AOC is a socialist. Is that bad?

AOC is a paid puppet....a CIA paid puppet ....for the moment....

but worse

she is true idiot.
Good thing you've got propaganda spam, super duper. Democratic socialism so you can stop your head exploding. LOL
Gee, AOC make the 12 year claim, do try to keep up.
She said the world has 12 years to get it together and combat global warming, brain washed functional d******.

Are you that fricken stupid?
Ocasio-Cortez: 'World will end in 12 years' if climate change not addressed

Don't you know that any site that doesn't agree with nutso will be a propaganda site, it it would agree with him, it would be the truth!!! LOL!!! He is a laugh a minute.
You live in a propaganda world. all you have is Rupert Murdoch newspapers Rush Limbaugh Savage etc and websites run by the Koch brothers or other morons. I have every respected media newspaper journalist in the world, and by the way law enforcement which has no interest in your stupid scandals. You're a bunch of conspiracy nutjobs by definition. Read a newspaper for crying out loud.... Journalists are people who check their stories and retract with apologies if they make a mistake. You owe us millions of apologies and retractions.

For the millionth time you fuckin liar, I don’t watch Fox, go to right wing sites, don’t listen to political radio, it is nonsense, you are a left wing dumb shit asshole, you listen to hate left wing radio, go to left wing hate sites, watch MSNBC. You are a worthless asshole that is incapable of political discussion as you are a closed minded hate filled bigot.

He can't figure out how you didn't get indoctrinated in school.

AOC is a paid puppet....a CIA paid puppet ....for the moment....

but worse

she is true idiot.
Another idiot conspiracy Nut Job....

and you

another one with Trump Derangement Syndrome~

what a stinking plague you are!
I wish he would be a smart businessman instead of a greedy idiot businessman. AOC is this paid CIA puppet? That is as insane as all your other phony scandals....
AOC is a paid puppet....a CIA paid puppet ....for the moment....

but worse

she is true idiot.
Another idiot conspiracy Nut Job....

and you

another one with Trump Derangement Syndrome~

what a stinking plague you are!
I wish he would be a smart businessman instead of a greedy idiot businessman. AOC is this paid CIA puppet? That is as insane as all your other phony scandals....

go away....just go away...

you are a bore
AOC is a paid puppet....a CIA paid puppet ....for the moment....

but worse

she is true idiot.
Another idiot conspiracy Nut Job....

and you

another one with Trump Derangement Syndrome~

what a stinking plague you are!
I wish he would be a smart businessman instead of a greedy idiot businessman. AOC is this paid CIA puppet? That is as insane as all your other phony scandals....

go away....just go away...

you are a bore
Reality is so boring in comparison to your endlessly imaginative garbage propaganda and ridiculous conspiracies....
Can anyone say why its bad??
You can't show how she is a socialist...Is that bad or good?

so then is she a capitalist? Green New Deal is capitalist? Free health care is capitalist? You have to get comfortable embracing your communism. According to AA thats the first step. Don't forget socialism killed 120 million.
How many has God killed?
How about the hordes of Mongolia?

What do either of those have to do with anything? Sounds like a diversion.
Socialism didn't kill anyone but humans in power did....Get it?
Can anyone say why its bad??
Socialism, among other things, is a system where the state forces people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation.
Thus, socialism in the antithesis of liberty.
That's bad.
Unless, of course you don't care about being free.
eminent domain provides for just compensation with our form of socialism.
Democratic socialists, known as socialists everywhere in the real world and modern world...
And thus, are not -actual- socialists who advocate -actual- socialism.
The question is what is wrong with socialism, not Democratic Socialism.
Get your head in the game, boy.
Brainwashed functional moron. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...
Nothing here changes the fact the question is what is wrong with socialism, not Democratic Socialism - a distinction YOU made.
Get your head in the game, boy.
you are talking about communism, brainwashed functional moron, that no one is in favor of duh.... Unless they are totally bought off or have a gun to the Head. See communist China Cuba and North Korea. How can you people be so stupid?

