AOC is a socialist. Is that bad?

Have you ever attended college? Had the final exam, blue book question included, "What is Socialism", and that was you response, you would have flunked the course.

Yeah actually, Poli-Sci with a concentration in Pub. Adm.

Did just fine. Socialism is an economic system. Communism is a political system that employs socialism. Socialism is government owning the means of production.

That video is pretty spot on.
The dictionary definition is government that owns or regulates business and industry. Nowadays communism is owning, socialism is regulating. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass. Of course our home country used to be dominated by Cold War propaganda, and the GOP still is. Someday you'll wake up and catch up to the rest of the world...

I have written it three times now!

Socialism is an economic system, Communism is a political system.

Socialism is the government direct ownership of business and industry.

Three different sources agree with me, none with your warped fantasy world.

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management,[10] as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.[11] Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[12] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[13] with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.[5][14][15]
Socialism - Wikipedia

Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it.
socialism | Definition, History, Examples, & Facts

[ soh-shuh-liz-uh m ]
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

the definition of socialism

Now, do we need to go over Communism definitions as a political system, or are you just going to refuse to accept reality?

There is a huge difference between ownership or control of industry and natural resources. United States does not own all that, but we certainly do control it. We are a democracy and thus we are socialist already, that is if we had a Health Care system LOL....
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....

So who is running the country, Fox noise Rush Limbaugh or the orange clown?
Well, with estimates of her New Green Deal coming in at about $93 TRILLION that not only sounds bad, it is bad. And if the world is going to end in 12 years, who really cares.

Who made these estimates, the same source who claims the world will end in 12 years?

Gee, AOC make the 12 year claim, do try to keep up.
She said the world has 12 years to get it together and combat global warming, brain washed functional d******.

Are you that fricken stupid?
Ocasio-Cortez: 'World will end in 12 years' if climate change not addressed
He is impossible to reason with. I think he is a senile old man that is just trollin' at this point.
I admire and respect your "opinions", brainwashed functional morons.
Can anyone say why its bad??

Well, with estimates of her New Green Deal coming in at about $93 TRILLION that not only sounds bad, it is bad. And if the world is going to end in 12 years, who really cares.

Who made these estimates, the same source who claims the world will end in 12 years?

Gee, AOC make the 12 year claim, do try to keep up.
She said the world has 12 years to get it together and combat global warming, brain washed functional d******.

Are you that fricken stupid?
Ocasio-Cortez: 'World will end in 12 years' if climate change not addressed

Don't you know that any site that doesn't agree with nutso will be a propaganda site, it it would agree with him, it would be the truth!!! LOL!!! He is a laugh a minute.
Can anyone say why its bad??
Do you even know what socialism is?

Here, here's a short cartoon that will explain it in simple terms.

Have you ever attended college? Had the final exam, blue book question included, "What is Socialism", and that was you response, you would have flunked the course.

Democrat Socialism



It is all the same sorry immoral shit of state sponsored thievery, just packaged differently.


Poli Sci 102: Comparative Governments
Can anyone say why its bad??
Do you even know what socialism is?

Here, here's a short cartoon that will explain it in simple terms.

Have you ever attended college? Had the final exam, blue book question included, "What is Socialism", and that was you response, you would have flunked the course.

Democrat Socialism



It is all the same sorry immoral shit of state sponsored thievery, just packaged differently.


Poli Sci 102: Comparative Governments

You don't know what you are talking about.

Socialism is an economic system.

Communism is a political system.
She's a befuddled loon....hasn't the first clue about anything economics
So, do the rich in America pay more percentage wise than you do in all taxes? Brainwashed functional moron....

It is not the rich that is your enemy you stupid Moon Bat.

It is the government that takes the money that you make and gives it away to the welfare queens and the Illegals.

Of course if you are one of the welfare queens or Illegals then you are envious of "the rich" and you like the idea of the filthy government stealing money and giving it to you.

Get an education.
Can anyone say why its bad??
USSR, cuba, Venezuela, euro economy, pol pot, mao, ho chi minh, national socialist party of germany [whom I suppose asked the same question you're asking] stalin, lenin, put it succinctly just about anyone who has ever tried it is proof of why it is bad for a country...that said, if Biden falls off the ticket I will be voting for bernie
Can anyone say why its bad??
Do you even know what socialism is?

Here, here's a short cartoon that will explain it in simple terms.

Have you ever attended college? Had the final exam, blue book question included, "What is Socialism", and that was you response, you would have flunked the course.

Democrat Socialism



It is all the same sorry immoral shit of state sponsored thievery, just packaged differently.


Poli Sci 102: Comparative Governments

You don't know what you are talking about.

Socialism is an economic system.

Communism is a political system.

Communism is a theory which never was established by any government, name one if you can.
Well, with estimates of her New Green Deal coming in at about $93 TRILLION that not only sounds bad, it is bad. And if the world is going to end in 12 years, who really cares.

Who made these estimates, the same source who claims the world will end in 12 years?

