AOC is a socialist. Is that bad?

Says he who does not have the capacity to understand the question was asked about socialism, not Democratic Socialism, which, as you noted, are not the same thing.
Get your head in the game, boy.
actually for everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda, it is the same thing.
So... when you described the difference between socialism and Democratic Socialism, you lied.
Get your head in the game, boy.
And where the hell did I say that, lying sack of s***?
You don't recall equating socialism to communism, and separating it from Democratic Socialism?
I do. It's quoted, above.
So... when you described the difference between socialism and Democratic Socialism, you lied.
Get your head in the game, boy
If you look up the history of the definition of socialism in Wikipedia or any textbook or book on politics or history that discusses it, they will say there are three stages of the definition. First marx's ideological work that was proven wrong in all respects. 3rdly as defined by the USSR, which was thrown out when it became obvious that the USSR was in no way democratic and pure totalitarianism. Since World War II, the world definition has been fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Brainwashed ignoramus United States conservatives will catch up in the end....
Why then do you not have the capacity to understand the question was asked about socialism, not Democratic Socialism, which, as you noted, are not the same thing.
Get your head in the game, boy
Socialism requires social morals for free.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
Can anyone say why its bad??

True socialists advocate a completely classless society, where the government controls all means of production and distribution of goods. Socialists believe this control is necessary to eliminate competition among the people and put everyone on a level playing field. Socialism is also characterized by the absence of private property. The idea is that if everyone works, everyone will reap the same benefits and prosper equally. Therefore, everyone receives equal earnings, medical care and other necessities.
And equal misery that's an important part, except for the elite they are exempt from that sort of shit.
Does AOC believe in total government ownership of production and distribution, with little in the way of private property?

That's what real socialism is.

Serious question. I don't know.
How could you be so ignorant at this point? Oh yeah you listen only to GOP garbage hate character assassination Fox noise and demagogues on the radio and internet.... Democratic socialists, known as socialists everywhere in the real world and modern world but cold war dinosaur GOP dupe America, are for Fair capitalism with a good safety net always democratic... Which thanks to the GOP we do not have here. thanks to the GOP giveaway to the rich we have the worst inequality upward Mobility and benefits of any modern country. Great job! Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave great vacations and infrastructure, cheap college and training, living wage ID card to end illegal immigration? Only brainwashing propaganda and silly dupes like you make it possible....

The difference between Socialism and Communism is not very much.

One is an economic system, the other is a political system.

However, what YOU are describing is neither.

You are describing Dirgisme, State directed capitalism, or corporatism. It is no wonder you are so ignorant since the state directed capitalism has allowed such destruction of the free market and consolidation of the press, we no longer have a free press, but a propaganda system.

You don't know your ass from a whole in the ground. You THINK you are a "Socialist," when in reality, you are nothing but a fascist.

Dirigisme - Wikipedia

Dirigisme or dirigism (from French diriger, meaning 'to direct') is an economic doctrine in which the state plays a strong directive role, as opposed to a merely regulatory role, over a capitalist market economy.[1] As an economic doctrine, dirigisme is the opposite to laissez-faire, stressing a positive role for state intervention in curbing productive inefficiencies and market failures. Dirigiste policies often include indicative planning, state-directed investment, and the use of market instruments (taxes and subsidies).

The term emerged in the post-war era to describe the economic policies of France, which included substantial state-directed investment, the use of indicative economic planning to supplement the market mechanism, and the establishment of state enterprises in strategic domestic sectors. It resulted in an unprecedented economic and demographic growth, leading to the coinage of the term Trente Glorieuses ("Thirty Glorious [years]").

The term has subsequently been used to classify other economies that pursued similar policies, most notably the East Asian tiger economies, and more recently the economy of the People's Republic of China.[2] A related concept is state capitalism. . . . .