Communism is socialism you moron......they just are less picky about murdering people to control the means of production.
A People's secular and temporal Commune of Heaven on Earth may merely require Pareto Optimal public policies.
Socialism destroys the middle class.
Socialism is government slavery.
Socialism starves people do death.
Socialist have murdered and oppressed millions of people.
That's communism, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. See my name Franco that's short for Francophile. France is the number one country for quality of life and they have a great army and they are socialist. They've had a socialist Party since the early nineteen hundreds and always Democratic. They also had a Communist Party which was not Democratic really-they were pretty much directed by Moscow-and now basically out of business like communism.. American conservatives have to get with the program someday unbelievable.... Worst voters in the modern world.... Not your fault it's the propaganda machine. That's all you watch you know less than nothing factual.

Are you still on that? You seriously need a new schtick.
Can anyone say why its bad??

She should move to a socialist country and stop trying to change ours. We have millions of immigrants, both legal and illegal. They aren't flocking to socialist and communist countries, in fact, many come from those hellholes.

What is wrong with socialism? Take a good hard look at Cuba and Venezuela and get back to me. A dictatorship where government completely rules over people, disarms them, murders them, and starves them isn't something a sane person wants to imitate. How about the universal healthcare in those countries? Dirty hospitals that are low on supplies and personnel where people wait hours to get substandard care, if they get any at all. Grocery stores with bare shelves and people lined up to pay high prices for a stale loaf of bread and whatever else the government offers. Most go home empty handed because there is never enough for everyone. And they usually can't leave the country. Have to have permission from government to do anything. No rights. No free speech.

Always ends up the same but there is always a new generation of idiots willing to give it a shot. AOC is a fully indoctrinated useful idiot who managed to get a few thousand other useful idiots to get her into office.

Sad, sad state of things these days.

So what is the problem with always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net? Because that is what everyone knows as socialism outside your bubble of Cold War dinosaur giveaway to the rich GOP propaganda world...."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...

I keep reading this myth about the GOP being for the rich. Please explain and what is your definition of "rich"?
Socialism destroys the middle class.
Socialism is government slavery.
Socialism starves people do death.
Socialist have murdered and oppressed millions of people.
That's communism, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. See my name Franco that's short for Francophile. France is the number one country for quality of life and they have a great army and they are socialist. They've had a socialist Party since the early nineteen hundreds and always Democratic. They also had a Communist Party which was not Democratic really-they were pretty much directed by Moscow-and now basically out of business like communism.. American conservatives have to get with the program someday unbelievable.... Worst voters in the modern world.... Not your fault it's the propaganda machine. That's all you watch you know less than nothing factual.

Are you still on that? You seriously need a new schtick.
You're ridiculous disgrace of a propagand a machine? biggest story of my Life Time and yours.
Socialism destroys the middle class.
Socialism is government slavery.
Socialism starves people do death.
Socialist have murdered and oppressed millions of people.
That's communism, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. See my name Franco that's short for Francophile. France is the number one country for quality of life and they have a great army and they are socialist. They've had a socialist Party since the early nineteen hundreds and always Democratic. They also had a Communist Party which was not Democratic really-they were pretty much directed by Moscow-and now basically out of business like communism.. American conservatives have to get with the program someday unbelievable.... Worst voters in the modern world.... Not your fault it's the propaganda machine. That's all you watch you know less than nothing factual.

Are you still on that? You seriously need a new schtick.
You're ridiculous disgrace of a propagand a machine? biggest story of my Life Time and yours.

Propaganda machine? You must mean the pro-democrat American media.
Socialism destroys the middle class.
Socialism is government slavery.
Socialism starves people do death.
Socialist have murdered and oppressed millions of people.
That's communism, Cold War dinosaur Dupe. See my name Franco that's short for Francophile. France is the number one country for quality of life and they have a great army and they are socialist. They've had a socialist Party since the early nineteen hundreds and always Democratic. They also had a Communist Party which was not Democratic really-they were pretty much directed by Moscow-and now basically out of business like communism.. American conservatives have to get with the program someday unbelievable.... Worst voters in the modern world.... Not your fault it's the propaganda machine. That's all you watch you know less than nothing factual.

Are you still on that? You seriously need a new schtick.
You're ridiculous disgrace of a propagand a machine? biggest story of my Life Time and yours.

Propaganda machine? You must mean the pro-democrat American media.
They are called journalists, and the respected world media agrees with them along with law enforcement everywhere by the way, super duper.

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