AOC Is A Communist

I proposed no such solution.
Sure you did.
That's your solution since the problem is too many old people and you provide no explanation for the increasing population beyond "not enough people dying."

Mayhaps you should think rather than react.
Sure you did.
That's your solution since the problem is too many old people and you provide no explanation for the increasing population beyond "not enough people dying."

Mayhaps you should think rather than react.
No I did not

You are a liar

I simply pointed out that they are dying and going to do so more rapidly very soon.

You completely lie like a low life fucking coward about my posts which is why you prove yourself an inferior fool
No I did not

You are a liar

I simply pointed out that they are dying and going to do so more rapidly very soon.

You completely lie like a low life fucking coward about my posts which is why you prove yourself an inferior fool
Exactly, your solution to the SS problem. Kill all the old people.
You can lie to you but you can't lie to me snuggles.
You are the one lying

I never said that

People dyiing naturally is not killing annyone
Of course.
They're going to die anyway so why give them SS or medicare or a place to live
If they can't afford to get old, they shouldn't be allowed to get old.

We know who and what you are.
Of course.
They're going to die anyway so why give them SS or medicare or a place to live
If they can't afford to get old, they shouldn't be allowed to get old.

We know who and what you are.
There is no we there is just you and you are ignorant about anything/

They have in fact given themselves all of those things the younger generations CANNOT keep paying into this system which never should have been built in the first place
There is no we there is just you and you are ignorant about anything/

They have in fact given themselves all of those things the younger generations CANNOT keep paying into this system which never should have been built in the first place
So, remove SS and Medicare and old people die.
THAT is what you want.
Are you unable to think beyond your animus?
Everyone dies. Removing those failed program changes nothing.
What infantile, utter “SoupNazi” garbage. Go ahead and try to find a Republican politician, or any politician, to advocate ending Medicare! See the result!

You seem oblivious not only to simple human empathy and morality, but proudly advocate we shamefully abandon our society’s aged to unnecessary pain & suffering and early preventable death.

Without Medicare we would not only have many millions more impoverished and insecure, but thousands of hospitals and medical facilities would close, and doctors & nurses & technicians would be laid off or never trained in the first place. It would destroy much of the steady demand (financially expressed) that allows the U.S. to support a world-class (if too expensive) health system. If you want to advocate reforms, that is one thing, but simply “removing these [so you claim] failed programs” would change … everything.
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What infantile, utter “SoupNazi” garbage. Go ahead and try to find a Republican politician, or any politician, to advocate ending Medicare! See the result!

You seem oblivious not only to simple human empathy and morality, but proudly advocate we shamefully abandon our society’s aged to unnecessary pain & suffering and early preventable death.

Without Medicare we would not only have many millions more impoverished and insecure, but thousands of hospitals and medical facilities would close, and doctors & nurses & technicians would be laid off or never trained in the first place. It would destroy much of the steady demand (financially expressed) that allows the U.S. to support a world-class (if too expensive) health system. If you want to advocate reforms, that is one thing, but simply “removing these [so you claim] failed programs” would change … everything.
Human empathy and morality does not justify stealing from one to pay for the expenses of another

You are a hypocrite not a compasssionate person.

I never claimed any politician would support ending them because they are irrelevant.

People can take care of themselves and their own better than government can you dumbfuck
Human empathy and morality does not justify stealing from one to pay for the expenses of another
Taxation is not theft. Lawmakers are elected, and not all laws are liked by everyone.
IF you don't like the system, vote for someone who is more to your liking.
If your candidate loses, welcome to Democracy. Love it or leave it.
You are a hypocrite not a compasssionate person.
Ad homs diminish your credibility.
I never claimed any politician would support ending them because they are irrelevant.

People can take care of themselves and their own better than government can you dumbfuck

Most people, but not all people. Democrats believe a for a civilized society to call itself civilized, it must help those who cannot help themselves. If your vote didn't elect someone whose policies agreed with yours, welcome to democracy. It's not a great system, but it's better than the alternatives.
Taxation is not theft. Lawmakers are elected, and not all laws are liked by everyone.
IF you don't like the system, vote for someone who is more to your liking.
If your candidate loses, welcome to Democracy. Love it or leave it.

Ad homs diminish your credibility.

Most people, but not all people. Democrats believe a for a civilized society to call itself civilized, it must help those who cannot help themselves. If your vote didn't elect someone whose policies agreed with yours, welcome to democracy. It's not a great system, but it's better than the alternatives.
This is a republic and yes taxation if theft.

Just because three men out vote a woman and attack her does not make it less of a gang rape.

Demcorats oppose civilization Civilization is the state of freeing men from other men. When they use democracy as an excuse to place men in changes it is no different than tyranny.
Everyone dies. Removing those failed program changes nothing
At 67?
That's what I've been saying. You find older people dying to be political plus.
So make them die.

Since SS(1935 or so) and Medicare (1965 or so) went into effect the Life Expectancy of the US male went from 61 in 1940 to 79 by 2018. Slo you want get rid of the old people by getting rid of SS and Medicare and that'll fix the budget problem.
At 67?
That's what I've been saying. You find older people dying to be political plus.
So make them die.

Since SS(1935 or so) and Medicare (1965 or so) went into effect the Life Expectancy of the US male went from 61 in 1940 to 79 by 2018. Slo you want get rid of the old people by getting rid of SS and Medicare and that'll fix the budget problem.
Wrong liar

Learn how to fucking read
I never described it as a plus I described it as INEVITIBLE. Stop saying what I want because that is a perverion of what I have said
This is a republic and yes taxation if theft.
Sorry, it's in the constitution. Inflation is theft, but not taxation.
Demcorats oppose civilization Civilization is the state of freeing men from other men. When they use democracy as an excuse to place men in changes it is no different than tyranny.

Ad homs diminish your credibility.
Your vacuous rant of weasel words lacks sufficient substance/substantiation worthy of a proper response.
Wrong liar

Learn how to fucking read
I never described it as a plus I described it as INEVITIBLE. Stop saying what I want because that is a perverion of what I have said

What you say is asinine, so what difference does it make?
Sorry, it's in the constitution. Inflation is theft, but not taxation.

Ad homs diminish your credibility.
Your vacuous rant of weasel words lacks sufficient substance/substantiation worthy of a proper response.
It is gtheft whether in the consgtitution or not.

Inflation is not theft it is natural there is always some degree of inflation.

I stated fact not ad hominen

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