hunger, and people out of work...but perhaps the biggest thing you just tried to accomplish ...and failed to do so ... is to distract people from the STUPID damn claim - THE HUGE F*ING LIE - that people are 'left to die' if they do not have a job in this country.

I personally, for example, DESTROYED her claim by listing a host of private charitable organizations that help Americans who are out of work, poor, hungry, etc...

There is not even a question of whether she lied or not - she lied her ass off.

There is no way to defend, deflect, or excuse her claim...except to say she is an ignorant POS Socialist LIAR!

You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?

Poor people in the US are no worse off than poor people anywhere else and they are richer than a large percentage of the global population
No, it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our first world economy.
That's economic idiocy.

It's Leftist pretending to care about the poor by forcing others to pay for a plan guaranteed to cause inflation and destroy jobs.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

No one takes you seriously about anything, so blabber away.
anybody can Talk; that is why you need valid arguments.
you don't see the irony of this post do you?
The OPPO leader in Venezuela just ripped AOC a new one for her support of / advocating of Socialism...Bwuhahahaha...

She is an ignorant Socialist-supporting child, dumb as dirt...

"Nuff Said.

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Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee, Wry, you may be on to's not like there has always been poor, hungry, needy, those without jobs, those who sat on their asses and refused to, etc...all of that just appeared overnight after President Trump was elected.

The actual FACT is all of that DID already exist. In FACT there were MORE Americans OUT of work under Obama, MORE Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, and FOOD STAMPS under Obama. There weren't any manufacturing jobs under Obama. In FACT, he told Americans all those jobs and factories gone were the 'new norm'. Had Hillary been elected the nation's 'misery' would have continued, if not worsened.
-- The Democrats who continue to try to claim the current economy is the work of Obama still can not tell me how Obama, who gave up on bringing manufacturing plants back home to the US and told the American people to 'get used to it' was able to bring those manufacturing jobs back to the US AFTER HE GOT OUT OF OFFICE - what was the specific program or policy that he is responsible for that changed their minds. :p

While Socialist Democrats keep preaching the virtues and benefits of Socialism, trying to convince Americans that the government running their lives / making their decisions for them, they continue to try to distract Americans from what's going on in Venezuela. Venezuela is the only evidence the American people need to determine what the new Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party are peddling is 'poison'. oppression, and ruin.

There has always been poverty, hunger, and people out of work...but perhaps the biggest thing you just tried to accomplish ...and failed to do so ... is to distract people from the STUPID damn claim - THE HUGE F*ING LIE - that people are 'left to die' if they do not have a job in this country.

I personally, for example, DESTROYED her claim by listing a host of private charitable organizations that help Americans who are out of work, poor, hungry, etc...

There is not even a question of whether she lied or not - she lied her ass off.

There is no way to defend, deflect, or excuse her claim...except to say she is an ignorant POS Socialist LIAR!

You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?

Poor people in the US are no worse off than poor people anywhere else and they are richer than a large percentage of the global population

Thanks for sharing alternative facts. Did Kellyanne Conway provide these ^^^ talking points?

Apparently you are an authority on poverty in America, and as an authority one would expect data to support your comments.

Please do so.
Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee, Wry, you may be on to's not like there has always been poor, hungry, needy, those without jobs, those who sat on their asses and refused to, etc...all of that just appeared overnight after President Trump was elected.

The actual FACT is all of that DID already exist. In FACT there were MORE Americans OUT of work under Obama, MORE Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, and FOOD STAMPS under Obama. There weren't any manufacturing jobs under Obama. In FACT, he told Americans all those jobs and factories gone were the 'new norm'. Had Hillary been elected the nation's 'misery' would have continued, if not worsened.
-- The Democrats who continue to try to claim the current economy is the work of Obama still can not tell me how Obama, who gave up on bringing manufacturing plants back home to the US and told the American people to 'get used to it' was able to bring those manufacturing jobs back to the US AFTER HE GOT OUT OF OFFICE - what was the specific program or policy that he is responsible for that changed their minds. :p

While Socialist Democrats keep preaching the virtues and benefits of Socialism, trying to convince Americans that the government running their lives / making their decisions for them, they continue to try to distract Americans from what's going on in Venezuela. Venezuela is the only evidence the American people need to determine what the new Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party are peddling is 'poison'. oppression, and ruin.

There has always been poverty, hunger, and people out of work...but perhaps the biggest thing you just tried to accomplish ...and failed to do so ... is to distract people from the STUPID damn claim - THE HUGE F*ING LIE - that people are 'left to die' if they do not have a job in this country.

I personally, for example, DESTROYED her claim by listing a host of private charitable organizations that help Americans who are out of work, poor, hungry, etc...

There is not even a question of whether she lied or not - she lied her ass off.

There is no way to defend, deflect, or excuse her claim...except to say she is an ignorant POS Socialist LIAR!

You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?

Poor people in the US are no worse off than poor people anywhere else and they are richer than a large percentage of the global population

Thanks for sharing alternative facts. Did Kellyanne Conway provide these ^^^ talking points?

Apparently you are an authority on poverty in America, and as an authority one would expect data to support your comments.

Please do so.
Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity
The left wants the socialism of equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States.
You don't understand equal protection.

There is no guarantee of equal results. Only equal treatment--by government (not private citizens).

Please move to Venesuela.

Please go back to the Old World; we want new world solutions to new world problems.

Seems like the old world solution works today. Get off you lazy ass and work and let hard working Americans keep their money instead of lazy assholes tstealing money.
lol. why are you over here?

