AOC pushes hard for student loan forgiveness while owing $50,000 in student loans.

How is that the same? Corps wanting to keep more of the money they earn, is not the same as someone trying to get out of a loan….what a stupid thing to say and shows clear lack of understanding

You misunderstood my point. I agree that isn't the same. What I am saying is people who benefit from legislation is the same for AOC via student loan forgiveness as it is for someone who owns a corporation and pushes for tax breaks for corporations.

Both benefit and it is unreasonable to claim that those who support legislation that benefits themselves is disengenius..

My making a post defending her…you just did again by comparing someone wanting lower taxes on money they earned to her trying to get out of a loan agreement
You misunderstood my point. I agree that isn't the same. What I am saying is people who benefit from legislation is the same for AOC via student loan forgiveness as it is for someone who owns a corporation and pushes for tax breaks for corporations.

Both benefit and it is unreasonable to claim that those who support legislation that benefits themselves is disengenius..
Everyone benefits from lower taxes…only a handful of people took out loans

Not the same at all

And even dumber defense
You misunderstood my point. I agree that isn't the same. What I am saying is people who benefit from legislation is the same for AOC via student loan forgiveness as it is for someone who owns a corporation and pushes for tax breaks for corporations.

Both benefit and it is unreasonable to claim that those who support legislation that benefits themselves is disengenius..
Still stupid. The guy who runs a company can’t write and vote in legislation.

You shoulda taken my advice.
Everyone benefits from lower taxes…only a handful of people took out loans

Not the same at all

And even dumber defense
That isn't my point.

You seem to be unable or unwilling to understand what I am saying.

Don't care which really but not going to waste my time trying to dumb it down even further for you.

Have a good day.
What guy?

What a dumb response but at least you are smarter then struth and understood what I was posting.

Thumbs up for that at least.
You: “someone who owns a corporation”.

Have you been this stupid your entire life?
She makes 174.000 a year, let it go to someone who really needs it.
Ya got to understand the depths these people will go to defend those who have no defense, just for the Party and the power they will have to give these sheep more freebies
But I’m sure she was just thinking about the little people. Pay off your loan, deadbeat!

Typical Democrat.

How is that different than tax cuts for the rich, advocated by millionaires and billionaires?

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