AOC: In US ‘If You Don’t Have A Job You Are Left To Die’

You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?
Perhaps I should draw you a picture since reading is not your strong suit, as made obvious by your ignoring not only what I sad but what MAGAman said as well....

Take another look...if you still can't comprehend I will try to come up with a picture you might get:

Gee... Here's some reasons every adult knows..
1. Some people choose to take a welfare check instead of working.
2. Some people are on drugs and are unemployable.
3. Some people have mental health issues from previous drug use, or through no fault of their own. Mentally ill persons can no longer be held if they are not a threat.
4. Since the left took over education, lots of graduates are too ignorant to do many jobs.
-- Un-skilled laborers in a market being flooded with illegal alien unskilled labor competing for the same jobs, thanks to Democrats
5. People are in jail because they commit crimes.

That's right off the top of my head. Glad to be here to tell you how the world is.
-- MAGAman

Simple comments by simple people (like the two of you) have no merit.
How moral is a "work or die ethic" from the Age of Iron in modern times; merely for the capital, bottom line of lucre.

How moral is it to take from someone that works and give it to those that makes a choice not to work?
about the same as someone who refuses to hire in a right to work State.

False equivalency. No one is morally obligated to hire anyone. Just as no one is morally obligated to work, just as no one is morally obligated to pay you for not working. As an employer you are morally obligated to pay the person working for you.

You using the wrong definition for “right to work” doesn’t change anything either.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment for the capital bottom line of Capitalists not the People. That purs a downward pressure on wages without a social safety net.
You rant does not answer my question:

with all of the resources, explain why so much poverty, so many homeless and the large numbers of persons in Jail/prisons in our Country?

Who is to blame?

The criminals are to blame for being in prison

The people that refuse to work are to blame for not having a job.

Government regulations and corporate taxes are to blame for making it difficult for employers to afford employees.

To repeat myself, simple explanations for complicated issues are for simple people.

  • As a supposed expert on Criminology, you've failed to explain how and why the US has more people incarcerated than any other nation
  • As a supposed expert on Sociology, explain how and why so many people choose not to be employed
  • As a supposed expert on corporate taxes, explain how and where the profits - in the hundreds of billions - are kept off of our shores
  • As a suppose scientist, please explain the cost benefits in cutting corporate taxes by eliminating regulations, when the savings are a) increase in polluting the environment, and b) why the industry CEO's choose to buy back stocks and not reward their employees.
Both are contracts.

That is true, but now you're going out of context. Which is the norm when this subject is discussed by most people nowadays.

Other than contractors, all employment is inherently at-will. The term is used nowadays as if there were some alternative option, when really the only "alternative" would be a time machine. It's simply a question of how much notice is required before terminating the contract. In times past, it was customary for both employer and employee to be expected to provide one pay period's notice to terminate the contract. The modern day two-week resignation notice stems from this custom. The only exception would have been if some other provision had been agreed to at the beginning of the employment. Gradually, the evolution of labor law jurisprudence would shift the burden of proof onto the employee who sought damages for a termination without notice/cause so that. Employees had to start proving that they hadn't agreed to an exception to the normal common law rule, which was practically impossible without a written agreement, or a witness to an expressed verbal agreement. Eventually, the common law morphed to allow either party to terminate the employment contract without any notice.
AOC says the word ''their'' and the MSM claims she's the SAVIOR
Trump says the word ''their'' and the MSM claims he's a RACIST
No, it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our first world economy.
That's economic idiocy.

It's Leftist pretending to care about the poor by forcing others to pay for a plan guaranteed to cause inflation and destroy jobs.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
No, it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our first world economy.
That's economic idiocy.

It's Leftist pretending to care about the poor by forcing others to pay for a plan guaranteed to cause inflation and destroy jobs.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

No one takes you seriously about anything, so blabber away.
No, it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our first world economy.
That's economic idiocy.

It's Leftist pretending to care about the poor by forcing others to pay for a plan guaranteed to cause inflation and destroy jobs.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

No one takes you seriously about anything, so blabber away.
anybody can Talk; that is why you need valid arguments.
No, it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our first world economy.
That's economic idiocy.

It's Leftist pretending to care about the poor by forcing others to pay for a plan guaranteed to cause inflation and destroy jobs.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

No one takes you seriously about anything, so blabber away.
anybody can Talk; that is why you need valid arguments.

You seem to talk a lot without saying anything, that is why no one takes you seriously.
She's the "braindead", left wing medias DARLING" right now, her every word is recorded, and shot around the world at the speed of the internet!!! It would be totally a hoot, if it wasn't outright, moronic, jibberish, spouted by a sitting member of our U.S. congress, this distresses me, because it shows how far left our country has tilted, and in our PC world, nobody will stand up and tell her what a total azz she really is, kind of reminds me of the emperors cloths, huh
The left wants the socialism of equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States.
You don't understand equal protection.

There is no guarantee of equal results. Only equal treatment--by government (not private citizens).

Please move to Venesuela.

No, it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our first world economy.
That's economic idiocy.

It's Leftist pretending to care about the poor by forcing others to pay for a plan guaranteed to cause inflation and destroy jobs.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

No one takes you seriously about anything, so blabber away.
anybody can Talk; that is why you need valid arguments.

You seem to talk a lot without saying anything, that is why no one takes you seriously.
The left wants the socialism of equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States.
You don't understand equal protection.

There is no guarantee of equal results. Only equal treatment--by government (not private citizens).

Please move to Venesuela.

Please go back to the Old World; we want new world solutions to new world problems.
That's economic idiocy.

It's Leftist pretending to care about the poor by forcing others to pay for a plan guaranteed to cause inflation and destroy jobs.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

No one takes you seriously about anything, so blabber away.
anybody can Talk; that is why you need valid arguments.

You seem to talk a lot without saying anything, that is why no one takes you seriously.

At least you are admitting your posts are gibberish.
The left wants the socialism of equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States.
You don't understand equal protection.

There is no guarantee of equal results. Only equal treatment--by government (not private citizens).

Please move to Venesuela.

Please go back to the Old World; we want new world solutions to new world problems.

Seems like the old world solution works today. Get off you lazy ass and work and let hard working Americans keep their money instead of lazy assholes tstealing money.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

No one takes you seriously about anything, so blabber away.
anybody can Talk; that is why you need valid arguments.

You seem to talk a lot without saying anything, that is why no one takes you seriously.

At least you are admitting your posts are gibberish.
The left wants the socialism of equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States.
You don't understand equal protection.

There is no guarantee of equal results. Only equal treatment--by government (not private citizens).

Please move to Venesuela.

Please go back to the Old World; we want new world solutions to new world problems.

Seems like the old world solution works today. Get off you lazy ass and work and let hard working Americans keep their money instead of lazy assholes tstealing money.
lol. why are you over here?

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