AOC says Trump fans are not educated enough to know that they are racist

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism

Not sure I agree with AOC on this (or much of anything else).

Trump supporters who are racists are proud to be racist. Those who are not overtly racist…would rather have racists at their table than hold on to their scruples…..
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism
A president shouldn’t have “fans”, moron.

And you are too stupid to understand pretty much anything.

Breitbart? :rofl:
He's got central air why does he need fans?
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism
A president shouldn’t have “fans”, moron.

And you are too stupid to understand pretty much anything.

Breitbart? :rofl:

Liberals are always quick to tap into their arrogrance and call conservatives dum and stupid. How about arbitrarily raising the minimum wage watch the jobs go down. How about stating energy prices must necessarily go up with no economic benefit in sight. How about believing that a President can pay for your rent, gas, and cell phone forever.
Here are some things that are racist that AOC just doesn't have the reasoning power to understand.
1 demanding open borders is racist
2 abolishing ICE is racist
3 sanctuary cities are racist
4 blocking border security spending is racist
5 making politics about race is racist
6 the congressional Black Caucus and the congressional Hispanic Caucus are racist
7 race base student organizations are racist
8 race bases employee organizations are racist
9 refusing to accept that America is a sovereign is racist
10 AOC using her race as both her weapon and her shield is racist
I’m curious, who is demanding open borders?

Haha...come on Dean, yank your head from your ass.
“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA wetback ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
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I don’t teally like it when the beer wench gets all uppity on me. Show some more tits and ass and you’ll get a decent tip honey.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism

Not sure I agree with AOC on this (or much of anything else).

Trump supporters who are racists are proud to be racist. Those who are not overtly racist…would rather have racists at their table than hold on to their scruples…..

The real problem is leftists don't know the definition of the word racist. Therefore, any disagreement remotely associated with race against the left is considered racist by them.

AOC is part of the bimbo squad that has anti-Semites in it, yet she's going to criticize the education of anybody else when it comes to racism?
That's funny because that insect-eyed, horse-mouthed alley-cat-in-heat isn't even educated enough to know where it is or what it's doing at any given time. And declares the world as we know it will suddenly end in 2030 due to **bogeyman drumroll** climate change......yeah, that bullshit and fifty cents will buy you a small bag of potato chips.

In the abstract sense I can forgive bubble-brained stupidity itself....but when that level of clinical drooling retardation is combined with spoiled-brat-malice, I get very nasty at cognitively disabled imitation-lifeforms like that bumbling, clownish AOC bitch.
Here are some things that are racist that AOC just doesn't have the reasoning power to understand.
1 demanding open borders is racist
2 abolishing ICE is racist
3 sanctuary cities are racist
4 blocking border security spending is racist
5 making politics about race is racist
6 the congressional Black Caucus and the congressional Hispanic Caucus are racist
7 race base student organizations are racist
8 race bases employee organizations are racist
9 refusing to accept that America is a sovereign is racist
10 AOC using her race as both her weapon and her shield is racist
I’m curious, who is demanding open borders?
Depends on your definition of open borders

Here are some things that are racist that AOC just doesn't have the reasoning power to understand.
1 demanding open borders is racist
2 abolishing ICE is racist
3 sanctuary cities are racist
4 blocking border security spending is racist
5 making politics about race is racist
6 the congressional Black Caucus and the congressional Hispanic Caucus are racist
7 race base student organizations are racist
8 race bases employee organizations are racist
9 refusing to accept that America is a sovereign is racist
10 AOC using her race as both her weapon and her shield is racist
I’m curious, who is demanding open borders?

You are not curious, you are playing dumb
He's not playing.
Here are some things that are racist that AOC just doesn't have the reasoning power to understand.
1 demanding open borders is racist
2 abolishing ICE is racist
3 sanctuary cities are racist
4 blocking border security spending is racist
5 making politics about race is racist
6 the congressional Black Caucus and the congressional Hispanic Caucus are racist
7 race base student organizations are racist
8 race bases employee organizations are racist
9 refusing to accept that America is a sovereign is racist
10 AOC using her race as both her weapon and her shield is racist
I’m curious, who is demanding open borders?