Gee, AOC make the 12 year claim, do try to keep up.
She said the world has 12 years to get it together and combat global warming, brain washed functional d******.

Are you that fricken stupid?
Ocasio-Cortez: 'World will end in 12 years' if climate change not addressed

Don't you know that any site that doesn't agree with nutso will be a propaganda site, it it would agree with him, it would be the truth!!! LOL!!! He is a laugh a minute.
You live in a propaganda world. all you have is Rupert Murdoch newspapers Rush Limbaugh Savage etc and websites run by the Koch brothers or other morons. I have every respected media newspaper journalist in the world, and by the way law enforcement which has no interest in your stupid scandals. You're a bunch of conspiracy nutjobs by definition. Read a newspaper for crying out loud.... Journalists are people who check their stories and retract with apologies if they make a mistake. You owe us millions of apologies and retractions.
Communism is a theory which never was established by any government, name one if you can.
You use the word "established" to allow for an out...the truth is communism has been attempted in numerous countries e.g. USSR viet nam noko cuba cambodia and has proven itself to be such a failure that it could bear no fruit anywhere it was tried...china saw the folly of the system and adapted its economy while maintaining it's communist/socialist state control over the people.
Communism is a theory which never was established by any government, name one if you can.
You use the word "established" to allow for an out...the truth is communism has been attempted in numerous countries e.g. USSR viet nam noko cuba cambodia and has proven itself to be such a failure that it could bear no fruit anywhere it was tried...china saw the folly of the system and adapted its economy while maintaining it's communist/socialist state control over the people.

Do you really believe Stalin or Mao attempted to create a proletarian utopia, where the workers ruled their respective countries?
Can anyone say why its bad??
Do you even know what socialism is?

Here, here's a short cartoon that will explain it in simple terms.

Have you ever attended college? Had the final exam, blue book question included, "What is Socialism", and that was you response, you would have flunked the course.

Democrat Socialism



It is all the same sorry immoral shit of state sponsored thievery, just packaged differently.


Poli Sci 102: Comparative Governments

You don't know what you are talking about.

Socialism is an economic system.

Communism is a political system.

Actually, they are both economic and political.
Communism is a theory which never was established by any government, name one if you can.
You use the word "established" to allow for an out...the truth is communism has been attempted in numerous countries e.g. USSR viet nam noko cuba cambodia and has proven itself to be such a failure that it could bear no fruit anywhere it was tried...china saw the folly of the system and adapted its economy while maintaining it's communist/socialist state control over the people.
God dammit dupe, communism is totalitarian where government owns industry and businesses, everyone in the modern world agrees socialism is fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Sometimes industries like energy and Healthcare are nationalized.

With Healthcare we would qualify as socialist in the modern sense. But we would still be an unfair give away to the rich GOP mess. Great job!
God dammit dupe, communism is totalitarian where government owns industry and businesses, everyone in the modern world agrees socialism is fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Sometimes industries like energy and Healthcare are nationalized.

With Healthcare we would qualify as socialist in the modern sense. But we would still be an unfair give away to the rich GOP mess. Great job!
I am always amazed at how often liberals quote a post and then somehow answer what is they wish were said expecting that no one can see through the for your irrelevant response to me...big deal
Socialism destroys the middle class.
Socialism is government slavery.
Socialism starves people do death.
Socialist have murdered and oppressed millions of people.
A couple links to companies and corporations that receive government money, free land, etc. So called conservatives don't seem to mind this but get angry when individuals in need receive help or money from uncle sam. Then starts their wailing and gnashing of teeth and shouting out 'free stuff' to these lazy bums. However, there's wording in the constitution about 'we the people'. Not a word about the corporations. Makes sense since the revolution was all about a corporation... east india company. The founders kicked them out, good riddance and all that. Now corporations legally buy and sell our politicians and so called conservatives are still angrily focusing on the little guy getting a hand from uncle sam. Shows the power of right wing radio I say.
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Communism is a theory which never was established by any government, name one if you can.
You use the word "established" to allow for an out...the truth is communism has been attempted in numerous countries e.g. USSR viet nam noko cuba cambodia and has proven itself to be such a failure that it could bear no fruit anywhere it was tried...china saw the folly of the system and adapted its economy while maintaining it's communist/socialist state control over the people.
God dammit dupe, communism is totalitarian where government owns industry and businesses, everyone in the modern world agrees socialism is fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Sometimes industries like energy and Healthcare are nationalized.

With Healthcare we would qualify as socialist in the modern sense. But we would still be an unfair give away to the rich GOP mess. Great job!

We already tried that hundred of years ago and it didn't work because of lazy ass teachers like you

Can anyone say why its bad??
You can't show how she is a socialist...Is that bad or good?

so then is she a capitalist? Green New Deal is capitalist? Free health care is capitalist? You have to get comfortable embracing your communism. According to AA thats the first step. Don't forget socialism killed 120 million.
How many has God killed?
How about the hordes of Mongolia?

What do either of those have to do with anything? Sounds like a diversion.

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