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AP FACT CHECK: Trump's half-truths just THIS week


Mr. fuckhead.........Does the above mean that under Trump kids are NOT held in cages????..............Go on, answer THAT......lol

Actually fucking liar, they are most definitely NOT held in cages - as you full well know.

Still, the humor of the lying scum AP "fact checking" as they blatantly and shamelessly lie is over the top.

You can't make this shit up...
Actually fucking liar, they are most definitely NOT held in cages - as you full well know.

Still, the humor of the lying scum AP "fact checking" as they blatantly and shamelessly lie is over the top.

You can't make this shit up.

BTW, you failed to provide a link - did that come from DailyKOS, Alternet, or ThinkHatred?

Its OK.........it would be "fake news" anyway according to you fucking morons....LOL

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So, you were lying and attributing it to the AP?

No real surprise.

It's Gnat.

Thing is, gnat isn't smart enough to compile that himself - he got it from a hate site. He is afraid to reveal which one it is.
So, you were lying and attributing it to the AP?

No real surprise.

but, but, Mr. fuckhead I thought you morons call AP "fake news" anyway????

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's half-truths on court case, economy - AP News

I knew you could do it gnat.

So the lying fucks of the AP are the ones spewing partisan bullshit and presenting it as "fact check."

THE FACTS: Trump is glossing over the broader reality behind increased prices. Oil prices were already rising on growing demand and expectations that a sharp pullback in new investment by oil companies would reduce the oil supply.

Also impacting gas prices is Trump’s decision in May to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal and re-impose sanctions on Iran, OPEC’s third-biggest producer. Iran had boosted production after the U.S. lifted sanctions in 2016. Trump has urged European leaders to unite behind him on sanctions even as the countries seek to salvage the 2015 nuclear deal without U.S. cooperation. Analysts expect output to fall when Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement takes full effect later this year.}

No you lying fucks, that is not "fact," that is your extremely biased opinion as far left partisans. Iran was the darling of Obama and a Nuclear Iran is a major goal of the left, including the lying fucks of the AP.

The US buys no oil from Iran - zero. The AP is lying.
Love this one;

"His contradictory statements come in the aftermath of highly publicized images and cries from young immigrant children being separated from their parents at the southern border. "

Images which are from 2014 that the fucking liars of the press are attributing to Trump...

This is a lot like the pictures of nuclear bomb tests. From file footage a decade earlier because of a news blackout on current photographs.
YOU judge if this liar-in-chief is worthy of the oval office

From the Associated Press……A week in review of Trump’s distortions, half-truths and swerves in his declarations on the economy, North Korea and other issues.


TRUMP: "Just won lawsuit filed by the DNC and a bunch of Democrat crazies trying to claim the Trump Campaign (and others), colluded with Russia. They haven't figured out that this was an excuse for them losing the election!" — tweet Friday.

THE FACTS: Trump is wrong in saying the Democratic National Committee filed the lawsuit. If he's suggesting that the outcome of the case exonerates his campaign on allegations that Trump associates colluded with Russia, that's off-base, too. In the suit, two Democratic donors and a former chief of staff of the DNC's finance office alleged that the Trump campaign and Trump associate Roger Stone conspired with Russian agents and WikiLeaks to publish hacked Democratic emails.


TRUMP: "Just out that the Obama Administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians - including to government officials. How big (and bad) is that?" — tweet Tuesday.

THE FACTS: Trump's claim, which he repeated from a Fox News report, is baseless. The report said Hojjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zolnour, a hardline member of Iran's parliament, had made the allegation in an interview with a local newspaper. He is a vocal critic of the nuclear agreement.


TRUMP: "The OPEC Monopoly must remember that gas prices are up & they are doing little to help. If anything, they are driving prices higher as the United States defends many of their members for very little $'s. This must be a two way street. REDUCE PRICING NOW!" — tweet Wednesday.


TRUMP: "Many good conversations with North Korea-it is going well! In the meantime, no Rocket Launches or Nuclear Testing in 8 months. All of Asia is thrilled. Only the Opposition Party, which includes the Fake News, is complaining. If not for me, we would now be at War with North Korea!" — tweet Tuesday.

"We signed a wonderful paper saying they're going to denuclearize their whole thing. It's all going to happen ...Eight months, no nuclear testing, no missiles, no anything." — remarks at rally Thursday in Great Falls, Montana.

THE FACTS: Trump's view that his administration's plan to dismantle North Korea's nuclear weapons is "going well" isn't shared by nonproliferation experts.

While North Korea has halted nuclear and missile tests, a full dismantling of weapons is a different matter. North Korea leader Kim Jong Un committed to "complete denuclearization" of the Korean Peninsula during his June 12 summit with Trump in Singapore, but experts say there is no proof that a freeze in testing means the North will take concrete steps to give up such weapons.

Most North Korea experts say the U.S. has an unrealistic approach to the North's denuclearization.


TRUMP: "We've become a nation that is exporting energy for the first time." — Montana rally.

THE FACTS: That's not true. The U.S. has exported many forms of energy for decades, while importing even more. And it's not true that the U.S. has become a net exporter of energy. The U.S. Energy Information Agency projects that the U.S. will start exporting more energy than it imports in the next decade, primarily because of a boom in oil and gas production that began before Trump's presidency. The Trump White House has predicted that could happen sooner, by 2020. But Trump is wrong to say the U.S. has "become" that nation.


TRUMP: "I won Montana by so many points I don't have to come here. You know a lot of people from states where we have these crazy big leads, we had 42 and 44 — we won by 44 points over a Democrat. Over a Democrat. We won — won by 44 points over a Democrat." — Montana rally.

THE FACTS: He won two states by more than 40 points, Wyoming (46 points) and West Virginia (42). He won Montana by 21 points.


TRUMP: "It's time to retire liberal Democrat Jon Tester ... A vote for Jon Tester is a vote for Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and the new leader of the Democrat Party, Maxine Waters." — remarks Thursday at Great Falls rally.

THE FACTS: Trump suggests that Tester votes in full lockstep with Democrats such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, but the senator worked closely with Republicans on two pieces of veterans legislation cited by Trump as major accomplishments of his administration.


TRUMP: "Congress must pass smart, fast and reasonable Immigration Laws now. Law Enforcement at the Border is doing a great job, but the laws they are forced to work with are insane...Congress - FIX OUR INSANE IMMIGRATION LAWS NOW!" — tweets Thursday.

THE FACTS: Trump is sending more conflicting messages regarding immigration legislation that would end family separations, now saying the Republican-led Congress should act immediately.

Two weeks ago, he had urged Republicans to wait on acting on a bill, tweeting that they should "stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November."

Trump later tweeted that House Republicans should approve the "STRONG BUT FAIR" bill even though Democrats wouldn't allow it to pass the Senate, before changing his tune again a week ago, saying he "never pushed" Republicans in the House to vote for an immigration bill.

His contradictory statements come in the aftermath of highly publicized images and cries from young immigrant children being separated from their parents at the southern border. Trump has sought to blame Democrats for failure to pass legislation.


AND, the above is just ONE damn week's worth of Trump stupidity .......and his cult members want 6.5 more years of this idiot??? LOL

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