Really!? You don't have a TV or internet?

Illegal Immigration: Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders

Sorry that is some RW wanking material and much like your other wanking material it is not real...

Can you give us an actual quote of a senior Democrat pushing this as their party position?

Lets compare this this:

Trump regularly used the term “invasion” when referring to illegal immigration at the southern border. USA Today found that he used that word at least 19 times in 64 rallies since 2017.

El Paso shooter was was repeating the word 'invasion' when gunning down innocent people.

So Trump's though irresponsible speech incited the murder of those people and just to round it off takes no responsibility or consequences for his actions, which means he will keep doing it and more people will be murdered.

Yet nothing to say about the mass murder in my state by a Warren loving satanist. You people in glass houses..........
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism
A president shouldn’t have “fans”, moron.

And you are too stupid to understand pretty much anything.

Breitbart? :rofl:

You, Jillian should never call someone else stupid. :asshole:
That's funny because that insect-eyed, horse-mouthed alley-cat-in-heat isn't even educated enough to know where it is or what it's doing at any given time. And declares the world as we know it will suddenly end in 2030 due to **bogeyman drumroll** climate change......yeah, that bullshit and fifty cents will buy you a small bag of potato chips.

In the abstract sense I can forgive bubble-brained stupidity itself....but when that level of clinical drooling retardation is combined with spoiled-brat-malice, I get very nasty at cognitively disabled imitation-lifeforms like that bumbling, clownish AOC bitch.

Come on now. You're talking about the genius that discovered we can replace airline routes with train tracks.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism

Not sure I agree with AOC on this (or much of anything else).

Trump supporters who are racists are proud to be racist. Those who are not overtly racist…would rather have racists at their table than hold on to their scruples…..

The real problem is leftists don't know the definition of the word racist. Therefore, any disagreement remotely associated with race against the left is considered racist by them.

AOC is part of the bimbo squad that has anti-Semites in it, yet she's going to criticize the education of anybody else when it comes to racism?

Thinking a judge from Indiana who has a Hispanic surname can’t be impartial because of his surname is racism plain and simple. Perhaps you should learn the definition yourself.

And of course, you call a woman a “bimbo”…. couldn’t have asked for a better example of a repugnant Trump fluffer than you.
Thinking a judge from Indiana who has a Hispanic surname can’t be impartial because of his surname is racism plain and simple. Perhaps you should learn the definition yourself.

And of course, you call a woman a “bimbo”…. couldn’t have asked for a better example of a repugnant Trump fluffer than you.

No, Trump believed he couldn't be impartial since his parents are Mexican immigrants. The judge should not have been selected for the case to start with.

[ bim-boh ]
noun, plural bim·bos, bim·boes. Slang.
a foolish, stupid, or inept person.
a man or fellow, often a disreputable or contemptible one.
an attractive but stupid young woman, especially one with loose morals.

Definition of bimbo |

The only definition of Bimbo that doesn't apply to AOC is number 2.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism

Not sure I agree with AOC on this (or much of anything else).

Trump supporters who are racists are proud to be racist. Those who are not overtly racist…would rather have racists at their table than hold on to their scruples…..

The real problem is leftists don't know the definition of the word racist. Therefore, any disagreement remotely associated with race against the left is considered racist by them.

AOC is part of the bimbo squad that has anti-Semites in it, yet she's going to criticize the education of anybody else when it comes to racism?

Thinking a judge from Indiana who has a Hispanic surname can’t be impartial because of his surname is racism plain and simple. Perhaps you should learn the definition yourself.

And of course, you call a woman a “bimbo”…. couldn’t have asked for a better example of a repugnant Trump fluffer than you.
Tell me the greatness of the third generation feminists of extremism. That female warden of the Epstein prison was a best of the best I tell you. Anyway more impoverished males are getting more weapons....
AOC 's big problem is that she got A's in school. So did I. I had a terrific GPA just as did she--------but somehow I was smart enough to understand that pulling an
"A" in calculus ------did not prove that I am a genius

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