AOC says Trump fans are not educated enough to know that they are racist

AOC 's big problem is that she got A's in school. So did I. I had a terrific GPA just as did she--------but somehow I was smart enough to understand that pulling an
"A" in calculus ------did not prove that I am a genius

Just because one is successful in education doesn't mean they are smart. They may have a good memory to pass tests, but that's about it.

Common sense is where the intelligence is. I see it all the time. The people that make my job harder are the dress shirts who think they know everything. They create rules that make the job harder to complete, waste a lot of time, and solve absolutely nothing.

As a truck driver, It's always been my contention that the two stupidest people are architects and road engineers. They may have the education, but zero in common sense.

I don't know AOC"s education performance, but she's as dumb as a rock, and I don't care if she's a doctor.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism
A president shouldn’t have “fans”, moron.

And you are too stupid to understand pretty much anything.

Breitbart? :rofl:
We like president Trump. But we don't worship him, the way y'all did Obama.
Not sure I agree with AOC on this (or much of anything else).

Trump supporters who are racists are proud to be racist. Those who are not overtly racist…would rather have racists at their table than hold on to their scruples…..

All three of those racist Trump supporters, eh?

I mean even Clinton, Biden and Obama went to the KKK Grand Dukes

updated 7/2/2010 3:38:15 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — President Barack Obama and thousands of ordinary West Virginians honored the late Robert C. Byrd at a memorial service in the late senator's home state Friday.

With the president, Vice President Joe Biden and other dignitaries on hand, pallbearers carried the late senator's casket down the red-carpeted steps of the Capitol to its main courtyard for the service honoring Byrd, who died Monday at the age of 92.

"I'll remember him when I came to know him," Obama told the gathering, "his white hair flowing like a mane, his gait steady with a cane, determined to make the most of every last breath.

The distinguished gentleman from West Virginia could be found at his desk to the very end and doing the people's business."

Obama, Biden attend Byrd memorial in W.Va.

KKK grand dragon switches endorsement from Trump to Clinton

Michael King, WXIA Published 10:57 p.m. ET March 14, 2016

California Ku Klux Klan grand dragon Will Quigg was endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

KKK grand dragon switches endorsement from Trump to Clinton
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism

AOC is quite correct.

Is being patriotic body slamming a 13 year kid because he didn't take his hat off for the national anthem like this guy.

Prosecutor: Man Body-Slammed Boy after National Anthem Snub

Seems that Montana has a revolving door for violent white guys.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism

AOC is quite correct.

Is being patriotic body slamming a 13 year kid because he didn't take his hat off for the national anthem like this guy.

Prosecutor: Man Body-Slammed Boy after National Anthem Snub

Seems that Montana has a revolving door for violent white guys.
You left out the part where the 'kid' spat in the man's face! ASSHOLE!
AOC says Trump fans are not educated enough to know that they are racist...

Says the ditz who wants to collapse our economy by creating high-speed solar trains to replace flying, to outlaw fossil fuels and the use of the internal combustion engine, and by waging and winning a war against COW FARTS...


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism

AOC is quite correct.

Is being patriotic body slamming a 13 year kid because he didn't take his hat off for the national anthem like this guy.

Prosecutor: Man Body-Slammed Boy after National Anthem Snub

Seems that Montana has a revolving door for violent white guys.
You left out the part where the 'kid' spat in the man's face! ASSHOLE!

You can't leave out a part that didn't happen.
AOC says Trump fans are not educated enough to know that they are racist...

Says the ditz who wants to collapse our economy by creating high-speed solar trains to replace flying, to outlaw fossil fuels and the use of the internal combustion engine, and by waging and winning a war against COW FARTS...



I might read that if you translate it to English.
Here are some things that are racist that AOC just doesn't have the reasoning power to understand.
1 demanding open borders is racist
2 abolishing ICE is racist
3 sanctuary cities are racist
4 blocking border security spending is racist
5 making politics about race is racist
6 the congressional Black Caucus and the congressional Hispanic Caucus are racist
7 race base student organizations are racist
8 race bases employee organizations are racist
9 refusing to accept that America is a sovereign is racist
10 AOC using her race as both her weapon and her shield is racist
I’m curious, who is demanding open borders?

You are not curious, you are playing dumb

He's NOT playing.
A president shouldn’t have “fans”, moron.

And you are too stupid to understand pretty much anything.

Breitbart? :rofl:


I'm sure Mr Trump prefers air conditioning like everyone else.


Here are some things that are racist that AOC just doesn't have the reasoning power to understand.
1 demanding open borders is racist
2 abolishing ICE is racist
3 sanctuary cities are racist
4 blocking border security spending is racist
5 making politics about race is racist
6 the congressional Black Caucus and the congressional Hispanic Caucus are racist
7 race base student organizations are racist
8 race bases employee organizations are racist
9 refusing to accept that America is a sovereign is racist
10 AOC using her race as both her weapon and her shield is racist
I’m curious, who is demanding open borders?