What is so funny? You are a lazy asshole? I don’t think that is funny at all. It shows how far back in time you have devolved.

Come on...just once more for old times sake.

Nancy Pelosi says 'I'm not for impeachment' - CNNPolitics
It is a fact that what AOC said is a staggering, flagrant LIE, either stated out of ignorance or deceit...or hatred for this country.

AOC doubled-down on this theme recently by claiming America is 'Garbage'. Yes, only in a 'garbage heap' like America can an ignorant BARTENDER get elected as a member of the House of Representatives and IMMEDIATELY gain access to more / better benefits than 90% of the American people who are paying for all of it.

Any attempted defense of this moron only proves how stupid her defenders are.
It is a fact that what AOC said is a staggering, flagrant LIE, either stated out of ignorance or deceit...or hatred for this country.

AOC doubled-down on this theme recently by claiming America is 'Garbage'. Yes, only in a 'garbage heap' like America can an ignorant BARTENDER get elected as a member of the House of Representatives and IMMEDIATELY gain access to more / better benefits than 90% of the American people who are paying for all of it.

Any attempted defense of this moron only proves how stupid her defenders are.

Their only defense is to say “quit talking about her!”
Their only defense is to say “quit talking about her!”
While this makes sense, it completely goes against the very reason this chat board exists.

Also, that line of thinking is akin to, one might argue, trying to ignore a tooth ache. You can try, but it is still there and still painful. :p
Gee, with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?
Gee, Wry, you may be on to's not like there has always been poor, hungry, needy, those without jobs, those who sat on their asses and refused to, etc...all of that just appeared overnight after President Trump was elected.

The actual FACT is all of that DID already exist. In FACT there were MORE Americans OUT of work under Obama, MORE Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, and FOOD STAMPS under Obama. There weren't any manufacturing jobs under Obama. In FACT, he told Americans all those jobs and factories gone were the 'new norm'. Had Hillary been elected the nation's 'misery' would have continued, if not worsened.
-- The Democrats who continue to try to claim the current economy is the work of Obama still can not tell me how Obama, who gave up on bringing manufacturing plants back home to the US and told the American people to 'get used to it' was able to bring those manufacturing jobs back to the US AFTER HE GOT OUT OF OFFICE - what was the specific program or policy that he is responsible for that changed their minds. :p

While Socialist Democrats keep preaching the virtues and benefits of Socialism, trying to convince Americans that the government running their lives / making their decisions for them, they continue to try to distract Americans from what's going on in Venezuela. Venezuela is the only evidence the American people need to determine what the new Socialist Democrats who have hijacked the Democratic party are peddling is 'poison'. oppression, and ruin.

There has always been poverty, hunger, and people out of work...but perhaps the biggest thing you just tried to accomplish ...and failed to do so ... is to distract people from the STUPID damn claim - THE HUGE F*ING LIE - that people are 'left to die' if they do not have a job in this country.

I personally, for example, DESTROYED her claim by listing a host of private charitable organizations that help Americans who are out of work, poor, hungry, etc...

There is not even a question of whether she lied or not - she lied her ass off.

There is no way to defend, deflect, or excuse her claim...except to say she is an ignorant POS Socialist LIAR!

You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?

Poor people in the US are no worse off than poor people anywhere else and they are richer than a large percentage of the global population

Thanks for sharing alternative facts. Did Kellyanne Conway provide these ^^^ talking points?

Apparently you are an authority on poverty in America, and as an authority one would expect data to support your comments.

Please do so.
Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity

One more voice and one more polemic on the poor. The link is an argument to justify the conservative meme that the poor are undeserving of compassion, and being poor is their own fault. I've labeled them "Callous Conservatives".
It is a fact that what AOC said is a staggering, flagrant LIE, either stated out of ignorance or deceit...or hatred for this country.

AOC doubled-down on this theme recently by claiming America is 'Garbage'. Yes, only in a 'garbage heap' like America can an ignorant BARTENDER get elected as a member of the House of Representatives and IMMEDIATELY gain access to more / better benefits than 90% of the American people who are paying for all of it.

Any attempted defense of this moron only proves how stupid her defenders are.

"hatred for this country"? How do you define "country"?
The left wants the socialism of equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States.
You don't understand equal protection.

There is no guarantee of equal results. Only equal treatment--by government (not private citizens).

Please move to Venesuela.

Please go back to the Old World; we want new world solutions to new world problems.

Seems like the old world solution works today. Get off you lazy ass and work and let hard working Americans keep their money instead of lazy assholes tstealing money.
lol. why are you over here?

What is so funny? You are a lazy asshole? I don’t think that is funny at all. It shows how far back in time you have devolved.
how dumb does the right wing need to be?

Seems like the old world solution works today
No, it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our first world economy.
That's economic idiocy.

It's Leftist pretending to care about the poor by forcing others to pay for a plan guaranteed to cause inflation and destroy jobs.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

No one takes you seriously about anything, so blabber away.
anybody can Talk; that is why you need valid arguments.
you don't see the irony of this post do you?
Yes, I do. the right wing Has to Lie more than Me.
holy crap
AOC: doing the Republicans Campaigning For Them.
So far, yeah.

The GOP would be smarter to lay off the mocking and attacks and just point at her and say, "see?"

Both sides of the spectrum could do this. There's been a ton of outrageous shit said by politicians over the past two years, not to mention the Orange Virus himself.
Sure. Rather than all the hysterics and psycho-drama, we could just shine a light on the crazies.

It appears that just isn't good enough. We just have to lose our shit at every opportunity.

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