AOC Says It’s ‘Physically Impossible’ To Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps

It is when you don't have boots to pull yourself up with to begin with....I doubt most "conservatives" will understand what I mean but its the truth.
Even psychologists shake their heads at your ramblings.
Thanks for proving my point. CONservatives won't understand nor do you want to.
It is when you don't have boots to pull yourself up with to begin with....I doubt most "conservatives" will understand what I mean but its the truth.
Even psychologists shake their heads at your ramblings.
Thanks for proving my point. CONservatives won't understand nor do you want to.
Thank God we don't understand leftwing gibberish.
It is when you don't have boots to pull yourself up with to begin with....I doubt most "conservatives" will understand what I mean but its the truth.
Even psychologists shake their heads at your ramblings.
Thanks for proving my point. CONservatives won't understand nor do you want to.
Thank God we don't understand leftwing gibberish.
Pretty self explanatory for those with basic reading skills. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps IF you don't have any boots.
It is when you don't have boots to pull yourself up with to begin with....I doubt most "conservatives" will understand what I mean but its the truth.
Even psychologists shake their heads at your ramblings.
Thanks for proving my point. CONservatives won't understand nor do you want to.
Thank God we don't understand leftwing gibberish.
Pretty self explanatory for those with basic reading skills. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps IF you don't have any boots.
Self-explanatory and lame.
It is when you don't have boots to pull yourself up with to begin with....I doubt most "conservatives" will understand what I mean but its the truth.
Even psychologists shake their heads at your ramblings.
Thanks for proving my point. CONservatives won't understand nor do you want to.
Thank God we don't understand leftwing gibberish.
Pretty self explanatory for those with basic reading skills. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps IF you don't have any boots.
Self-explanatory and lame.
The truth hurts. What I said is the truth. You people think EVERYONE is born with at least a bare minimum to be able to raise themselves up. That's bullshit.
So what's your problem? Are you saying it is possible to literally pull yourself up by your bootstraps?

The problem is the maxim itself was never a literal one. It always existed in its form
as a figurative overstatement to make a certain point about individual effort.

AOC has shown a remarkable penchant for being more shallow then a dried-out streambed. The more she opens her mouth the more she continues to commit suicide by doofus-ness. This quote continues the now well established pattern.

Theoretically, if taken literally, AOC is correct for once in her life... :cuckoo: .:lol:

you took it literally?
No she did, that's the funny part, she doesn't even know what it means.

sure she does-----she is justifying her constituency
I really don't think she does, I don't even think she graduated from college, she is a complete idiot

She actually DID graduate from college. One can only speculate who she had to sleep with to make that happen.
If my kid got an economics degree from that school I would sue to get every last penny back. It is now less than worthless.
I thought she did POLYSCI? the thing failed chemistry majors fall into
you took it literally?
No she did, that's the funny part, she doesn't even know what it means.

sure she does-----she is justifying her constituency
I really don't think she does, I don't even think she graduated from college, she is a complete idiot

She actually DID graduate from college. One can only speculate who she had to sleep with to make that happen.
If my kid got an economics degree from that school I would sue to get every last penny back. It is now less than worthless.

If my kid had ANY degree from that place, I'd sue, on the grounds that she's basically made that name on a resume a joke.
It is when you don't have boots to pull yourself up with to begin with....I doubt most "conservatives" will understand what I mean but its the truth.
That's what welfare is for, but people like you want them to stay on it forever. Whenever the enrollment goes down, people like you liken it to people being forced off the time make it more difficult.
you took it literally?
No she did, that's the funny part, she doesn't even know what it means.

sure she does-----she is justifying her constituency
I really don't think she does, I don't even think she graduated from college, she is a complete idiot

She actually DID graduate from college. One can only speculate who she had to sleep with to make that happen.
If my kid got an economics degree from that school I would sue to get every last penny back. It is now less than worthless.
They should lose their accreditation…...there is no excuse for her to be so ignorant...and to get honors...…unbelievable...had to be affirmative action with some sex thrown in
It is when you don't have boots to pull yourself up with to begin with....I doubt most "conservatives" will understand what I mean but its the truth.
Its an old and stupid saying now. Since many of the so called people you are referring to, have 200 dollar sneaks. How does a nation spend all of this money on poverty and those without and not have the poverty rate drop in real terms? Since the mid 1960's full speed ahead. Commercials running with children going to be hungry and getting breakfast and lunch in schools and other places also. The taxpayer deserves an accounting for what they pay. That is not a request but a demand. And they still don't get the truth.

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