AOC is a socialist. Is that bad?

You seem to love propaganda. At least you talk about it all the time.
The GOP propaganda machine is the worst thing that's happened to this country the last 30 years. Along with the new garbage GOP of the last 35 years, pure giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest.....

Very convenient. If you don't like something, just call it propaganda. Dishonest, but very convenient.

It's his only retort.

I've noticed. Every time something is difficult to counter.
So why have none of the dozens of phony scandals against Obama Hillary holder Lerner the FBI ever been found to be true by real journalists and law enforcement, brainwashed functional morons? So now you are conspiracy nutjobs too LOL. You live on an imaginary planet just like the Nazis did in Germany in the thirties, you are the worst threat to American democracy in our history. Some of you are actually in favor of martial law. You're a disgrace.

Again with the flailing and lashing out.
too bad as always you have no evidence of any of that. Journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found just garbage GOP propaganda, for ignoramuses like you only....

You seem to love propaganda. At least you talk about it all the time.
The GOP propaganda machine is the worst thing that's happened to this country the last 30 years. Along with the new garbage GOP of the last 35 years, pure giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest.....

Very convenient. If you don't like something, just call it propaganda. Dishonest, but very convenient.
it is not that I don't like it, it is that it is not true and totally made up garbage, stupid.

Yet you pretend it only exists in the Republican side. Again, dishonest and very convenient. Then, like a kid suffering from Tourrette's, you seem to find it necessary to inject some juvenile minor league insult into your posts. It all combines to render you an inconsequential partisan shill, constantly harping on one subject and taken seriously by none.

He claims he never insults anyone, ever and yet time and time again, he proves he lies. He is just a partisan hack and a poor one at that.
Can anyone say why its bad??
Uhm. Because stealing the fruits of someone else's labor is unethical, and any and all regulations are economically destructive, and promote monopolies? People shouldn't have to tell you this, it has been witnessed and explained thousands of different times, thousands of different ways.

9 Dangers of “Democratic Socialism” » Common Sense with Paul Jacob
too bad as always you have no evidence of any of that. Journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found just garbage GOP propaganda, for ignoramuses like you only....

You seem to love propaganda. At least you talk about it all the time.
The GOP propaganda machine is the worst thing that's happened to this country the last 30 years. Along with the new garbage GOP of the last 35 years, pure giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest.....

Very convenient. If you don't like something, just call it propaganda. Dishonest, but very convenient.
it is not that I don't like it, it is that it is not true and totally made up garbage, stupid.

Yet you pretend it only exists in the Republican side. Again, dishonest and very convenient. Then, like a kid suffering from Tourrette's, you seem to find it necessary to inject some juvenile minor league insult into your posts. It all combines to render you an inconsequential partisan shill, constantly harping on one subject and taken seriously by none.
It does only exist on the Republican side. brainwashed functional moron. We have the whole world of respected journalists and law enforcement on our side, you have bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and greedy idiot billionaire Liars. Your party is a disgrace along with its propaganda machine, and which one is in charge anyway? Breaking for you God damn morons: the Democrats are honest ditto the FBI the CIA, there is no coup, there is no conspiracy, there are just liars all over the place on your side.... I will admit CNN and MSNBC also have a 24/7 365 punditocracy going over all your phony scandals. It is cheaper and all they care about is controversy ratings and money.
They are called journalists, and the respected world media agrees with them along with law enforcement everywhere by the way, super duper.
Oh, then you must mean the Hillary collusion with foreign interests. Or perhaps it was the spying on a presidential candidate trying to influence the election, mini-dupe.
too bad as always you have no evidence of any of that. Journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found just garbage GOP propaganda, for ignoramuses like you only....

You seem to love propaganda. At least you talk about it all the time.
I hate propaganda. GOP propaganda the only kind I am familiar with..

That's because you're not paying attention. Here's a clue:. Kavanaugh.
What about him? he's all right, just a bit of an idiot back in high school and college... Obama's choice would have been a lot better. Despite your propaganda and our babbling talking heads ginning up all the excitement, he is not a brainwashed functional moron so he is not going to Base his legacy on garbage GOP propaganda. At least CNN and MSNBC don't lie.
I saw that. Not sure what it has to do with socialism. I already pointed out many times on this forum AOC is a fascist, not a socialist.

the two states of mind are not mutually exclusive
Yes we know about your brand new garbage theory about all fascists Communists Nazis all being leftists. But in reality fascists and Nazis are right wing totalitarian and your garbage propaganda machine is not going to change that. All respected journalist law enforcement akademiks everyone but you brainwashed twits knows it. That book liberal fascism started this crap in 2004. Read a real book or newspaper, you are brainwashed functional morons.
Can anyone say why its bad??
Uhm. Because stealing the fruits of someone else's labor is unethical, and any and all regulations are economically destructive, and promote monopolies? People shouldn't have to tell you this, it has been witnessed and explained thousands of different times, thousands of different ways.
Meanwhile, brainwashed functional moron, your scumbag GOP Heroes keep cutting taxes on the rich federally and state and local taxes that kill the non rich keep going up to make up for it. Now we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, and the country the middle class infrastructure College costs etc etc keep going to hell. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbasses LOL. You want the facts, Google the only tax graph you need to know, and get the IRS statistics that prove it. You could not be stupider and more of a chump for greedy a****** mega-rich GOP shit heads.
Can anyone say why its bad??
Uhm. Because stealing the fruits of someone else's labor is unethical, and any and all regulations are economically destructive, and promote monopolies? People shouldn't have to tell you this, it has been witnessed and explained thousands of different times, thousands of different ways.
Meanwhile, brainwashed functional moron, your scumbag GOP Heroes keep cutting taxes on the rich federally and state and local taxes that kill the non rich keep going up to make up for it. Now we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, and the country the middle class infrastructure College costs etc etc keep going to hell. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbasses LOL. You want the facts, Google the only tax graph you need to know, and get the IRS statistics that prove it. You could not be stupider and more of a chump for greedy a****** mega-rich GOP shit heads.
I'm an Anarchist, I don't support the GOP, or any other rulers. I don't support taxes of any kind, let alone a flat tax system, as taxes cause people to have less money to spend, and increase product costs.