. . . . Economic dirigisme has been described as an inherent aspect of fascist economies by Hungarian author, Iván T. Berend in his book An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe.[4] However, the Fascist systems created by Benito Mussolini (Italy), António Salazar (Portugal), Francisco Franco (Spain) Emperor Hirohito (Japan), and Adolf Hitler (Germany) are a varied mix of elements from numerous philosophies, including: nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, and anti-communism.[5]

You either don't know shit about politics and economics, and the difference between the two, or you are an active agent of misinformation.

My guess from the way you post? You are the former.
Yes, it is bad. Very bad.
But you don't know what it is. Or at least not the modern definition outside your propaganda bubble.always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. And Nazis are right wing I caramba....

The problem is you never lived in one

I've lived in England France and Spain and been in Germany. They are not America but the people there don't take s*** like Americans do from the GOP. They all have great vacations and infrastructure,Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, living wage, ID card to end illegal immigration and they tax the rich. C also Canada Japan Australia New Zealand Scandinavia. And they all think they are socialists. Not being cold war dinosaur GOP Americans....

You are confused Moon Bat.

"Democratic Socialism" has fucked up those countries big time. Even though that asshole Obama tried to fuck it up the more capitalistic US has had twice the post WWII economic growth as those shitty Democrat Socialist countries. Socialism kills economies. The US put them on welfare after WWII and they never got over it. They are dumbshits that sold out their chldren's liberty and well being for a few freebies. Pathetic, isn't it?

If you like socialism so much why don't you get your sorry ass to one of those countries? Get the hell out of my country. You can sign up for their filthy ass welfare and let the good times roll.
B*******, most of those countries were destroyed in World War II so their growth from zero has been greater than ours.

This is not your country more than mine, stupid. Brainwashed functional moron. And these countries have ID cards and pay attention to illegal immigration. You need to be a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen basically to move to these places. You are the perfect brainwashed fool of greedy a****** GOP mega-rich brainwashers. you misinformed jackasses and your corrupt lying party are the worst threat to our democracy by far that I have seen and I'm 68 and happily retired, thanks, brainwashed idiot.
Right after the US spent over 15 Billion rebuilding most of those countries. That's around 100 billion in today's money.
She's a befuddled loon....hasn't the first clue about anything economics
So, do the rich in America pay more percentage wise than you do in all taxes? Brainwashed functional moron....

It is not the rich that is your enemy you stupid Moon Bat.

It is the government that takes the money that you make and gives it away to the welfare queens and the Illegals.

Of course if you are one of the welfare queens or Illegals then you are envious of "the rich" and you like the idea of the filthy government stealing money and giving it to you.
Can anyone say why its bad??
Do you even know what socialism is?

Here, here's a short cartoon that will explain it in simple terms.

Have you ever attended college? Had the final exam, blue book question included, "What is Socialism", and that was you response, you would have flunked the course.

Democrat Socialism



It is all the same sorry immoral shit of state sponsored thievery, just packaged differently.
She's a befuddled loon....hasn't the first clue about anything economics
So, do the rich in America pay more percentage wise than you do in all taxes? Brainwashed functional moron....

It is not the rich that is your enemy you stupid Moon Bat.

It is the government that takes the money that you make and gives it away to the welfare queens and the Illegals.

Of course if you are one of the welfare queens or Illegals then you are envious of "the rich" and you like the idea of the filthy government stealing money and giving it to you.

I can guarantee between my husband's pay taxes, my capital gain taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc our taxes paid dwarfs his
She's a befuddled loon....hasn't the first clue about anything economics
So, do the rich in America pay more percentage wise than you do in all taxes? Brainwashed functional moron....

It is not the rich that is your enemy you stupid Moon Bat.

It is the government that takes the money that you make and gives it away to the welfare queens and the Illegals.

Of course if you are one of the welfare queens or Illegals then you are envious of "the rich" and you like the idea of the filthy government stealing money and giving it to you.

I can guarantee between my husband's pay taxes, my capital gain taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc our taxes paid dwarfs his

These Moon Bats think they should be entitled to have you and your husband pay their bills. That is what socialism is all about. They get their free stuff and you have to pay for it.
She's a befuddled loon....hasn't the first clue about anything economics
So, do the rich in America pay more percentage wise than you do in all taxes? Brainwashed functional moron....