Haven't you watched the Democratic debates, R-Derp? Are they shutting off the TV early at the Home these days?
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism
A president shouldn’t have “fans”, moron.

And you are too stupid to understand pretty much anything.

Breitbart? :rofl:

Says an Obama worshiper....

Jillian declaring that a President shouldn't have fans might just be the most amusing statement to be posted on this board today! After eight years of her slobbering love affair with Barry...suddenly she's decided that being a fan of a President is WRONG! (eye roll)
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism
A president shouldn’t have “fans”, moron.

And you are too stupid to understand pretty much anything.

Breitbart? :rofl:

Says an Obama worshiper....

Jillian declaring that a President shouldn't have fans might just be the most amusing statement to be posted on this board today! After eight years of her slobbering love affair with Barry...suddenly she's decided that being a fan of a President is WRONG! (eye roll)

Maybe, but Jillian is so cute in this video.

And this is the same moron who said the unemployment rate is low only because people are working two jobs.

The scary thing is that AOC has a degree in economics. What the heck are they teaching at Boston U?
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said many of President Donald Trump’s supporters were not educated enough on racism to understand the policies they support are racist. Oh the irony, she is saying that average mainstream middle class Americans are inferior to her because they are racist. LOL no prejudice there.

AOC is a typical dumb liberal bigot who has her prejudices set deep in concrete. She is a produce of generation of left wing bigotry taught in our schools. The Left's standards for what is racism is warped beyond belief. They are unable to recognize their own hate and prejudices.
Here are some of the things that the Democrats believe is racist

1 The majority of white people vote Republican, therefore republicans are racist
2 Opposing mass illegal immigration is racist
3 Criticizing Islam for their hate and violence is racism
4 Being patriotic is racism
5 Opposing crime is racism
6 Opposing socialism is racism
7 Cauliflower is racism
8 Opposing the left's cultural aggression is racism
9 Being white and living in heartland America is racism
10 opposing sanctuary cities is racism

AOC is quite correct.

Is being patriotic body slamming a 13 year kid because he didn't take his hat off for the national anthem like this guy.

Prosecutor: Man Body-Slammed Boy after National Anthem Snub

Seems that Montana has a revolving door for violent white guys.
You left out the part where the 'kid' spat in the man's face! ASSHOLE!

oh gee----why does that part get deleted?
AOC was an economics major at Boston U, (shame on them) yet she proposes some of the most economically inept plans ever concocted. Green deal, free education, debt forgiveness and free healthcare could all individually bankrupt our country. She has balls to call anyone uneducated
Last edited:
Here are some things that are racist that AOC just doesn't have the reasoning power to understand.
1 demanding open borders is racist
2 abolishing ICE is racist
3 sanctuary cities are racist
4 blocking border security spending is racist
5 making politics about race is racist
6 the congressional Black Caucus and the congressional Hispanic Caucus are racist
7 race base student organizations are racist
8 race bases employee organizations are racist
9 refusing to accept that America is a sovereign is racist
10 AOC using her race as both her weapon and her shield is racist
I’m curious, who is demanding open borders?
Raise your hand if you not only want open borders, but want Americans to provide any foreign national that makes it here healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans...

If you believe Democrats want a secure border and an end to illegal immigration, it shows how brainwashed you are.
I'm 70 years old and paid into Medicare from day one in 1965 when I went to work full time at 16 years of age. I just paid $332 for my co-pay for a 3 month supply of blood thinner to prevent stroke because of Atrial Fibrillation. Any senior citizen that votes for a democrat is dumber than an empty box of Raisin Bran.
Not sure I agree with AOC on this (or much of anything else).

Trump supporters who are racists are proud to be racist. Those who are not overtly racist…would rather have racists at their table than hold on to their scruples…..

All three of those racist Trump supporters, eh?

I mean even Clinton, Biden and Obama went to the KKK Grand Dukes

updated 7/2/2010 3:38:15 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — President Barack Obama and thousands of ordinary West Virginians honored the late Robert C. Byrd at a memorial service in the late senator's home state Friday.

With the president, Vice President Joe Biden and other dignitaries on hand, pallbearers carried the late senator's casket down the red-carpeted steps of the Capitol to its main courtyard for the service honoring Byrd, who died Monday at the age of 92.

"I'll remember him when I came to know him," Obama told the gathering, "his white hair flowing like a mane, his gait steady with a cane, determined to make the most of every last breath.

The distinguished gentleman from West Virginia could be found at his desk to the very end and doing the people's business."

Obama, Biden attend Byrd memorial in W.Va.

KKK grand dragon switches endorsement from Trump to Clinton

Michael King, WXIA Published 10:57 p.m. ET March 14, 2016

California Ku Klux Klan grand dragon Will Quigg was endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

KKK grand dragon switches endorsement from Trump to Clinton

wow..that was a lame retort even for you. You out did yourself. Congrats.

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