The increase in college costs is the Government's doing as well, since Colleges know that the Government paying a part of the college cost through stolen money means they can charge higher prices without losing money from more students being unable to afford it. In other words, your precious Government is preventing people from affording college costs on their own. Otherwise, they'd need to make college education affordable in order to keep up their consumer base and compete with other colleges.

I also want to point out that spamming adhoms and assuming everyone who isn't an economic illiterate is a Republican, it just removes all doubt that you're not intellectual heavyweight, there, champ.
I saw that. Not sure what it has to do with socialism. I already pointed out many times on this forum AOC is a fascist, not a socialist.

the two states of mind are not mutually exclusive
Actually, they are. AOC is just a more extreme form of what we already have. Dirigism, aka FASCISM.

One is the state directly owning the means of production, land, capital and resources. The state can either use a free market, or command economy at that point to use a distributive philosophy.

The other is the elites having control of both the levers of power, and owning these things. Then, using their influence to regulate and bestow advantages to the variously owned industry.

The last paradigm, which had only been used for a short time at the founding of this Republic, which died after the establishment of the Federal Reserve and FDR's introduction of various fascist programs, is true Laissez-faire economics, it is why the US became the largest world power and has so many elite parasites today.

See the difference between four types of economies, listed in increasing degrees of freedom;

Socialism - Wikipedia

State capitalism - Wikipedia

Dirigisme - Wikipedia

Laissez-faire - Wikipedia
You seem to love propaganda. At least you talk about it all the time.
The GOP propaganda machine is the worst thing that's happened to this country the last 30 years. Along with the new garbage GOP of the last 35 years, pure giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest.....

Very convenient. If you don't like something, just call it propaganda. Dishonest, but very convenient.
it is not that I don't like it, it is that it is not true and totally made up garbage, stupid.

Yet you pretend it only exists in the Republican side. Again, dishonest and very convenient. Then, like a kid suffering from Tourrette's, you seem to find it necessary to inject some juvenile minor league insult into your posts. It all combines to render you an inconsequential partisan shill, constantly harping on one subject and taken seriously by none.
It does only exist on the Republican side. brainwashed functional moron. We have the whole world of respected journalists and law enforcement on our side, you have bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and greedy idiot billionaire Liars. Your party is a disgrace along with its propaganda machine, and which one is in charge anyway? Breaking for you God damn morons: the Democrats are honest ditto the FBI the CIA, there is no coup, there is no conspiracy, there are just liars all over the place on your side.... I will admit CNN and MSNBC also have a 24/7 365 punditocracy going over all your phony scandals. It is cheaper and all they care about is controversy ratings and money.

I see a pattern developing. The longer a thread goes, the less coherent and more juvenile your posts get.
Oh, then you must mean the Hillary collusion with foreign interests. Or perhaps it was the spying on a presidential candidate trying to influence the election, mini-dupe.
too bad as always you have no evidence of any of that. Journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found just garbage GOP propaganda, for ignoramuses like you only....

You seem to love propaganda. At least you talk about it all the time.
I hate propaganda. GOP propaganda the only kind I am familiar with..

That's because you're not paying attention. Here's a clue:. Kavanaugh.
What about him? he's all right, just a bit of an idiot back in high school and college... Obama's choice would have been a lot better. Despite your propaganda and our babbling talking heads ginning up all the excitement, he is not a brainwashed functional moron so he is not going to Base his legacy on garbage GOP propaganda. At least CNN and MSNBC don't lie.

He was a victim of democrat propaganda. Something you say doesn't exist.
Can anyone say why its bad??
It’s bad for you if she’s making the rules.

are socialist rules bad why?

take a look at what Warren wants to do. example. Universal childcare "all paid for" for every child. tack that on to every other free thing she wants to give and you can see the insanity. We would end up like Venezuela. Not to mention.... who are all these child care workers? and can you trust them with your kids? A massive government program like that would be a nightmare and just asking for child abuse of some sort. Socialists always bring about unintended consequences with their actions.
Can anyone say why its bad??

It depends...

Do you prefer a life like those in Cuba and Venezuela live in and if yes then she is your candidate of the future...

If not then she is dangerous to your way of living.
No one is talking about becoming a third world country or communist, brainwashed functional moron. Socialists and Democrats (same damn thing really )are talking about your ridiculous giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and policy, the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far, and the United States being the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave great vacations and infrastructure, cheap college and training, and mainly taxing the rich more percentage-wise then anyone else. Recipe for disaster ring a bell? Reaganism has destroyed our unions and the greatest generation is long gone, so we need government to step in and help regular people. Socialism in other words, as defined everywhere but your ridiculous fear-mongering garbage propaganda machine...
Want cheaper colleges, build more colleges. supply and demand.
Want cheaper doctors, educate more doctors. We have a quota system that is maxed out on the number of doctors that can be trained.
The increase in college costs is the Government's doing as well, since Colleges know that the Government paying a part of the college cost through stolen money means they can charge higher prices without losing money from more students being unable to afford it. In other words, your precious Government is preventing people from affording college costs on their own. Otherwise, they'd need to make college education affordable in order to keep up their consumer base and compete with other colleges
Definitely agree with this. Prices always go up when the government gets involved in anything, health care, tuition, and even the price of gasoline. A source of deep pockets (government) will always mean increased prices.

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