It is not the rich that is your enemy you stupid Moon Bat.

It is the government that takes the money that you make and gives it away to the welfare queens and the Illegals.

Of course if you are one of the welfare queens or Illegals then you are envious of "the rich" and you like the idea of the filthy government stealing money and giving it to you.

I can guarantee between my husband's pay taxes, my capital gain taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc our taxes paid dwarfs his

These Moon Bats think they should be entitled to have you and your husband pay their bills. That is what socialism is all about. They get their free stuff and you have to pay for it.

Yeah...they want the fruit of other's labor.
You are for Socialism if you think you are entitled to get free stuff just because you are alive.

You are usually against Socialism if you have to pay for those sorry assholes to get their free stuff.
She's a befuddled loon....hasn't the first clue about anything economics
So, do the rich in America pay more percentage wise than you do in all taxes? Brainwashed functional moron....

It is not the rich that is your enemy you stupid Moon Bat.

It is the government that takes the money that you make and gives it away to the welfare queens and the Illegals.

Of course if you are one of the welfare queens or Illegals then you are envious of "the rich" and you like the idea of the filthy government stealing money and giving it to you.

I can guarantee between my husband's pay taxes, my capital gain taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc our taxes paid dwarfs his

These Moon Bats think they should be entitled to have you and your husband pay their bills. That is what socialism is all about. They get their free stuff and you have to pay for it.

Yeah...they want the fruit of other's labor.

I am funny about things like that. I want you and your husband to be able to keep the money that you make.

I don't want the filthy government to steal your money to pay my bills.

I want to be responsible for my own welfare.

Unlike the selfish greedy Moon Bat that we see on this forum every day.
So, do the rich in America pay more percentage wise than you do in all taxes? Brainwashed functional moron....

It is not the rich that is your enemy you stupid Moon Bat.

It is the government that takes the money that you make and gives it away to the welfare queens and the Illegals.

Of course if you are one of the welfare queens or Illegals then you are envious of "the rich" and you like the idea of the filthy government stealing money and giving it to you.

I can guarantee between my husband's pay taxes, my capital gain taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc our taxes paid dwarfs his

These Moon Bats think they should be entitled to have you and your husband pay their bills. That is what socialism is all about. They get their free stuff and you have to pay for it.

Yeah...they want the fruit of other's labor.

I am funny about things like that. I want you and your husband to be able to keep the money that you make.

I don't want the filthy government to steal your money to pay my bills.

I want to be responsible for my own welfare.

Unlike the selfish greedy Moon Bat that we see on this forum every day.

You sound like a conservative. We'd get along grand
No current ideology is up to what is coming. Anyone adhering automatically to whatever ideological doctrine is automatically wrong.
I'm not sure what type of socialism Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants. She claims her socialism look much like in the UK, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

If you dig into those countries, she is against many of their policies.

Take for example Social Security, she wants to expand SS and privatize it. Two of here example countries Sweden, partially privatized their social security in the mid 90s and Sweden did the same in 50s, but it doesn't end their, lots of her ideas don't fit with the socialism she is claiming to like so much.
Can anyone say why its bad??

Well, with estimates of her New Green Deal coming in at about $93 TRILLION that not only sounds bad, it is bad. And if the world is going to end in 12 years, who really cares.

Who made these estimates, the same source who claims the world will end in 12 years?
Only garbage GOP propaganda says any of that.the same people who say she is a communist and that socialism is communism. meanwhile the rest of the world and all respected media says you are brainwashed idiots...

You fricken idiots are about as ignorant as a brick.
Can anyone say why its bad??
Do you even know what socialism is?

Here, here's a short cartoon that will explain it in simple terms.

Have you ever attended college? Had the final exam, blue book question included, "What is Socialism", and that was you response, you would have flunked the course.


Yeah actually, Poli-Sci with a concentration in Pub. Adm.

Did just fine. Socialism is an economic system. Communism is a political system that employs socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production.

That video is pretty spot on.

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